Orks are utter trash this edition. The only thing we have going for us is the changes to morale rules making boyz squads decent, which translates to 150 model + green tide spam. This is not a fun way to play the game. Why the fuck is cover to difficult to obtain and so useless when you do? What the fuck were these people thinking? Why the fuck are deffkoptas so expensive? Why the fuck is everything so slow? How the fuck do I play this dogshit army? Anything that isn’t complete boyz spam gets tabled by turn 3. Fuck this. Must be nice to play Mary Sue marines!
Absolute state of orks
While I’m not exactly happy about where orks are in this current stage of the game, we don’t even have a book yet. It’s very clear that there’s a huge jump in power from index to codex seeing as how codex armies have so many additional benefits that index armies just don’t have.
You can get away with running only 50-60 boyz and specializing your points elsewhere, but I do agree about cover not doing a single thing for boyz, and the lack of ‘Ard Boyz is a fucking disgrace
shit rules < be able to make your fucking looted vehicles
ruleswise you will allways get fucked in the but
I used to love my orks. Start of 7th they were fine. Then the formations came along.
Some games where indeed very short for me: deploy orks, lose roll off for first round, take casualties off the table, go home.
But there was Forgeworld. With Megadreads and Mekadreads, Supa Kannons and stuff. Thats where my money went. My orks could compete again.
Fast forward to 8th.
No rules for my Megadreads. Not enough boys to spam them (45 in total). No Wyrdboy. But a lot of useless crap like Deffkopta or Burnaboys.
I played some games. One draw, all other games lost against shooty muhreeens!
My last game was in november. There is no fun left for me in this army. I don't love my orks anymore as GW decided to focus on BOYS BOYS BOYS SPAM 'EM HARD fuckmyass. All the other dudes in my group got their codex and they are happy as fuck.
"Come on, user, i like to fuck your orky ass with my new 1000 Sons Codex! Why don't you like to play against AdMech anymore? Don't you like my Tyranids ripping your beloved Dreads apart? I promise i will bring just one Land Raider....!"
Nope. Green sucks ass. It's always Plasma with ReRoll Everything or "As long as i don't move i can shoot you with everything i want. Twice."
Ah, and there is barely any good ork weapon that comes with an ap.
I feel the exact same way since my army went a similar route. 4-5-6-7th edition I played an army of bikers and trukkboyz, and had a grand 'ole time.
Even after losing Wazdakka because "no model" I shrugged and took Zhadsnark instead.
Then Decruions came, and my opponents had retardedly broken rules and 500+ free points of things in their army, and the games stopped being fun. I stopped playing, but got really fuckin' hype when 8e launched. I immediately hopped onto it, and while my list was nowhere near as good, in the index days it wasn't the absolute worst (tho I've been pissed about deffkoptas since I read about their points)
fast forward a couple of months and everyone else has their stratagems, chapter tactics, amazing ranged weapons that do a million damage and rend all our armor and shoot a million shots and reroll the missed ones, but the only things I got are some tankbustas (which are nice, admittedly) a Wazbomma, and some killa kanz. I'm not spamming KMKs because I'm not a faggot.
Every time I even do decent damage to an opponent they have either 20 million honor guard equivalents to prevent their HQ from dying, or a super duper 3-4++ invuln which negates all my damage, and then without any invulns or half decent armor my units eat shit in melee and at range. Even Meganobz due to how armor penetration works this edition (which I actually like the idea of, mostly) are usually eating shit against a power sword which just one edition ago they were completely immune to.
Due to the way vehicles and armor have changed, our shooting has changed a lot too. Lootaguns no longer ping out vehicles with ease, and the vehicle being attacked is only being rended -1 armor, so they still have on average a 4+ armor save against these hard earned wounds.
And don't even get me fucking started on -1 to hit, halving all ork shooting, and if it gets stacked a unit can't even be hit.
Then there's fucking primarchs, which are a complete asspain to deal with.
Someone hasn't discovered Da Jump yet.
>150 model + green tide spam. This is not a fun way to play
[citation needed]
Infatry only. Most armies don't have trouble killing any blobs of ork infantry of any kind.
Anything that is a threat is so expensive there's barely any.
And most people just run snipers anyway. Bye bye magic mushroom ork.
I feel so sorry for orks. (I have a shooty marine army.. sorry.)
Serves you well for playing NPC factions
>NPC factions
It's true.
The true 40k plot is about Imperium X Chaos. And even among chaos the most prolific heretics are former loyalists
can’t you and your friends just play older rulesets
I'm a marine player and adopting an Eldar army, but the pace of 8e releases even makes me want to take a step back. It's painfully obvious that GW intends to make my army of shorty marines obsolete and all their new models are huge!
I wonder if GW will ever make new IG models even because them hummies too short.
On top of all that GW has announced the next 3 Xeno codexes, and careful readers should note that GW didn't preclude releasing other Xeno codexes, but just said those 3 will be soon. Those 3 (dark elves, Tau, Necrons) are not Orks.
I wonder if GW wants to do something special for Orks? Give them a shot in the arm, new models or some shit. But, really, I kind of doubt it. GW's perspective they want 40k to feel gritty and not funny, but GW pigeon holed Orks as funny right or wrong.
Nothing funny in the fluff about Orks holding men over fires and squealing with laughter as the men scream and die. But they choose to make laugh out loud models for them.
Fuck this competitive shit. You play for fun rules, you build your own vehicles. You play the orks, not gilded faggots of the golden shithouse. The moment they become competitive is the moment all fun would leave playing the orks, and That Guys come in.
I played red grots since gorkamorka. Well, the bulk of my army is mechanized as gobbos have no noteworthy units in the 40k, which is a damn shame.
What we need is more special fuck-you dicebound rules, more customization of your vehicles and the looted stuff back to its glory days. Oh, and let gobbos take ork guns/staff shooty ork units with gobbos to get gobbo+ BS across the board, since orks can't shoot shit no matter how many dakka you'd strap on them, even before marine sue saves come to play. This should be evened by grots' inability to melee.
you mean the armies most present in the horus heresy books are the most popular and supported?
stay mad NPCuck
>Orks are utter trash this edition.
Are they not in any other edition?
They were really really good in 4th ed when they could still run kult of speed
>Orks are a shooty army BS5+
>Orks are a melee army WS4+ with our only good melee weapons
Grots should shoot. Their BS is better and, with blob bonus, they can be better than most of their opponents, flat-out losing only to Eldar and Tau.
Problem is, whoever has a say-so on 40k Orks has a hateboner for grots. They're the dubious honour of being the weakest infantry in the entire game and four joke units, two of which Forge World's.
Not when you play at stores full of ITC wannabes
While I agree orks should have wacky and fun rules, I disagree that they have to be bad. I’m perfectly happy with them being a mid tier army, it just isn’t fun to play a shit tier army that gets tabled. I’ve played games this edition where I never even kill an enemy unit! And no, I’m not THAT bad at 40k, I play other armies and do okay.
Stores are the designated shitting streets of wargaming.
True i suppose. We can’t all have the luxury of bespoke wargaming groups who play narrative campaigns.
>Orks hit shit at 4+
Mostly 3+, but here are the flaws:
First, get your orks into meele. Da Jump? Do it. Trukkboys? They will die. Disembark, get shot, charge, more losses to overwatch and maybe your opponent has some of these "i hit first" gimmicks.
Second, yes, orks do hit. But do they wound? Mostly on 4+. And now the killing....ah, crap, no way! The Standard Ork Boi has no ap. So save away, Mister Shiny Space Mehreen.