Anyone have any ideas for plot points, locales or other ways that pregnancy could justifiably fit into a game of D&D or whatever?
Pregnancy in fantasy games?
Other urls found in this thread:
For example, I have an elven amazon race where access to the alchemical potion they use to procreate is restricted to the worthy, so the queens actually tend to be pretty much constantly pregnant.
I also have a forming idea for a kingdom of planetouched born from humans who drink the magical waters of an enchanted spring that impregnates the drinker.
...Actually, what is a more appropriate portfolio for a deity associated with pregnancy, childbirth, motherhood and sexual fertility?
Have you ever had pregnant warriors or mages show up in your games? Before you say that's impossible, I point you to all of these real-life examples of pregnant women going into battle or engaging in extreme feats of physical prowess:
If they can do it in our world, then surely women in a world full of magic and monsters that operates on distinctly non-natural laws can do the same.
The Goddess of Evil is pregnant. Go stop that.
I'm sure we can make it part of the plot...
You could do a Fisher King type tale, but with a Queen.
Side effect of sex. Otherwise, it's probably not relevant.
But what if her child turns out to be Not Evil, or the God/Godess of Toothpaste or something silly? Seems like it could go either way, given mythology.
Marriage, which is a pretty big deal in a feudal society. Her priestesses (of course they're priestesses) could have a major role in relaying messages of courtship and arranging marriages among the nobility, which could also leave them in a pretty good position to act as unofficial diplomats.
Oh, and prostitutes. Pre-Christianity, temple prostitutes faithful to the local fertility goddess were pretty much normal, at least in the eastern med.
>A random demon forces one of your party members to impregnate them.
>You stumble across a cult of Lamashtu.
>your mission is to go and carry out a fantasy abortion on a goddess who is, like, a total bitch
You say that now, but wait until Junior invades the mortal plane.
So Violet Evergarden except sent by a goddess and might also fuck you?
You have to prevent a goddess from giving birth to her hundred-handed children. Her vag is a prison-like dungeon, because Greek mythology is weird.
this fetish thread is very cunningly disguised!
In all seriousness, pregnancy is one of those things where unless you've got a really good reason to include it, you might as well just leave it out since it just distracts from the business of adventurin'. Same way as you don't make your PCs pay taxes or track how often they poop.
>his PCs don't pay taxes
Shit game detected.
>his PCs don't poop
Not shit game detected
I actually had a PC get pregnant once by her husband. The subsequent baby was a bit of a problem because he either had to be carried around or a suitable babysitter found in every new location, but at least the GM didn't kidnap or kill him for cheap drama.
>He didn't make a game/musical about PCs having to pay a bathroom tax every time they poop.
Just burn your DM screen.
Goblins have a life expectancy compatible to may flies, not because of aging but from sheer reckless behavior. Densely populated colonies lead to overcrowding, dangerous living conditions, in fighting, and the constant threat of being trampled. Outside the colony their thieving and violent behavior also results in quick deaths at the hands of roaming murder hobos.
As such the colonies are almost always in a perpetual mating season, rapidly replenishing ranks where there are losses. Their savage practices and lacking the concept of a "life partner" events like inbreeding is to be expected if not the norm. Genetic abnormalities creating more twisted, but at times more resilient, off spring.
Goblin orgies are a terrifying sight to behold. Imagine a population that is already densly pact, all fighting each other for so much as a scrap of food, then the sent of a "prepared" mate wafts through the den. Again the short life expectancy is put onto display as a sea of green claws and bites one another for position.
Once pregnancy is assured (keep going until someone feels some kicking) the mother is allocated to a wing of the colony where she and the other to be mothers are looked over by a shaman wetnurse who feeds them a strict diet of special herbs to ensure that her litter will all be born healthy.
Truly the most magical of realms.
I've found pregnacy, if your party is mature enough to handle it, is an interesting time limit. One of my PC's got knocked up by her husband (Both in game and out.) So we now had a limit before her character had to stop adventuring as her pregnancy would limit her in the whole heroism thing.
As for a plot hook, not sure, but first things first make sure your players are mature enough to handle something like this.
