How would they differ from their fantasy setting counterparts?
What would be their deal?
Elves in a modern setting
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well presumably the dying race thing wouldn't be in effect, so they'd probably have a massive superiority complex
Master race.
The whole dying race thing came and gone and they have standard lifespans of 300 years give or take.
Some groups of elves buy into the Immortal elves mythology and have built cults around it where they try to emulate their ancient ancestors much to the chagrin of modern Elves
>What would be their deal?
Nothing. They would exterminated very quickly.
That was the dumbest bullshit. In a modern setting, people will be able to learn to read elvish, you can't just go about wearing your 'Fuck all the other races' amulet and not expect public backlash.
They are vastly more attractive humans with much longer lifespans. The are simply better and they'd be the unquestioned master-race with no real way to dislodge that idea from the collective consciousness.
This is relevant to my interests as my current game is a modern fantasy setting where all the magic races have returned. Sort of like Shadowrun, but it's not Cyberpunk, it's more noblebright.
Anyway my character is an Elf. Things I have determined about my elf: He is Welsh, and he is as smug as a vampire loli. I needs a bit more than that; but I come up blank.
The elves are of a norse variety (sort of), the gaelic part comes from when they were driven out of Alfheim by Michael the Arch Angel (long story) and they sought refuge on earth on the british isles, until encroaching humans and other threats (dealt with in another campaign) forced them to hide in pocket realms and refuges.
Now they're back and there's a decent elven population in the major cosmopolitan city the game is based out of. Smug Elf is a member of the Military Police, because the Elves are kind of like the Israeli's after losing their ancient home and being persecuted for millennia - you know, NO FUN ALLOWED. The humans they live alongside with are their friends and protectors though (it's humans - again, previous campaign - that let them come out of hiding and who sponsor the city)
Help me build a character senpais. Smug Elf is charismatic and athletic, two things I know nothing about. I was thinking of trying to come up with little details, like his favorite food or a hobby
>live in forests
>words mostly consisting of "e" and "l"s
>fair and fey-looking
>fallen superhuman race
>skill with ranged weapons
elves are finns.
interesting, tell me more of these finns
Bright for as shitacularly uninspired as it was did still correctly display the ridiculously large social device that would form between a race of beautiful, superhuman, magicly affiliated, twinkie-tier long lived race of elves and normal people. Assuming an even more reducukus race isn’t also present elves really should be the masters of the world at any given moment.
Bright basically has Apartheid with Elves openly being treated as better than everyone else. Other races aren't even allowed in some Elf neighborhoods.
I'm sick of elves being necessary for fantasy. I hate them and I can't stand them being the standard fetish fuel shit either. Fantasy is chock-full of these faggots and unlike Tolkien's well-constructed world, they serve no purpose other than the world-builder's fetish.
Why do people hate elves so much, is it subtle /pol/ shilling or something?
Tolkien invented elves because he wanted a race that could speak Sindarin. Tolkien was a linguist who was incredibly autistic and into inventing his language.
He created elves to serve his fetish.
It's the same reason why CHA is a dump stat.
PS he heavily identified his waifu with some legendary elven beauty from his stories too, so much so that he had that elven name inscribed on her grave stone (against her wishes)
Hipsters and/or people bothered by seeing so many overly haughty elves.
Its to do with their ubuqiutsness and bland use that adds nothing to the setting. They are a comical archetype at this point as they are a necessary must-be for any fantasy setting and they are always the same.
It's just the first words to the Elflandlied
Those chink fuckers would probably eat them
>well presumably the dying race thing wouldn't be in effect
Why would you presume this?
If anything it would make them that much more of an Indigenous analogue.
Heck, even white people from weird little Gaelic pockets complain about dying language and culture.
people wear supremacists medalions openly often, hell i seem to see guys with celtic cross t-shirts and patches more often in public
>elves are finns.
>f anything it would make them that much more of an Indigenous analogue.
I don't really like that idea, usually the elves as a dying race thing has the implication of their race dying to usher in the age of man. If you directly compare the elves to indigenous peoples then you make the implication that their culture and language needs to die and be forgotten for the world to advance as it 'should' which feels a little too /pol/ for my tastes. Maybe I'm overthinking this
live long and therefore can accrue far more wealth
have a superiority complex and thus would be more inclined to help their kin
race known for their long facial features
are you sure (((they))) don't exist?
