40k or 40gay

Just read a brief description of the 40k universe, and by brief I mean a couple hours long. It really didn't sound that twisted or dark or terrifying. Whenever people talk about 40k, they seem to mention all the horror that exists in the universe. The only thing I read that would even by close to that is the story of the necrons having their souls unknowingly devoured during the biotransference process. What are some other examples of dark and terrifying things in 40k?

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ur fucking gay op

Humanity's only hope is the most totalitarian oppressive feudal state ever conceived, with any free will or independent thought suppressed and outlawed. Humanity's greatest leaders have all either died or abandoned them, with nothing but incompetent buffoons in their place. Every day could be the last of an imperial citizen, as at any time a chaos fleet could materialise in orbit, or a rokk could crash into their hive, or a webway portal could tunnel into their wall and a dark eldar raiding party could break through and enslave their family. Or their next door neighbour's head could explode and demons crawl out. Or the mutants below the city could revolt, attempting to conquer the city in the name of dark gods, their four-armed emperor, or simple democracy.

The benevolent gods are dead, or powerless. The Dark gods grow more powerful every second.
Every day humanity loses a little bit more ground, loses one more vital piece of irrecoverable technology, loses one more important piece of data that could give them an edge. Humanity might last another ten thousand years, maybe another after that, but their fall is inevitable, as it was for the eldar before them.
The best 40K lore is what emphasised that element of the setting, most of the lore from 3rd-6th edition was that, since 7th it's been getting a bit shit and optimistic.

40K is a setting where humanity, as a race, are dying, but it's a slow, painful death from both inside and out.

It's not supposed to be scary it's supposed to be depressing

This is the kind of thing I see a lot of. A quick skim of an idea, but no real gritty details. What makes dark Eldar scary? Why should someone be afraid of chaos?

It's not supposed to be terrifying, it's supposed to be funny. Just look at the orks.

Sometimes the dark stuff is so much amplified that it becomes funny. See Inquisitors nuking entire planets because there's some heretics out there.

>he thinks grimdark means spooky

40k is fucking retarded and made for edgy losers who wish they were nazis.

You're misinterpreting what people mean when they say 40K is scary. It's not spoopy monsters scary as such, although there is a lot of that in the setting, but what people mean is the cosmic horror aspect of the setting, where humanity is completely fucking doomed, a billion imperial citizens dying can be written off as acceptable losses, there is no hope for the future, and nothing anyone can do about it. It's not scary because there is a demonic purple hemaphrodite god that will send pink fetish monsters that will rape and murder you and your family, although that is in the setting, it's scary because there is nothing you can so to stop that, pink rape demon invasions are an inevitable fact of life, and the only thing one can do to lower the risk of it happening is to lynch anyone with even a hint of witchcraft about them, creating a constant air of paranoia, where every citizen is expected to be on constant alert for heresy, mutation, witchcraft, xenos-sympathising, etc.

Sure, you can point out to a few individual horrifying aspects of the setting like the Daemonculaba, T'au indoctrination, or Dark Elder raids, but the grimdark™ of the setting comes from the fact that together, they are more than the sum of their parts. There is no hope, no refuge, no salvation, only slow decline.

Again, that is before 7th/8th fucked everything up, but hopefully it'll all go to shit again soon.

That image made me laugh out loud desu

someone needs to lurk moar in the Black Library.

40 Should be a video game series that way it would easer the conflicts as it is right now it's too big for anyone to care.


Everything you will ever need to know about 40k is summarized right here. If anything you ever read contradicts what is written here, disregard it. Even if it comes straight from GW.

>there are still these people that missed the joke

you tell him, user!

OP here. This thread has helped me come to the conclusion that 40gay is a more appropriate title. I'm flabbergasted how a setting could be so expansive and yet have absolutely no depth to it.


you misspelt 'expensive'

(Imperial) Truth.
This is the cornerstone on which rests all of 40k.

I remember there was a good page in 1d4chan why it would suck to live in Warhammer 40k but it was deleted. Mybe somebody knows more?

40k is pretty gay but in the good spartan kind of way.

The joke is dead.

It's because it's nothing but a bunch of tropes distilled from other works. The point of the setting is to give people a grim dark place to play in, not to make interesting art.


Jesus reading shit in this thread is literally painful to me

>OP here. This thread has helped me come to the conclusion that 40gay is a more appropriate title. I'm flabbergasted how a setting could be so expansive and yet have absolutely no depth to it.

>look /teegee/ im too dumb to read something about this setting myself so im just gonna call it gay!!11one
You cant fucking do any research yourself and that isnt our problem

Well user it's because in the big picture, nobody matters
Well, there are plenty, but that's really not what makes the setting interesting-

if you wanted to read about individual creepy aspects of the universe then say that in the op, don't keep asking why it's scary and then dismiss the answer as "lacking depth".
And wow 40gay how original user I bet the more you say that joke the funnier and more original it will get

If you want the answer to your OP question, read my earlier post , if you want spoopy 40k ghost stories go browse the chaos pages of 1d4chan.