My mind's telling me no. know how populations grow, right?
A bard sweeps through the village one day during his adventures, and nine months later a lot of married women have children?
Bards are basically fantasy storks except they come early.
The dick's telling you yes.
>the pic
Wouldn't it be trivial to look up the average rate of twin births to normal births (i think it's about one in a thousand), and then just roll that value on a second percentile dice after you've rolled for successful impregnation to determine whether the pregnancy results in twins or not? That's not even really math, just applied statistics.
>Wouldn't it be trivial to look up the average rate of twin births to normal births (i think it's about one in a thousand),
It varies, older women are significantly more likely to have twins or even triplets or more.
The body basically puts on a "going out of business sale" in the years before menopause and ovulation starts dropping two or more eggs at a time.
I've been considering a character who might get pregnant for a CofD game.
But really, I don't think I'd go through with it for people thinking that it's my fetish.
It is, but that's beside the point.
What would the father be?
Her infant is a monster destined to bring about the end of the world. A prophet said so.
>A (((prophet))) said so
Yeah, well, prophets say a lot of things. I bet he's the dad. That'd make sense.
Character concept is a Thyrsus who wants to promote any bloodline which has a Supernal connection.
Tamer stuff like finding, collecting and breeding crytids, but also potentially instituting morally questionable human breeding programs to propagate Proximus dynasties.
Even going as far as to replace semen samples in fertility clinics or get herself pregnant simply to ensure a dying line.
It's actually true though.
The baby is innocent but it's gonna end the world just by existing.
>It's actually true though.
The prophecy is true! It says so here on the transcript of the prophecy!
t. deadbeat dad
Just save up some money for child support. What are you, a nigger?
Luckily, I a spell that can help!
Already been done ages ago in Journey to the West.
Thread is straight up magical realm but I'll throw in some prompts.
1: A member of the party finds themselves pregnant. Local priest declares it immaculate conception and a holy child
2:Same as previous but with a dark god
3: A local town is suffering from "False pregnancies" where women go through all nine months, complete with kicking, cravings, and all things a normal pregnancy goes through only for their waters to break and no infant to be born. The woman is left fine, although confused/distraught.
4: Several bodies in the local hall of the dead suddenly appear pregnant. Crying is heard in the night.
5: A caster in the party somehow forms a 'Magic Womb' by accident. If properly taken care of, the luminous orb breaks open revealing a lifeform of pure mana.
6: A pregnant party member/npc suddenly has cravings for corpses with an invasive, impulsive thought declaring that "It's for the baby"
Come on user, it's only as /pol/ as you make it. If you REEEE every time you see (((echoes))) used even in an obviously joking context, you're probably better off somewhere that will do more to protect your feelings and ensure the community is a safe space.
That sounds like a human father. Boring.
>added one percentile per additional male participant
Yeah that's not how it works. Sperm will fight sperm from another male, there are sperm cells just for that. The best odds of conception is a single male, only once every 24 hours.
The Queen is pregnant with her late King's heir. Failure to conceive and protect the child will result in some distant male relative, who is widely known to be a huge dickbag, to doom the kingdom with his god awful reign. The party are entrusted with protecting the queen, killing her relative
Fairy Queen is pregnant with another one of the Fairy King's children. Birth will result in some weird new force of nature coming into the world ruled by this child. Might be malevolent or benevolent based on it's innate nature as a fae and how it gets raised. Party has to try to direct it to be a good little fae and help humans and not trick kids into walking off a cliff.
Echidna is pregnant with some awful new monster. This new monster will take up all the negative energy on earth caused by it's Typhon's recent death and be the new King of all monsters. The party must kill it just as it leaves the womb or it will grow into a beast so terrible as to threaten even the realm of the Gods with it's evil. Echidna will end up pregnant again but that's a problem for another age's heroes.
And probably the least invasive, fetishy, and generally just kind of nice use of it; The local shop keeper is pregnant and as such is offering a 10% discount to everyone's purchase during her "Good Job, Husband" Sale. The discount is available to everyone who gives her husband a pat on the back and says "Good Job". The fun part is that she hasn't told her husband she's pregnant yet.
