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40k is fun!

>“I’m sorry sir, you’ve thrown off the emperor’s groove”
Wat do, and what’re you up to

Ask him why he hasn't painted his army

I've said it a million times, when the Tau codex comes out.

The Thousand Sons player in the last stream
>mixed warpflamers with Inferno-bolters and Soulreaper cannons
>gave some of their Tzaangors autopistols for no good reason
>fielded a defiler and a lone mutalith with no clear purpose
>took flickering fire on their daemon prince which is literally useless in the list
>didn't give any psyker prescience
>gave an Aspiring Sorcerer Diabolic Strength which is not only useless on a shooty unit but also against the rules
>tried using Vengance for Prospero on Tzaangors, a unit that doesn't have Death to the False Emperor
>didn't take any enlightened
>actually fielded a fucking Heldrake
>brought a lone predator that didn't even bother to switch out it's autocannon turret as their only anti-tank
>to top it all off was at a 30 point disadvantage

How are GW this retarded.

It’s a time effort, everything except five of those basic bois have been painted since the first image for the new custodes stuff leaked (Jan 10?). it’s been pretty breakneck but at this rate I could have well over 6k points of models done by march

Enginseer here, I met this Krieger girl the other day and took a liking to her. Her body may have been finely toned flesh, but here mind was that of an efficient machine. Do you think a cyborg like me and a soldier like her could start a relationship?

Why the fuck you make a thread so early?

Now you understand why there are balance issues.

How many models can that bigger-than-spartan transport again?

Isn't it implied in one of the Ciaphas Cain books that kriegers are all augmented?

First for proposed rules for female guard infantry:
>cost 70% of the points needed for a male guardsman
>Roll d6 for each of your female guard models
>on a 6 they are pregnant (+1 wound)
>on a 1 they are pre-menstrual (+1 melee attack)
>when a pregnant female guardsman is removed roll a dice, on a 6 add a random male or female guardsman

>Before a game starts, you can use a 2 CP stratagem (Virile Commissar) to make all female models in a infantry unit pregnant. Must have male commissar attached to the unit for this stratagem.




Should i get into Death Guard or wait a million years and pray for Khorne faction release?

In all seriousness you could use this for gsc.

Still a baby with a lasgun and helmet is appealing.

Augmented, but still flesh. Like a lesser version of the Space Marines.

Large horde lists are super fucking annoying Veeky Forums and that's what my regular opponent is playing right now. Why did GW skew so hard towards making large infantry units so good?

>Can attach female ogryns (Butchgryns) to army

Use the hilarious old khorne 'zerker models

Deagthguard now khorne when they release.
Ally with khorne and use both.

Unless you just hate deathguard models or aren't really into them just wait.

There is nothing wrong with helldrakes in 8th. They are great anti air units and annoying as fuck to deal with

>paint thinning tutorial
Now, can they explain why GW sells thick paint instead of thinning it for me? Or why I might want thick paint instead of thin?

Male guardsmen should get bonuses for Celestine-tits-in-face tier female commissars.

Can I do this for a squad of Ogryn?

It's a strange age we live in when people have to pray for a Khorne release.

>Intolerance will not be tolerated
>Female guardsme- I mean guardswomen do not have to take orders from male commanders and commissars. If your models are male, roll a D6. On a 2+ the order is ignored and your female guardsm- I mean guardswomen FUCK stop saying I am a sexist! may do nothing for the turn as they picket and protest the patriarchy.

>why did gw make armies with a lot of models good

Here's a question. Why didn't they do this earlier?

Don't give GW ideas. They'll take the opportunity to sell you less paint

>Or why I might want thick paint instead of thin
Would you rather pay the same price for even less paint?

Anyone magnetize Floetid Bloat Drones before? I got two of them from Dark Imperium and am thinking of picking up an actual kit to magnetize them for various loadouts. Do the limbs fit between the two kits?


Because you get more of it?

Are you seriously asking why they don't sell you less of a product? Christ is this why gw stays afloat?

>Mods banning funposters again
God I hate this place sometimes

>Now, can they explain why GW sells thick paint instead of thinning it for me?

Just buy "air" paints if you are that lazy.

Just buy their air paints if you are a scrub that has to have his hand held for fucking everything.

I durfed and delet cause I meant the other way round.

But I snerkled

Yeah but some of the large body count armies are actually cheaper than some of the more elite armies depending on the box. So sure sales plays a part but holy shit.

