Army and Skirmish Warband builder > City generator > Art Database >
GW will probably ruin her monster form making her ugly and flat
Brandon Collins
Monster girls a shit.
Robert Kelly
based OP image
Jayden Wilson
Prophecy points and Malign Portents. Which work best for your army? Assuming using matched play and getting 3 points per 500, so 12 points for a 2k game. Also keep in mind that you regenerate these every turn, and any hero can be a focus for them.
Falling Star gives you:
1pp: Reroll a failed unbinding test. 2pp: Reroll a failed armour save for the interpreter. 3pp: Pick a friendly unit wholly within 18", reroll saves of 1. 3pp: Friendly unit wholly within 18" gets a 5+ save against mortal wounds after suffering 1. 4pp: Add 1 to your power of death roll (another MP mechanic). 5pp: Pick a unit wholly within 18", add 1 to their shooting.
Bloodied Skull gives you: 1pp: Use at start of battleshock phase. Subtract 1 from all units. This stacks if both players do this. 2pp: Pick an enemy unit wholly within 24" of interpreter. Enemy unit can't run and must half its movement rounding down. Doesn't work on fly. 3pp: After an enemy unit does a wound on a model wholly within 6" of interpreter, enemy model suffers 1 MW. 4pp: Use in hero phase. Pick an enemy unit wholy within 18", roll a dice for each model. 6+ you do a MW. 1-5pp: Hero phase. Pick a friendly unit with wounds char of 5 or less. Bring one model back, this costs 1pp per wound back on that model. 5pp: Pick a friendly unit wholy within interpreter in combat phase. Ignore rend when making save throws.
Black Void gives you: 1pp: Pick enemy unit wholly within 12" of interpreter and are garrisoned, within 3" or on terrain. They suffer 1MW. 2pp: Pick friendly unit wholly within 18" of interpreter. Unit can move as if fly. 3pp: Pick friendly unit wholly within 18" of interpreter. Unit can charge even if it retreated. 3pp: Hero phase. Enemy command abilities are 6" shorter. 4pp: Start of opponents shooting. All missile weapons are 6" shorter to min of 3". 5pp: Hero phase. Add 2 to all casting rolls but reduce spell range by 6".
Jonathan Moore
Anthony Diaz
Wont be used by anyone and banned from tournements
Oliver Watson
Could unironically be true, with the mysterious extra soul-sucking faction described in the new Battletome
Charles Turner
Very bad post
Luke Myers
wouldn't mind a new death faction with some of the TK aesthetics
Brayden Parker
Thx Mr Japmoot. I've been having this annoying thing where I keep getting this "ISP/country/IP blocked due to abuse" for a few days, and then it comes and goes at random.
I hope It doesnt come back again... :( I havent posted anything ban-worthy, so its kinda annoying, considering I only post on Veeky Forums to talk about my little toy soldiers.
Anyway, /aosg/, what are you guys working on? I'm painting my Princess, and waiting for the shade on my Trebuchet to dry.
Big Damsel Tits right in my face
She really does have huge tits
Brayden Perry
Are Putrid Blightkings a good addition to a chaos mortals army? I have a full undivided Slaves to Darkness army atm. Looking to expand.
Blake Sanders
So I haven't really paid much attention to AoS since last fall. Have I missed anything important? New armies or general rulebook?
Picture for my bois.
Kayden Phillips
they are solid, they only become "powerful" in nurgle aligned forces but I enjoy them
Cameron Phillips
Balemoon gives you: 1pp: Pick enemy unit wholly within 18" of interpreter after 1 or more models flee from battleshock. 1 more flees. 2pp: Start of battleshock phase. Pick enemy unit wholly within 18" of interpreter. Enemy unit loses d3 bravery. 3pp: Start of enemies movement phase: Pick enemy unit wholly within 18" of interpreter. Unit can't retreat. 3pp: Interpret at your opponent's movement phase. Pick enemy unit wholly within 18" of interpreter and is also more than 6" away from any other enemy units. They suffer d3 MW. 4pp: Combat phase: Pick enemy unit wholly within 18". -1 to hit for that unit. 5pp: Start of opponent's movement phase. Subtract 1 from all move, run and charge rolls for lal units.
