Oh boy, we could be getting some new shit for the Marines or new Chaos models but no, instead we have to bring back models for a game that no one plays anymore because some grognards and whining about it.
Newsflash, Sisterfags and Brettfags, no one plays your shitty faction so it never gets new models, maybe instead of whining that a company does the smart thing and focuses on more interesting groups that people actually give a fuck about, you should realize that your taste is garbage and is ignored for a reason.
you know it says that you're op when you post in your own post...
Here's your fucking (you)
. . .
>new ip
>"it must be op replying to himself"
lol, I'm not OP you dipshit sisterfag, but if you were smart, you wouldn't be playing factions that have no unique details and whining when they don't get noticed in the first place.
Necromunda looks neat, at least I should say neater than shadespire turned out to be. That said though, I don't see anyone playing it, and spare room to transport shit is a premium for me. I'm better off packing a small malifaux or guild ball army and hoping a local plays that.
That said, necromunda also comes across as a bit expensive to get into, no? Is it easy to teach?
It's kinda like 8th edition 40k but with a more reactive sequence of events during the turn order. So for example, one player moves and then the other player moves, then one player shoots then the other player shoots, etc.
Also you don't need more than a single box of dudes (or the starter set) to play.
I saw a newsletter today that didnct list the heavy stunner as an option in the box.
Is that shit true?
>wanting more marine shit
Good job, you baited me into replying
Fuck off, autist.
"Why aren't my bland Imperial Guard or some other one not faction getting new models!"
Because it's better to get new models to make the already interesting armies more interesting than to piss away money making shinier versions of old turds.
Man, you are such a faggot.
Well, sounds like a xenos thread to me then.
Or maybe xenos gangs for necromunda?
Is that... anal probe?
The (OP) means he's replying to the OP, not that he is the OP. Fucking retard.
Is this some new form of bait, or genuine retardation?
Lurk more faggot
>we are getting new models for something no one plays
>gw will never make new models for something no one plays
how new can you get
The real issue is that GW is TAKING FOR FUCKING EVER TO RELEASE MORE GANGS so the game night actually pick up steam in OVER A YEAR when the core gangs are out. Plus, it's been observed that they're being exceptionally Jewish about the rules.
The real question: can they fit on a 25mm base to fit in with the rest of the Cultists.
Love me some Orlock but not a soul actually plays Nucromunda around here.
those are some nice looking dice
They look like they're on the same bases as echers which are 25mm
This must be a new form of trolling. There was someone in another topic who blamed a DM for allowing multiclassing when CoDzilla was mentioned.
Eh, still not into Necromunda, but these are the best minis for it so far. Might pick these up for a shadowrun campaign
>they're being exceptionally Jewish about the rules.
Day 1 DLC
>Op is happy that a niche faction is getting models
>Autistic marine manchild is triggered by any faction other than his own getting models, and immediately begins giving out about completely unrelated factions wanting models, when nobody in the thread is saying anything of the sort
user, I sincerely hope you're trolling. Go jerk your malformed upside-down bolter onto alan bligh's corpse, and when you're bored and tired of being alone, you can come back to a game where people like more flavours than just white bread.
Do i need the base game or am i able to play someone else using just this warband providing they own the base game?
The latter, the base game contains all the rules and templates and the like, but you only need one copy to play.
GW is doing the same thing here as they did in shadespire, and it's proving an effective way to kill a game before it's even out, forcing players to buy 2 factions they hate to play the base game, and then taking forever to release interesting factions.
Is it the same templates as the old templates? Flamethrower blast etc?
I'm considering buying a team, some dice and pdfing the rules.
Eh, can't say I'm personally digging them but I do look forward to what the more enthusiastic players make out of them.
Orlock was always the "normal" looking gang, but those paintjobs just scream generic. They could have at least gone with differently colored fabrics to help separate each member or some neon hairs. Either way those models are looking pretty solid and those heads are really well sculpted.
As a guy who plays 40k with Inquisition, I think I found my new inquisitorial acolytes. Hopefully the box is good for kitbashing
Dubs niggor. Seriously this tho. Blue cloth and steel weapons? Should have painted them orange or yellow, and loads of chevrons. Theyre miners for christ sakes! Numbers on their jackets, like miners jackets too.
