How would your party fare against a nigh-indestrictible murderous military robot who is also kind of ditzy ?
How would your party fare against a nigh-indestrictible murderous military robot who is also kind of ditzy ?
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what anime is this?
can you read?
>12 level 1 characters meant for a meatgrinder campaign
depends on what material we are given for making our cheese
>Dark Heresy
Bolt to the face, hope damage dice from self-destructing mechanism don't fuck them up.
This would be a fun game... like a bunch of fresh faced adventurers are forced to try to contend with the dungeon or a haunted town while being chased by what is essentially unstoppable to them.
Only with reasonable players. Most of the players however will try to fight your unstoppable force and get killed.
essentially like gauntlet with those levels where death is following you around constantly
is there a way to stop her without fighting her?
Those god damn mostali are at it again.
Prolly a hard fight but my money is on the Seafaring Slave-Heroes.
Mostali is the name for an race that fits the dwarven niche more or less (less) but they got great technology, so robot=mostali fuckery is a reasonable assumption for a hero in the setting.
Sea faring slave heroes is refering to my group.
Could we just trick her into falling into a pit, and then bury her?
she'd dig her way out, she's ditzy but very capable nobetheless, and very genki too.
Before we answer this question, I need you to quantify the specific meanings of "murderous" and "ditzy". Is she a Chaotic Edge holds-up-spork lolsorandum murderhobo? A serial killer who's so "in her own head" that she keeps forgetting to hide evidence? A soldier who, through a series of wacky misunderstandings, keeps getting blames for all the death and destruction? This is important.
I don't know where the ditzy parts comes in but I recommend watching Black Magic M66. The basic premis is that two combat androids were being transported and their programming was still left in their brains which caused them to activate and kill the pilots transporting them. Instead of burying themselves and their coffins they started acting on their objectives and the military finds out after finding human hikers shreaded to peices along with a bear. This gets the attention of a reporter who, after witnessing the military fighting them manages to disable one (not before they butchered half of the unit and one of the self destructed) and the other continues on it's mission to kill the creators daughter because some how she was used as the target data.
Long story short, a long drawn out hit and run sequence in a sky scrapper ends with the last android coming close but failing because it overheated and the threat is neutralized.
Nigga, I could cut fucking warhound titans in half. Robots ain't shit.
Very poorly, then tend to spend ages arguing over plans only to give up at the last minute and go with the first dumbass idea that pops into their heads. They might still be smart enough to run away, as she doesn't seem to be edible.
You forget all about Sybel.
We'd offer to buy her a parfait; no floofy gal can resist a parfait, robot or organic.
That movie is honestly super uplifting because the androids will stop killing after they get their target and not a single damn person involved even suggests just letting them do it, not even the hard ass military commander. The reporter that fights tooth ad nail to save the daughter? She doesn't even know the bitch!
>but failing because it overheated
Heat Metal, then. This kills the robot.
Which is why Sybel is a good girl even if she drinks, smokes and has no morals.
M-66s have nuclear reactors. And F6 didn't fail due to overheating, the skyscraper collapsed.
That's like the polar opposite of cyberpunk.
Is there a name for that ?
A combination of things. She was damaged part way going up the sky scrapper with the traps the military was setting and Sybal kept her at bey with the magnet trap. She had to dive into the sewers because she was overheating but damage plus explosions plus overheating eventually defeated F6
Pretty good seeing as one of our party members is a ditzy nigh indestructible combat cyborg. I figure they either become fast friends and fuck off for a night of robot drinking and seeing who can hammer throw tanks farather or we get bored of watching them wreck the county side trying to damage each other and yell at the borg we'll be at the meeting with the guy about the thing, come find us when he's done screwing around having fun.
Ceramic City
We have a space ship. Our best weapon is a anti-matter missle, will this suffice?
[panicked screams of "cyberzombie!"]
[assault rifle fire]
[more assault rifle fire]
[the most assault rifle fire]
[shaped C-12 charges]
[sniper rifle loaded with progressively ASPD, Explosive, Ex-explosive and depleted uranium rounds]
[more grenades]
Once everything in the resulting crater stops moving, they throw another couple of grenades in there, bury the debris and go off to get drunk and forget.
Assault rifles don't work.
The grenades don't work.
The charges might work with enough of them.T
Rifle might work.
Grenades unlikely.
