I'm reminded how salty Tau kiddies got over why they have BS4+ and Custodes got upped to 2+
Ayden Murphy
FW Bounty Hunters be looking fine as fuck
Adam Nelson
Big Hive Scum ass right in my face.
Andrew Bell
Iron Hands Chaplain Dreadnought, warlord, 6+ FNP (for a total of 3 rolls) - 174 ++2 fists, 2 storm bolters Captain - 83 ++power sword, power axe
Dreadnought - 134 ++assault cannon, fist, storm bolter dreadnought - 149 ++assault cannon, fist, heavy flamer Deredeo - 232 ++autocannon battery, missile launcher, twin heavy bolter The Imperial Space Marine - 60
Mortis Dreadnought - 141 ++two twin autocannons Leviathan dreadnought - 313 ++two siege claws w/ melta gun, two heavy flamers
And here's the leviathan dreadnought breaking the eldar's flank as the chaplain dreadnought broke the other one and I pulled 6's out of my ass like Slaanesh had lubed me up
Tyler Jackson
yeah but custodes is still an auto-lost faction so it really doesnt matter
Benjamin Nelson
Matthew Nguyen
You are just not playing custodes the correct way.
Cameron Campbell
the urge to build an army of sexy ladies grows stronger with each passing day
Daniel Garcia
>Space Marines who sculpt breasts into their power armor and increase the pitch of their voice modulators to sound like women >they do it for the same reason Kommandos wear purple; female space marines don't exist, and nobody will believe the survivors
Jose Hall
Adrian Hughes
The best part is GW covered her face so they didn't get a chance to ruin it with manly features.
Wyatt Wood
Also the redemptor at 202 points makes 1488 total
Aiden Watson
does anyone even know what the correct way to play custodes is at this point?
inb4 soup i.e. bike captains + IG spam
Andrew Perry
Reminder that eldar are your friends
Hudson Richardson
Shit wrong pic.
Cameron Torres
>fight again with khorne 3cp >shoot again with slaanesh 2cp
? Shooting is way more powerful than stabby why is it like this.
Adrian Morales
>inb4 soup i.e. bike captains + IG spam But that is the correct way user GW specifically designed it that way.
Adam Brown
Waiter, this soup is very bland. Is there any way we can spice it up?
Jaxson Campbell
>too spikey to be craftworld >not pale enough to be deldar fucking codex corsairs when geedubs? im sick of this only forge world shit.
Matthew Hernandez
That’s pretty good, daemonhost could be kinda beasty. Neato
Leo Thompson
Already doing this.
Elijah Bell
Just need Forgeworld to give some Heavy Support options
Juan Richardson
Aaron Campbell
>entire custodes army was a joke to give IG players some nice hard hitting jet bikes and the rest of the custodes units are a trap
well thats fucked up
Lincoln Moore
should have got the curry
Nolan Morales
No we're not.
Alexander Lee
GW can't into balance, they just think you'll use the Slaanesh strat on Noisemarines or something.
Carson Martin
what is the curry equivalent in 40k?
Jacob Lopez
Yes you are, don't argue.
Carson Taylor
Damn, bro. Isn't summoning being trash and my legion trait being ATSKNF enough? Why you always gotta hurt me, Guilliman?
Not -cool-, dog. All I wanted was the truth, yo.
Liam Cooper
Corsairs and Exodites man. I want my fucking dragonriders
Ryder Nelson
Do any of you guys actually tell your friends about your Warhammer hobby? I'm so embarrassed that I'm into playing with toys as an adult that I keep all my models and paints hidden in a closet incase people come over. I never talk about it outside the LGS and I've even feigned ignorance when a friend of mine talked about playing. The only people who know are are my wife and the guys at the LGS.
Nicholas Morgan
>slaanesh strat involves using slaanesh units, which have almost no support >khorne strat involves using khorne units, which have tons of support
Anthony Gutierrez
It's like soup but with more flavor. So basically fluffy or fun combinations that aren't WAAC.
Matthew Adams
what are some good tyranid models lads
Jason Baker
>inb4 Corsairs and Exodites get mixed with Harlequins in an Aeldari Agents codex.
Adrian Lewis
Would a guard army with a small attached admech force count as fluffy?
Nolan Phillips
But that still involves using boring derivative units with boring derivative stratagems for the most part. Is there a single faction in the game right now that isn't either "the most efficient at the job" or "just like X, but less efficient"?
Camden Bennett
If you have to ask, it probably isn't.
Austin Powell
Has vanilla Eldar-Human heterosexual sex ever happened in 40k?