> If you directly compare the elves to indigenous peoples then you make the implication that their culture and language needs to die and be forgotten for the world to advance
Buddy you're the one injecting /pol/ where there was none.
Most people view Manifest Destiny and the genocide of the natives as a tragedy.
>Most people view Manifest Destiny and the genocide of the natives as a tragedy.
Fuck off with your bullshit, most people think we should have finished the job
most people don't consider it at all.
Most probably couldn't tell you what Manifest Destiny was without googling it first.
This. Whatever you think you are great at - elves do it better.
That symbols stems from the celtic revival and isn't related to white supremacy unless its stylized in a specific way.
>people will be able to learn to read elvish
I live in a modern setting and I can't read Greek or Russian or Chinese.
T. Coastal Elite
>Le /pol/ is behind everything!
Fuck off
but you can learn to read greek russian and chinese.
Yes but you could learn to read it. It's like someone wandering about with a racial supremecy statement in one of those languages.
For starters they would have to make sense. Elves in a fantasy setting tend to be something humans do not understand because they were magic beings the gods did not mean to be part of the normal world.They would need to have a evolutionary basis for the way they are like humans do. Their weird way of thinking, sleeping, sensing would be explainable and when they get old and wander off they would just die. Once grounded in real world laws, societies would have different rules and rolls for them. Some human would follow old ways and reveer them, others exterminate them. I could see protectionist laws guarding them as an endangered species. In the fast developing industrial to digital age, nations lead by elves would be stuck in their old ways. I could see dwarves and gnomes adapting as natural neckbeards.
The urbanites? Of course.
The rural family that has to run a farm? The farther from the cities the less likely that becomes.
Are you suggesting that big ears is a metaphor for big noses?
Hey, /pol/.
So elves are white people?
This is not true in fantasy settings any more than it is that real people continue to grow in skill amd knowledge irl. The fact that elves master skills in decades that humans master in years is an embarrassment.
>not equating elves to East Asian
This is enough detail as is. Just play it as a young adult from that setting and work out small details as you go.
>describing character as vamp loli
That's a red flag. Do not say this out loud.
>tell me they're not for lewd
Slavs specifically.
They'd be mad butthurt that humans have virtually bred them into our genetic code (much like we did with Neanderthals) and that we're on the cusp of gene engineering and life extension. I think a lot of our historic nobility would have elven blood in them too. Human kings would have loved to get an eternally young, gorgeous elf maiden, especially if she'd pass on her longevity to his offspring. Another interesting thing is that due to their birth rates, I don't think there'd be many Elven kingdoms. Most Elves would end up having to attach themselves to a parent human civilization for protection.
Also, tons of interspecies pornography.
There will be happ- like phenomenon for half-elves, mark my words. Elliot Rodger would be a half elf.
At least half-orcs can express their angst the proper way with just brutal violence instead of support forums.
>which feels a little too /pol/ for my tastes
A lot of fantasy is pretty /pol/. Many settings have evil tied to race, or are settings where eugenics would actually work and be a moral imperative. In DnD, a good character is pretty justified in smashing kobold eggs, wiping out an orc settlement to the last, or killing a drow infant (who'd ping as evil since he/she has likely killed and cannibalized his/her siblings in the womb). Like evil humans are usually the exception to the rule, and even bad humans usually try to rationalize themselves as good, good orcs or dark elves are the exception, and most of the race, even those born to a good family, would grow up into evil sociopaths who go out of their way to torture and kill you for no reason even if it hurt themselves in the long run.
>In DnD, a good character is pretty justified in smashing kobold eggs, wiping out an orc settlement to the last, or killing a drow infant
t. Grognard Gygax
Modern elves would be like rural Scandinavians
Gruff, surly, drinkers, and clannish
>Monsters From the Birth-Sac
>A notable difference between drow and their topside cousins lies in their fertility rate. Most elves have very low fertility rates, in keeping with their long lifespans. Drow mothers, in contrast, give birth as often as the more fertile races, such as humans and orcs. Their greater fertility reflects the crushing mortality rate among drow infants and youngsters. Drow females might give birth to ten times the number of babies than the females from other elven subraces do, but this does not mean that they end up with more adult children.
