So I've been thinking. If the men of Krieg are so emotionally blank and disinterested in anything on shelling heretics, and the women are issued with fertility pills to make them turbo horny, wouldn't that result in the krieg mating process being a guy staring into space, angrily humping while thinking about how he would much rather be ramming a bayonet through an alien, while the kriegs female screams fuck awful hentai dialogue? He asshole reborn as an ass-pussy? how her baby would drown in a sea of cum?
So I've been thinking. If the men of Krieg are so emotionally blank and disinterested in anything on shelling heretics...
I had never thought about this, but now I do. Thanks OP.
>Play Kreig
>Mfw now I can't not remember this post when playing
>>the no nympho kriegfu to repopulate the imperium with under rowboat girlyman and cawl's direction
I didn't need this feeling
Semen pool. Work like this: every men wank in the pool/well of the regiment at least once in the day, so when any woman wants a baby, they bath in the pool. So the baby is not from anyone, but the whole regiment.
Sorry, my english is bad but I think you can grasp the basic concept. Also explain why is everyone so detached.
>the women are issued with fertility pills to make them turbo horny
I always assumed Krieg used in vitro fertilisation and artificial wombs.
Source on the greentexted part?
Probably so
>Be Chaos worshipper
>Find Extra-horny krieg woman.
>Secretly quadruple her Horny Pill dosage, and add in a Chaos classic aphrodisiac.
>She practically assaults the Krieger during the next mating.
>Krieger does his approximation of a shrug and gets on with his reproductive duties
>Halfway through she gets so enthralled that she goes full Warp-daemon, courtesy of the aforementioned Aphrodisiac.
>Krieger, no hesitation grabs the Bayonet from the side of the bed and starts stabbing the Daemon-girl, even as she's humping him.
>She orgasms to death.
>TFW got the entire thing on film.
>TFW it becomes an instant classic across the entire Warp.
>Even manages to sell well in Khornate circles.
And that's how I broke into the Warp Porn industry. What about you?
Farking rouge traders
You know, I didn't think a Porno could be funny and still be good, but Farking Rogue Traders proved me wrong. The first time I saw it I laughed mid-orgasm so hard I had to clean it off of the ceiling... of my Next door neighbor.
Anyway, good on you, you're basically a legend. Was the thing with the Golden Cucumber a practical or Warp effect?
Do you like Farking Rogue Traders?
Their early work was a little too Slaaneshi for my tastes, but when Death Kocks of Krieg came out in '41, I think they really came into their own, chaotically and artistically.
The whole porno has a clear, crisp sound, and a new sheen of chaotic possessionalism that really gives the film a big boost. He's been compared to Doomrider, but I think Trader has a far more bitter, imperial sense of duty.
In '41, Trader released this, Catachan Cum Crews, their most accomplished film.
I think their undisputed master piece is "Scene 7 - Barking Toad Bonanza", a section so disgusting most conscripts probably don't probably don't listen to the chanting. But they should, because it's not just about the pleasures of conformity, and the importance of Imperial Law, it's also a personal statement about the imperium itself.
"let's just get this over with, designated breeding female"
Didn't they have a successful branch out in the Eldar sectors? Seeing some uptight Farseer scream and moan about the superiority of Human Cock was something I never thought I'd see.
Krieg is one of few places the admech allows cloning, I suppose it's reasonable there are natural births tho.
It's not cloning, it's artificial wombs.
That is not what happens. Krieg children are made invitro using semen and eggs harvested from Kriegers. Sex is alien to the Krieg. Stop foisting your stupid /d/ headcanon onto the Krieg.
make me
You guys are lucky. Mine was "3 Nurgs and a Birth." The funny thing is I'm actually Tzeentchian.
Let me tell you, it was hard enough finding a Nurg-girl who could still give birth, let alone one who's asspipe wasn't swollen shut, AND a Nurg who's Dick wasn't could still maintain an erection, AND a third Nurg-girl who could masturbate to it all.
The climax scene though? Where Cherisa puked on the baby right as the semen and Shit slid under it? That wasn't planned. It was originally supposed to be her just squirting on it.
Still, it's not all bad though, being the manager for Cherisa Chunks. My paycheck from each of her films is more than enough to fuel the rest of my schemes and hobbies.
I was thinking something more along the lines of Krieg women literally raping their largely apathetic men.
Also could work.
what the fuck is wrong with you people why is this what you focus on
>tfw no Dom-Kreiger GF to manhandle you and make sweet, sweet loyalist love to you
Life is suffering...
I heard they did some Malalic stuff some centuries ago, is it true ? if it is could anyone tell me if it is worth my time ? I am into malal and it's hard to find good warp porn (Most have girls who are clearly undivided dressing up in black and white).
sounds like that cumjar. will there be a caricature of an equestrian seated in the middle?
wait so Krieg is r9k the planet?
More or less. Just add more autism and Veeky Forums
Not even Slaanesh would be turned on by a cum jar.
It's Krieg. I think the point is that it isn't sexy by any means at all.
>children of the trough
welcome to Veeky Forums, also known as sfw /d/
Remember when Winston Smith described sex with his wife in 1984?
