I just need to rant for a bit, sorry Veeky Forums...

I just need to rant for a bit, sorry Veeky Forums, but anybody who plays a chaotic neutral character deserves to be burned at the stake.

Other urls found in this thread:


t. Lawful evil

>I play with human garbage, probably because I'm human garbage myself
>"I'm sorry guise I just need to make a thread on Veeky Forums to complain about something Veeky Forums complains about constantly"
What's next, a Matt Ward hate thread?

Don't sacrifice people to fire gods. Go ahead and feed 'em anything else you want, but not people. Once a god gets a taste for human flesh it's hard to train out again.

I can't help but agree for the most part - although my Paladin of The Mad Lord is chaotic because he was accepted by The Mad Lord at a time when he'd lost everything and neutral because madness befalls all beings regardless of ethics or morality. He's playing in a party trying to break out of a prison (we started there) so he's fine. Once outside of the prison, I'm sure he'll be right back in prison in no time so I can play something else more stable and less maddening.

Hey guys unpopular opinion here but kender are dumb and I hate dorito fingers on my books

I know I'm going to get a lot of shit for this, but I don't like finecast


Unpopular opinion, but I think Drizzt is overhyped

You had one job OP. One job.

That pathetic little sentence wasn't a rant. I want to see frothing at the mouth rage, barely coherent venom as you recount every single petty greivance ever done by grotesque caricature of a player as you make the case for extreme and final retribution against those you deem RPG heretics.

If you are going to make a "Whaaaa! People who do the thing in my elf games should die" thread, at least make it entertaining rather than posting a single tepid sentence before running away. You are a disgrace and I demand better quality bitch fests.

>kender are dumb
Is there some sort of at least semi-coherent in-universe explanation why they are not hunted like classic evil races like orcs?

Oh boo fucking hoo. Veeky Forums has changed, you crusty old grognard. WORDS WORDS WORDS of writefaggotry like in the days when you were still bitching about Matt Ward doesn't get your point across any better than what OP said. It's called brevity. NATO uses it, wit uses it, and you don't. You're the problem.

This one person thinks rape is a chaotic neutral action

How do i make him stop thinking that?

They're all high-level Rogues in a setting where anyone above level 5 is nigh unstoppable. giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?479865-The-Kender-Conspiracy

Evil dragons and beholders are in the same category and people still try to kill them.

Yes, but dragons and beholders are also usually isolated and aggressive. Kender are usually a nuisance rather than an actual threat, and they number in the teeming hundreds of thousands. It's simply easier to leave them be then it is to try and fight them - you're about as safe in a fight with a few wandering kender as in a fight with a dragon, but the dragon forces the fight by setting your town on fire; the kender merely steals your silverware and draws a bunch of dicks on your wall.

Ok. But people will keep on doing it and there's nothing you can do about it. Better stop the shit threads and try some positivity once in a while.

Ok, makes sense. Cost/benefit analysis says no.

It also helps that Kender, having no concept of property, so it's a lot easier to get stolen property back from than the average thief. As dumb as it may sound, this is one situation where all you have to do is ask.

Rants, not brevity.
They are antonyms, user.
Learn to speak English.

Back to your grave, Dave!

>Year of the Lord 2018
>Still playing with alignments

Shiggy Diggy

>when the chaotic neutral warlock opens a gateway to hell just outside of town and demons wipe it off the face of the earth

DM have mercy

The CN Rogue/Warlock in the party I DM for is perfectly fine. He looks out for his own interests, which by remarkable coincidence, are shared with the rest of the party, as neither he nor them are fans of being assraped by Devils.

The notion that CN equates to lolrandom is infuriating and I want it to die. It's functionally the perfection of amorality.

They look (and act, for the most part) as adorable little children.


Oh, you lie!

To the point that other than more maligned griefing half, the other half of the guys that likes them are paedophiles.

The problem isn't the CN alignment, it's people who act all randomly stupid or evil in disguise, and then call it CN. They completely overplay it. The same way some people play up LG paladins to be rigid control freaks that piss everyone else off.

