Have you ever tried to write your own system?
How did it go?
Did you ever actually run it?
Have you ever tried to write your own system?
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>Ever tired to write you own system?
Absolutely. Still am actually.
>How did it go?
I was basically working backwards, as I'd never played much aside from 3.5e, Shadowrun, and a shitton of vRPGs. Basically recobbled AD&D out of ideas taken from SaGa, Disgaea, Zork, Rogue, and 3.5
>Did you ever actually run it?
For a whole fucking year. It was explicitly not suppose to be taken seriously, and my players helped write a good 1/3 of the game as we played. Fun times were had by all, and I even had one old player ask me to not change a thing when I decided to gut it and remake it into a better game.
No, there are a hundred systems that work fine and that id like to try out.
Cept yes, I was out of state with a good group of random people (best players I've played with, first time for all of them).
We didn't have access to a computer, any books, sheets, ect.
So I made a cheap ghetto system on scratch paper and just gave the players abilities I thought they would like and kept most the numbers to myself. 10/10.
>Have you ever tried to write your own system?
I'm doing a Retirement D20 that is based off of Modern d20, but I'm still working on it. I've almost nailed character creation.
Players roll an early adult character as they would in non-fantasy d20modern but then they have to roll all sorts of old-age related checks regarding their health, down to pretty much every major organ, using a chart of illness/disease spectrum I'm working on.
The players then play as 80+ year olds in a retirement home, having to deal with old age and a series of other shenanigans. The nurses and the head of the retirement home, as well as visiting family members, are all NPCs and are more often than not antagonists that the players must deal with to eventually escape the retirement home and achieve whatever goal they set for themselves, which in the case of my PCs, will be retrieving a stash of gold they buried back in their criminal days- which, of course, will embroil them in another whole set of problems.
Made a really rule-light system to run a MLP game once.
Went pretty well, but I only really had the one story iea, so we went back to Pathfinder afterwards.
Nobody is going to reply to this post or any other posts in the thread, because it's masturbation.
And the answer is yes. I've written probably half a dozen more if you considered the various editions and rule-combinations to create the different games.
I tried. Then I realized that homebrewing existing systems and making rules-lite hacks of existing systems works much better.
Yes. Making systems is somewhat of a hobby for me, though second to world building. When I make a system it's always for the purpose of being used to play in a setting that I've already made. They tend to be very light and rather than crunch I try to get the rules to empathize the feeling of the setting.
Yes, it's gone well.
Yes, I have.
>>Have you ever tried to write your own system?
>>How did it go?
Excellently , still playing, been 5 years now
>>Did you ever actually run it?
Well I have 3 campaings with this system, and each year I reunite all the players on a same quest for new year eve. 24H of RPG is always a mess, like the Water Priest doing silly jokes so that the female player's characters are always wet etc. . . So yeah, If you and the player have fun, it's excellent.
Ive written three, all of them went ok. Its hard to convince people to play something you made because they immediately think that its ok to make it a collaborative effort, then just as quickly get upset when they find out that what you've already made is well thought out and their ideas on how to "fix" it are just self-serving garbage.
That said, I have mostly stopped as there are plenty of systems left to play.
I wrote a stat spread in about one hour at five in the morning for a quest I'm still running. People enjoy the concept of the stats, though it probably needs some mechanical tweaking, which I feel like I can't do since it's it'd be retconning a lot.
>Have you ever tried to write your own system?
Yep. At least half a dozen attempts, both alone and as part of a team.
>How did it go?
Mostly OK. About half died on the vine when I realized I was just replicating an existing system with minor tweaks - not much point there.
>Did you ever actually run it?
Yes, and quite a lot. One of them can actually be found in Da Archive so it could probably be called semi-successful for a free fan project.
I do it all the time, it's sort of a hobby because I like sitting down and thinking about how the rules intersect. If I really like something, I'll probably try to pnp-ify it at some point or another. I haven't run any of them yet, although I tend to extensively homebrew the systems I DO run.
>how did it go
Uh, my friends tell me they all sound really interesting and I get hassled for when one will be done so we can try it, so pretty OK.
>ever run
no, but I might soon. pals are really on my ass about HOMESTUCK
Why are those ACs all so fucking high
>Have you ever tried to write your own system?
In high school, based heavily on the final fantasy games I'd just started playing with SNES emulators, complete with a rock-scissors-paper style elemental system.
>How did it go?