I imagine it just like that, but on a 40k scale. A room of hundreds of beds, all creaking in unison as the Krieg Guardsmen do their duty to produce the next generation of Death Korpse.
The Guardsmens' eyes are blank, staring at their partners' eyes but not really seeing them. The women are much the same, having been through the process dozens of times before.
In exactly five minutes all of the Guardsmen finish, rolling off the bed and coming to the attention position. Commissar should orders, each Guardsman marches into perfect formation.
The women left behind walk to the natal unit as simple servitors come in to slips the beds and make them once again. Ten minutes after the last Guardsmen has left the building another crop of pairs fill the room.
>Remember when Winston Smith described sex with his wife in 1984?
no, explain?
As soon as he touched her she seemed to wince and stiffen. To embrace her was like embracing a jointed wooden image. And what was strange was that even when she was clasping him against her he had the feeling that she was simultaneously pushing him away with all her strength. The rigidity of her muscles managed to convey that impression. She would lie there with shut eyes, neither resisting nor co-operating but submitting. It was extraordinarily embarrassing, and, after a while, horrible. But even then he could have borne living with her if it had been agreed that they should remain celibate. But curiously enough it was Katharine who refused this. They must, she said, produce a child if they could. So the performance continued to happen, once a week quite regularly, whenever it was not impossible. She even used to remind him of it in the morning, as something which had to be done that evening and which must not be forgotten. She had two names for it. One was "making a baby," and the other was "our duty to the Party."
Thank you user. I was scanning through my copy trying to find this passage.
There was a thread some time ago that addressed this point, along with some other aspects of Krieg life. Pic related. Read to the end, the payoff isn't immediate.
And /k/.
True. I can't believe I forgot about that, since I'm a part time /k/ommando... I must pray to the /k/ube for forgiveness...
I haven't heard that phrase in a long time.
>chaotic possessionalism
>the spermatozoids have tiny dragon wings
that's adorable
They use in vitro/artificial methods to meet their quota
>Humanising what are in effect 40k's Clone Troopers
Just face the facts, Kriegers are dehumanized creatures that do not even have active stress-coping mechanisms because no personality is allowed to grow in any individual. Repeated cloning and recycling of their gene pool seems to have bred human machines that are fit for nothing else but war and that is fine, Krieg is one of those places that produces human robots so that normal humans of other worlds don't have to die.
They are not cloned for fuck's sake get your lore right.
As a Krieg autist, I can state soundly that you're wrong. While the Vitae-Womb process is as you explain, many women are still capable of being impregnated and there are naturally born Kriegers.
Also of note is that any Krieg Females actually in the Korps would be sterile and that would not be irregular because of the high rate of sterility on Krieg.
Using clone troopers is a terrible example because Syar Wars has gone to incredible lengths to do just that in almost every adaptation they appear in.
Both Clone Wars series, Republic Commando and even the original Battlefront games did a great job of making you empathize with the clones and show how despite their templated nature they still could be individuals
Still not the stupid fetish shit these anons are memeing
Be that as it may, sex still occurs. Dead Men Walking features a paragraph where a Commissar thinks back to a visit to Krieg. Dull eyed and heavily pregnant women were common.
In many ways, Krieg is very similar to the Dark Eldar. They have both natural born and artificially produced children. Only instead of making it easier for the females, it's to make up for the sheer amount of females incapable of producing who are shoved off into the Guard, servitorized or killed in the live fire drills on the surface.
It's not actually quite clear. I've always assumed the "vitae-wombs" used by Krieg are similar to the artificial wombs used by Dark Eldar (possibly the same, hence Admech considering it tech-heresy), but one of the Krieg novels implies they reproduce normally, but use technology to speed up pregnancies and ensure the women are effectively continuously pregnant.
This, thank you
I don't remember that being mentioned in the books. Only that women are impregnated very shortly after birthing. In the Black Library descriptor for one of Lyon's books, it's mentioned the Kriegers are "vat-born".
In this descriptor we can see they're "batch bred", which means produced in high numbers. This lends itself to the idea of vat-birthing systems rather than the vitae-womb being a bio-enhancement program/supplement.
Left for Dead outright refers to the Kriegers as vat-born.
An interesting thing, though, is that I've too theorized that the AdMech might be using stolen/bought Dark Eldar tech with the Korps. I've known others to come to the same idea. It's interesting so many people think the same thing about the vitae-womb system.
>Stop foisting your stupid /d/ headcanon onto the Krieg.
That's what 40k lore is though, headcanon and fanfiction. BL novels are just fanfiction someone got paid for. There's no one at GW reading over this stuff to make sure it's consistent with previously established facts, and it contradicts and retcons itself constantly. 40k is supposed to be about /yourguys/, even when your guys are an established faction. The setting is fun because it's open to interpretation. Stop ruining 40k.
I wasn't the guy talking about stopping headcanon. Sure, you can make it about whatever you want for your guys.
But I'm still talking within semi-established lore. You're free to work with whatever you like, but my personal taste is working within what's been laid down and working off of it.
>The flashbacks are coming
>Even moar flashbacks