What kind of permanent damage have your PC's suffered and lived through?
What kind of permanent damage have your PC's suffered and lived through?
Well, my human wizard is now a lich. Not by his choice, mind you.
I set my character on fire in the search for deeper understanding and transcendence.
Ohhh boi.
He was a psionic caught by anti-psionic inquisition which wanted to check why he didn't go mad despite having to overload himself at least once. The examinations were tortures and after I stopped rolling for the GMs table of random effects I had the following:
>fear of needles
>completely bald
>needlemarks on whole body
>little madness and spatial paranoia
>sexual prowess
Pity we didn't continue the session.
One of my party members has lost his hands and legs, though he has managed to replace them with...substitutes. My wizard became a lich by choice at the cost of his eye, all the loot he had (party stole it), and any future loot (My dm thinks not needing to eat or sleep means my character is too powerful for loot).
Lost his right eye and all feeling on his right arm.
I've received nothing beyond a few scars because I'm a cautious guy, but another player once lost his left arm half way through the campaign. Got eaten by a shapeshifted tentacle demon thing which we then burnt to death with extreme brutality.
He was MEANT to get a mechanical replacement after spending all of his money commissioning an artificer for one, but unfortunately died in an unrelated incident before it was finished.
I mean, does dying count? 'Cause he's done that twice, though True Resurrection removes any physical scars.
I had a space bounty hunter lose his eyesight because of a radioactive dinosaur.
And an elf wizard get his right arm ripped out of the socket by a Dire Giant Squid.
Our games are rather silly.
>mute / torn voice cords to a unfortunate crit in very first session
Character was combat-oriented so it didn't really matter. Also lost arm later on but got kickass prosthetic.
>mutated beyond recognition
effectively game over, though technically the character lived on
>castrated at chargen
Not sure if the DM was paranoid about taking the game in wrong direction or plain and simple sadist.
Flogging. 200 lashes.
Her hymen was torn apart.
A character of someone I was playing with now has a permanent dent in his head from being hit with a pipe by a mutant.
Another character just seemed to be a magnet for losing appendages. Ended up with a prosthetic leg, eye, and hand.
Dark heresy 2nd edition has some fun critical injury tables
I thought I was gonna die after 20 during my army days.
I wore a ring of regeneration in a cerebral blot.
>MFW three turns in
>that spoiler
Ok, how the everloving FUCK did that happen? Did the inquisitors switch to the wrong kind of torture?
I was murdered. But I survived.
Was this during the darkages or something?
Due to the GM using a variant crit system, my Star Wars Saga Jedi had his left foot amputated a minimum of four times.
Had a player get a shard of a mad pop star's trillion-faceted personality plugged into his mind. She almost deleted his mind twice, and he signed up for it entirely to grab her ass.
>"God damn it, that was a brand new foot!"
>dm is using odd crit, injury, and health system he wanted to try out
>idea was to just run the campaign otherwise normally to see how it pans out
>dick gets amputated around 5 times 3 of which we forgot about until we looked at previous notes as well as numerous singular or double testi losses
>still landed a wife and sired kids near the end
>lost every organ and limb at least once but limbs, eyes, and "innards" hit double digits including his brain twice
>had part of his soul burned off by a critical failure of the parties medic trying to cauterize using some magical device he was only barely competent in the use off
>had Abstracts amputated by a douche of a lich like Innocence, Child-like Wonder, Ennui, and Evanescence
>character was actually par for the course as far as the rest of the party went
Near the end everybody joked we were all prosthetics on paper right down to the brain so we must have been a new breed of warforged with a very real ghost in the machine.
DH inquisitor
>hand cut off five times
>lost both legs once
>a lung
>part of the chest
>who knows how much blood
Thank the Emperor for regeneration psy power
We didn't get into details, thank God, so I can not say how could this happen. Maybe something about psionics?
rofl what? Dude, no military in any civilized country uses flogging as an administrative punishment. Stop talking out of your ass/watching Starship Troopers.
Character got burnt to a cinder by a well placed spell from someone really high above our level. Wasn't even supposed to be there. I wanted to see an epic high level fight instead of flee.
Technically, she's a decaying corpse. She's got a balm that stops/slows the rot down enormously, but she hasn't managed to get her hands on it for a few hours one time when she was... brought back to unlife? So she now looks like a few hours old corpse.
She also has seen far too much. While in a demon's fortress, she got infected with a psychic madness that exagerates her worst trait (excessive need for knowledge) and she never realized it. So in turn, THAT brings her to amass Things Man (and Undead Woman) Wasn't Meant To Know.
And uh, she sort of struck an untold deal with Asmodeus. He was tempting her with forbidden knowledge. That can only turn out well. She's changed alignment as a consquence of learning said knowledge, so it's also a form of brain damage.
On the outside, she looks a bit off, but it's the inside that's fucked up. Still saner than 2/5 or her teammates.
My character lost two ears because he couldn't act well in front of a guard, which bit them off. He also lost an arm in the attempt to recover a rifle from a box with razorwire traps.