Why does this bull-shit even exist?!

Being a healer in any setting is the most Metal profession ever.
You go to the border of any country in the middle-east and ask a paramedic what he does, I can guarantee that you'll gag (from vomit you sickos!).

>Stitching flesh and holding full grown men down while they cry and scream "DON'T CUT MY LEG OFF MAN!" is par for the job.
>Seeing maimed children is a daily routine for them.
>In some places a paramedic is so swamped that he literally must decide who lives and who dies.

"Heal-sluts" don't exist on the battlefield , Healers are the Ballsiest motherfuckers out there and we should depict them as such.

Healing spells take a lot of grittiness out of being a medic. Also, because we're even more flooded with /v/irgin neverplayers than we are with /pol/ shills, and they don't understand the difference between MMOs and PnP

>"Heal-sluts" don't exist on the battlefield
That much is true, but once you get back to the camp, you gotta ease the medic out of those traumatic moments they just went through.
It's basically less gay version of Rescue Me - the more stressful the job, the wilder the decompression.

You could have the same rant over fighting characters. Relax it's fiction.

Pure healers are easily bullied because healing magic is not an offensive power that can be used to hold somebody off or overcome them. So if you're trying to set up a dom/sub scenario, healers make obvious subs. They aren't weapons experts and can't fireball you.

Plus they can keep healing themselves after sessions.

Sure irl healsluts aren't memes. But behind a screen or at a table, healers are effeminate sluts who want to be dominated.

How much of the people posting in these kind of threads are the kind of people who have never picked up a D&D rulebook and are completely ignorant of 3.X CoDzilla, 4e minor action heals, 5e bonus action heals, the fact that basically every cleric is decked out in literally metal armor, etc.?

When has there ever been an MMO style healer in D&D? Like, the Miniatures Handbook healer? Even the 4e pacifist still had to attack...

>When has there ever been an MMO style healer in D&D?
I wouldn't really define clerics as healers, at least not in the primary occupational sense. They obviously have healing magic, but when you say somebody is a healer, you generally mean that that is what they're about, not merely that they have some skills or abilities in the area.

Because magic makes healing a lot easier. You don't have to cut off someone's leg if you just use magic to make it good again.

That explains all the hipsters calling popular things/things they don't like reddit

You guys have clearly never actually interacted with anyone who mains a healer in an MMO

Let me emulate.
>You get a fire dot on you? No healing. Stay out the lava.
>The DPS gets aggro? No point wasting heals on a dead man.
>When I fucking tell you that I specced for pbaoe heals, that means come to me for healing not the other way around.

But those don't exist in any edition of D&D either.

Nice cope but you're not fooling anyone but yourself, healslut.

I have extensively. They are universally self-important jackass idiots. Like this guy . It's not a hard job, and you're not cool for doing it, so shut the fuck up.

Are you a dps you over expenses himself?

Not him, but I actually healed quite a bit. I mained a tank, but still. It's easy. Problem is that that a lot of healers just sit 10 km away from everyone else on full mana, thinking that the party doesn't deserve their heals. Then people start dying, the party wipes, and the healer says something stupid like "don't stand in the fire" (regardless if people did or not) or "you're a tank, you should be able to survive".

My boyfriend is an EMT. He loves playing healslut characters in games. Reality is irrelevant to fictional character archetypes, and the association between healing, femininity and fertility is one with a lot of cultural precedence.

Healer main here.

I always thought "lol you stand in fire means no heals" players were the worst kind of prima donnas. Mitigating the effects of idiocy is literally my job, and being a passive aggressive cock about it is just as bad as being a spineless healslut. If some guy blows his own fingers off with a firecracker, the paramedic isn't gonna say tough luck.

Unless the guy is a dick who does his job.

But do those MMO healers exist in any edition of D&D?

No, because healers aren't a thing in D&D. Anyone who either feels pressure to play a "healer" or pressures someone else to do so is an idiot who needs to separate themselves from MMO logic.

That said, if you take a class with access to Cure Wounds and you don't prepare a couple of those, you aren't very bright.

Pacifist Cleric is a thing in 4e, although even then they do more than heal. The just get less attacks than normal and focus more on pure support.

4e "healslut" is Lazy Warlord

Buffs and control will always be more important than straight healing. Most monsters which can deal significant HP damage are better combatted through mitigating their abilities than trying to spam Cure Light Wounds through their fireballs.

The nice thing about 4e is that it let leaders do both simultaneously, since most heals were Minor actions, letting you use standard actions for debuffs, ally support or other things.

>If some guy blows his own fingers off with a firecracker, the paramedic isn't gonna say tough luck.
I have literally seen paramedics do this.

What sort of ezmode are you playing on where it's possible to keep a dps alive when they're standing in the fire?

>resto shaman.

My point was I don't deliberately let people die then act all bitchy about it. I still prioritize people.

In most engagements that DPS should only be getting patched up by efficient heals like heal over times or party wide AOE heal effects.

Wasting valuable mana inefficient heals or heals with long cooldowns on a DPS that's walking facefirst into avoidable damage is terrible prioritization. Those heals are reserved for keeping the tank alive through unavoidable damage spikes. Wasting those high value heals on an idiot puts the entire party at risk of a wipe if the resources to cast them again aren't refreshed by the time the next damage spike hits.

Oftentimes the best prioritization is to let the idiot die so that he doesn't drag the whole party down with him. If he keeps fucking up, then it's often best to black list him and find a new DPS. They're a dime a dozen.

If you have the raw healing power to keep someone alive while they're consistently eating avoidable damage, then you're over leveled or over geared for the zone.

>Using an AED while their shirt is on
Oh that silly lady

No you haven't.

That's not an AED, it's a manual defibrillator.

Guy's shirt should still be off though.

As one who has played a priest to Shallya in WFRP I can attest that the OP has the right of it in general.

Few play priests of Shallya because they are scared off my the admonishment against violence that comes with the faith; however, few other adventurers are ever so bloodsoaked and brutal as the humble Shallyan girl. And that's just in triage!

And they can be nice and pure and only wanting to help rather than complete murder psychos, which makes it worse (better) when they're bullied.

Ramirez, stop bleeding and go charge that beholder!

Mystics in Tera were my favorite healers

You want healing dicks per second classes? Then eat my balls.

Heal sluts are from videogames, this is tg