post your party without posting them
That's it. Thread over. This is literally every party.
>Implying I have women in my game.
Only the good ones.
Party's muscle on the left.
Ordinarily this sort of thing would be obnoxious, but it seems to work well enough for us, with a couple pragmatists keeping things on track and a couple fun guys keeping things lively.
My party has the terrible maddening ability to recruit the hugest amount of NPC's to their cause.
I'm the GM. It makes combat madness. I've resorted to counting most of them as single-hit mooksand throwing tons of goons in the background to fight them
guess which one is me
Monica Bellucci not included in pic
I don’t understand. One of you is a humorously but mildly racist caricature, one is just a bad caricature and the last one is a sexual deviant?
We’re gonna condescend upon this post like we’re the fucking Hindenburg but let’s be honest with ourselves, it’s fucking fun to be “lolsorandom shitposting memery” with another close friend during a role playing session.
It’s just not fun for anyone who’s not close to you two like that.
God bless you user for having such a blessed group.
>mildly racist
Weren't those guys actual Ugandans parodying a Ugandan movie?
So one of you was a traitor and the other didn't make it and the other was getting his strings pulled by the traitor
It's more the party composition rather than the actions.
Token Evil-aligned guy, the smashfuck, the girl, the old guy, and the well-meaning fifth wheel.
this confuses me
not likely, from what I can gather the whole Ugandan aspect of Ugandan knuckles was based on the Who Killed Captain Alex movie/trailer from years ago, the early knuckles would even drop the "everyone in Uganda knows Kung fu" line once in a while. I think it got lost over time though due to the kween, spitting, and show me da wae shit.
since Captain Alex is kind of a lovely testament to having enthusiasm while making stuff, no budget cinema, and trying your hardest I don't think it's racist since the meme the Ugandan part of Ugandan Knuckles come from isnt laughing at the Ugandans who made it, but more fascination and a thumbs up that they did it at all
tldr; what the fuck am I doing with my life
>Brotherhood of Steel
My sides, I bet you fuck your toaster
What are the five things I may not know about akira kurosawa seven samurai?
Side note, the martial artists in Nabwana IGG's films are self taught, and learned Kung Fu specifically for the movies. They got good enough that they now take part in competitions
>1. Toshiro Mifune is turned slightly away from the camera to hide his massive throbbing erection
Wait, is that fucking Megatron in the back with an autobot signature?
What the fuck happend after I stopped paying attention to transformers?
Literally ever scenerio. I love my players
But user, none of them is furiously sucking dicks.
In a CofD campaign, of all things. Also short three of them, guess which ones are present? Guess which one I am?
Mercer is that you?
I think calling Mr Tails a "sexual deviant" isn't quite doing him justice.
I think that's from Shattered Glass, the nega-universe where Optimus is bad and Megatron is good. Then again, it just might be that Megatron is an Autobot now, since either Skywarp or Thundercracker became a G.I. Joe.
I hope this one is clear enough.
Bonus points if you guess the game,
not that it'd be hard at all.
The Merovingian was my favorite character. Too bad they never further explored the world outside of "Neo save us with ur superman powers pls"
Hell, didn't the Merovingian lead one of the Matrix Online factions? That shit was cool.
no I haven't forgotten Animatrix, give me more of that but on Netflix or whatever
Not WW2 but picture fits perfectly. Two players missed the session, so we're screwing them over. Ady gonna gank Joe with one of them later, we'll see how that goes. I'm Benny.
You are incorrect.
The current main Transformers comic is split into two lines that focus on two different groups of characters in the same new setting.
Setting is post-war Cybertron where autobots beat Deceptions, which between the two factions only made up like 40% of Cyberton's population. The other 60% is just the neutral population that's super pissed because the warring minorities ruined their homeworld.
So autobots are smug rulers who are having post war ptsd and trying not to racial violence against the Decepticons. The Deceps are more or less turning into the Bloods and The Crips, their infighting making them weaker while some try to point out it's the big man (autobots) fault their kind is in shambles.
The neutral population hates both sides and are in unrest about the new leadership and all the shitty brawls breaking out still between Autobots and Decepticons that keeps making their lives worse. Instead of open war, it's now mostly bar fights and back alley stabbing, along with lots of political cuck treachery.
So one comic, the one with faaaaaaaaar better writing is called More Than Meets The Eye, and it's about Prime going on a quest to find the long lost Cybertronian Knights, fabled dudes who saved Cybertron in the past. He hopes their status as ageless heroes in the eyes of the general public on all sides will reunite the divide on Cybertron. Being democratic and all, he wants the leader of the Decepticons (Old Megs) to join him on the voyage to show up. So those two plus a handful of goons take to space and go on sorta Star Trek Adventures. So Megs is forced to don the Autobot symbol while in their ranks.
The other comic, the totally garbage one, is Robots In Disguise. It's basically Prime and Megs have to choose someone to lead their respective factions and take care the cybertron's government while they are gone. The two left in charge are Bumblebee and Starscream.
Starscream becomes Donald Trump, while Bumblebee goes edgelord