GMs of Veeky Forums; how do you usually portray Queens, Empresses or other female rulers in your games, seductively or incorrectly ?
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Unless she needs a son, seductively outside she gets the job done, unlike TG.
They need to wear frilly dresses as a symbol of office.
Bumping..for science
Sexuality aside
A woman being a queen in most places in history mostly means she was cold, calculating, paranoid and a one of the biggest dicks in her court.
People forget that being made a queen or Empress for HUMANS mostly means you either:
>Were the last, WORST hope of your lineage and were constantly reminded of it, also they dress you up as a man.
>You were brutal enough to kill your male siblings.
>Married the emperor, and when he died somehow clung to power.
For non-humans though you can get some good examples from TES:
>You got empress Katariah who got the crown when her husband went FULL SHEOTH (btw NEVER go full Sheoth ), and had to constantly fight insubordination from her own court who saw her as a youngster and a citizenship that think of the entirety of Dunmer people as traitorous elves.
>OR The wolf Queen of Solitude.....if you ignore the lack of flesh you get exactly the archetype of a dark empress: Brutal, Cunning, likes only her children and willing to do ANYTHING to win.
Wait...I didn't really answer the question.
So I'd start with Katariah; a young woman risen to power because of circumstance.
Drop her immediately into a power struggle with her court (they should take any opportunity to embarrass her and point out her weaknesses) See:
Leading up to an attempt at poisoning her in public (I'll leave it up to you if she was disfigured or made crippled).
From there FULL POTEMA; Dark deals, assassinations, a scene where she kills one of her own supporters for talking against her.
From here we can either; mellow out and slowly let the situation cool down. Maybe she got some much needed mental support, or seen 'the light', saw an apparition from a god telling her to quit being a bitch, maybe she was in control the entire time and the time is just right to cool out. Who cares?! The point is: she solidified her rule and we can usher in an era of stability.
>+/- the payment for all those deals she made.
OR we go full REIGN OF BLOOD:
>Prosecuting mages.
>Killing people for believing in a Church that refused to align itself with her.
>Attacking neighboring kingdoms just to keep the political powers too busy to fight her.
>Selling her citizens to necromancers for services
>Paying orc tribes to attack provinces both inside and outside her territory.
The all shebang.
>Paying orc tribes to attack provinces both inside and outside her territory.
does she also hire orc warriors to give her access to the resources of their homeland and their weapon supplies
>make a dude
>take away reason and sense of responsibility to a degree
>roll 1d100 for competence and capability of the character in question
>finish it by making him a chick
Works like a charm
>take away reason and sense of responsibility to a degree
>roll 1d100 for competence and capability of the character in question
If you roll a 1 how do you explain how a person with no competency, reason, or capability got into or remained in power?
Depends on the setting
And the culture of the orcs in question
Can't make them too cultural else why is she hiring them instead of actual barbarians
Delicious green sausages
It happens all the time in democracies, so why not in a monarchy? People aren't exactly rational about who they choose to follow.
>easily manipulated persong gets put in charge of a country/whatever for various reasons
Doesn't even have to be a female for that.
Who said that she can't be manipualted/receive outside help?
Its safe to assume both Queens and Princesses are well versed in politics and highly educated. Their sexuality is just another tool in the kit.
I run a campaign where women are considered the equivalent of cattle and do not wear clothes. If they are born ugly, grow fat, show unwanted independence, or have some kind of disability, they are killed to make way for those who are beautiful, sexy, and compliant.
Basically, there are no queens. A king may have a preferred "wife", but she has zero political power and would never dare speak her mind in courtly matters.
Ferengi Campaign?
Literally every woman in the setting, or are there instances where a foreign woman comes along and has to navigate the culture?
More like an exaggerated dark ages campaign. One of the major plot points at the moment was a woman who hated her place in society and attempted to elevate herself with culture, knowledge, clothing, etc., only to be assassinated by a secret society that enforces the country's misogynistic culture. The PCs are currently working to bring them down.
The country the PCs are in, specifically. There are other countries in the world with different values, but I haven't really explored them yet outside of just naming them.
Is it some sort of Gorean ERP game?