I don't remember actually playing it, just sort of pipe-dreaming it.
>Did you ever actually run it?
No. I had a fellow nerdy friend who was actually encouraging me along, but the entire idea was to have a way to dick around during boring classes on some graph paper and using the random number button on a calculator, but I can't remember it ever getting that far along.
Since then, I ended up getting into the game I'd always wanted to play - Battletech - and ever since have only operated in that context. I've owned a few RPG books besides, but more impulse purchases in the hopes of playing than running.
I have no images of my old RPG system, but have some art I'd made in MS paint for a Technical Readout book I ended up handing into my middle school as part of a creative writing project complete with stats made with Battlemech Designer back in '99.
Trying my hand at one. It's still too unfinished to be considered finished, though.
Having a spot of writer's block regarding perks.
Early tests were pretty liked, although that was among buddies, i haven't had the gall to give it to Veeky Forums to test yet.
>Have you ever tried to write your own system?
Dozens of them.
>How did it go?
Some very well, others were never completed, others didn't perform as expected.
>Did you ever actually run it?
Run a 1-year long campaign with a very linear dungeon crawler and a 2-year long one with a proper rpg. The latter got on hiatus because the game needed a hard rework, but stuff happened and we never picked it back.
Still kept working on it for a lot and the finished version was actually going to be nice but a bit too complex and with lenghty combat.
Now I'm finishing another system I'm pretty proud on for a campaign that will likely start in less than a month.
Also ran a few oneshots with mini-systems.
Still kinda am. Just tweaking values of weapons and armour before I bite the bullet and write the magic and monsters.
>15 kinds of magic
>5 schools each
>99 spells between the 5 schools plus cantrips
>1 steals others and another is half size but otherwise yeah
We gather around on Fridays and have fun games; new player prefers it, janky as it is, to D&D. Which is reassuring.
That's a cool one. If players just wanted to see their friends for the last time/ visit graves of loved ones/ an exotic country/ drik a solid pint... That sounds almost like a comedy movie.
>Have you ever tried to write your own system?
Multiple times, ever since before I started roleplaying
>How did it go? Did you ever actually run it?
Never completed anything enough to run it, so I can't say anything beyond some ideas looking good on paper.
Several actually. Most of them are still on 1d4chan.
Anytime Veeky Forums starts trying to create a system for something people generally siphon off and lose interest until a handful of people like me are left to actually finish cobbling rules together.
>all this masturbation
You can do anything and everything with 2d10.
Yes. It went pretty well, it's a light game me and my friends made while on a road trip to play on the way. All you need is any way to generate two results, or d6 if you want to have more random character creation (but it's a pain to check dice in the middle of the night in the desert).
It's GM-less and is like a collaborative RPG where you build characters and scenarios using yes-or-no questions, with optional tables if you have the light for it.
We've played it a few times since, but the road trip was basically a last hurrah before we ended up moving all over. One of us is in Spain now, another in Japan, another in Alaska, and I'm in Texas. One of my friends has turned it into a sort of drawing game where everybody also draws out something from the story, whether it be a place or scene or character, and they all vote on the best drawing after.
We've also talked a few times about turning it into something presentable and maybe putting it up as pay-what-you-want on DTRPG, with packs of tables for different enemies, places, settings, genres, what have you, but we haven't made time for that yet.
Yes I have made my own system, when I was younger and blissfully ignorant of concepts like "balance"
My players all died within the first combat.
The other time I did my own system I realized how much my players like the RP aspect and really just stuck with that. They talked their way out of fights. They had a blast. Ultimately my rules didn't mater
>creating things
You're a woman, right?
Yes, i have made 3 that I use and that I use in my group and everyone has a different favorite.
Okay, but at the end of the day I don't think I'm suited to be a one man army with these things.
Surprisingly, I'm one of the only people in my local community who hasn't tried running his homebrew system. Of course, that's because I'm way too focused on having lots of options and making characters balanced, where as they typically have a "make shit up as you play" type atitude.
Yes, I was part of the whole Kidpunk thing that happened a few summers ago. It died but I still have the PDFs of our work saved. It was a fun experiment but in the end enthusiasm faded from all of us and we gave up silently.
nu/tg/ is full of newfags and /v/tards who hate creativity and fun
Yeah. It was a PbtA hack about playing magical realist hobos. It sucked a little bit but it was fun for the few sessions of play(testing).
someone is salty that their wall of text about a star wars universe but with elves didn't get replies one time
Yes. I hated 3.5 and wanted to play a game that was relatively simple and left roleplaying to the players and instead was simply focused on a nice tactical RPG that emphasized cooperation and the ability to run Low Fantasy, Dungeon Punk, and Post-Apocalyptic. Basically, I fucking loved FFT and FFTA, and I wanted a game that could run everything from Crystal Chronicles to War of the Lions to FFVI.
