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Get fucking hype for Deathcast Eternals Edition

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Big Neferata titties right in my face

ah shit hope is in defense mode

what are you working on, aosg?

I'm finally painting up mournfangs #9-12!

Building Saurus Knights #2-5.

Lmao guys look at these totally "new" death models

>mournfangs #9-12!
How's your 5K list coming along, user?

>Put a bland bald head on an old model and make it a new warscroll

weeewlad enjoy your fucking soup

They are new construction options, not completely new models.

Building/painting more dispossessed warriors after work. Trying to get to a block of 40.

Who /proud Deathcuck who got the soup book/ here?

It's a cheap and east way for GW to make new named characters which the AoS universe is sorely lacking.

Swallow that soup and love it user, it's the best you are gonna have for a long time

Picked up my soup book. Feels good.

I actually hope they continue in this vein, where it makes sense. Witch Elves with Shield and/or Whip options next plz

I was actually thinking of starting a death army because I love Neferata but then the DoK trailer came out and set my head straight. Close call.

>complining about receiving new units you would never had got otherwise

are saurus knights good?

40 warriors are fucking durable.

>pretending units are new

user its literally a coven throne without the handmaidens and the alternate backpiece, and prince vhordrai is literally no different from the regular vampire on zd.

>which the AoS universe is sorely lacking.

So, opinions on the new shadespire warscrolls?
Not a fan of the Fyreslayer one, to be honest. Can't see myself using Fjul, he's lacking customizability as a named character and costs too much. Not to mention his mates are only good for objective duty.

Don't play skaven, but these guys seem to suffer from the same problem.
Though a Dd3 halberd seems nice to have when the basic one is only D1?

New profiles you meant. I quite like the LoN book, but let's be honest it sucks there isn't new kits to go with this release, and that there's only the Legions as themes, nothing for full Mr Bones or full Spooky ghosts.
It's still better than most battletomes if only because you aren't limited to 5 different units.

Yeah, they're good.

And yet, they have new rules you can play with. People will take them, build them and paint them.

You don't know how lucky you are to get this stuff, instead of fucking nothing.

They did the opposite to me, and I'm still pissed off about it.

You know what AoS is sorely lacking?


>are saurus knights good?
Not at all. They kinda suck, but at least they're kinda cheap.

They're not bad, they're not exceptional either. They exist, and you don't really lose or gain much by taking them over other options.

>You don't know how lucky you are to get this stuff, instead of fucking nothing.

>They did the opposite to me, and I'm still pissed off about it.


I don't even play death. I just think its lazy to take a two-unit-option kit and make a half assed new unit

tfw no customizable generic wight king

GW doesn't like making modular hero/hq kits anymore

This so fucking much it hurts.

>tfw only customizable orc hero is the greenskinz warboss

This suddenly makes me wonder what the DoK heroes will be. Is every list supposed to run Morathi? Death Hags? Little boring...

It wouldn't surprise me if the Snek Elves and Harpy Elves have bits in the kit to make one of them into a character. So you'd have Morathi, Death Hags, Snek Hero, and the Harpy Hero to choose from. Plus the Cauldron of Blood, which IIRC counts as a character as well.

and the freeguild general kit you pleb

So is Legion of Nagash the Boner army?

Can I just spam buy the Skeltal box set for Grave guard and Black Knight spam?

*Swallows your hero whole using snake elf vore ability*

Heh, nothin personal *urp* kid

>Is Legion of Nagash the Boner army
Nah, it's the "Please come back Vampire Cunts players ;_;" soup book

>customizable orc hero
>orc hero

getting my 2.5k list ready
fun fact, gordrak's command ability affects an entire battalion

>make a leader of female elves army
>ugly face and flat chest

fuck u i paint my humanz green

Legions of Nagash is everything death-related outside of the Flesh Eater Courts now. Look what allegiance is best for you between the four in the book, and go for it.
Sadly there isn't a specific Bone Zone one, so it's probably between Sacrament and Grand host.

being ugly is empowering now

Are you using corax white or non-gw primer?

She's not there to be your sex object, user.









Then why I should buy it?

Well, guess you can leave EU, but EU will never leave your nation's soul

Calm down, Slaanesh

The legacy armies don't really have any named Characters anymore. Death Soup is literally just End Times Vampire Counts minus Ghouls. Sure there are new named Characters but they are all the new armies like the Khorne dudes and Stormcast

Have you seen british women? They picked the most attractive traits to give to the model.

Oh you mean

corax white. of all the overpriced painting supplies gw makes, I'm probably most happy with the primers.

They aren't primers.

Is that your only consideration when you buy models?

In your imagination.

Give it time.

Big Morathi tits right in my face

*base coat sprays
locally people use those and primer terminology interchangeably

>Is that your only consideration when you buy models?
Well yeah, if model doesn't look attractive or interesting desogn I cannot see any reason to buy it.

Is it me or are the armies in this game a bit too simplified? Back in the days of fantasy, a single army book would cover dozens of units under one faction banner. Nowadays some factions are 1-2 units and literally can't be played properly, and what 'complete' factions there are seem to break down into:

Combat Lord
Buffing HQ


Elite version of troop with +1Save and -1Rend attacks

Cavalry of some sort

Maybe a monster or warmachine if you're lucky

I have a super hard time trying to find the army I want to play after the end of Fantasy due to everything being broken into a million subfactions and the bigger factions having minimal options.

