It was a monstergirl skypirates campaign, run in Savage Worlds. most of the players were various monstergirls, with one token 'male'.
We'd ended up getting attacked by pirates, and the six of us took over the airship, and simultaniously decided to take it as our own and go forth to gain riches.
My character was a devil-girl from Hell, also known as Sky Island Australia. Demons and devils of all kinds owning little niches of the continent, like warlords constantly going to war. As the daughter of a 'king', she was obviously destined to be a queen. So she ran out to conquer as many outsider soldiers as she could, to bring back to hell and take the whole thing over.
Problem is... She's an idiot. Yeah, she has a xenomorph-style stabby tail and huge claws and was a combat MONSTER, but the stupidest, most gullible character I've ever played.
So first thing, we've just claimed the pirate ship, and Hae'zelias claims she's captain. Because this ship HERS now.
By this point, the other players know what kind of character this is. The Token Male, (Who we'd all already figured would be captain, since he's the only sane, level-headed one, and also fiendishly clever). He said "Yeah, you're captain", and lied his ass off as to what a pirate captain actually DOES. She ended up sitting in the first mates' quarters, with nothing to do but torment her little squeaky imp familiar, while he did all the captaining.
Hae'zel would later:
>Jump off of an airship to land on an old airplane. Smashed through the canopy with her claws and started mauling the pilot. The pilot ended up as another PC, and extremely traumatized.
>Got almost murdered by a dragongirl I think the dragongirl complimented a crewmember, and Hazel thought she was trying to steal the crew from her?
>Blew up a town. No, really. It was the dragongirl's town. Hae'zel was IN the town, and had her familiar crash the airplane into it. She literally said 'Come crash into me! I'll dodge!' Then murdered the dragon.