No. Outside of base descriptions (every woman is a naked supermodel lol), there hasn't been any sex. In fact, my PCs are far more against the idea then I thought they would be. They've gone full white knight.
>They've gone full white knight.
>being against half the population being treated like castle is 'white knighting'
>Tfw you play a character who doesn't have classical liberal ideas in a setting where such values have never existed before and this is the norm said characters have grown up with
Oh c'mon. Are you telling me you wouldn't grab a titty or two if it was completely legal?
Anyway, the inquisitors are a cabal of blood hunters that are now rallying the country against the PCs, because while THEY are against it, pretty much everyone else loves it, from royalty to peasants to even most women, as they simply don't know any better. It's created a very claustrophobic atmosphere and excessive use of shapechanging magic, because most people know what they look like and want their heads.
Well, if you think about it, such a society probably would have a lot of dissent. Men tend to care about their daughters, usually, and having her get killed for being too ugly in someone else's eyes would be pretty galvanizing even if you believe in the general idea of women being that much lesser to men.
>cucks go full white knight in a dark ages setting
Every time
I can imagine, but the requirements of such a society existing would probably counter-act human nature to a massive degree.
Worst we have today is the Arab World.
user, most people in the actual "Dark Ages" would be against this.
There are rebels, but I admit I haven't done a very good job of making them relevant. I planned on incorporating them soon as a way of giving the PCs some place to rest between jobs, but because I'm an asshole I'll probably have their hideout burned down a week later.
Even in the arab world, there are men who will kill for their wives and daughters being mistreated (By their own standards).
You say that they're cattle but what do they really do? Are the kept at home as slave like housewives? Is there a sort of polygamy arrangement, where fathers negotiate a dowry for their daughters hand? Can they own property, hold jobs or office? Can they go outside unsupervised?
yep, just in the arab world, the religion and culture have brewed into this fucked up hurricane of shit. but these human inclinations still exist, despite the culture beating it out of them to some degree.
They are allowed outside with supervision by a male member of the family. There is technically no marriage. Rather, if a family wants a female, the male lead of that household negotiates a price (like the trading of food). They cannot own property, hold office, wear clothing (aside from an amulet or a ring indicating ownership), or even speak unless spoken too, which is rarely needed as even basic education is discouraged.
user, your magical realm is figuratively worse than even the Sharia Law. And yes, i'm 120% sure it IS your magical realm, all the telltale signs are there.
I would have imagined that they'd wear a lot of jewelry if their owner was rich, just so he could show off his wealth. What about tattoos or brands?
What's the country's economy like?
Uh, yeah. It was meant to be a shitty, depraved place. Mission accomplished?
I hadn't thought about turning them into ostentatious displays of wealth and power but that's not a bad idea. Mind if I steal it?
The city they are currently in is called Volunkind. It's coastal and the economy is based around naval trade. Do you mean the economy of the entire country? I must admit, I haven't gone full IRS with it.
If she's queen consort, it depends. If she's queen regent, it depends on whether she's using her son to consolidate power or just making sure nothing falls apart before he steps up. If she's queen REGNANT? In her own right? You'd best believe she takes her job seriously. Do not cross her.
>dark ages
You're both a magical realmer and a complete faggot.
Women weren't treated like chattle in the middle ages, no matter what your gender studies professor might teach you
Check here for more details on women having social power and actually, gasp, shock, owning businesses as far back as the 1400s.
And of course, we all know it's secretly your magical realm.
Hell, I've done settings where people (mostly women) are enslaved en masse, but know what the difference between mine and yours is?
My dick isn't out when I write them.
He'll probably say the books are an evil conspiracy or some shit simply because he disagrees with them
I tend to vary them. Usually have a basic competence, but then it's more down to the culture they're in.
I mean I'm English, so we've got a history of what few Queens we do have being either scarily competent or surrounded by people who are.
Along with large amounts of jewelry, women could easily be made to worn clothing that doesn't conceal anything. Thigh-highs, opera-gloves, capes in case of rain, etc.
Just the city is fine. If they're a coastal city then it's easy to access by boat, I can easily imagine sailors and pirates and merchants hearing tales of a city across the ocean with naked ladies as far as the eye can see, so sex tourism must be a big thing. Prostitution would be a big money earner in this economy depending on what the sexual attitudes are like.