Pretty well, actually.
Yup, in high school it was actually our most common RPG for the few two years.
Then 4E came out and did basically everything I wanted except with more detail and more support.
>Have you ever tried to write your own system?
>How did it go?
Several. Most of them are stillborn or don't pan out like I wanted them to, but at the end of the day they still serve me well as practice. Currently working on a system where the players are psychic birds fighting other animals both psychic and regular while fighting for survival. I have base system semi-locked down and just need to do a couple of scenario tests to make sure it's functional and fun.
>Did you ever actually run it?
Ran two sessions of a little joke games I was working on where players humans forcefully converted into tech vampires who could hack things they bite. Setting wise was a bit of a mashup between Aeon Flux and Star Wars featuring Demons. The mechanics were more polished the second time through but the party in the first session were more into the idea and played to the game's strengths more. Second session did have a real fun moment where the party decided to not drain the blood of a kid their found on their stolen plane only to forget they left him on the plane when they crashed it into an enemy base.
Yes and no. There was a guy I met on a random forum in like 2002 that was running a play by email game dealing with nations, I played it for a couple of years with about 20 other people, eventually it collapsed and I ran my own. The system was unique to it, I lifted a good chunk of it and changed some stuff around (He had his simplified system very similar to RTS games with a single currency of "gold" used to build buildings to generate troops and gold, I added to it by making strategic resources a la Civ3/Endless Legend). It was still mostly freeform, since actually doing stuff like combat was mostly about sending the GM written orders and battle plans when under attack, of which I'd generate situations (attacking army beginning a siege, defending army preforming a flank, etc) then roll dice and describe the result based on the strength of both sides.
The system had some pretty big shortcomings because it was very subject to GM bias due to the lack of mechanical rules and inherent unbalance of the starting locations of nations and the troops available to them. There was also the issue that some players would write up a short novel for their battle plans and others would write just a few lines, so things were very limited by the players' imaginations. I kind of wish I could run it again since I could probably automate a lot of mechanical things because I know how to do actual webpages now (I used Angelfire's builder before).
go away wise poster
I've a half-dozen systems that are currently (vaguely) being worked on right now.
I've run parts of them but never a whole game with them. Usually doesn't get past character creation. But it could! Probably.
Aww yeah, that's a good one!
Fuck, user, I've been looking for an OSR system to play with a friend who loves Wasted. Definitely gonna run this.
Currently in the proccess of writting a new shadowrun system. Its going pretty well. Im basically taking a bunch of houserules I'v used over the years. So gradually I'm excentuating certain rules and test out new ones.
So Im running chunks of it while writting a seperate core.
Although, to be fair Im also stealing a fair amout from other systems and from Trollman's stuff.
My biggest change, thats been surprisingly successful, has been initiative. There is no init rolls, anyone may declare an action at any time so long as they have one available. Another character may then declare a reaction. Both roll against thier actions threshold to check success, they also compare hits to see which action triggers first, Initiative acts as a tiebreaker. If no one declares an action the character with the lowest initiative must act first or give up thier action. Net hits are calculated by the higher of threshold and enemy hits. The winning action resolves in full before the second action resolves, penalties are subtracted directly from the hits of loser.
Also a bunch of stuff with magic and awakend. Mundanes can get minor magic. Most awakend are Aspected. And altered spells lists that moves a bunch of Manipulation spells into other schools.
Matrix is getting there but still finicky.
I have found the exactly 2 people in the world who are the target audience for my game. Lucky me.
Which quest?
Not technically my own, but I once helped Veeky Forums write a system based on a dream some guy had, which failed spectacularly once all the other "devs" lost interest and disappeared after a week
That decision, though, led me to waste years in the nightmarish world of IRC-based tabletop
I want to go back and punch myself in the face before I ruined myself by thinking writing a system would be cool
Tried to make a magitech waterworld setting and a system to go with it awhile back. Sadly my friend and I haven't touched it in years.
>Have you ever tried to write your own system?
Only after GMing for over 15 years
>How did it go?