Reposting this, since there was barely any feedback on it :

>Adeptus Custard Outrider +1CP
Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike : Hurricane Bolter, Misericordia, Eagle's Eye + Warlord : Superior creation - 164pts
3x Jetbike, 3xHurricane Bolter, 3xMisericordia - 282 pts
3x Jetbike, 3xHurricane Bolter, 3xMisericordia - 282 pts
3x Jetbike, 3xHurricane Bolter, 3xMisericordia - 282 pts

>Imperium Soup Outrider +1CP
Celestine & Friends - 250pts
6x Seraphims, Inferno Pistols x4, Plasma Pistol - 109pts
6x Seraphims, Inferno Pistols x4, Plasma Pistol - 109pts
6x Seraphims, Inferno Pistols x4, Plasma Pistol - 109pts
Callidus - 80pts
Culexus - 85pts

>Astra Militarum Cadian Battalion +3Cp
Company Commander - 30pts
Company Commander - 30pts
Infantry squad, Lascan, Sniper : 62pts
Infantry squad, Lascan, Sniper : 62pts
Infantry squad, Lascan, Sniper : 62pts


Is it good enough ? What list could hardly be beat by this one ?

got some normal marines on the cheap and I'm planning on using some green stuff to give my completed squads some tasteful cod pieces or bottox to show up primaris chads.

From what I've seen it's just an attachment that should be easy to magnetise.

Don't know if you should bother though. Fleshmowers are cool but they can miss which sucks, they're a good choice for a melee prioritizing model but meh. Avoid heavy blight launchers.

Yes. Promise to post pics

This would balance the lower point cost and other bonuses.

>Never assume my gender! (1CP)
>Your male commanders and commisars may identify as female for 1 turn. If they do, add +1 to any order rolls and bonuses for female guardsmen.

As far as what can beat it? Currently the pre-dominant Ynnari style lists with tons of reapers, shining spears, good screening, and great psychic powers. That said there currently isn't much that list doesn't beat.

>some are cheaper
I'll be that guy and say in doubt that. Unless you get some really old shitty models off ebay I really don't think so.

Pred Autocannons are better than Lascannons. Especially for Killshot.

>Unless you just hate deathguard models or aren't really into them just wait.
i like the vehicles, and the foot troops don't look bad, i like their bulk

squad morale restored

Really? Well that's a bit of a shame. Does save me some money, though. Which is good. Also I typically hate magnetized stuff since they can be loose and I'd prefer more static nicer poses.

Be careful I ran a slaanesh terminator team covered in penises and balls. Wasn't allowed to use them in the store..

I thinking of making a berzerker have a bananna a hammock and a hairy bare chest to compliment my fem zerker.

Good luck with your endeavor my man.

Do space marines have regular penis inspections?

My chaos soup list was cheaper than my Eldar list.

Flesh mowers are good, like not good to warrant buying an entire box just a good sidegrade.

The kit also comes with some nice bits to change how your bloat drones look too.

I dunno. Like I love my bloat drones and I would totally consider buying a kit to make more unique ones.

Straight up penises or what?

Kind of gay though.
The banning thing, not the penises.


Some chapters may have a specific chapter serf who's granted that honour.

I for once am glad they do, we don't need another busty/cheetah user

Chaos is a horde army? Like you get a fuck ton of daemons and cultists or something?

That's nice to hear then.

Yes, it´s called "weapon care".

Yeah 80 cultists, 30 PBears, 30 Tzaangors. The most expensive part is the enlightened

>I'm glad mods hate fun, we can't just tell namefags to fuck off ourselves we need mods to ban everyone

Man this feels like a nanny state.

What do you think apothecaries are for?

its designated penis inspector trap.

>poor fags

>shills excusing lazy product design

And neither of you actually answered the question.

If Games Workshop is trying to reduce the entry barrier so that more people play, that means reducing the "skill" (ha) barrier, as well. Their paints don't come with instructions on thinning, outside of a GW rep shoves a brush into your hand and gives you a lazy drybrush tutorial.

And while some noobs go online or to the local store to seek communities in search of help, more are simply discouraged and leave the hobby. The rabbit hole in this hobby can go as deep as you want, but GW "easy" paints would probably result in fewer wallets giving up the game.

Remember that this: youtube.com/watch?v=ivwsROu7xEs
is what they're up against. There are so many tips and tricks that we veteran players take for granted that new people don't know. This review didn't put in a lot of research, but shows why you shouldn't just buy their easy kits for your cousin unless you plan to spend a week showing him how to do it yourself.

they were flesh and purple colored with cock and balls as a bagpack. I just had to take those off. Wasn't banned just couldn't use them. Slaanesh is pretty gay.

Alright cool.

Actually I'm kind of impressed they're cheap. Figure gw would really take advantage of that.

>tell namefags to fuck off
It never worked, glad fucking carnac won't show its face now that he was banished along cheetah and busty user

>my paints need an instruction manual
holy shit fucking kill yourself, faggot

>shills excusing lazy product design
>saying that GW would be greedy enough to charge the same price for half the paint makes me a GW shill

>busty user

tell me more

>upside down pauldrons
>dat everything else

Its like they never heard of scale models even though its been a thing for almost a century now.

What happened to Curzefag?

Big Celestine tits right in my face

Of course a lot of list CAN beat any list. My question was more the other way : what list CAN'T be beat by this one.

