Send Dudes, doesn't have to be 40k
Send Dudes
Robutt dudes incoming.
Colors are primary white, red inner coat/secondary with glossy blue armor plating.
My AdMech dudes are from Forge World Aldris VII.
They're tasked with restoring ancient blueprints recovered by the exploratory fleets of the Adeptus Mechanicus and deliver functioning prototypes for the tools and weaponry they recreate.
The planet has been surrounded and under siege by Orks from every side for millennia, holding their ground against the never-ending green tide. This generations long conflict and the breaking of several Waaghs trying to prove their dominance over the remaining Ork warbands in the sector by finally krumping the AdMech, their forge has taken on a reputation as being able to constantly keep (re)building everything and anything, as the experimental tools of war they reclaim from the blueprints are always tested on whichever Ork Klan is currently buzzing around the planet's surface.
This has led to the peculiar development that the Ork's influence and opinion that it's possible for them to get everything to work actually does cause every blueprint they attempt to rebuild does, in fact, work. While inside the Orks' psychic influence.
The moment any prototype leaves the sector, the practically immediately fall apart, effectively delivering a heap of scrap to their superiors on Mars. This has caused Archmagos Tolra Darus to be in a near constant state of anger and fury against the "damn sabotaging Greenskins", fully unaware that it is merely their subconscious opinion of the World that causes things to work and also stop working.
Nonetheless, him constantly being ripped of chances to climb into the higher echelons of the AdMech and not gaining additional support from Mars itself caused Darus to make the fight against the Orks a personal vendetta, constructing a personal assault frame in order to take on any Warboss challenging his Forge World by himself and venting his anger against them that way.
As Necrontyr, the Gotrekh Dynasty was a small and militarily unimportant Dynasty, but one of the chiefest in the development of medical technology. In the late days of the war, the Gotrekh Phaeron came to believe his unusually healthy daughter had been born without the curse of the Necrontyr's blighted star, and that he could use her genes to save their race.
The Biotransferrence put an end to that dream- and to the Phaeron. His daughter, raised as a savior, finds herself Phaerakh, but without a people to save. She turns her eye to the young races of the segmentum, and wields the Warriors of Gotrekh against forces that would threaten them.
I've written a somewhat long-winded narrative covering the broad strokes of Gotrekh's history from the perspective of an Imperial captive, and I'm working on one set during the War in Heaven for the BL open submissions. Sadly, no money for models yet...
Knights of the Starlight Hawk
Ultima Founding
Fleet Based (Voidship Fleet Thunderous, Flagship Starstorm)
Progenitor most likely Salamander
A new Primaris Chapter tasked with exploring & reconnecting/resettling worlds gone dark after the appearace of the Great Scar. They escort a civilian fleet brimming with souls to seed new planets.
They are usually slightly pale & have luminous blue eyes. Their final trial is sending all promising initiates together to either reconquer a planet or to conquer a new one, those that succeed are sent one by one to meditate in the Chamber of the Hawk. Some gain psyker powers, for some nothing happens, others die with their eyes burned out.
Long years aboard the voidships they have developed a ship based feudal system, the Captians of the civilian fleet are like kings & officers & captians of lesser vessels are vassel lords. The chapter only initiates sons of Astartes. Each marine having long honorable family lines. They started under a different name, Knights of Brotherhood but renamed themselves to be Knights of the Starlight Hawk after an encounter while beseiged by Chaos on an unchartered planet. A warp storm cut them off from the Immaterium & so the Chapter went to the planet to secure it. Commander Bradley, heir to the Chapter Master at the time, was leading the Scouts, hard pressed on every side, desperate to find safety for his men, he was visited by visions of a starblue hawk guiding him through the dangers of the planet & away from Chaos forces to an old & half buried fortress. There they found a remnant of the Old Ones an ancient & huge crystaline figurine of a large birdlike beast
They activated it & though many Astartes died that day, including the old Chapter Master, defending those that escaped, they made it back to the fleet & took the statue with them. Bradley was named the new Chapter Master. Within the crystal statue is a warp entity. The warp entity stabilized the local warp enough to escape. Now the Hawk is said to come to faithful in the fleet, in great need & guide them to where they are needed most, & to guide the fleet itself to some unkown mission.
Left pauldron displays the family crest of the Knight, the Right displays the Starlight Hawk
I'd fuck it
I've probably replicated some extant chapter, but what can I say? I don't actually play or follow Warty-Forty.
This is my go-to Chapter in Dawn of War and Space Marine, though I'm yet to apply it to an army of miniatures.
I've called them White Knights but I only recently realized that I don't want them to be SJWs
That looks pretty garish, user.
No. Homebrew chapters.
Sounds like the Orks should be promoted instead of Darus.
Yuletide Sons
The Storm Shikari, White Scars successors.
They have a mad on for hunting Xenos and Xenos specifically as well as Hunting in general.
They use Power Bows.
They assigned their 1st company to watch over a forge world of great importance to them, said members of the company are on constant rotation in the deathwatch.
