Underrated Tech Edition

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>Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their decks strategy and card choices.

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commanders color identity.


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>Thread Question
What card do you play that you think should be played more?

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Pic related is great fun.

Azor's Elocuters is a close second.

>What card do you play that you think should be played more?
Plunge Into Darkness is, like, one of the best actually balanced black cards ever printed.

>what card do you play that you think should be played more?

i like paying life for stuff but i dont like exiling my library


That art fucks me up every time.

Post bad cards that shouldn't be played as much as they are.

I want to build a green beatdown deck, and I've been eyeing this dude. Problem is, he just seems like a bad xenagod. Does he have any advantages over the party god, or should i look into a different commander?

>What card do you play that you think should be played more?
Is cumulative upkeep a bitch? Yeah, but the degree to which this fucks people over is well worth it in the color of creature ramp

He's awesome in the 99 of Ghalta, which is a great deck.

>What card do you play that you think should be played more?
i've been running treasonous ogre in more and more decks. there are so many times i need just a couple more mana to win or not lose and being able to trade in life is pretty amazing in a color that has very little ramping.

what's the point of even posting this

I think this commander is sick, but I’ve never played blue which begs the question....

How the Hell do I win in Mono Blue?!

Infinite combo preferred as this commander is perfect for those shenanigans!

I want to make a new White EDH deck. However, I don't want another blue commander (I already have 5 eating up my good blue cards). I have the following options within my collection:

Mikaeus, the Lunarch (mono-W)
Teysa, Envoy of Ghosts (Orzhov)
Alesha, Who Smiles at Death (Mardu)
Anax and Cymede (Boros)
Gisela, Blade of Goldnight (Boros)
Depala, Pilot Exemplar (Boros)
Akiri, Line-Slinger + Bruse Tarl, Boorish Herder (You guessed it, Boros)
Jor Kadeen, the Prevailer (goddamn so much fucking Boros)

Which should I do?

Bad in what way?

How are you preparing for building Jhoira Izzet Artificer after Dominaria?

>Post bad cards that shouldn't be played as much as they are.
I see your "Bad card" and raise you fetches + Life From the Loam.

>ow the Hell do I win in Mono Blue?!
The answer is always Lab Man in the end.

Infinite mana + any of the myriad "draw X" to force pponents to drawing into empty library/Lab man/psychosis crawler, walking balista, capsize+buyback all opponent's permanents, memnark steal everything,

Life From the Loam definitely gets overplayed but fetches get underplayed. Neither are bad, though.

You should try something different. I present...Hokori.

The deck is like a chocolate. You don’t want it all the time, but when you do it feels near sinful. Nothing like stax to eek out suffering from an opponent(s)

Get an Odric, Lunarch Marshal and go Keyword Tribal.

Gisela Math!

>so much fucking Boros
And you still didn't even list the best one

How does it feel being so wrong?

Is ghalta just ramping into fatties and smacking everyone half the time, and winning with commander damage the other half?

I'm just listing the ones I actually own already.

Just make everyone do as much math as possible?

I do actually have an Odric, Master Tactician that I forgot about in a deck I'm dissassembling, but it's not the same.

Good lord that's mean. Throw in some stall artifacts, play early stuff, and then say "no, the rest of you don't get to play EDH"

>can't even hold an O-Naginata

Just saying the other Odric is like a dollar. Even if you don't want him for a commander he's fun in the 99.

are you dumb
equip him after combat

Yeah that's a great time to put on the equipment that gives Trample.
The correct answer would have been to flash it in with sigardas aid post resolution of his battalion but nice try

Each of those are one third, the final third is wombo combo and kill everyone with Aetherflux Reservoir.

Naw friend, he would have to get hit with some -3/ shit for it to unattach after he legally becomes equipped. The equipment doesn't check Base Power so as long as it can attach once it will keep itaelf glued.

Seems pretty fun homie. Have a list? Or is it just a standard green deck with ramp, fatties, surrak, reservoir, and some number of enchantments/instants/sorceries?

Tasigur is lots of fun, I don't have enough slots to do everything I want though which sucks


It's actually pretty unique for mono-green.

I love Treasonous Ogre. Free mana is an absolutely insane enabler in Zada.





Mikaeus is fun as fuck.
Use Humility and Ajani, Caller of the pride.


The deck is a blast in multiplayer too.

>have hard counter in graveyard
>player 1 plays a big spell
>activate tasigur in response
>tell player 2 to select your card
>counter player 1's spell

Curves into wolfir silverheart to very good effect, but that's only one card.
He really is outdone by xenagos.

>Is cumulative upkeep a bitch?

Do I keep?

Seems legit. Try it out!

I don't know what your meta is like but that looks way too slow to me.

I'm switching my Atraxa over to run more cute janky shit and ramp into cool creatures rather than being generic goodstuff and holy shit there are way too many fun, unconventional things to include.

blog time bitches
>me, Kumena
>newer friend, trying to get him more into the game, Omnath
>stranger 1, Olivia
>stranger 2, Azor
>stranger 2, some land, top, pass
>stranger 1, old as fuck demonic tutor for a revised sol ring
>game actually turns out to be really mellow
>stranger 1 fizzles out and gets mega fucked from no red producing lands
>tons of fun politics, some where we even all agree that player X needs to be dealt with or player Y doesn't really matter at this point
>build up tons of shit with Kumena, be biggest threat for most of game
>stranger 2 cyclonic rift
>stranger 2 armageddon
>stranger 2 creates soft lock with tons of mana taxes required to attack him and rhystic study to draw a gorillion cards
>stranger 2 uses that one eldritch moon U card where every time a spell is cast, he gets the top card of library of that players library for free to cast
>eventually takes us all out

Had an absolute blast. I knew Azor player would be trouble later on in the game and end up winning, but the way he went around it is how I wish more late-game deck players would act.

