Mfw one of the players in my campaign starts erp-ing

>mfw one of the players in my campaign starts erp-ing

Why exactly? Is he/she bad at ERP?

Just one? What are they even doing if it's just the one, going into detailed descriptions of their character jerking off or something?

>when the Kobold player tries buying an NPC's 12 year old daughter as a wife/sex slave
erp is the fucking worst.

Not him, but while I enjoy the presence of my friends I really do not need to know what gets their rocks off,and I really do not need to be involved in it in some way.

during the game or just in general?

>When one of your party members explicitly writes 'asexual' on their character sheet to avoid any such potential mishaps but proceeds to rip the hearts out of innocent people and intentionally antagonize the power-holders and other player characters

I'm fine with lewd, but I associate "ERP" with a specific kind of lewd. It's not where sex happens as a normal, natural part of life, or even where certain races or characters are sexualized for a specific narrative or worldbuilding purpose, it's the H-game kind where everyone is down to fuck everyone literally all the time and the whole world revolves around sex. It's not erotic or funny to me, just absurd

Back in my day we called it cybersex and it was just as fucking retarded then as it is now

But ERP literally stands for erotic roleplaying. It's not the /h/-game, it's what you described as not ERP.
So, you don't like people who are bad at ERP and GMs who do it without being able to handle it decently. I get it.

ITT: people who do not understand the difference between ERP and virtual sex.

yeah, we never do that in our campaigns, seems super awkward

Is htere ERP-LARPs? And can I bring a harp to the ERP-LARP so I can start the ERP-LARP with a harp fart?

It's because we're seeing an influx of /v/ermin this month. Just count how many times you see the word "reddit"

>But ERP literally stands for erotic roleplaying. It's not the /h/-game, it's what you described as not ERP.
If it describes sex when it happens as a matter of course, why does it need a special name? I just think the whole thing is founded on this underlying idea that games need to either primarily about sex or totally devoid of it, which reeks of virginity and social dysfunction

>normal part of life

I hope as my playerbase grows older this shit comes into play more often. What was that about the Forgotten Realms having brothels in almost every town and certain religions having town-wide orgies every month and supported prostitution?

I mean come on, this is medieval european setting we're talking about. And we take out christianity. Can you imagine how much nasty pagan fucking is just the daily grind to distract from all the disease and starvation once you take out christian guilt?

Dnd should have lots of sex, but at the same time it shouldn't be a big deal.

UNLESS you're trying to simulate that stressful no-sex-out-of-wedlock setting. In that case, you can have fiendish/fey incursions act as real threats to a social status quo.

PCs have died for less before

>Is htere ERP-LARPs

>Dnd should have lots of sex, but at the same time it shouldn't be a big deal.
I think that's the rub, though. RPG players, if you'll pardon the stereotyping, often aren't the most socially functional people. They don't have much sex, or if they do they're kinksters, polyamorists, or furries who have loads, but build a whole lifestyle around it and only have it with other sex-crazed nerds. Many can't envision a world where sex just sort of happens as a normal extension of social interaction. The internet is only making it worse, too, which is the FR type stuff is getting rarer and rarer. Your average socially inept obsessive gets far less in-person human contact than they did 40 years ago. One of my big gripes about cyberpunk is how vibrant the cities are, when we're clearly turning into a race of hikikomori

it takes two (or more) to tango, user

>So, you don't like people who are bad at ERP and GMs who do it without being able to handle it decently. I get it

If you're going to deliberately miss the point so much just dont respond.

But what if the only thing that gets your character off is the thought of dying gloriously for the Emperor?

First transgression: "Look, I'm not comfortable with this stuff being played out, so I'm just fading to black now. The next morning..." (And discuss how ERP won't be tolerated in the future at the end of the session/start of next session)
>Second transgression: "The door gets kicked in by (insert appropriate relative, guardian, official, Inquisitor, etc.). They take one look at you and start screaming in rage." (Cue escape scene; oh, wait, you lost your goods? Gotta earn them back, by hook or crook)
Third transgression on: It's a succubus who tries to drag them off to the Lower Planes, naked and HP-drained. Their next character is required to keep a vow of chastity or they get no XP for the session.

>Your character dies in battle, sacrificing himself to kill an important enemy
>At the last second, he feels the height ecstasy of sacrifice for his holy cause
>He dies - and one of Slaanesh's demons claims his soul for dying in that emotional state
>Bonus points: He was killing off a key Slaaneshi priest

Two players in a game I'm playing are ERPing on the side. I don't mind that they're doing it, but I wish they'd stop pretending that it's some big secret, everyone knows.

What's your problem exactly, that they're not bringing up their hot dirty game of pretend in your game of pretend?

Moreso that they'll do the whole smug grin, look at each other and giggle whenever anything remotely lewd comes up