I designes this list specifically against Ynnari soup in fact :
-If you get first turn, you have a crazy mobility, allowing you to pull off turn some 1 charges, set up your assassins where their bubble will disrupt their psy phase.
-A LOT of potential first/second turn charges that ignore chaff and terrain. The callidus can deepstrike really close, everything else fly.
>Very mobile dakka : Negate the -1 to hit and hidden behind covers
>Seraphims are THE characters killers : 24" potential moves followed by 4 melta guns to the face.
>The callidus mess up a lot with their first turn strategems
>The culexus will mess up with their cast the turn he deep strikes in in a wide area. 18" is huge.
>No great target for S8 weapons : Everything is either T3 or T6.
>Invs everywhere or cheap bodies (Seraphims are 5++ rerollables (roughly 4++) when around celestine).

How am I going to thin the paints to the consistency I actually WANT if GW has done it for me? What if they're too thin and I can't use them to paint for my next compo? I'll be forced to use their competitor's paints, meaning they lose my business.

You lack abstract thought and as such I believe you are underageb&

>want to play GSC
>even 1000pts list is too costly
>noone is playing 500pts in my area
>neither Kill Team
>Shadow war is no longer sold in my country and ebay is not a thing because shipping costs are terrible
Should I just give up and play Necromunda if I want skirmish 40k? Getting two battleforce boxes for 1000pts is just to much - a lot of armies can be build on 1000pts just with two start collecting boxes

>Implying beginners will intuitively know how to thin their paints properly, use them sparingly and to take extra care in cleaning their brushes.

Same reason why you’re an angry manchild user, nobody taught you any other way.

Well, it's the only gun in arsenal or Astartes that loads blank ammo.

>you need your product to be idiot-proof so retarted newcomers with no common sense can get good with no effort

Guess what you can do, user. You can go online and read/watch painting tutorials!

Newcromunda doesn't have rules for GSC. It will, eventually, if the game lives that long.

only has 3 houses so far

Why did the Emperor make primarchs and marines sterile?
Though we don't actually know if the Primarchs were sterile.

it's almost as if learning is part of a hobby

Hopefully at long last followed his great idol's example and offed himself

You can't deepstrike close to them because they're going to exert control via rangers and guardian screens so get past that idea.

You are mobile but they've got a stratagem they can pop to re-stack a -1 to hit.

Seraphim are nice but you still have to be closest to the character and having seen and played next to the top table guys at LVO - they're literally in units.

The Callidus is an interesting addition which hurts their first turn strat use, unfortunately not their pre-game strat use.

The culexus will do nothing but get reapered off the table. He is literally just reaper bait.

Ultimately its an interesting and I think competitive list but it isn't stopping the list that won LVO.

What retard made this fucking decision
>Black ops space marines with retarded rare equipment
>The ability to use necron swords and rappel from a screaming fast jet without killing themselves
>Cant even slap a jump jet on a librarian

to fix dark reapers
>max unit size 6, including exarch
>only fire mode is the heavy2 str5 shots
>exarch can still upgrade to aml if they want

will people still bitch?

>Why does the world punish me for being ignorant

You know it's a good thing they don't do this for you. If you just paint normally people will laugh and immediately try to help you. If your did just a mediocre job you would likely never try to learn.

It's like a kick in the nutts, and now you are on your way to getting better.

Because the Emperor didn't want marines going around fucking bitches and making marine-human hybrids. He wanted mankind mature genetically on their own, without his direct influence.

I'd actually hard set them at 5 models - no more or less (the 3 or 4 units of 3 with reapers is still unacceptable). Instead of always hit on a 3+ give them a permanent +1 to hit.

On a scale of 1 to 17, how hard it is to assemble and paint AdMech?
That's the only thing that scaries me off

See user’s point here -
>And while some noobs go online or to the local store to seek communities in search of help, more are simply discouraged and leave the hobby. The rabbit hole in this hobby can go as deep as you want, but GW "easy" paints would probably result in fewer wallets giving up the game.

Guess what many beginners wont do user - Go online and read/watch painting tutorials!

Yeah I know, but it seems to be the only alive skirmish system in my area

holy shit thats gay wtf

I mixed up the links. No, that makes you the poorfag. Airfags were the excuse shills.

Mine don't, but only because I've been in the hobby long enough to learn shit.

I admit that I wasn't born into this world with an innate knowledge that I need to add water to my paint, and that I thickcoated an entire army back in 4th before I learned from other players.

I know people who know about my hobby but couldn't tell your the difference between thin glue and medium glue. They are called, "normies with other hobbies." And that's who GW needs to sell already-thinned paint to, if they want to sell their minis to them.

This is it in a nutshell. I understand how horrifying and obscene you think it sounds, but yes. You need to idiot-proof your product in order to keep those idiots hooked. That's not rocket science.

I wish the world still worked this way, I do