I was digging Orlock gang until I found out they're not actually blue-collar workers, they're basically asshole nobles/mobsters who dress like blue-collar workers. The real Orlock workers and miners are the slaves.
Strange for decades I thought that house orlock, was made out of asians and on a more personal side Koreans. Now it looks like I was wrong all along and they were white and black dudes all the time. And am not even sad, because the models are damn fine. I am going to have to think new names for my dudes, as I have always been using the same over and over again.
Delaque is the mafia
>gaiz gw caves to any complaint
>they toley listen to customers
>retool at the drop of a frowny face
>being this new
Breakfast is served, newfriend.
Not him but...
The rulebook has rules for the gangs that come with.
The first expansion has campaign/more in depth rules for the same two gangs plus a small trading post section.
The second expansion has rules for one more gang and no updated trading post(meaning alot of the new weapons in secondexpansion are worth less as they cannot be bought.#
Full trading post and another gang to be released in third expansion.
Repeat twice more in order to have rules for all six original gangs for a grand total of £80 plus
according to the fluff the road warrior/caravan guards are drawn from the miners/serfs though.
>strong womyn faction
>numale soyboy faction
Wew lads, looks like GW is jumping on the SJW train
Alright can we get an actually interesting gang now like Cawdor or Van Saar?
>strong womyn
>Are not actually strong, gangers are average strength, juves are S2, literally -1 S compared to an average human
>Are incredibly cowardly and run away from a fight at the drop of a hat
>The other gang in the initial release is a bunch of roided up beefcake dudes who are as strong and tough as space marines, are utterly fucking fearless and curbstomp the alleged "strong womyn" faction in 9/10 games
You're reaching pretty hard here.
It's bait you mongoloid
Goliaths are literally power tops, you're not helping the argument that this game is SJW garbage
So stupid.
You know I don´t even care much about Necromunda but I really like it when they flesh out ANYTHING that is not another Marine variant.
This. Their given reason for spacing out rules releases is that they don't want to restrict what the sculptors come up with for gangs (and GW generally works from a point of mini design informing rules design), but they're also charging an absurd amount of money for the incremental releases.
Both of the new books have been priced at £17.50. Gang War 1 was ~70 pages long, and Gang War 2 weighs in at just under 50. They're total rip offs, even by the standards of GW pricing. It doesn't help that the rules feel a bit sparse so far and there's editing issues where weapons have different profiles across different books, rule interactions are unclear, etc.
There's also the issue with gang tactic cards, which are a separate purchase entirely if you want all the options for your one off tricks.
Yeah, the templates are identical to the 7th edition ones. Not sure if they match up with the older editions of Necromunda, but I'd guess so.
>and Gang War 2 weighs in at just under 50.
Not this guy(guy he replied to actually) not to mention that despite being a smaller book still manages to fuck things u like the harpoon stats.
Also one of the new hired guns has a glaive...which doesnt even have rules...
Dude calk down, we're only like 3 months in and have half of the core gangs so far.
This shit really knocks people's faith in the game, especially since there's no FAQ in sight. 40k has misprinted or omitting things, but they've been on the ball about bringing out FAQs to fix stuff and clarify rules. I'm pretty sure part of the reason we haven't seen any yet is because the Necromunda team apparently lacks anyone in a digital role, which is said to be the reason why there aren't any digital rulebooks either. I don't know if the team is understaffed or legitimately incompetent, but when you're going to take over a year to get up to the point the original edition was at on launch (6 house gangs) you need people to have faith in what's already there.
I really hope they bring out those rumoured rules for GSC and Chaos Cultists in White Dwarf soon. As long as they don't botch the rules those are both easy ways to introduce more variety into the game. Right sort of power level, use already existing kits. Only issue there is that there's no way to get your hands on leaders/special weapon models for Chaos Cultists now that Dark Vengeance is no longer on sale.
>Only issue there is that there's no way to get your hands on leaders/special weapon models for Chaos Cultists now that Dark Vengeance is no longer on sale.
Just convert some, custom minis is a staple of necromunda anyway.
Though in the long term theres an apparently fully fledged "Chaos Uprising" faction coming that likely means a new not-cultist kit with all the options of a necromunda gang.