That last one is really sweet.
Good job, Husband.
/That's/ the worrying part for you?
I think it's reasonable for characters to have sex in an RPG, assuming the players are mature and can handle it and also that that's the kind of game they want to play.
Pregnancy is a realistic consequence of sex, but is not a certain thing. For this type of thing, a flat percentage chance to happen seems reasonable.
Spending an unreasonable amount of time trying to invent a mechanic for a real-world thing that isn't covered in the main rules is something most GM's do at some point.
A quick googling seems to suggest that the odds of conception are around 15-20% and it's not really a percentage chance per copulation so much as a percentage chance per month. So 4% per event is probably wrong, but not outrageously or comically so.
So yeah, the worrying part was the +1% per partner deal. Among other things, RAW it's possible to have an orgy with a greater than 100% chance of conception. Also due to vagueness in the rule, anal/oral/intercrural sex can potentially result in pregnancy.
>Journey to the West made mpreg a thing before the internet was even around
For a work about a monk on a holy quest to retrieve scriptures, it is surprisingly filled with quite a lot of fetish fuel.
PCs fuck. Babies ensue.
Pretty good with bad human-like powerful NPCs.
If not I dunno. The oldest trick is probably some royal/aristocracy sheaninigans (the queen can't conceive, go fetch me the Cup of Pomegranates from the Forest of the Moon Goddess). Or crank up to eleven unwanted pregnancy - maybe the widow queen is a pretty cool guy eh, but she conceived and killing the infant of the Divine Line of Divinity is not such a good idea...
I'm intrigued by but maybe we should spice it up a bit.
Not that common actually. I think they weren't a thing in Egypt (which was pretty much the more "liberated" country in the med up to perhaps the roman empire, interestingly enough). They sure were there in Canaan/Lebanon before the Jews, not sure about modern-day Iraq.
They were normal in the Phoenecian and Hellenic worlds, so that's most of the Med right there. Carthage, for instance, had as part of their founding myth that the original women of Carthage (and thus all of their ancestors) were all temple prostitutes from a temple of Astarte, who were all 10/10s. Founding myths tended to be kind of vain that way.
You were so focused on if you could. Did you ever wonder if you should?
Christ, is she having octuplets?
Gotta ask a cite for the greeks here.
According to the historian Strabo, the temple of Aphrodite in Corinth had a ridiculous amount of temple prostitutes. However, due to the city state system of Greece there was a great deal of variety to what was considered appropriate based on the area. Plutarch for example, noted they were generally missing from Sparta, and noted that the likely reasons were that the Spartans lacked a currency based on metals, and so lacked the means to establish such temples, and because peoples behavior was very stringently regulated in the Region.
I had a game where the whole story was them being hired to protect a pregnant medusa as she was taken to become a seer a few empires away.
Damn, some of those are actually pretty good, but it'd be hard to find a group who would think it was *nothing* but fetish fuel.
I don't want to meet the man who has a "Pregnant Corpse" fetish.
>undicks zip
Primo archery target right there.
Given what morathi has canonically fucked if the contents of her belly done have a 4+ scaly skin save I will be extremely disappointed.
>this is my Saturday night
Malekith got enough Good Boy Points sending slaves to the Hags to goo boom boom in his mommy.
>Given what morathi has canonically fucked
What, pray tell, has Morathi canonically fucked?
Pretty much everything from what I understand
Yes. My first plot point is that you kill yourself.
Who gives a shit?
It wasn't a plot point, but one time one of my players fucked an elf till she was pregnant. He then left her like a douchebag.
I've played in a game where shit got weird really fast.
Evil campaign, conquer a town.
PC rapes a woman impregnating her. Turns out she is some nobles relative. They capture said PC and gender change him. The Noble then rapes the PC repeatedly until he (she) falls pregnant.
It was at this point I was like "nope I'm out this is too fucked up"
Leave the group. Apparently they continued on with this story arc.
Are you all here because
>you have a pregnancy fetish
>you are in denial about your pregnancy fetish
>you also are a furry?