So how does /edh/ like their politicking in games?

I hope you put Darksteel Reactor in that bitch

I play decks where I hit people with creatures until they're dead. Really, I just want people to politic around me smashing faces. Finding ways to coax me into not killing them... for that turn.

>Gitrog player with a fully decked out deck goes turbo sperg on me because I'm playing Sisay with Paradox Engine
>One game I didn't even bring it out because one player kept whiping all artifacts and creatures and my dorks died before I could get Avacyn out
>Second game I get it out but I only get a few extra spells off it because I've only got four mana from non-lands

How can someone lack such self-awareness? This table also had a Zur player so it's not like we were playing Crawwurm.meta

>What card do you play that you think should be played more?

Carpet of Flowers. Everyone I know irl thinks it's hot garbage because it's "situational" despite every single one of our games having at least one blue player and all of us having decks with blue in them.

and than EVERY GAME they go "Wow user how come you get to have 5+ extra mana each turn?"

when you realize a card is shit

Is there some kind of jank that could play Mechanized Production, Revel in Riches, and Mortal Combat?

Excellent cardart though

I remember when people were saying Paradox Engine would be the next Sol Ring where it eats up a slot in every single deck ever.

I wonder where said people are now.

Is Lifeline some spicy aristocrats tech?

As a Xenagod player, that's exactly how my table is.

>Carpet of Flowers
>Simic Merfolk deck with flood counter generators

Tfw xenagod is unplayable where i am because he's such a target.
Too much exile and counter.

My Xenabro! I aspire to your glory!

Go rhonas fight club, tons of fun

Nylea, Rhonas are both good greenies

>Not using the supreme leader.

I've never understood why people freak out about PE. I see people who say "it only needs two sources of non-land mana" but unless we're talking Grim Monolith and Mana Vault that's bullshit and even than 6 colorless wont do much outside of a colorless commander which I've never seen run rampant in any meta. Any time I played it in the past I needed multiple sources of colored mana to give my deck diarrhea and a source of card draw or a recurring tutor. It requires so much and can be shut down so hard by three players that I don't get the hatebase it's grown.

Would Kess, Sedris, or Mairsil be better for self mill and why?

Writing more shit rumours for current cards probably.

Depends on what else you're doing. Kess is by far the strongest of those commanders, but she wants to do her storm shit. Mairsil is the most versatile and certainly benefits from self mill. Sedris is more tame but fairly straightforward.

Personally, I'd go with Mairsil.

>skipping the supreme graveyard commander


I'm trying to run a janky as fuck "you win the game" deck. Running grixis pirates for the treasures for the Revel in Riches, Mechanized Production, and Hellkite Tyrant win. Self mill for the Mortal Combat and Laboratory Maniac win. Might throw in the Darksteel Reactor for the hell of it.

I call it "Retard Johnny."

dranu da bitch laawwwd

What's the gameplan for Dralnu? High Tide? Value?

Sounds more like a Slowjak build

What's that?

Flashbacking all sorts of evil shit


Why is Edric considered good? Running a deck filled with small creatures that can't be blocked and cards that let you take extra turns doesn't seem that powerful.

>Why is Edric considered good?
>He doesn't understand one of the most fundamental concepts in MTG


the advantage is that you'll never get colour screwed, and if you're like me and you want to try to get the most out of mono-coloured decks then he's a fine beatdown commander as Formidable is super easy to trigger

otherwise Xenagod is just straight-up better

>Wants to build mono-green beatdown
>Doesn't want to use mono-green Selvala who rewards you with card draw for playing bigger and bigger creatures

But why user?

So, I've been enjoying my Ghalta deck, but it's getting awfully cEDH up in this bitch. Are BG decks bane of my existence? I can slot in some counterspell hate, but repeatable sac effects and removal doesn't allow me to keep anything on board. I've got Ascetisim and Archetype of Endurance, and I know there is some elf dork that prevents your stuff from being sacrificed, but that's about it.

Don't forget she ramps.

12 bucks for a commander that screams "answer me or it's gg"

>$12 is expensive

really nigga?

>that screams "answer me or it's gg"

That's why you run shit to protect her.

I have over a dozen decks that I spent much money and effort on and still my strongest is the one Edric deck that I threw together with 20€.

My fellow african slave have you heard of our lady and saviour Sigarda? Run some white.


I've heard plenty, but it kind of defeats the purpose of running shit like Dungrove Elder and a two mana 12/12

Also I don't want Selesnya players in our group hitting on me

>Also I don't want Selesnya players in our group hitting on me

U wot m8?

>U wot m8?

G/W players being gay is a meme

G/W = Gay

U/B and R/B = Edgelords

W/R = Monumental Retards

For fucks sake..

I've had the list basically done since Ghalta was spoiled, and Asceticism and Tajuru Preserver are kind of it. Your only recourse is outspeeding the opponent, which frankly, isn't hard. I'd also recommend getting some graveyard bounce stuff like Kaladesh Nissa and Wildest Dreams.

U/G = Rick and Morty fans


Could always use Elixir of Immortality to shuffle your grave in to the deck too.

>Kermit poster relaying they're a newfag from lack of understanding gayposting meta in /edhg/
Lurk before posting was the accepted rule.