Corax White is a primer, but its the only one.

Which guiding Malign Portent is best for your army?

For my Beastclaw, its probably Bloodied Skull, Balemoon or The Red Mist.

There is a really cool trick too, if you give your Lord the mammoth skull relic, you can reroll saves against rend - weapons. And for 5 PP you can make your enemies weapons do no rend to a model, so you'd have a 3+ rerollable save, halving damage. If you add Mystic Shield, it becomes a 2+ rerollable save.

Plus, the Shaman has an ability for 2 PP to keep being in his 'deffcap phase'. So he'll always get 2 spells, which you can reroll fails for, and thus get reliably mystic shields.

Other than that, the other portents have some nice defensive abilities like making your enemy slower or less reliable when shooting.

I hate how all the abilities though only work on units with 5 or less wounds, pretty much most of the healing or ressurect abilities don't work on any beastclaw units barring yetis and shit.

I am going to assume Shadespire itself isn't as unbalanced as this shit but the Fyreslayer hero ALONE can wipe the entire Skaven warband, and they would struggle to kill just him. And no Spiteclaw is exactly the same as a Warlord with warp-augmented blade d3 damage (if you want to argue the Halberd, the basic one also holds a barbed blade AND gets a shield) and the Chosen axes are cheaper. finally get some Skaven content and it's awful with no sign of any new books or models either

>A swarm is 4 models
>a 'skeleton hoard' is 10 guys

This must be how Deathbros feel. Skaven are treated so poorly in aos it's unreal

So big tits make a model attractive to you? I think that model looks good, I don't get why adding great big tits makes her look better. She's a partially mutated elf, why would she look like an attractive human? Tell me why you think she isn't an interesting model, without mentioning a lack of tits.

YES. Look what I got today!

I love this model!

Nah, I'll almost guarantee you're just stuck with Hag (on foot or on cauldron) and Morathi.

Yeah, it sucks. It kind of makes sense to release them with that amount of models but then you expect them to release new stuff later on. Other than Stormcast and Khorne no one is getting new stuff since they got released though.

Because you are supposed to make larger lists from those small factions cooperating.

Do people who make this facial expression have a disease?

Get fucked rats. You deserve it for what you did to Lustria.

>actually bought lord ordinator

>Your disposable income can buy plastic but not a GF

>lord ordinator


Congratulations, you've seen behind the veil. AoS is formulaic as hell, and you've basically now seen what everything in the game has come down to. Even the new SnekAelves will end up following this exact same formula.
>Combat Lord
Morathi's monster mode
>Buffing HQ
Cauldron of Blood
Regular Morathi and the weirdy-as-fuck priest Death Hag
Witch Aelves and Sisters of Slaughter
>Elite Troop
Warlocks and Furies (not cavalry, but flying combat killers)

>So big tits make a model attractive to you?
Yeah, healthy breasts, attractive faces and good bodies makes models attractive.
>Tell me why you think she isn't an interesting model, without mentioning a lack of tits.
Ugly face, DarkEldar clothes+monoboobplate, lazy designed wings, giant crown.

That's pretty much it. Apart from Legions of Nagash, of course.

chaos black is also a primer

Dude, obviously he is an argumentative slav troll trying to bait you into a fruitless stupidity. Wise up.

>Anyone who dislikes a model is the slav

Getting sick of this meme, champ.

>She's a partially mutated elf, why would she look like an attractive human?
Because it is an elf, and AoS isn't TES or Terry Pratchet's writting. Elves supposed to look attractive.
Any questions numale?

All of GW's sprays can be used as primers.

No, but I can tell by the posting style and repetitive terminology.

She looks alright, I don't really see what makes her unattractive.

Bonesoup ftw.

Congratulations, you are bitching about a hero whose generic form has been in the game for ages now being able to kill four shittier clanrats in one go.
Not saying the skaven warband is anything to write home about, mind you.

These are aelfs in AoS, they can be blue with 8 arms if GW said so. In fact one of the GW guys in WD has a purple skinned aelf army.

Also Phil Kelly said people who go to certain areas in Chamon might transform in living machines.

Robotic Aelves can be a thing.

user likes to complain, in case you haven't noticed. It matters not whether the issue is real or imaginary.

Phil Kelly should stop smoking crack

I can't wait to make my DoK look like arabs and send my witch aelves on suicide missions.

>I don't really see what makes her unattractive.
O already said what
>These are aelfs in AoS, they can be blue with 8 arms if GW said so.
And ugliness doesn't makes them any better.

See. That's a typical slav post. The formatting and bad English is on point.

And I disagree that those new models are ugly. Your opinion is not fact.

>These are aelfs in AoS, they can be blue with 8 arms if GW
Aelfs inspired by Indian mythology is great, aelfs inspired by SJW and Dark Eldars is borring and unattractive

They are greek inspired, user.

Nah, man. Dark Eldar are hot as hell.