In the comic it took a full team of spec ops badasses and power armour to take it down with massive national guard, civilian and property damage and the guy who finally did it being pretty badly beaten up.
That depends, do magic weapons overcome rebotic resistances?
Our level 5 party contains a sorcerer built around fire spells, a fighter with a magical sword, another fighter with a magic weapon and a life domain cleric.
They know assault rifles won't work on cyberzombie, that's mostly to slow it down and get sniper into position.
>Grenades unlikely.
Those are Shadowrun grenades. You can pretty much demolish a building with several of them.
F6 technically was still active after it fell from the skyscraper, so you're going to have to a bit better than that.
These are tough cookies!
In fact, 120 are good to destroy a normal sized arcology.
Nah, terminal velocity isn't usually that much power.
Can it survive skyscraper falling ON them?
There comes a point where you can't accelerate anymore, usually after 400+ meter of free fall.
That's the height of your usual cyberpunk skyscraper.
yep, pretty sure that's what happened to her, and she still got up
Fuck, that's a bit more resilient than normal cyberzombie.
very true
sounds like lots of fun!
You're confusing her with a certain section 9 gremlin, Sybel has a keen sense of moral duty, that's why she works her ass off to expose the government's dirty secrets, saves Feris and doesn't let Leakey steal her story.
Shit, she used her arm as a demo charge and dropped it on herself to reach her target.
And she's also designed to tear tanks open with her bare hands and with her eye laser
Gal walked out of her flat stark naked except for her bandana and her flat is filled with full ashtrays and beer cans.
Well, -that's- not much different from a cyberzombie.
Just need to get close enough to touch her forehead and make her shut down.
That's true, but she doesn't shoot children in the face, or force their dad to shoot them in the face. And she doesn't whore herself out on the interwebz like a cheap sex doll (which even F6 would probably object to despite being a literal doll) or haggle her boss for more vacations; she's always busy busy busy and when she sees an opportunity to help people in danger, she does it. I think we even see her rescue someone from a fire during the credits.
Plus, she isn't an exhibitionist, just a bit forgetful when it comes to wearing clothes
only works for a few seconds, you have to shut her down with an external module after that
Don't forget legitimately trying her luck taking bribes to let someone who did some utterly heinous crimes walk free.
Now that's different, she's just trying to secure her future by stashing up provisions for when things get bad; like a squirrel before winter, you see? She does that a lot.
Counter with a bigger, ditzier robot
like this
Last game I ran party included a robot wielding a nuclear powered combat laser designed to cut through starship bulkheads made up of a carbyne/titanium/ceramic composite. What is this hypothetical ditzy murder-bot made out of?
real tough stuff, she easily withstands machinegun fire and explosions
I’m legit playing a cyberpunk game right now, so we might actually have a solid chance of pulling it off. It’d be a bitch of a fight, but the Terminator-style “killer robot goes on a rampage” thing is a pretty average cyberpunk genre plot.
F6 is not the sort of girl who just goes on a rampage, she only kills people if they get between her and her target. Then again she tends to get confused about that sort of thing
Two queries; can she/it be reasoned with so that violence can be avoided, and is she resistant to phaser fire?
Declare my undying love for her and ask her hand in marriage.
Cleric will officiate, Bard will do entertainment and the Paladin will be my best man.
I just gave the movie a quick watch on Youtube, no, both F6's are unerringly hostile and do not attempt at any point to engage in dialogue, they are pre-programmed with a target to kill and will do nothing else but attempt to kill the target. There was no scene where a laser was used on one, but near the end one does lose an arm to sustained fire from an aircraft gun.
wholesome punk
dunno about phaser, she can't be reasoned with when she's in murder mode, won't even talk back.
The rest of the time she's probably very reasonable from the hints we got.
both M-66*
F5 and F6
Phasers are significantly more potent then laser weaponry, even on a personal scale, basically a small hand-held antitank weaponry at maximum power. Several times it’s mentioned that at maximum dispersal and maximum overcharge a Type-II Hand phaser could significantly damage the superstructure of a fairly large building.
That said, we might take some seriously nasty hits beforehand; Starfleet Officers, even security ones, are mostly trained to use the minimum available force to disable their foes just due to the sheer power of weaponry of that period to avoid needless destruction and death. I’m guessing a full-power phaser blast wouldn’t be strictly necessary, but it might take a few minutes of trying other things before they set to disintegration settings and started blowing chunks off her.