...you mean besides the obvious?

this is why no one likes paladins.

CN characters are fun. I suspect that's why you hate them.

As a sentimental moralfag in real life, I find it fun and challenging to try playing a morally bankrupt sociopath. The trick is to not do it at the party's expense; keeping the party alive and healthy is his best chance for getting paid, after all.

What happened, user? Where did the chaotic neutral character touch you?

I'm not raping him.

Get him a girl of his dreams. Let him get attached. Murderfuck the shit outta her by CN barbs, vikings or mercenaries.

>tfw lawful evil tzeentchian sorcerer

Certain kinds of problem player treat the alignment as lolrandum CE. But if you play with bottom of the barrel Roll20 garbage, it's entirely your fault

Bonus points for making it his fault or the perps party's "perfectly normal CN" allies.

But Games Workshop chaos is almost strictly chaotic evil

chaotic neutral is just someone who has no hardline ethics, they just do what they feel like doing

I don't know if you've ever met a human being before, but most of them usually feel like being okay people

Sounds like you're playing with shitty players who'd be just as bad if they were playing any other alignment.


this is some next level degeneracy

>anybody who plays a chaotic neutral character deserves to be burned at the stake

Whoever designed the chaos logo deserves to be burned at the stake.


I hate that the symbol for chaos is so incredibly orderly. Something like pic related would have been better.

I was waiting for this thread for a long time. I’m quintessentialy chaotic neutral and most of my friends would outright state it independent of each other. In all the alignment tests I consistently get chaotic neutral and
I’m not evil. I can do harm sometimes due to my discrepancies but I mean no harm, I mean no greater good either, I think that at least myself I am ill suited to impose my will on people cause I know better. When I see things appaling I will intervene, mostly because I know it may be me or the few ones I deeply care about who will get in harms way one day. Evil sets a precedent for more evil. I’m not a martyr tho and I will use underhanded tactics if they let me safely avert harm, danger or whatever I don’t want. I have my values, I care for aesthetics and self-improvement.
I would be good but there is this devil on my shoulder and a hole in my heart and they eventually destroy things and people in their way, that’s why I choose to wander and keep a lot of superficial friendships.
Now I can afford my comfort without being evil cause I have my talents and value I bring to people.
So for short - Chaotic Neutral Character is essentially non evil, more or less self contained, has a quality that makes him unable to abide by the Laws of Society but also has a talent who lets him get away with not doing so.
There’s more to it than an edgy loner or a berserker.

Anarchy's "A" is better too.

>Anarchy "A"
>CN symbol
Bloody lifestylists


Wow, you have some next-level autism.

I know, right? Like anarchy is chaos, instead of government.

Two-axis alignment is a shit.

If you actively support the powers of Law, you're Lawful. If you actively support those of Chaos, you're Chaotic.

The vast majority of humans are neutral.

But it's a CN action. I don't think there's many cultures that think rape is "lawful"

I think the claim is that it's more evil than chaotic.

And there have been cultures that used it as a tool of war and considered it completely acceptable to do so.

Rape is evil because you are usinf force to take somethign which is pleasurable and destroying any sense of pleasure it may have for that person. You are literally ruining the way they feel and think about somethign which should be fun and pleasurable through cruelty and violence. The violation of the body is nothing compared to how you violate their mind and feelings.

There's a reason mind control is considered a form of rape my most people on Veeky Forums. Rape is evil because you are destroying a person's mental well being, not because you're doing sex stuff to their body,

>cultures that used it as a tool of war and considered it completely acceptable to do so
Slaughter all males, rape the (virgin) females is strictly Semite, in the broad sense of the word, thing. Semites were viewed as the scum of the earth precisely for this practise, well, and for their religion. Even Assyrians, which are considered third to fourth (pending if you are a Judean apologist) bloodiest state in the history usually limited themselves with the enemy warriors. After a fashion the animosity the Jews face now is the echo of their ancestor practises - which endures still, despite the modern Jews being by far nothing like their distant ancestors.

To be fair, chimps and negroids are worse still, but we're not discussing proto-orcs, are we?