Cameron Ward
i'd be unironically fine with this though
Owen Scott
>michael jackson crotch grab >her
Connor Myers
Oh is see you want something interesting and fun, well I'm afraid that isn't available in this edition please refer to either 3rd or 5th edition.
Sebastian Carter
Absolutely. If you consider Rogue Trader canon then there was a Half-Eldar Space Marine, even.
Wyatt Perez
I need some fun terrain ideas. You guys got any?
Dominic Flores
>digital """"art""""
Connor Brooks
Joshua White
>5th my nigga. i want my cool deldar back like god intended them.
Kayden Butler
I'd let my upper spire poke through her atmosphere. If you know what I'm sayin.
Cameron Roberts
>If you consider Rogue Trader canon then there was a Half-Eldar Space Marine, even. I don't, that shit has been retconned away harder than marines being normal duded.
Brody Allen
will 40k ever be fun and interesting again?
Dylan Davis
I wear it loud and proud and because I tend blather it has pissed people off to the point of not talking to me anymore.
Brandon Turner
Owen Allen
Randomly generate a number between 1 and 100
Image Search for landscape
Go to page number you generated
If nothing in particular catches your eye, click the first image on that page that isn't a painting.
You may throw in an additional keyword at your lesiure, something like fortress, forest, or river.
Levi Bailey
Maybe 9th but that depends on if they actually listen to feedback.
Levi Morris
>Panzees being friends >Panzees >Friends Orks trust the pointy-eared gits about as far as they can throw 'em.
Ignore the fact there is an Ork "Olympik sport" of using tied-up Eldar wearing nothing but their pointy helmets as living javelins.
Matthew Cox
I'm not super up to date on the newer admech fluff I remember that exploratory fleets used to take along guardsmen but I'm not sure if that's been retconned now to be just skitarii.
I just finished painting my 1500pts of guard and I really like the admech models so was thinking of adding 500, pts of them.
Camden Reed
Just here to post doggysar.
Evan Myers
Depends on how you fluff it
Brody Watson
The frik is wrong with digital
David Allen
Make it fluffy. Give them a story. The IG wouldn't be able to step very close to the AdMech though. You know, what with the cancer guns and all...
Josiah Sullivan
Fuck I was just in the super powers thread
Elijah Brooks
So orks trust eldar pretty far?
Jace Mitchell
Were all the primarchs virgins? (Except Fulgrim I guess.)
Jaxson Thompson
How can other dreads even compete?
Carter Hill
after taking so much out and having so many soygoys continue to jerk off over their product im not sure i can see that happening
Sebastian Rodriguez
who fucking cares
Brandon Baker
digital art is fine moron. Not every game is mtg which just hires terrible artists.
Landon Evans
there is one of those new guard peeps that are heavily with the admech, they wear red robes and gas masks i believe too.
Jace Sullivan
Nah, the Khan is implied to get his dick wet in one of the novels.
Nolan Ortiz
Russ probably wasn't, same with the Khan for similar reasons, Curze did not die a virgin, the rest are a toss up.
Jayden Murphy
Fucked up some death guard today
John Wood
what do you think dreadnoughts dream about
Nicholas Brown
This is true. The "Red Hoods", or something?
Lincoln White
but gw hires terrible artists and also has bland digital art
Robert Evans
We’ll find a way
Evan Carter
>Black Templars >Crimson Fists >Astral Knights >Celestial Lions How can other First Founding chapters compete?
Brayden Long
You could always go with one of the standards, stc recovery, good relationship with a forge world, suspected tech heresy, etc.
Cameron Cox
Zachary Bennett
Probably murder user
Jose Flores
I love all dreadnaughts equally.
Except the redemptor fuck that piece of shit.
Benjamin Moore
As a female(female) warhammer 40k fan, I do.
Mason Clark
Pic Related
Wyatt Martinez
khan probably fucked that old lady he was super keen on
Jacob Wright
My guess is that we are gonna enter the land of eternal updates with no new edition ever. Make of that what you will.
Nathaniel Wright
>So orks trust eldar pretty far? We trust their helmets to be make cool decorations on bosspoles at least. As for the panzees themselves... Gits. All of them are zoggin' gits and as cowardly as grots.
Aiden Brown
>bark bark >SIR WE NEED TO FALL BACK >bark... bark... >s-sir we will hold the line
Would like to see corgisar.
Mason Long
>poxwalkers in front >lord of contagion >unpainted models It looks like you bullied a new player.
Nicholas Torres
Khan was a scholar, and wanted to learn all the things. So.... you know... Sex Ed.
Gavin Bennett
A lot of them weren't discovered by the Emperor until they were adults, so probably not.