It sucks man but I don't see how btc isn't going to go on a bullrun with all this enthusiasm...

It sucks man but I don't see how btc isn't going to go on a bullrun with all this enthusiasm. Just exited alties at the atl because its only going lower tomorrow

>people still think a first gen shitcoin like BTC has a future

what's the thought process behind this? is it to get out of the alt, gain from btc, and then buy alts at an even lower price with higher gains from btc leading to owning more alt coins than before?

>not salivating at a tasty dip.

Hope BTC moons to 20k

That's the exact thought process. You would buy a coin that you think is going to double in value right? Well why wouldn't you stop yourself from losing half your btc value?

fuck. yeah that makes sense. some guy said that it was risky though. i guess it only makes sense if i can afford to lose my position (meaning bought in early). Is that right?

Selling alts when bitcoin moves always makes sense because alts will always drop. You could be losing money and it still make sense. The only way to lose out is for your alts to moon, if they just sideways trade and btc doesn't move you basically lose nothing beside commission fees and minor adjustments



well everything is at the atl so I would lose a couple of satoshis from rebuying if btc didn't moon because prices would 'normalize' a little bit. You could also just watch your computer all day tomorrow and sell right at the moment btc moons

holy shit you two get a room fucking newfags

right but if btc mooned and you gained more money from it. it'd be worth it cause you'd be able to buy way more alts now at an even lower price correct? just double checking. thanks for answering btw i is a newfag.

love you too user.

how fucking new are you, calm down your $500 of link aren't going anywhere

i wanna maximize profits though. ops strategy seems to be the best strategy. unless it dips which can happen too. pretty new i guess

Which alts are you in that are ATL or even dipping significantly? Did you buy obvious shitcoins?

This time I'm prepared.

look at weak hand McGee over here

dude don't do it. its dificult to time and it isn't guaranteed strategy anymore like this guy says.

all my alts gained sats while btc was bull run last time, and if i listed to these posts i wud have lost money,

safer just to hold

yeah I bought tron and woke up after the peak, I also had FUN. I mean I bought both of these a 0.2 but yeah I'm still butthurt I lost 10k in potential profit

i have no problem holding. i get that i can always lose no matter what. what i'm wondering is if maximizing profits is possible through this strategy as well as securing my satoshi value.