This is a Forgeworld thing, they've been unimaginably incompetent with all of their publications since Alan Bligh died, apparently he was the only competent person working there. Their publications have been even more error-filled than the main GW ones, see the imperial armor indexes for example, which had some of the longest and most ridiculous FAQ/errata corrections I've ever seen and they've essentially stopped putting out FAQs and errata for the IA indexes to keep them up to date with codexes.
It's like they are both incapable of getting things right the first time and also don't care about fixing them.
Found the soyboys, keep drinking Games Kykshop's SJW swill
Cultist uprising, huh? Is that based on much? Would definitely be cool to see.
I thought Specialist Games were under GW proper, even if FW is doing some of their extras?
No, specialist games is part of FW with GW making some plastic kits for them. Hence the Horus Heresy weekender this year being the Horus Heresy and Necromunda weekender.
>This double strength dose of newfaggotry
Absolutely this. 1 Core gang every 3 months? They could have easily done 2 gangs at a time, made it thematic.
Do Orlocks and Delaque together, they've always been worst enemies. Do Van Saar/Cawdor would make a nice tech vs faith theme.
Hell, keep it going and you could do Spyrers/Ratskins, Enforcers/Scavvies, etc etc. Make it a mini expansion box each time.
They'd get the classic gangs out quicker, which would get some of the older players back into the game and playing it, which would pull more of the younger players in when they see it being played more.
As it is I've got to wait the best part of a year before the Delaque come out.
NuGW seems to be more incompetent than usual at making rules
OK fags, when we have Glorious Kaos??
> we could be getting some new shit for the Marines
Anyone could explain to me how toxin works. As i understand it replaces injury rolls but not wound rolls. So you need to bring enemy fighter to 0 wounds to use it. So why needle rifle doesnt have damage stat?
fuck this is such a good idea, as a fencesitter for this game I really wish GW would do this
>Is that based on much?
Theres another slide where they talk about factions getting whitedwarf rules (like GSC) and chaos is on there too. So them being on this slide too implies they'll be getting a model release eventually.
Necromunda will go the way of Blood Bowl. Initial flurry of promotion followed by months and then years of stagnation. Almost a year since they first teased the latest Blood Bowl team, and apparently they were going to release one per month. Spreading themselves too thin, I think.
>fleece your customers for everything they're worth
>dominate the market virtually unopposed for decades
>D E C A D E S
>still can't even manage to sculpt and mold a handful of new miniatures for each of your games every year
>Initial flurry of promotion
I'm not sure releasing the contents of the old core rules over the course of a year counts as a flurry. As for Blood Bowl that actually came out the same day as the Guildball starter, and even back then we were getting 10+ people every Tuesday for that game and it's gone up since then. On a side note I expect Titanicus to do well since they completed the core set like 2 years ago and have been continually adding kits since then, so the first wave will have more stuff in like a month than Necromunda will get in a year.
What's your point? They're a business who promised their (Blood Bowl) customers more than they've delivered. Undoubtedly they're doing well at the minute, but it doesn't mean they've not cocked up the specialist games releases.
Any good source on Titanicus news? I hear a lot second hand but never seen much from GW themselves.
The only outputs of information are from event seminars as it is now a mainline in-store product, meaning info is under strict control by GW itself. The only ETA I know of is that models will be seen by Warhammerfest.
Because GW are paranoid cunts so they only manufacture stuff themselves instead of outsourcing it like literally any other company would.
So they have to rely on 8 machines in Nottingham to make everything, 3 of which they cant even use because British infrastructure is so shit.
Interesting. What with 40k/Sigmar/BB/Necromunda/Shadespire/30k/Hobbit to support, I hope this doesn't further dilute their output. Maybe I'm just spoiled.
they announced that there will be 4 bloodbowl teams released a year, next one is supposed to be coming in march...
they dis outsource to china for a bit a few years ago. They stopped it though because they had constant quality control issues.
Well I started GW from 5th edition of Warhammer - Necormunda was always this game I wanted to play very hard and got a chance in big store campaing on great table (16 people played). Each time you came into the store there was some cool story - like this guy got blown by his own granade and fell 4 stories on his head and lived to kill enemy leader and so on.
New necromunda is as good as old - people of my age can appriciate that and new kids just need to get cancer and die
>add genestealer cultist infiltrators from the ruins of hive secondus as a new gang
>release at the same time as Redemptionists
>cult vs cult theme mini expansion