1st option for sure. Isn't a pregnancy fetish normal?
>8 hours later
Twin rates are 3:100.
I was thinking that a novel, if not really suitable for normal game, idea would be that if the character got their powers from being pregnant. Like, she got fucked by Zeus and the demigod-fetuses divine power also effects the mother as long as she's carrying it, so now she can summon lightning, or whatever.
nice fetish thread. i hope your players enjoy getting magical realmed
How has nobody mentioned Maista RPG yet?
From what I hear, it's actually mechanically a pretty solid game.
If you think that's big, you ain't seen nothing yet.
Incidentally, the character is a hyper-preg artist's OC that could actually make for a pretty creepy monster in another context. IIRC she's a mistress of a demon lord whose job is to bear children for her master, and can also transfer fetuses from her womb to other women to force them to bear demonspawn.
OK at that point she's just giving birth to a gorilla.
Fully grown.
>The egg layers are preggo
What was in that post? Just curious.
I find it funny that the artist "correctly" (or at least more reasonably) placed the centaur's womb in the horse part instead of the human part, but didn't do the same thing to the arachne in the very same picture.
I mean, it IS a demon
you guy have to read RE:monster
I've always wanted to steal the lore to Nibovian Wives from Numenera but i want to use it on a PC so i feel it would take a decently long campaign to pull off right. PC finds a girly. courtship. bone down. After a few decent long adventures wife is knocked up. come home after one adventure and she gives birth to a demon but she thinks is an actual baby and will fight to the death to protect it.
Temple prostitutes always strikes me as joke made by authors at expense of other people. Like Herodotus mentioned that about Babylonian women had to work as temple whores once in their lifetimes, to me it's just a Greek way of calling Babylonians whoresons.
While the story about all Babylonian having to work as prostitutes in temples of Ishtar at some point is certainly exaggerated (probably as propaganda), temple prostitutes seem to have been a thing in some cults. Greeks had them as well (Greek word for them was hierodule, so now you know where the Tyranid gargantuan creature's name comes from; naming things after women is actually one of the recurring naming conventions with Tyranids).
Umm...may I suggest you draw fromntge sum total of human history?
But in the interim...
Once in a far off land there were a king and queen quite sad. They were yet young but had no heir, this drove the two unto despair. One day whilst walking through the countryside, an old woman found the queen weeping. The woman, wizened by time or unknown circumstances bid the queen the reason for her woe. Then queen offered what would it matter, she could not help.
Humor me, bid the old woman.
The young queen told her of her circumstances, and the old woman told her to leave a clay cup in her castle garden tonight, half full of water. In the morn she will find a red rose and a white rose. Eat the red for a healthy son, the white for a daughter. Whatever you do, don’t eat both.
So that night, she does as told, and in the morninf finds the roses. Problem is, the young queen is both indecisive and a ditz. Just a bit of one. Also she didn’t pay close attention to the old woman.
“If I have a son, he’ll be sure to be brave handsome and strong like his father, but if I have a daughter we’ll be closer but I will one day lose her to marriage to strengthen my husband’s alliance with some other place...oh well, can’t choose. Red and white flower salad for breakfast,”
Soon after the queen was pregnant. And when she gave birth something peculiar happened. A wriggling snake with little arms pulls itself free from within her and climbs out the window to the shock of her nursemaids. Then is born a normal and healthy prince.
The queen swears her nursemaids to secrecy and over the years convinces herself that it was but a dream...until...
The Prince is grown and handsome and brave. It is time for him to take a bride. Taking steed to ride unto the neighboring kingdoms...he encounters a massiive beast. Two clawed hands, massive sinuous curling long body, gaping jaws and horns atop its head. The lindwurm...or lundwurm...whatever younwant to call it.
The monster blocks his path. The prince fears he will need to draw steel and fight for his life.
“Brother,” speaks the lundwurm, “A bride for me before a bride for you,”
The prince returns home to tell his parents of the encounter. The queen confesses to what she thought was but a nightmare, the King says fucking magic is bullshit but tries to make the best of it. Now he has two sons to strengthen his political alliances and sends for a princess from a neighboring kingdom and has the great hall of his strading converted into a chamber for his previously estranged son.