Look up Dejah Thoris, if you haven't already.
Honestly what offends me more is not transparency. What offends me is evident disinterest in other parts of the setting (and even parts of the setting the action is taking place in) and "i might introduce alternative to the party only to burn it down later haha :)".
You can fetishpost as you like, but if you don't have a solid setting to give to players, you are a triple-A grade shitler and a blight upon the GMs everywhere.
Hey, I'm an equal opportunity perv. There's even an angel brothel.
Its pretty much correct. Nobody voted back then. yet women still owned property, which lets be fair is the equivalent of having any say in society.
They weilded alot of soft power too, especially in the household. Remember that being pussy whipped isn't exactly a new invention. its existed throughout history.
Again, Princesses/Queens are highly educated women who operate in their families interest.
I am the other dude. But I do think that if the pcs were born into that society they should have a different mindset compared to modern ideals.
Also I think that dude's setting fucking sucks because it's dumb and to magical realm, but it wasn't my point.
As in, a brothel that employs angels as whores?
Yup. Wizards summon angels (mostly eladrin), planar lock them, and then they're tortured and brutalized until they become submissive.
Jesus Christ.
Oh totally, my point is, no society could survive for more than a generation acting that way.
Just because bitches be ugly doesn't mean they can be killed.
Let's go off a 1-10 rating here and assume anyone below a 6 is executed.
That's 30% of your population.
Then another say, 5% for rebellious women and so on.
That means the bottom third of your society no longer has wives, or is somehow sharing a communal wife.
Your policy is about half as damaging as the Black Death on a 'good' day.
Make it anyone below an 8 and you're 3/4 of the way there.
Then you have the problem that after say, 10-20 years those 8-10s are going to start sliding. So the average life expectancy of a woman will be ~30-40 years I'd wager.
Meaning their children are mostly going to grow up unaware of what ugly women look like, meaning those '8-10s' are now the new 1-10 scale.
Cut off the bottom 60% or so again and repeat.
>failing to realize this is an obvious feminist with hilarious "come on you'd grab a titty if you could" posts
Normally i'd agree, but this clearly isn't a normal dark ages kind of setting.
Even if it's an obvious feminist, maybe pointing out that their world view is about as accurate as the strawman they just tried to throw together and people actually, you know, had lives and shit before the sufferage might make then contemplate their megalithic naval for a few moments.
My only queen...
you know what does sicken me to an extent? recently the BBC was beating the drums about 'women getting the vote 100 years ago' with a 1918 bill. They failed to also point it out it also lowered the voting age for men as well. The men who were ineligible were fighting and dying in one of the bloodiest and stagnant wars ever.
fuck the sacrifices of the men during WW1, we have wammin - The BBC, probably
If i'm gonna magical realm to that extent, i'd just create a humanoid race where 4-5 females are born for every 1 male.
A-are they orcs and or goblins?
let the dude play out his fantasies. As long as the players are fine with what they're dealing with it's ok.
So it's a worse Menzoberranzan.
Things actually get quite entertaining if these people lay eggs instead of carrying a singular fetus in the womb, with population essentially bottlenecked by virility and sociability of avalible males instead of female vulnerability. There are many ways you could proceed from here, and obvious harem mode is probably the least fun one.
God, don't get me started.
The last thing I have to say on the matter is that a huge swathe of the suffragettes turned on a fucking dime when the war started and joined the White Feather movement.
You cannot even begin to comprehend my rage when recently a bunch of complete and utter cunts decided that the white poppy was a 'perfect' substitute for the Red Poppy on remembrance day to remember 'all the victims of the war'
Which is of course, conveniently, only sold by one group, Peace Pledge Union, who make a mint on them mind you and not a penny of it goes to soldiers.
Don't even get me started.
The highest ranked woman my players encountered for any appreciable length of time was a Countess. She was blunt, direct, and no-nonsense. She developed a fancy for the foreign knight in the party but didn't really try to seduce him, just lightly flirted with him.
I totally forgot about that. Thanks fellow britbong. Fuck Suffragettes and Fuck Comrade Corbyn for sympathizing with another group of terrorists.
