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Last time we finished up making a pirate port town where grog is illegal, a mayor cursed to endlessly reincarnate fighting the same family of pirates, and the musical child-eating Sea Hag who bestowed that curse upon him.

Link to a dump of all previously created characters:

So we've got plenty of characters, let's start getting more detailed write ups of them. What's our pirate/spaceship/prohibition town called? What is its history? How is it laid out? Who lives there?

Other urls found in this thread:

Addendum to the text dump:

Monster 2 should also include

>Dying Light Zombies’ increased strength during the day.

So what brought the party together? A summons from the mayor of the port town to hunt down the hag, perhaps? The Kang would probably be interested in building his reputation locally before moving onto greater things, but I dunno about the other characters. What motivates them?

That's a good question. The resounding answer last thread was something along the lines of what you just said--the Mayor's had it up to here with the Hag squatting on the outskirts of town and wants revenge for his curse (though he'd still prefer to keep it on the down low, so he's disguising it as a simple clean-up operation).

Motivation wise, yeah, Char 1 sees this a as a stepping stone to political prestige. Garnering influence with local politicians is a good way to move up the ladder. Char 2 is a greedy lil friend, so she's in it for the money--the Mayor has the wealth of Scrooge McDuck, so there's loads of it to be hard after all. Char 3 is a little harder, but then again, he sort of fits the role of comic relief, so it stands to reason that he's just tagging along to have something to do. Eternal life is boring, man. Char 4 is very no-nonsense and prideful of his ability to get shit done. If the Mayor posed this as a challenge, he'd be right on top of that like nobody's business. Char 5 is apparently the Big Bad, so we can leave him alone for now. Char 6 is big into friendship and camaraderie and all that, so they're probably tagging along because they see the rest of the party as good friends. Char 7's a bit of a horndog and loves them some tiddy, so probably to impress Char 2 . Char 8 and 9 and are both hot blooded warrior types, so this is their bread and butter.

Speaking of Chars 1-9, we oughtta get those names out.

We've been referring to 1 as Kang this whole time, and it sounds fantasy enough, so I'd just leave it. someone else suggested Cayden King, which is also good.

Char 2: Samsura, last name unknown so far.

Char 3: Not really talked about, but I'm partial to Aiyuk Ironcard.

Char 4: Again, not much talk. Mund'eon Garnstrong? Other first names suggested have been Jean, Erin, and Reese.

Char 6 (Skipping char 5 to focus on Players): Abesun Van Damesing ?

Char 7: Vasuki Dieseleye?

Char 8: Elsphita Kanemina Proud?

Char 9: Kirry K'Vito?

Samsura Rilfleeze. Her original surname was Coldengoni but she changed since since she hates her asshole fat dad and her child-molester mom.
I'll throw some suggestions
CHARACTER #3: Rykul Ironcard

CHARACTER #4: Jaket Byrmstrong

CHARACTER #6: Kai Braud Van Daiwong "The Rider Kick"

CHARACTER #7: Vatske Loveye

CHARACTER #8: Elphita Kanelina Proudking. Affectionately known as Proud-chan

CHARACTER #9: Captain Rikuce Kirry De'Vito "The Bull Knuckles"

Hey, that works for me!

Liking all of these. Reposting some character are because it's goddamn great.

And Rykul.

I will never stop loving how Rykul looks so utterly done with everyone else's bullshit

Quick write up for the town:

The port town of Happy Landings is certainly not a happy place. It does not have a happy history, suffering visits from numerous bandit raiding parties, each of whom left the town little more than cinders when they were done with it. It does not have happy people, mostly inhabited by a combination of bilge-rats, crusty old sea men, poor fishermen, and pirate scum come to drown their sins in grog. It doesn't even have a happy origin--the whole place was founded by accident when an ancient Ark ferrying human refugees across the stars crash landed on the beach, killing millions and scarring the sands a permanent black. Nevertheless, Happy Landings it is and shall stay, for for all the sea-green muck the town is drenched in, a wicked sense of humour keeps it a thriving and boisterous place filled with the sights, sounds, and smells of a whole ocean of ports. Of course, certain dour pious types would sooner see all this merriment come to an end. The Mayor and his cadre of Merchant Nobles are certainly in favour of expelling Landings' jolliest and most pungent residents in favour of a tidier lot of teetotalers. However, for all the efforts of these sour-faced puritans with their anti-piracy acts and prohibition laws, the rowdy spirit of the seafarer, black flag and all, has been permanently affixed to the little town of Happy Landings.

So she's supposed to be as busty as the Sorceress?

She seems a bit less so.

Oh pish, you take what you get user. Inaccurate bust size is hardly reason to reject a generous drawfag.

We need to put NPCs in this town. Lets start with
Chin's Drunken Fu abilities (fire breathe included)

Dory's memory

>Happy Landings
Fucking excellent job, user.

>i'm too dead for this shit

Abe Simpson's stories that don't go anywhere.