>It is common for pregnant drow to carry twins or even triplets. Even in these cases, multiple births are rare, as the strongest of the fetuses feeds on its siblings in the womb. Pregnant drow can sometimes feel these mortal combats take place in their bellies. Such prenatal battles produce in their mothers a euphoric sensation, referred to in the Undercommon tongue as chad-zak. The feeling is infinitely stronger than that produced in the bedchamber or by any intoxicant. Without it, it is doubtful that drow women, selfish to the core, would ever deign to suffer the inconveniences of reproduction.
>Chad-zak occurs up to four times per multiple pregnancy. It usually happens early in the third trimester. Mothers who experience repeated chad-zaks usually feel them in quick succession, once every one or two days. The final chad-zak indicates one fetus's successful slaying of its rivals. This process does not result in stillbirths; the slain are absorbed back into the mother's body.
Can't really answer that question without figuring out what happened between the medieval period and modern period, and how they changed as the world is increasingly deforested and urbanized. They could have adapted, or they could have fought their changing environment, most likely through war with humans and the other races of the world that might threaten their homes.
Any good paladin will know that killing the children of evil races is the most efficient means of stopping evil. Let me tell you a tale of one of my sessions. Our paladin overheard two barflies mention how they had seen Kobolds climbing out of a well on an abandoned farm and attempting to trade gems for grain. This piqued the group's interest.
It took about a day to reach the farm where the kobolds were coming from. They descended into the dry well to find a platform about fifteen feet down with an opening that lead into the kobold lair. The party quickly went through slaughtering the unarmed kobolds with ease. They then decided to split up and check two branching paths. Our Ranger and Priest found an orc in a cage. She begged them to let her out and take her home, but the Priest heated the cage instead, slowly branding the Orc to death. The Paladin went through several kobold sleeping areas and found several wounded, sick, and young Kobold's huddling together. They could barely do anything except beg for their lives, so were dispatched them with ease. In the final room on the path, our Paladin found a room with several eggs on heated pedestals and a female Kobold that he didn't wait to hear about. He raised his hammer to begin smashing eggs and was held is place magically. The female Kobold begged him in broken common not to smash the eggs. Her hold person spell faltered. The Paladin asked about the eggs which he found out were kobold eggs. Then he smashed the egg mother and destroyed all the eggs open, thus clearing out the rest of the Kobold infestation.
Why do you have to play it that way, though? It seems like a pretty flimsy excuse to get your hatecrime on
>I didn't want to massacre those people have having the wrong skin color (green), honest! The game made me do it!
>the virgin childbirth
>the chad-zak
I usually don't, but I've played with plenty of DMs who do. I personally don't even like using mundane sentients as fodder. Sentient villains every now and then, sure, but not fodder. If we go with what Gygax set down though, you should kill the orc baby and feel good about it.
I think you just made all this up and nothing of the sort ever happened. Why would you lie on the internet?
>Elves are Finns
This is always how I've done any northern elves
>you can't just go about wearing your 'Fuck all the other races' amulet and not expect public backlash
You have a lot to learn about how the world works, kid.
>have elf gf
>kinda prude and likes to show off
>even though she’s actually shy and clumsy
You could if you're a dark elf.
sounds about right
>That quote
Good one, m80
>Celtic cross
>supremacists medallions
Next thing you know, milk is going to be racist.
cranky and silent drunks?
They'd shitpost online about how they hate all these mongrel races shitting up their perfect totally-not-rotten civilization.
I mean, WNs love them. But there's a huge difference between a celtic cross and a medallion that literally says "elf a best, erryone else shit"
I just want you to know that mods thought that line of arguing was so fucking stupid they deleted both posts, yet here you are continuing it.
Honestly, you should just be popped with a ban.
So black people?
Would the sex be worth the haughtiness and superiority complex?
Awww, did you report those guys yourself?