Still in alpha state, progressing well
>Did you ever actually run it?
When your playtesters want to abandon the game systems they are using in favor of using it for their games, that's a good sign.
Making an RPG system is for two kinds of people: Autistic and Ambitious. Find out which kind you are to figure out if it's worth your time
Iron, a quest on Anonkun. Er, Fiction.Live, as it's now called.
It was a 5 stat system with a max of 5 points per stat which could be increased to 6 with certain effects like drugs or potions.
Your ability to lift, hold, and swing weapons.
How good you actually were with weapons. Many weapons, barbaric ones in particular, don't get much more damage from dex, but stuff like swords and scimitars do.
How much health you have and how much your armor helps you.
What drove me to invent a new system instead of learning a whole tabletop system and then shoehorning this in. Unlike the other stats, this goes from 0-5 rather than 1-5. The main character has literal, unironic, full-stop autism, as does the rest of their race. 0 Sobriety is dysfunctional tard tier, where you experience the world around you like you just got hit in the head with a rock except that's your entire life. 0 Sobriety NPCs suffer from extreme nihilism and ennui, resulting in them wandering off and getting themselves lost in the woods, becoming feral. 2-3 Sobriety is regular human wit, attention span, grip on life, and eagerness to get up in the morning. 5 Sobriety is autistic savant-tier, where you are able to work out the problems that no one else in the village cares about, and you're happy about it because your mind works faster than your heart can keep up with and it needs something to do before you get left to your own thoughts, get a heart attack, and die.
Also has a base of 0. Basically an evil multiplier to the other combat stats. Ability to use improvised weapons, instantly kill prone enemies, deal unarmed damage, move speed, and kill everything in a room in under ten seconds.
>Have you ever tried to write your own system?
Yeah, been fiddling around with this for quite a while and started from scratch recently. Mostly out of boredom rather than need, I like to keep the noggin joggin through game design.
>How did it go?
It's coming up alright. It's incomplete and needs a lot of polish, but at least it's better than the old shitfest that it once was.
>Did you ever actually run it?
I did test past versions that were very different from this, with mixed results. Haven't tested this one yet, I want to get some stuff out of the way before that happens.
That initiative/actions system is pretty interesting, I really like that approach.
>Have you ever tried to write your own system?
Yeah totally. I've been making shitty little homebrews since I was a kid, and I try and produce a game every time a 24 Hour RPG thread goes up. I was the one who made the one about dreams from the last one, and the weird 1980's slasher flick one from the thread prior.
I've also been playing around with making a more developed system for a big setting I've been playing around with since high school, but the nature of the core concept (absolutely nutso varieties of playable undead) is kind of difficult to get working.
>How did it go?
I had fun with them. They need some work, but the one's I've made were fun, and there's a couple half finished ones I really want to keep working on.
>Did you ever actually run it?
A couple of them. Way back in the day the big one I ran was this incredibly strange game that was basically a rules-light Spore creature stage, and I ran a bunch of games of that. Also a homebrew Pikmin game I made that used your backyard as the actual map. I'd love to play some of my more recent, more developed games.
A couple times and then I gave up because it was giving me aneurysm every time. I found a few systems I like and just tweaked the bits I didn't like in them. FYI, that's Savage Worlds, World of Dungeons and a local variant of Swords & Wizardry Whitebox.
I'd play that
Great, when can we plan user?
Iunno, as of right now my main concerns are to finish the basics (advancement, skills, spellcasting), and get some lists (items and weapons) out of the way so I can test it out. Probably won't take longer than a month from now on but I honestly have no idea. I post on /gdg/ and its discord all the time about it, and I may make a standalone thread to share it and bother everyone once I have a playable version.
>Have you ever tried to write your own system?
Yep, based on a certain recurring thread that pops up every so often.
>How did it go?
Basically Maid RPG in your everyday fantasy setting. Player characters have extra ability scores that are unique to them, and come with exclusive abilities.
>Did you ever actually run it?
Absolutely no interest aside from one or two people. Everybody else saw fit to just waifupost.
I dumped the project for two reasons: I didn't want any potential future works to be associated with the threads in which I posted, and I also found a system which does everything I wanted to do with my own and more.
>Have you ever tried to write your own system?
Shitloads of them, I think I wrote my first RPG system when I was like 10. I think it's impossible to be a DM for any length of time and not at least start writing your own RPG.
>How did it go?