Everyone I've talked to agrees they shouldn't be pardoned, infact we should hold them up as how to NOT make social change.
They could be, i didn't think that much about it.
This race could have different cultures and for each, polygamy could work differently.
One could have the male being dominant and expecting obedience from his wives, as one might traditionally expect.
But another could have a first wife being dominant over the husband and the other wives.
Or you could even have a society where the females from "cliques" and those groups pick a husband together, being equal among themselves but dominant over the husband.
>Wanting to bring such a perfect system down.
But y tho?
Also means more Orc Veeky Forums cheese-cake if they outnumber men.
The rules of succession to the imperial line were a bit different in ancient China when compared to medieval Europe. The position of emperor was hereditary, but with each emperor having a veritable army of wives and concubines, picking exactly which heir would succeed his father was not always an easy task. Additionally, the position of empress was awarded to whomever was the mother of the current heir. If an heir fell out of favor, a new heir could be picked and a different woman would become the empress. Struggles for the emperor’s favor could become life-or-death situations. Perhaps the best example of this took place in the Han Dynasty between Empress Lü and one of Emperor Gaozu’s favorite concubines Lady Qi. The two conspired and plotted, machinated and schemed against each other for years all so that their sons would become the next Emperor of China. In the end, Gaozu died and Empress Lü emerged the winner. What happened next can best be described by Mr. Gascoigne:
“After [the Emperor’s] death the empress had no further need of polite methods. Lady Qi’s son was poisoned, and any girl within the royal household of whom Gaozu had been unusually fond was killed. The fate of Lady Qi herself was particularly gruesome…the empress cut off Lady Qi’s hands and feet, gouged out her eyes, burned her ears, gave her a potion which made her dumb, and threw her into the lower part of the privy and brought visitors to see the ‘human pig.’” (G.B. 50)
>Mentioning Corbyn and the IRA in the same post
Are you trying to get me a ban for going full /pol/, Jesus Christ user.
I'm (Correction, was) a labour voter but god, I seriously, fuck Corbyn and very importantly, fuck the BBC for going full social justice.
I swear, we need to build a wall a few miles north of Northampton, right across, just brick off the South and go full North Korea.
I bet they wouldn't even notice until the micro-breweries started running out of exclusive, 500 barrels a year tops local ales in Soho.
Cornwall can be on our side of course, they've had it just as bad as anyone.
Ancient China's fucked, my dude.
It completely comes down to where, during that time period, you were, user. That said, ultimately, class has always been the ultimate decider of quality of life. Queens may have gotten shit for being women, but they were still queens, after all.
To be fair thats as realpolitic as I'm gonna get. but running PG psuedo fuedalism is acceptable, but don't claim its 'realistic' its 'fantasy'
I have a vampire queen. I'm proud of the way I portrayed her.
Way back when, the king died without any immediate heirs. After a short civil war, an unrelated lord ascended the throne. He ruled, his daughter ruled, then his daughter died without heirs. Cue another civil war. The future queen's husband was distantly related to the first king, so he was a fairly popular candidate, but he was killed in the war. The future queen took his place and ended up winning the throne. She was later cursed by a god for ordering a temple razed to make way for a new one. For a while she ruled with an iron hand, going out at night and culling the weak. Things went like this for a few hundred years. It's kind of hard to get rid of someone immortal if they never sleep, eat, drink, and can wield a blade better than anyone alive.
She's ruled for 400 years now. She looks like a small, innocent grandmother. Her people are noticeably taller, stronger, and smarter. Her country's fields feed half the continent. She only drinks the blood of animals, slaves, or prisoners of war. She is beloved by all her people and each one would die for her.
So basically Queen Liz if she was immortal?
>It completely comes down to where, during that time period, you were, user.
>That said, ultimately, class has always been the ultimate decider of quality of life.
Ah, but that's what I'm arguing by throwing in the link to that book.
It's a surprisingly interesting subject. It was a shit time for everyone, but women owned businesses, were involved in legal battles and apparently frequently enough punched business partners in the streets that it was an ongoing problem.
The whole 'women have always been chained in the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant' thing was a cultural blackwash by the Victorians in order to justify their own insanely prudish system of morality, based on the Renaissance blackwash of the dark ages they in turn enacted to make themselves look even more enlightened in contrast to the hairy, wall-eyed dirt farmers of yesteryear.
