Core rules and Gang War 1
Previous thread:
Necromunda Underhive
Waiting for Cowdors editiokn.
I can't even get OOP metal ones even though we KNOW the cowdors are coming back. Don't matter.
Any chance for GSC gang soon?
In white dwarf at some point soon. Bounty hunter gang first from what I've heard
would appreciate photos of the reference pages in the back of GW2 to see what changes they've made thank you
I can't understand why are they not releasing digital version of supplements and books. For BB they released both Death Zone seasons and core rules but didn't release the Almanac
I haven't heard anything about a bounty hunter gang, I think they're just going to be hired guns only.
they've confirmed Bounty Hunter gang rules are coming in White Dwarf. They're probably just an excuse to mix and match your favourite minis into a single gang
So, dual auto pistols on an Escher Juve sounds fun as hell, especially if you eventually get them the triple move skill. I kinda like the idea of having a dedicated runner in a gang, too.
not this guy but, any chance of the new named bounty hunter rules?
Yep, bounty hunters first then chaos and genestealer cults, both will have leaders with low grade psyker abilities.
>want to play necromunda
>like all gangs
>none of them is all-helmets
>fucking hate painting human faces
Are there any cheap and fitting alternatives for necromunda bare heads or should I just wait for GSC?
You could find a 3rd party or bits seller that has good gas masks or hoods or something.
enforcers will all have helmets, and they'll come out soon.
Enforcers are not coming out soon. Maybe after all the main gangs have come out but I wouldn't hold my breath even then.
Is it best to balance guns in an Escher gang? I'm thinking of having 3 lasguns and 2 autoguns on my gangers with 1 lasgun ganger also taking a plasma pistol.
Christ, I'd fuck the shit out of Eva Green.
Converting some House Cawdor -gangers with hoods and shit would be pretty easy and it would make total sense to have them all have hoods or masks.
Just do some greenstuff cones and stick knick-knacks on them, voilá you've got yourself a bunch of easy Cawdor heads.
Just magnetized half of my Eschers. All of the weapons, maybe i'll do heads on the second half.
>fifth from the left
>good gas masks or hoods or something
Shame that Sister of Slaughter's heads are not fitting Escher aesthetic-wise - they look neat as fuck
They will be plastic, r-right?
I'm okay with converting per se but I wanted to buy a boxed gang. I'm a sucker for branded shit and nice boxes
Anyone here has unpainted but assembled Escher? My GF is willing to split the core box with me but she wants to know if Escher are hilariously swolo or maybe it's just a shitty paintjob
2020 I guess is soon...
From what I've seen, it's one body specifically that's swole and the other four on the sprue are fine.
you can get OG metallic Eschers second hand for reasonable prices
user, please read my post again
This shit is to good.
Realease GW2 book with updated armoury, but not an updated trading post.
Release WD bounty hunter gang.
Rumors from like a month ago stared that bounty hunter gangs buy equipment from the trading post, instead of a house list. Each ganger type gains access to certain rarities.
As it stands. Bounty hunters will only to buy basic bitch shit.
Forgeworld scummers and bounty hunter resins are all armed with basic bitch shit.
Guess it all makes sense.
Dont worry folks, when GW3 drops bounty hunters will be amazing!!! Stay interested!!!
Also, they are purposefully ommiting weapon rules and items out of one book ans dropping them in others. GW 1, no rules for fear. GW2 rules for fear, mo rules for rending. See a trend?
Still no FAQ or Errata in sight.
Are we sure this shit it still made by GW and not like... Privateer Press?
Is getting a single shadow war set a good way to expand the cardboard Necromunda and add some variety?
if you can get it cheap, but when i recently checked on ebay, that was not the case
I found one on local market site with a 50% discount to GW price (if I remember it correctly)
As comfirmed in last thread, MDF is the best bang for your buck if you don't want to DIY
So I'm thinking of adding some house rules to a campaign:
-Players can offer credit bounties to other gangs for successfully causing lasting injuries to or outright killing certain gang members, all bounties must be posted through the arbitrator. Credits are exchanged once the bounty has been fulfilled.