Writhing Serpent gives you: 1pp: Interpreter can unbind as if a wizard. 2pp: Combat phase. Pick enemy hero within 1" of interpreter. Reroll wound rolls of 1 against the hero. 3pp: Pick friendly unit wholly within 18" of interpreter after getting picked. Give unit +1 hit if they have lost 1 or more wounds. 3-5pp: Pick enemy hero wholly within 6" of interpreter. Roll dice equal to the number of wounds they've lost. Each 6 is a MW. 3pp for hero, 5pp for monster hero. 4pp: After opponent makes a charge wholly within 18" of interpreter. They must reroll it. 5pp: Hero phase. Enemy units mist subtract 1 from hit rolls while they are wholly within 9" of interpreter.
Red Mist gives you: 1pp: Hero phase. Nearest enemy unit within 12" of interpreter suffers 1MW. 2pp: When enemy retreats wholly within 18" of interpreter. They can either stay still, or suffer D3 MW and retreat. 3pp: When opponent makes a charge wholly within 18" of interpreter, they must roll 1d6 instead of 2. 3pp: Enemy shooting phase. Enemy units subtract 1 from all units wholly within 12" of interpreter. 4pp: Hero phase. Roll a dice for each unit on battlefield (Friend or Foe). 6+ they suffer a MW. 5pp: Hero phase. Pick enemy unit wholly within 18" of interpreter. They suffer d3 MW.
Angel White
Well, I could literally just give all my dudes the mark of nurgle and make them extremely hard to kill so its sweet. I really like the look of the blightkings
Hudson Hall
Going full on Warherd for Malign Portents -- anyone else??
Jose Young
So what Death models do you think we'll get, and when do you think we'll get them?
Noah Campbell
working on grinding my way through this gordrakk and his fel orcs with my frostlord by charging his whole army alone. I got a mystic shield and the everwinter is on fortifying frost, let's dance
Chase Ramirez
bcr user, I'm new to the force.
I've got 1 Thundertusk (Only magnetized the rider, so it can be huskard or lord). 1 Beastriders (Can be Thundertusk or Stonehorn) And I'll soon have 1 more Huskard/Lord of either variety.
How would you suggest I use use them?
Also are any of the finecast options good? (I've got Icewind assault + SC).
Jack Ross
I just finished reading the story stuff in Malign Portents and there was fuck all in there. Did I miss something or has GW screwed me over?
Carson Ramirez
Can't wait for my queen.
Kayden Thomas
>mars master b in the background muh nug
Wyatt Baker
Not sure if we are going to get new models or when but i really want to see more spooky ghost like a GW version of Mournghul or some kind of ranged unit
Colton Hall
Poor cowboi.
Juan Hall
Nothing besides this weeks preorders really. Been a quiet time for AoS in terms of meaningful releases
Mason Jenkins
Stormcast. Nurgle. Notably some neat Malign Portents characters, minus the requisite nod to Stormcast.
William Richardson
Nurgle got a tome, Death got a tome with themes around each mortarch and nagash rather than subfactions which cause people to bitch to no end. Snake aelf ladies gonna be released soon, but no date yet. Malign portents is a campaign and also a new chapter in the game narrative, to move it past realmgate wars fully. Nagash go all angy about people stealing souls, so is now on a crusade to make everyone un-dead.
Christopher Fisher
>soul suckers Que?
Noah Butler
Why are you not building a huge trebuchet on 160mm base?
Benjamin Bailey
the finecast options are not good. in order of usefulness: frost sabers suck, however they are extremely cheap and have good move. they can round out the points in your list and then babysit an objective so your big guys can go crash into something. not a bad choice for 2 or 4 of them.
yhetees are okay if you ignore how shit their armor is so any incoming rend-1 damage just melts them (6" pile in is real sneaky, inaccurate but decently numerous rend attacks, fast). problem is they do basically what mournfang do only worse, while not being cheaper enough to be worth it, and a god awful ugly finecast sculpt.
icebrow hunter is just a sad overpriced no buff, no prayer, no spells, no rend, 5+ save hero with a terrible warscroll. his deepstrike is well written, and skal battalion is cheap, however the good deepstrikes in this game put useful units somewhere, rather than 300pts worth of shitheads that will get bodied by anything at or over 180. skal can steal an objective if you're playing against someone bad, but avoid it in real games.
For what beasts to use: Currently I use a frostlord on stonehorn and a frostlord on thundertusk. they are probably too expensive, but you need that 3+ save (and 2+ with mystic shield, re-rolling 1s from everwinter) more than you need point efficiency or your guys will just die. huskard used to be the go-to for thundertusks since they can heal, but on a 4+ it fails too much and with their worse save they just die. I don't use beastriders at all since they are worse than 4 mournfang (who have similar damage and double the wounds). pic related math
note that in the future, with ghb18, our monsters could be buffed to be good again, in which case huskards/beastriders and battalions might be worth playing.