The Lundwurm eats his first bride in the night. They try this twice more, because surely the monster prince won’t do this again. Instead they get three kingdoms miffed at them for the monster related deaths of their princesses.
Still, the lundwurm insists that he have a bride before his brther.
Unwilling to start a war with another aliance marriage gone wrong, a bride is selected from a farmer’s daughter within the kingdom. By this point the whole situation is a topic of great gossip and discussion. The girl is distraut and goes into the woods to cry, and is encountered by an old woman.
“Young girl, why are you crying?” Questions thr old woman, the same old woman.
“You wouldn not understand,”
“Humor me,”
And she tells her. The old woman saves face and realizes she needs to sort out the mess of idiot princesses.
“Okay, on the night of your wedding you wear ten shifts. Before you take off a layer you tell the prince to shed a skin. After he has shed nine, lash him with every birch reed in a bundle until they break, then wash him in lye, soak him in milk, wrap him in the final shift and hold him until morning,”
“What? Seriously?”
“Repeat this shit back to me, commit it to memory and unlike that ditz queen. You hear? I said commit this shit to memory if you want to survive this bullshit!”
“Jeez, okay, fuck! Stop shaking me!”
And moral of this is? Kill serpents?
I did at one point intend to write something like that for a "write something based your magical realm" thread but didn't finish it. Could probably be done as a sorcerer variant or something, with stacking bonuses for casting (and penalties on some other attributes) based on progression of pregnancy.
So. The on the day of her wedding the bride demands to have ten shifts beneath her dress. The lundwurm prince doesn’t seem to mind the appearance of this, and is practically smacking its gob at the assumed tabtalizing thickness of tongiht’s mea- bride. Tonight’s bride.
So they are married, everyone is all mournful as she walks whilst her husband slowly crawls to the hall turned bedchamber.
“Pity that,” “She was such a nice girl,” “There aught to be a law,” “Will my daughter be next?” “Nah, your daughter has a face that could kill a bear, she’ll be fine,” “Take that back you son of a bitch!”
Before crossing the threshhold, the newly wed princess demands of her maids to bring a great tub of lye and a great tub of milk and a full bundle of birch reeds with all confidence and no hesitstion. The maids quickly comply with so forceful an order without question, or perhaps they decide they’re seeing off a damned girl’s dying wish and humor her.
Alone, after the deliveries made, the wurm speaks from his perch on his great bed as his wife removed her dress and only her dress.
“Wife, remove your shift,”
“Only if you shed a skin first, husband,”
The castle hears such sounds as it never heard before on the Prince’s wedding night as he drags scale and sinew across stone floors to shed.
When he is done, she removes her shift.
The beast’s eyes narrow.
“Wife, remove your other shift,”
“Shed a skin and I will remove this shift,”
The lundwurm, like his father, was not quick to recognize patterns. And so it was that this happened a total of nine times. The lundwurm had shed considerable mass with his nine skins, the hall full of scales and flesh, and he bade his wife to again remove her shift.
Instead of untying it, she untied the bundle of birch reeds and began lashing the raw amd soft flesh the lundwurm had until each reed broke.
The lundwurm, sensitive and unprotected as his newly exposed layers had yet to harden, war harried across the hall by her attack. Eventually loosing the strength to flee. The newly wed princess lashed and thrashed with the reeds until her arms ached. Until the bundle was at last depleted.
Groaning in pain, the lundwurm writhed upon the floor of the hall...exhausted and defeated. But this matter was not done. She dragged what remained of the beast to the tub of lye, took a coarse brush, and began scrubbing and cleaning the beast through the pain in the dark of the night well after the torches had sputtered out, spent like she and the beast of energy.
But energy or no, she wanted to live. The lye burnt the lundwurm’s wounds, and she scrubbed harder, as it whined and writhed beneath her minstrations. She bade it stop its bellyaching with annaggressive tone, and it complied, fearing she would again bring to it the lash. The least it deserved for its earlier diet and intentions this night.