Most of them I never finished, I generally do the character creation and the core rolls (general task resolution and combat) and then just stop because I find everything else in an RPG horribly boring and dull to write (worldbuilding, shopping lists, monster lists - all of that just strikes me as tedious). I must have made at least 20 games that I left at that stage. I finished like two.
>Did you ever actually run it?
I managed to convince one of my friends to test one of them, a four page affair about cybernetic cops. It went super well actually. But like everything else in my life, I got bored of that too.
Absolutely. Here it is pastebin.com
Any suggestions on making it better?
I'm pretty much the same. Care to share whatever you are proud of the most? Also /tg unrelated question, what do you consider as your biggest achievement in life? Not even trolling, genuinely interested.
Could you please link some 24-hour rpg threads? Also link some of your work - you say you wanna play it, right?
Doesnt look half bad. Wanna give some feedback to ? Will do the same for yours.
There's literally nothing preventing you from running this on discord, right now.
>the players are psychic birds fighting other animals both psychic and regular while fighting for survival
Sounds like interesting concept. Care to share what you have so far?
>turning it into something presentable and maybe putting it up as pay-what-you-want on DTRPG, with packs of tables for different enemies, places, settings, genres, what have you, but we haven't made time for that yet
You likely never will, but its okay nevertheless.
>not 2d6
this neophyteposting. You will learn.
just post it faggot
here. It is VERY unfinished.
There's only like three perks,
barely anything on classes outside of a shamelessly stolen rumormonger concept and a bardic summoner concept,
half the races are missing and most of the worldbuilding itself despite not actually being relevant for anyone with the mostly complete rulesheet is near exclusively in Veeky Forums posts.
Doesn't help the rulesheet itself doesn't have any rules for the main specialty of the game.
We'll see. I think i can roll something out at some point.
>Sounds like interesting concept. Care to share what you have so far?
Sure thing. System is d6 dicepool based split between two stats: Animal and Animus. Animal is your physical stat and also affects more physical psychic powers like bio enhancement or super senses while Animus is mental stats plus more mental psychic powers like telepathy, pyrokinesis, etc. Players have 10 points to distribute between the two stats upon creation and choose one psychic power for each stat (which right now is pretty loose). During your turn you split your dice between all of your actions and try to roll for 5+ to generate successes, though psychic powers hurt you for every 1 you roll since you're a small, fragile animal wielding powers your body can barely handle. Currently at most you can put 4 dice into any one action, though I'm debating adding perks that let players break that cap for certain actions.
Right now there's no initiative and everything resolves at the same time minus purely mental or precognition powers, which go first and give the player (or enemy) some insight into what the enemy is up to. Damage is dealt directly to stats and hitting zero renders you helpless.
So in a scenario let's say some non-psychic owl is about to wreck your pigeon ass because he's hungry and you're weak. You have 5 in each stat with bioclaws and telepathy powers. You roll 4 dice for telepathy to figure out what that owl bastard is going to do and discover he's going to close in on you fast since you rolled 1 success. Then you split your Animal dice between 3 for a defensive action and 2 to peck him in the joints. You botch the defense and take 2 dice worth of damage to your Animal track but manage to get one success on your attack to peck the owl in the eye as he goes in. Things are looking grim since pigeon has an Animal pool of 3 now, and unless one of his Flock decided to help out he's going to get his shit eaten.
here, found the last two threads I produced something in.
I did "The Storm" in this one off of Paranormal, Northwest Coast, and Video Games. It's okay.
And then I did Amplitude and Frequency in this one, which I like a lot better and was based off of Ham Radios, Dreams, and Tools.
Whoops, forgot the link to thread 2.
You have this as google doc, pdf, pastebin or similar? And would you consider to play this over discord?
These are quite solid, especially considering we are on the chans. Amp/Freq, by any chance you took some ideas from Yu Yu Hakusho or Oxenfree?
What makes you more satisfied with Amp/Freq, compared to Storm? Asking cause I think I like The Storm way more.
Are you working on something now?
I think the thing about Amp/Freq that I like more is that it feels more...cohesive I guess? The Storm left a little too much up to the GM, and felt like I was reaching to make connections between themes work, while on the other hand Amp/Freq was pretty much a cohesive idea from start to finish. And yeah, Amp/Freq was pretty much Oxenfree meets Psychonauts when I started making it.