Logan Watson
jesus just post the mean and standard deviation, anyone who doesnt understand wouldnt care about your graph anyways.
Ryan Gutierrez
What do you use for your spells? Butcher ally?
As for Battalions, I like the Eurlbad personally. Guessing its too costly though?
Also do you know when GH 2017 will come out?
Lincoln Cook
Ayden Adams
>3pp: Pick friendly unit wholly within 18" of interpreter after getting picked. Give unit +1 hit if they have lost 1 or more wounds. This, with Daemonettes. I see myself using it all the times.
Also, the Serpent is thematic.
Nathaniel Richardson
frogs a best
Tyler White
>What do you use for your spells Butcher with cauldron is the way to go >Also do you know when GH 2017 will come out The new GHB will be released every summer
Andrew Murphy
2x butchers with cauldron. the maw spell is actually pretty good, though random. mystic shield is required. and the +1 to hit cauldron effect turns 4 mournfang into reliable cleave, aoe heal is nice.
eurlbad is imo the most playable battalion currently. the mws are good, and huskard damage adds to his mounts hits too. can't use a frostlord for it, have to take beastriders, and the battalion cost is the same as 2 mourfang, which means you're more fragile with 4+ save monsters and fewer models, but great damage and I've ran it a lot in the past.
ghb18 should be july or august.
Bentley Johnson
I think the best part of the Malign Portent books was that Tzeentch having multiple competing minds and how Nagash got away with his pyramid without Tzeentch spotting his deal.
Aaron Fisher
I think that's the best eurlbad list you can run
Allegiance: Beastclaw Raiders Huskard on Stonehorn (380) - General - Blood Vulture - Artefact: The Pelt of Charngar Butcher (140) - Allies 4 x Mournfang Pack (320) - Gargant Hackers 4 x Mournfang Pack (320) - Gargant Hackers 4 x Mournfang Pack (320) - Gargant Hackers Stonehorn Beastriders (360) Eurlbad (160)
Total: 2000 / 2000 Allies: 140 / 400 Wounds: 103
With 3 start collecting boxes you can run over 2500pts of BCR - I think it's the cheapest army right now.
David Hall
Will GW ever update the Skirmish supplement or give us a new rulebook for playing with handful of dudes? I want to paint and run some beastmen so much but they are not even worth allying right now
Jackson Rogers
I heard the Malign Portents had new rules for Skirmish and Path of Glory
Jason Lee
Sup aosg, how are frogs of nurgle? Always liked the model but unsure how will they fare on the battlefield. How do you play em? By looking at them they look typical FW "im just better than everything else"
Cameron Lopez
just some new artifacts and command abilities and a single battleplan. No new models beside heralds
Lucas Nelson
You're right.
Samuel Gomez
>BloodSeeker Palanquin >Prince Vhordrai All stuff made from pre-existing kits
40k got a lot of these too.
What are other kits you think can be assemble as new units? What would you like to see?
Jace Lewis
Yo mates can someone rate my fleshy list. I've got two options here.
Allegiance: Flesh Eater Courts - Delusion: Defenders of the Realm Abhorrant Ghoul King (120) - General - Trait: Completely Delusional Varghulf Courtier (160) - Artefact: The Grim Garland 30 x Crypt Ghouls (300) 6 x Crypt Horrors (320) 10 x Crypt Ghouls (100)
Total: 1000 / 1000 Allies: 0 / 200 Wounds: 78
Allegiance: Flesh Eater Courts - Delusion: Defenders of the Realm Abhorrant Ghoul King (120) Crypt Haunter Courtier (120) - General - Trait: Completely Delusional Crypt Ghast Courtier (80) 40 x Crypt Ghouls (360) 6 x Crypt Horrors (320)
Total: 1000 / 1000 Allies: 0 / 200 Wounds: 82
Which do you like better? Dual Courtier or Varghulf? I could swap the Horrors to Flayers in the first list, but not the second.
Jose Martin
Go with Varghulf - I heard it's a must have for FEC
Matthew Adams
That's what I've been hearing too, suppose I just want confirmation. Most times I've seen him in BPs he largely whiffs his attacks and the screech is usually shite. My idea was that it's better to have two heroes to renew my squads over one.
Daniel Cox
Just grab your dudes and give both lists a try. It always looks so smart on paper but the real game is quite different. Just have fun and don't be worried about losing - that's how we all started
Asher Scott
Well, one means I'll have to grab a Varghulf, and one means I need to whip up a Haunter and a Ghast. But I guess I'll need all three at some point, too, huh?