-Players may form temporary alliances for multiplayer games, 2 Vs 2 etc. These games may feature increased rewards for those gangs brave or foolish enough to double-cross their partners during the game (risking wrath from 2 sides).
-Bounty hunters created by players may be pooled into the local guild to be hired by any player. If two players wish to hire the same bounty hunter for their game then the gang with the lower rating may take priority.
I know no company making such a terrains in Poland and ebay usually have horrendous shipping costs.
I thought about getting the SWA set or 2x STC Ryza-Pattern Ruins and Thermic Plasma Conduits box. I'm playing small 40k games (1000pts) and adding some terrains for a small gaming table would be nice
Multiverse of Gaming is in Cracow, and sells Necromunda/40k style MDF.
>mfw pic related cost as much as the sw:a set on secondary market
>mfw I have no face
Being a third worlder is an incredible joy
Anything in burger bucks that people use? Shipping plus conversion rates kill the value.
Promethium Forge is probably your best bet in the US.
Where the fuck my Scavvies at?
About 2 years out.
Hrm. Looks pretty good and plentiful for the price. How's the actual quality? My friend and I are already thinking about splitting the $300 box
Anvil has some good options. Thinking about building delaque with them.
noticed all that myself, in terms of gear bountyhunters get fuck all and only the special characters get boltguns.
Also one of the new scummer models has a weapon he can't even buy!
>Anvil has some good options.
Speaking of, I noticed that Blanche himself had an anvil head on one of his recent minis, somebody pointed it out and soon after he removes/replaces the head...what are the chances GW gave him a firm telling off?
where did you see it? he seems to have deleted his instagram account after people found it when it had a pre-release Goliath on it
Which weapon?
>pic related
Some of that doesn't look very underhive or am I wrong?
just put some skulls on it then you stupid fagalodon extraordinaire
the glaive/spear thing that 'mono' has, not sure there are even rules for it.
We're facebook friends, he often puts up some great stuff, he has the cross dressing steven fry miniature from the hobbit as a bounty hunter!
I was more thinking griming everything up with a dark wash because the terrain is bright, but sure let's just overreact and jump to conclusions
t. soyboy
Hahaha rofk kek good one! xddd
You have to go back.
the crane. Also this needs more blacks to break it up but you could easily get that with buildings like these and misc plastic like the old plastic bulkheads and shit like PC fans and interior bits
If I had somewhere to play other than flgs I'd definitely be picking up some of this MDF terrain, it looks pretty grimdustrial given the right paint job
Better. Supposedly it's made by forgeworld. And we know how consistent they are at writing full and complete rules.
>using polddit memes
>mfw I can not spend more than £50 - shipping included
Shame I'm being paid in Monopoly currency but that's my own fault
Are these the same cards included in the core box? Aslo should the Orlock player buy a set of cards?
I think the ones you buy have a few ''add on'' cards the core box does not.
Back to >>>r/pol with you
Ratskins when?
Both Escher and Goliath cards are totally different to the boxed set cards (and probably each other). I'd recommend Orlocks players get a set for themselves, the gang specific cards are pretty decent.
Eventually, they have plans for all outlander gangs but I'd expect them to be after the 6 core gangs.
>For those of you who missed them the first time round, Kal Jerico and “Mad” Donna Ultanti are two renowned bounty hunters from Necromunda’s past – the former, a swashbuckling noble scion turned bounty hunter, the later, an utterly insane warrior-woman rumoured to be the long lost daughter of Sylvanus Ulanti, Patriarch of the noble house of the same name. You’ll have between the 17th and 23rd of February to order these guys for yourself, after which, they’ll disappear once more into the mists of time…
Ouch, so even more expenses
Man, these are going to be hilariously undersized next to all the new models.
Does necromunda gang war play like shadow war, or just lame underhive? Does it still have the action points rubbish?
Quite a bit
I dont remember her face looking quite as fucked up.
those are obviously not studio paintjobs.
Planetary Governor Kal "Manlet" Jericho.