Satisfied with the wash, to the point her fingers and hands ached and burned like her arms and fearing the scent of lye would hound her unto her death, she hauled the beast from the lye and settled him into the bath of milk. It soothed her hands from the sting of the lye, and did so too for the lundwurms wounds. She let the beast bask in the milk for as long, as she was able to figure, she had held it and scrubbed it in the lye. Removing her husband from the tub, she removed her last shift of soft and exotic fabric and groping in the dark wrapped her charge in it as it collapsed unto the floor. Holding her arms around, tightly that it could not escape her grasp and perhaps try to consume her yet in the night.
“Shh,” she shushed her husband, “Its over, its alright, its all over,” until the beast she held went slack.
She was of course afraid even now blind in the dark. So close to the monster that she could smell the lingering scents of lye and milk on his skin.
As far as fetishes go, pregnancy is so old it's practically normal, as it is part of some of the oldest works in history it is most likely fetish that was notable though out the ages.
(Also there are a lot of us with this odd taste. And if you need a name for how they are called work it out from my name)
Also hello shitposter, go back to your /pol/ or whatever it was that hold you.
1st one for me.
I think it's not that rare so at least it is not as strange as liking futanari porn....
It is I still had little luck to get Veeky Forums user group for it though. I will probably make a shameless plug here for recruiting possible players.
Well...spiders lack wombs and there reproduction "holes" are actually....ironically closer to where they would be on an arachne then on a centaur (For spiders it's near the middle of there body, so I think for arcahne it could be moved to where the head is)
Though in time, arms gripped as a vice around the lundwurm, she too fell asleep...
Morning came, it was a hushed and mournful affair as the royal court, maids, and onlookers gathered at the gates of the hall.
Would the monstrous prince have eaten his latest bride, despite her not being grade A royal meats? Only time would tell as the maids unbarred the doors.
The king wondered if this would start a trend leading to a peasant revolt on top of his precarious lack of local alliances, there were far more farmer’s daughters then there were princesses in the world, but all people have limits.
The Prince swore to himself, that his brothers appetites would have likely taken a fourth innocent from this world and wondered if he had any chance of ending the beast before he too turned upon the family.
The queen hoped this morning’s sightt wouldn’t be as bloody as the previous three. It made her feel queasy, and rather guilty.
The doors opened, the morning light stirring the naked bride from her place on the floor of the hall as she looked up to see new light proving her survival.
The crowd was shocked to see her, but more shocked at the state of the hall and what wait in her arms.
Shed skins and scales. Some already translucent dried out yet holding their torn or tubular shapes. Splashes of blood, milk, and lye staining throughout the hall amid shattered and broken birch reeds. Dislcarded shifts over assorted possible surfaces.
And there in the bride’s arms, wrapped haphazardly in the final shift, was a sleeping young man who was quite handsome.
The curse of the lundwurm had been broken. And the Elder Prince and his bride remained married and eventually he took the throne. Of course his younger twin did punch him square in the face for eating one of the woman who he was likely to have married himself were it not for the curse, as brothers are want to do, but they lived happily ever after.
Though with more birch reeds and appropriate after care.
And as a followup, with probably far less context or explanation needed, you could also just pull a minotaur or any number of other greek birth stories.
Zues or the equivalent there of stuck his dick somewhere it did not belong and now you got a monster baby or a demigod and that needs resolution.
Well might as well do these three:
>Forest of Pregnancies
Cursed forest made to protect some ancient race from dying out.
Any woman to enter this place will come out pregnant, but longer she stays it it, more dangerous it gets.
But some baren women do seek to enter this place, which looks no different from a normal forest, save for few ruins. This is why this place has a lich living outside it, as he is only thing that can enter the place uneffected, being undead of druidic nature....Always hiding under a mask to hide his true nature.
>Belt of Iron Womb
Protects pregnant wearer from misscarrige and general harm, giving them sort of natural armor as well as increased strength in case they needed to defend themselves and to make general life easier.
>The Three Grass Snake gods
>Victims of murder are reborn with them help of the murderer...literary.
Well as you see there are some people here who enjoy it, so easy solution, just get them to be the players so you all could enjoy it.