Jackson Nguyen
Be ready to buy a box of horrors just to assemble all three as courtiers and kitbash a Varghulf if you don't have one. Also remember to magnetize your big dudes - it's not hard at all and is cheap as fuck
Brandon King
So I take it that great weapons is the best option for Grave Guards?
Angel Miller
Oh yeah I already got magnets. Hope they're the right size. And yeah like I said up there, I'll have to get both lists at some point.
Whats a good way to kitbash a Varghulf? Or is the resin dude pretty okay? I can't decide if I like him or not.
Easily, but you're not gimping yourself by taking shields. They look much cooler.
Elijah Morgan
yes, they're for cheap expendable damage. if they die after they attack who cares, regen them.
Cooper Taylor
Unless you are running LoNight, and happen to fight a fair amount of low rend units then yes.
Samuel Fisher
Nagash Battletomb pdf when? I want to read the fluff
Leo Sullivan
I'm not a great fan of citadel resin/finecast. Well, I'm not their fan at all. Personally, I would be 100% okay with a heavily modified flayer. Add some bits like bones, use a specific head that is not used by any of your models already etc. Give him a cool alternative paint scheme and call it a day It's already uploaded - the first mega iirc
Jace Cox
Found this reaper dude. Probably easily converted to a Varghulf, but maybe he's a little too wolfy?
Plan B is a heavily converted Flayer/Horror dude, though. I've not messed with fine cast but it only has shitty reviews.
Sebastian Nguyen
Why does the back of the new Dispossessed Warriors rebox show show a barrel as a runic icon option when the box does not come with a barrel bit? >inb4 my picture is sideways.
Anthony Edwards
I really like her model and I'm a big fan of reptiles so I'm excited for her other form...but I am not a good enough painter to justice to those faces.
Is there any hope for new clanrats or skaven infantry anytime soon? The Shadespire warband is a nice addition, but I'd love some updated night runners.
Elijah Perry
Wow that's a lot of effort for a range that's basically squatted
Anthony Morgan
Do you mean discontinued empire stuff or stuff that was in the empire range and is now split into sub-factions?
Landon Flores
Nah, no rats in sight. All we have model wise for releases are Snek Elves and that's it so far.
Brayden Baker
>basically squatted >gets Allegiance abilities in the book >gets reboxed >is mentioned in one of the new Malign Portents releases
Why are some of you Anons like this
Cameron Peterson
thanks dude.
i assume the points are in 2017 update book?
Jacob Ortiz
USPS says they delivered the Knight Vexillor I bought today, but it wasn't with the rest of my mail. I wonder I should proxy a relictor in its place or just change the list to use a chariot relictor instead
Daniel Edwards
the points are current if you scroll to the bottom. the points for other units can be found by referencing the substitute warscrolls and checking those points.
Dylan Turner
>is mentioned in one of the new Malign Portents releases Oh cool! Which one?
>the sate of your bretonnians You should be ashamed. Get to work and regain your honor
Joshua Powell
memes aside SCE actually has a lot of variation and fun tactical things it can do while a lot of other armies just move forward and fight with nothing special involved
Grayson Wood
how the fuck
Luke Wright
I also think they'd be cool to build and paint if you played to their strengths, they're supposed to be the immortal heroes of mortals, so make them heroes. Rather than SCE #18 in those dopey helmets with identical weapons, make each one a character. Cloaks, extra stuff, personalized weapons, alternate heads. The reason they're so fucking boring is because people build and paint them like tactical marines.
Cooper Johnson
Poor guy
Cameron Howard
>most supported army in the game >most and most frequently released models >feature as the main characters in all fluff
yeah poor guy is right...
he should have been playing Shadow Blades
Hudson Young
Yep. You get cool gore, tattered skin, and some bone (which I'm sure you're used to). Do you have someone on top?
Matthew Collins
Nothing wrong with playing brets but they do not belong in AoS.
Carter Martinez
Speak English please.
Julian Green
Lmao what the fuck is this
Asher Taylor
>SCE actually has a lot of variation and fun tactical things it can do >one of most OP army can do whatever brainlet want and still winning >interesting
Joshua Stewart
Because SCE are tactical marines
Elijah Powell
It's a pity that GW skeletons are so dully. I honestly loved painting my TK skeletons and Mantic's generic skeletons and totally-not-Grave-Guard. And even GW Grave Guard. But the generic skeletons are just suffering.
Ethan Diaz
>thinks beastclaw raiders or kroak vortex take skill