AND Women were considered in the same category as children. so, they got an easier time for any crime committed.
And engaged in multi-century eugenics, yeah. I was going to give characters from the Nation of Salt two extra levels to start with, but the closest any of my players taking that was one of them marrying a woman from that nation. She's a foot taller than he is.
>Literally the Draka
>A woman being a queen in most places in history mostly means she was cold, calculating, paranoid and a one of the biggest dicks in her court.
As opposed to any hereditary ruler? You are either a calculating, dominating asshole, or you are dead in a year.
I mean, yeah, in most systems, the male heir inherits a huge, functioning propaganda system, but if he is inept at using his inheritance, he is bait, same as any queen mother. But of course his sons will try to make him bigger than he was, rather than eface his existence.
>those tiny hands
context of that image?
Those gloves are really tight
All women in my games are QUEENS.
Are you really asking for context or are you asking for source?
GuP Hside
Nah, China is as it always was, the center of the world. There was a period of chaos, and a change of dynasty, but you are the one who is fucked, dude.
>Are you really asking for context
yes, I have no intention to read that manga, but I'm really curious about that
Context was a one-word response to how I portray queens in my settings. I find it easier to run kingdoms where the nobility is ruthlessly decadent and protected by ex-adventurers turned guard through promises of immortality.
Google gives me two things. Do you mean the orc chick from WoW or the dystopian Earth setting?
>A woman being a queen in most places in history mostly means she was cold, calculating, paranoid and a one of the biggest dicks in her court.
Not really. It mostly means she was a pawn of some other individual or group of individuals. Like a lot of male monarchs, of course, but with women it was easier
Harsh and iron willed but good at heart and motivated by a noble purpose.
Puppet Monarch.
>She will never notice you
Why live?
That seems antithetical to actual dark ages living. In the Dark Ages subsistence was at such a premium that every member of a community had to contribute. Only a very rich/powerful man could possibly afford to have a woman who does nothing but sex and bearing children.
Extreme sexism is a disease of the wealthy and decadent. A woman's proper place is in a supportive or assistant role to her husband. Farmer's wife prepares food and guards against daytime burglars, an executioner's wife maintains tools that need changing during the process (for instance the tar bucket when hand chopping), and so forth.
user you might be a sociopath, cause basic empathy is a base component of most humans.
What an angry little feminazi you are. Are you one of these people?
Europe's thinkers are all on my short leash,
My army is the beams to Peter's marble ceilings,
I have dogs, falcons, horses, I adore the hunt,
And around me are only hares and deer.
I build palaces and cut heads off
Whenever my fancy strikes me
I have biographers and portraitists,
Yet one thing I covet still
>Stand down, Catherine
>The Tsarist crown
>Your dream may once
>Remove from your head
I am a woman ahead of my time,
The courtship of pale flirts does not amuse me
Their soft fingers fill me with dread,
I prefer hare and deer in their stead
One or two would in their shame
call me a horny German whore
and under my whip run naked
in the snow around the Kremlin
I need a lover fit for an Empire,
Who would take me as I give with all my might,
Who would be both lord and true subject in the flesh,
And replace the hares and the deer
One who would understand, like me,
This foolish court of assigned roles
And, among obsequious heads
Gave me pleasure or pain
>...were I ever
>to find such a lover
>I know well, I do,
>I'd bring him to the block
Nah. Ruling queens in a salic-style regency have REAL problems trying not to be fucked up by kings' brothers/uncles/fathers/cousins/whatever.
Funnily enough this means also that in general women married into the family are the kings' best allies. Why? Because their position can be recalled easily, while everyone born into the family is a) there to stay b) can have funny ideas abou succession, or at least being in the palace and deciding that they want something.
So yeah, your bride (and her family) should actually be your staunchiest ally.
That being said I generally have "liberal" (ahem) settings in which the genders tend to have the same opportunities (or the societies are liberalizing) so...
I can only hope she has a secret army of were-corgis at her behest.
Plenty of queens regnant have been sluts, inept, or impotent.
>No argument
There's your sign.