Perdition's Vigil are an Exorcists successor chapter formed to guard against a rift that periodically spews out hordes of deamons.
Standard exorcists style organization and recruitment practices (two extra scout companies, mild deamonic possession)
Occationally the inquisition will borrow a company or two to help them out (how I justify their presence out and about in the galaxy)
I’m glad you decided against shortening it to just ‘Vigil.’ Perdition’s Vigil sounds mad dope.
Power whats now?
Do they just bow to someone till his death or what?
>Yuletide Sons
I'm not sure about the red trim. It's often gold instead, but I haven't thought about it enough if it's supposed to convey something, like company etc.
That's cool as fuck. Love the antlers and jawbone!
The same word can mean more than one thing.
That's a cool design, user. Thumbs up.
Behold the Pallid Brotherhood!
Many are the vile blasphemies of chaos, but few are more despised or hated by the common folk more than those known as the Pallid Brotherhood. Devotees of the dark prince Slaanesh, the Pallid Brotherhood defile and despoil across the mortal realms.
The Brotherhood believe that civilisation constrains the base glory of human nature and only when it’s buildings and monuments are pulled down and desecrated, only then will man know true freedom and happiness. The warband’s destructive ways and near total disinterest in logistics or provisioning means they will never be a large host. Equally Brotherhood refusal to bend the knee to greater warlords ensures that they are seldom part of larger more organised armies.
Despite this they are brutal, determined and cunning fighters who know little fear and will take on foes many times their own size. It is said the dark prince herself has taken some level of interest is their antics, for their warriors fight with an unnatural speed and vigour and the band frequently fields mighty corrupted brutes, a hideous cross between a spawn and something worse. The brotherhood is far too small to take on a major city, but frequently preys on towns, isolated villages and homesteads. The Brotherhood also ranges ahead and behind of large armies of orcs or khornate warriors seeking to prey on the struggling columns of refugees fleeing the destruction. The lucky are slain by axe and sword, feeding either the crows or being butchered like game for the cooking pot. The unlucky are herded away weeping to be used for the Brotherhoods depraved 'entertainment' until too broken to continue.
Sometimes however a hapless captive does not die, sometimes the sights they see break their minds a thousand-fold but their bodies go on. These rare individuals soon end up emulating the sadistic behaviour of their captors and after a time are inducted into the ranks of their new ‘family’. It is rumoured the brotherhood can ‘smell’ those likely to be converts but no one knows for sure.
Wherever the brotherhoods tattered banner of flayed skins is sighted, terrible carnage is sure to follow. Their foes need to grip their weapons tight, and have faith in their gods, for the Pallid brotherhoods faith is absolute and their twisted mercy is a worse form of death than can be found on any battlefield.
Space Hornets. I haven't touched them in a while and I think someone else online stole my Chapter's name already. I've painted some snapfit marines and some Sternguard but haven't badged them yet.
I've settled on the color scheme more or less but I've hit a block with expanding on the fluff. Planning on a Ultima founding Fists successor that takes after their progenitor's intense autism and (maybe) masochistic tendencies. Might also have a bone motif but I'm not sure.
If anyone has any suggestions for inspirations for a taskmaster type theme it would be appreciated.
The Painless, Guys who got so into it that they are basically nerve dead
>Guys who got so into it that they are basically nerve dead
That's actually a really interesting idea and I'm stealing it.
I'm mostly just stuck on a name and emblem. I'm going for a really strict and matter of fact kind of personality that's essentially the Fists' stalwart autism taken to it's logical extreme (Hence taskmaster), but "Taskmasters" in of itself sounds way too on the nose for a chapter name. (I've also thrown around the idea of incorporating some sort of tally marks or inscriptions all over their armor, but A. I'm not sure how difficult that will be to do, and B. I'm worried it's too thematically similar to the Word Bearers/Nurgle's tallymen)
I don't understand the premise of this thread.
If you play 40k or other wargames, it is sometimes encouraged to create your own banners/colors for the minis, along side fluff & lore. This thread endeavours to share & critic ones designs & maybe start a discussion on their own creations.
Always liked your dudes. Glad I know now they're whole deal, they sound great.
The Star Wardens
Successors of the Eagle Warriors chapter, so Ultra-babies
Hailing from a former agri-world turned desert hellscape, they developed a preference for fast attack doctrines primarily with bike squads taken from their planet's equestrian traditions.
They have entered into pacts with numerous explorator fleets and rogue trader dynasties to help expand the Imperial border into unknown space. They'll typically place few marines from the reserve or scout companies to over-see the progress on developing worlds and maintain the peace until proper governors and arbitrators are established.
A Warden can undertake a kind of pilgrimage should something massacre their squad and they are the sole survivor - they can become a Lone Ranger, taking it upon themselves an oath of vengeance to seek out and gun down the killer of their battle-brothers. Many are slain, but for those that fulfill these pacts may return to the chapter with honor restored and are readily inducted into the first company.
Does anyone know a good way to write up a good looking background? I want to write a short piece of fiction about my dudes but I don't want it to come off as a wall of text lacking any 40k flavor.