Right now I'm not working on anything in particular, but I have been tooling around with trying to put some real work into trying to make a generic Character Action Game RPG system. There were some ideas in a thread about running a Bayonetta game a while back that I really liked. I figure its a specific genre that we're a little light in in terms of mechanical representation.
I've cobbled together what I got so far just so you have something usable. It's still in a very rough spot and it's possible I didn't fully remove references to earlier terms and rules.
As for a Discord game if there's interest I'm potentially down for running some playtest sessions.
Pssh, let me tell you a secret: No one except yourself is gonna organize and DM your game for you. Especially when it's homebrew.
I made a few systems.
First was a percentile system that I used for one shots. A quick and dirty system that is basically straight opposition rolls even against static things. I used it for 4 or 5 years.
Made a dice pool system that is reminiscent of Vampire because that's what my players wanted to use. To throw piles of dice. It works and was using at a few cons were it was pretty well received.
No one really wants to learn a new system so now I just retool any ideas to use D20, FAE, PbtA
Kinda sorta?
I made a ghetto but functional Pokemon system for my own personal use because I hated how convoluted and needlessly complicated all the Pokemon Tabletop systems were (like PTU and the like).
I just literally take actual Pokemon stats using a game stat calculator, and slap some lite D&D Basic rules on top of them.
Example: Your poke wants to attack another poke, roll 1d20+(attack or spec attack stat), if the opposing poke isn't surprised or sneak attacked they have a chance to either tank the hit (Def or SpDe) or dodge it (Spe). Same roll from them, 1d20+(relevant stat). If the attacker rolls higher, they hit. If the defender rolls higher, they either tank the damage or dodge the attack.
Damage is based on attack (1d4, 1d6, 1d8, etc), and the relevant attacking stat is added to that roll, and then you subtract the defender's relevant stat to determine HP taken. Super Effective moves do double their dice damage. Not Very Effective rolls are halved.
Stats can work like D&D skills for skill checks, like Speed to move fast or sneak, or Attack to make a strength check.
It's obviously not perfect at all, and sometimes requires DM Fiat and fibbing to make it fair to the players, but I've used it for a tiny PMD campaign with my buds and they've enjoyed it so far. No real hiccups... so far.
I wrote one a few years back with a lot of playtesting and feedback from Veeky Forums.
Now I'm making some big changes to a few mechanics and totally redoing the setting to take place in a later time period. I'm also making the setting a lot less generic.
I won't bother talking about the details, but the core mechanic uses Attributes and Skills together. Each has a minimum rank of 1 and a maximum rank of 5. Attributes determine the size of the dice you use (d4 to d12) and your Skill score determines the number of those dice that you use (between 1 and 5 dice).
Most combat-based rolls are your roll vs your enemy's roll, but most non-combat rolls are against a Target Number.
Oh yeah, I forgot to post the name and the cover.
YES actually, but there were alot of balancing issues. The campaign ended with each of The players using the armies they built up to try to destroy each other after a feud.
I really want to write my own system, but I believe there has got to be something out there I want.
Maybe you can help me find it Basically I want something around the level of d20, but with better distribution of rolls. I like the idea of Shadowrun's system and dice pools.
However, looking at Shadowrun, there is a lot to compile. I prefer not having to compile tons and tons of stats.
Then there is combat - I would like a one roll system, but all the one roll systems I see are very odd and strange and require extra mechanics that are more complicated and it would be faster to just use AC with two rolls instead.
I would like the system to be for any type of setting and any type of adventure.
Lastly, if I see an item, class, adventure, monster, anything in another system or game I would like to be able to easily adapt it into this system without too many problems.
Any ideas on what system I should use? Thank you in advance. I plan to use this to play by myself and create stories and adventures with my own characters.
That is specific, and I can't recall anything that dose that. I haven't played GURPs but from what I hear that might be close?
CoC is almost what your looking for cept it's d100 instead of d20. Also converting something to CoC would be difficult. It has one roll combat that is easy with few mechanics.
But those aren't exactly what you are asking for. Other than a nice simple home brew system built on those ideas I can't think of anything.
Another home brew I once played took he "natural 20" system and cranked it to 1000. It's a coin system. Basically you say what your intentions are, flip a coin, on a tales you do it perfectly with good results and on a heads you flop and fail with minor consequences.
Basically a diceless system with 1 dice.
I wrote a Naruto RPG with people on this board and it still gets mentioned. It is deeply flawed, but fun. I ran it several times and saw several campaigns of it being run.