This guys way of doing things.

Wario's Nuclear Farts

Thank you senpai! Glad you liked it!

The drunk works for the Sea Hag feeding her information on the goings on in the town and occasionally taking a few kids to her in return for booze.

Sokka's boomerang skills.

Jim Henson's puppeteering

Didn’t we use Wario for someone already ?

>Town Sheriff
McRee’s southern accent

Rango's penchant for tall tales

Rango's lies

Bane's size

Moody's reputation

As relentless as Dennis.

Manhunter's hat

Dell Conagher's engineering skills

Hol Horse's way with women

>10 player party

Hold up. What is this group's end game? If they're a band of adventurer's isn't 9-10 members awfully big? Maybe we should split up some members of the party into two groups, both trying to take down the Anti-Villain as well as become a king. One group would follow Kang as their leader while the others will follow Anti-Anti Villain.

However, if they're a rivaling pirate/mob/bandit family to the Fat Demon then the numbers make sense. It's just that starting off with 10 main characters feels congested unless they branch off into groups doing multiple jobs for the betterment of their family.

So what colors are each of these guys? If the 5 kings HAD to be mono-colored:

King 1: W
King 2: G
King 3: U
King 4: R
King 5: B

Adding a secondary color.

King 1: WB (B for the Advisor)
King 2: GW (Righteousness)
King 3: UB (Shinigami Eyes death sight)
King 4: RG (Gamagori's size and prescence)
King 5: BR (Homeless Emperor's blasts and Heir's personality)

And having 3 colors:
King 1: Esper (The adviser should be Esper while the King is monowhite or WB)
King 2: Naya
King 3: Grixis
King 4: Jund
King 5: Mardu

We have splitted them. But I dont think itd in the archive

How should we make the two teams? Morally aligned teams with the Team Good rivaling Team Neutral? Or goal oriented teams with adventurers/quest takers rivaling the conquest team?

We can rather well split them up into the team thats more involved with the Kings, the team that deals with the BBEG (Definitely some involvement also to the kings.) And one for the family/Anti Villain (Arguable if the Anti Villain alone is worth a whole team i guess. Her ambition/greed are the scary part.)

A team to deal with the BBEG doesn't sound right to me. I feel like Character 5 would be a global threat, someone who is nigh-unreachable until he wants to be reached. We could just leave it to Team King, those trying to gain fame as the people's true king, and Team Mob, those who are trying to take down or dismantle the Family Head and his wide organization for themselves.

>Team King
1: Kang
6: "The Rider Kick"
7: Vatske/Vasuki
8: Elsphitia/Elphita

>Team Mob
2: Samsura
3: Aiyuk/Rykul Ironcard
4: Jaket Ganstrong
9: Kirry/Rikuce
Anti-Villian's Rival

Does this look good?

Its not ambition nor greed. It's just a dangerous type of super autism.
Remember how in some settings you have these fantasu diseases like, I dunno, dwarven aids or elven cocksucktitis? Well, in the Anti-Villain case, she has an incurable uberautism that will sooner or later turn her into the BFBG (Big Fucking Bad Girl)
Furthermore, her autism will inevitably spread so, God knows what kind of shit she will end up causing

With her prophecies and her cunning, I wouldn't have a doubt in my mind that she will create her own army or cult of devout followers . Also we're missing Xaldin's spear mastery for her on the dumptext.

See now the question is, seeing as there's already a King in the setting (The Mute Queen) who can predict the future, is will they end up having the same prophetic visions? Whose will be right if they're different? Could end up starting a whole split within the Mute Queen's cult of personality

I really like this minor plot of divination in the background. Anti-Villain (AV) came from a school meant to teach those how to see into the future while King/Queen 3(KQ3) doesn't have to try. KQ3 has prophetic dreams coming to her naturally in sleep whereas AV prophecies has to be practiced and divined with time, patience and deciphering. I'm taking the assumption that KQ3's visions are far more accurate since they appear to "like" her more than the AV, but AV is cunning enough to turn a vague, non-helpful prophecy to her benefit.


Kazundo's scar

Wouldn't this just be the Sea Hag?

I worked something like this out in an older thread, I dunno which one works better:

I guess. They could come in after the Sea Hag and Drunk is dealt with.

Fair. I'd just rather know who exactly this person is. Ah well.

Luke Atmey's skilful use of blackmail

Plastic Man's smugness

Jinxs love for mayhem and explosions.

Perhaps he is the local main man of the gangster family? So he could be the plothook towards them and the connection with the Major.

makes sense to me!

Tom's gang of thugs always at the ready

So what’s her end game?

Her prophesied seat on the throne until she falls for Kang or someone else worthy in battle.

Equilibrium's gun kata

So Gilgamesh’s pride does she just fire them like it’s Gates of Babylon?Roman’s snarkiness

>The Capital of the Kingdom
It has Hyrule Castle

Cinderella's balls. You know what I mean.