They probably noticed I'm some other dude who was winding you up for being so butthurt.
are we talking specifically on earth (and realms connected to it) or a fantasy world that has achieved modern civilization?
anyway though, usually, I actually try not to differ fantasy races in modern settings from their medieval counterparts. Half the appeal of urban fantasy to me is the kefka-esque/reverse kefka-esque story elements. Gods bogged down with bureaucracy or demons who find themselves doing 9-5 jobs and worrying about their mortgages. And on the flipside you have the ordinary accountant who helps a Vampire-lord's assets grow, or the vampire's lawyer who battles endlessly to argue several 'national treasures' the vampire lord owns are legally his due to family inheritance or have been in his possession far longer than the state's declaration of ownership.
The whole interlock of the fantastic and mundane together.
I was going to give a thoughtful historical examination of potential human-elf relations, but mid paragraph I realized where I was.
Here's a picture of an elf bathing instead.
I would enjoy both.
That "stripper wear" is their traditional garb. If humans weren't so hyper sexual and prudish, then those dresses would illicit no response.
What did you expect? Both the male and female elfs look hot as fuck, and you thought humans wouldn’t want to get in their pants?
>im le ebin trole
cringed desu
At yet you keep giving me (you)s.
And you can also learn to read elvish, or at least Tolkien's version, since there are books and resources on the web to do so. Why haven't you? Presumably for the same reason the other user hasn't learned to read Greek, Russian or Chinese.
Would there be Elf subraces and subcultures, like there is with humans? Like maybe Asian/Eastern elves are hyper sexual, shorter in height, with very pronounced and elongated, pointy ears, while Euro elves are ultra prudish purityfags and have ears that are nearly human sized with just slight points at the end, almost making them look like leaves. Then indigenous American Elves would be like dark elves, and so forth.
The future belongs to race mixing with elves.
We also need to train female humans into raping male elves.
She's now WHAT!?
and best girl
please tell me this is a doujin
>best girl
>the elf
Come on, user. We all know that the skeleton was best girl.
In terms of giving choices, Ophelia is indeed best, but in game pragmatic Lohannah easily takes it.
>isn't demanding
>pisses off Elves
>Gives simultaneous bonuses to Dwarfs and Lizards, which is normally practically impossible, while leaving based imps and skellies alone
>has regular fuck sessions that last literally for hours
>might even call you a lumberfoot while doing so
>Modern elves
>How would they differ from their fantasy setting counterparts?
What would be their deal?
It would literally rely on so many historical factors that it's not even worth exploring given how little information is in the OP. At this point it would be entirely up to the writer of such a story to justify any culture the elves and humans might have. Their longevity would effect so many things ranging from marriage laws to maximum political terms, if they would even be allowed to engage in politics at all. The entire demeanor and "general personality" of such a people would completely rely on their history and social status, just like with human races.
How would a wealthy elf behave that lived in Australia? We would have no fucking idea. What is the history of elves in Australia? How did they overcome their social differences to reach a state of wealth in the first place? Was there a war between the two in the past? Would Australia even exist in an alternate timeline where a second intelligent race lived alongside humanity? Would humanity even exist to the modern day in the face of superior competition or would our high birth rates compensate losses incurred in any war or ancient conflict?
Worldbuilding 101 folks. It literally depends on the fucking setting.
>How would a wealthy elf behave that lived in Australia?
Like Feanor?
Yes, yes and yes. If you wouldn’t invade her bushy fortress with your iron battering ram, you’re gay.
depends on the author but normally I do.
I tend to see elves and dwarves originating from Scandinavia and migrating south like how humans are thought to have originated out of Africa.
Of course, because of a lot of intermixing, there's a surprising overlap in cultures as the races start to grow up together and nationalism begins to define a person more than race.
Though when I think about it, assuming the best case scenarios of inter-species integration, I still see elves as often morose.
>The elven elder who grew up on stories of the Roman Empire and it's glory from his grandfather, even has their old armor still on display and sees what Italy is now.
>The elf who fought in both World Wars and later Vietnam. Suffers from massive PTSD of watching countless friends die in horrific ways
>The young elf who remembers when the Internet wasn't shit.
Also, imagine how much better shape the Egyptians tombs might be in with dwarven help.
Is she seriously wearing a snake as a bikini?
Why are elves so lewd?
>What is the history of elves in Australia?
Fuck, go full tribal. They're Inuit. They're polynesian. They're Ainu. They're [insert native american tribe here].
Marginalized, segregated, forced into hiding/ reservations/ filled with half-breeds, etc