We probably have this handled then, after trying everything else before lethal force of course.
After we blow her to pieces we’ll probably was poetic about cultures that develop intelligent life and then tragically only use it to more basic and primitive ends such as war.
So, if Starfleet weapons are that powerful then why the fuck do they have trouble with Klingons or whatever the name of the evil Spock’s are?
I'm gonna guess you're talking about romulans and probably because any civilization traveling around at warp has comparable weaponry.
Aside from being mostly unwilling to use lethal methods unless their hands are forced? A lot of it has to do with the realities of future warfare in the 23rd and 24th century.
Beaming technology means combat does not take place in non-vital locations most of the time, so you don’t set your phases to “blow up absolutely everything in front of me” because if you’re in an area then you probably want to capture it mostly intact and with as little damage as possible, such as logistics or intelligence centers or perhaps on starships.
In addition, maximum power settings tend to drain their batteries pretty fast. Type-III phasers (phaser rifles) aren’t actually any more powerful then hand-held phasers but they ARE easier to aim at longer ranges due to targeting aids as well as carry a larger power pack so they don’t run out of juice at higher power ratings so fast.
Slow time around her, shunt her into Twilight with advanced duration spell, then analyze her and find Free Council fuckup who set his magic toys loose for some magical spanking.
Granted that at least lorewise phasers have a higher maximum destructive potential, but an M66's eye laser doesn't seem to have a nonlethal setting and while they do require some time to recharge/cool after being fired the beam is invariably adequate to cut completely through people, vehicles, and military aircraft.
The bear and the hikers say you don't even have to be threatening or in the way. I'm surprised she bothered trying a disguise and made it further than two steps without breaking pedestrian necks.
attacking the bear and the dudes was probably F5's idea, she's not quite as sophisticated as her little sister
Id ask her on a date or kiss her etc, my only chance is to fluster her and have her develop an attachment to me.
Shoot her with a bullet the size of her from about 20 miles away, hope she doesn't see it coming and dodge.
>Spend single favour from ARES Johnson
>Calling KE on their position at the cyborg
>Rigger brings out the "WAR RIG, with 100% more guns"
>Decker tries to slip in and change her Friend/Foe Indicator.
>Everyone else grabs assault cannons and opens fire.
Also, pic related.
I run a MAID campaign.
The knife toting vampire hunter would die horribly, thinking she has a chance.
The ex-drug cartel mob has a pretty good stash of firearms, but those doesn't seem to work well with that cyborg. It is pretty cautious, so she would flee after seeing the vampire hunter die.
The vampire would have the best chances of surviving; the ability to turn herself into mist is useful like that. Her 4 dimensional dress would decide the battle: can she snuck a powerful enough weapon out of the airplane carrier they work on?
I am a nigh-indestructible murderous military robot who is not that ditzy but still pretty ditzy.
>Polymorph any Object
>The robot is now a puddle of gasoline
>Use a match
apply headpattenings
Really big magnet
A group of highly trained mercenaries under the payroll of the Galactic Government in a Space Opera setting. Power armor, alien races, bioengineered supersoldier races, plasma and rail weaponry. I think they wouldn't have too much of a problem.
befriend it
Mah nigga (and mah waifu)
But seriously, the Orbital Frames were OP as fuck.
All it says is not this one baka?
are you haveing brain plorblems?
Quick question, are they resistant to Stands?
Follow up: do they have any hollow spaces inside them?
nope and yep
Then we probably win, since one player's stand is all but unstoppable in any dark spaces, no matter the size...
And I don't think the Hippocratic Oath applies to murder-bots.
>Also ... I will utterly reject harm and mischief/Practice two things in your dealings with disease: either help or do not harm the patient/I will use treatment to help the sick according to my ability and judgment, but never with a view to injury and wrong-doing. Neither will I administer a poison to anybody when asked to do so, nor will I suggest such a course. Similarly I will not give to a woman a pessary to cause abortion.
Nah m8, I don't think anything implies that a doctor can under any circumstance deliberately use their skills to cause harm/injury.
Can it be seduced? This is important.
Not the guy you were answering to but...
I think destroying a murderbot would be no different than destroying any machine.
And if destroying said machine saves lives...I think the answer is clear.
Unless you (the character) are convinced the cyborg is alive, there would be no reason not to destroy it.
only when she's not in combat mode
This'd work. Just be safe not to do it when she's venting or you'll burn your hand.