It's pretty terrifying that people don't post content in their proper generals. I mean, this lack of cognitive function could mean many things, all of which could be potentially dangerous to themselves and others!

a space marine can eat your brain and then he will remember all the embarrassing things you ever did like that time you shit your pants at the bar

>what makes 40k horrific? I have the general picture, but it doesn't seem all that bad

Well its basically about all the big general stuff and not the details

>but the general stuff is very general, the details make things horrifying

Hey did i mention how the vague and general stuff is what 40k is all about

>ya but i want some gritty details to back up the vague stuff

How about some more general stuff?

>i dont think i like 40k

Assblasting ensues

Are you fucking stupid?

>the Emperor battles the Dark Gods
>the Tyranids threaten the entire galaxy
>Gork and Mork could return any second
>Necron ascendancy
>an Eldar god is trolling Slaanesh and he's powerless to stop it

Don't start with this Chaoswank. They're definitely powerful but not the strongest in the setting.


Not OP, but somebody who hates the 40k setting:

>In the big picture nobody matters
That is literally true in the real world. Why is that scary or grimdark to you? All you need to do is turn on the news/look outside and see that that's true. It's not scary, it's banal; and banal things are boring.

Which, of course, is why 40k is hot garbage. The hack writers think that BIG NUMBERS are scary. Oooh, our ships are tens of miles long. Oooh, a billion of people are killed per day by Chaos. Oh no, due to the bureaucracy being incompetent, they lost planets. In fact, by making the numbers so big, the 40k writers are cheapening the effect, due to the "million is a statistic" effect.

So, go ahead - what ARE some actively creepy and worrying aspects of 40k?

>read brief description of setting
>wowww this is just a quick skim of an ideaaaa where are the gritty details

Y'know what's scary and worrying about 40k?
The fact that no matter what, despite Humanity's best efforts, people are going to keep buying this shit.

genestealer cults are fucking scary man

Counterpoint - as proof of concept, I was able to have a 40k game on Roll20. So I can do it entirely for free.

Again, why? If anything, they're just The Thing, which, while scary, was defeated with fire.

have you considered that maybe you are just a jaded faggot?

>40 posts
>not a single description to actually give example of the grimdark setting of 40k

While i've never really disliked 40k fans, you sure will do an awful lot of bitching to steer around a point.

Wow so edgy omg fuck this retarded shit good it sounds like some brooding fat zit faced teenager wrote that while listening to Megadeth and shitting himself

I'm only taking the bait because the OP pic was funny. No (You) though.

>40k isn't really very grimdark
Imagine if all of your thoughts and feelings create demons in hell. Depressed? Plague-ridden shambling zombies with twisted metal knives. Hopeful? Flame-spitting ectomorphs that split in two when you expect them to die. Angry? Greatsword-wielding devils obsessed with decapitation. Maybe this is all a lot to deal with and you just want to jack off.

You just created a Tumblr feminist.

Welcome to the 41st millennium.

To an extent, sure. But considering that 40k markets itself as edgy and grimdark, I'm not seeing any of it.

Yeah, but I don't like Humans.

It contains all of the tropes of sci-fi and horror. So sometimes it is scary sometimes it is funny.

Truly horrible things are the daemomculaba, Halo devices, ghoul stars and pale wasting.

Medium level: Genestealers are pretty horrific impregnating humans, daemon possession is always a thing and general daemon grossness plus dark eldar torture.

Orks are funny but brutal at the same time

>The Thing, which, while scary, was defeated with fire

>implying it was defeated

/ thread

This a million times. Check out the arbites: judge Dred knockoffs. The og rogue trader noise marine models; hair metal. Even the tau are just gundams. It's
all just distilled stuffs from here and there and the juxtaposition makes it great for me. It's size leaves a niche for most. Go find yours.

This a setting where people get lobotomized in order to turn them into a forklift.

It was. Even if you consider the dog scene at the end, chances are it'll freeze and go into hibernation.


I never knew someone could be so much of a brainlet that they couldn’t grasp what makes 40k dark.
You’re either baiting or are genuinely illiterate and retarded.

>orks are funny
Literally only from their own perspective.
You really want me to believe that the idea of being charged by thousands of green, war loving, space gorillas with an aptitude for force-field technology, all screaming a universal war cry isn't fucking terrifying?

Kek. What part of that is edgy?

But I self-insert as Tau :)

...You are really bad at picking up subtext, aren't you?

banality and big numbers aren't dark or scary. In fact, they make it less scary.

Then you are in the wrong game senpai


The massive setting is just so GW can sell you ever increasing numbers of tiny plastic toys. Like Transformers, or Power Rangers. But with more fabulous architecture and people praying to their guns to make them work like you blow into a gameboy cartridge to clear it of dust that was never there to begin with.

It's funny when that war cry is uttered in a broad cockney accent

Why are you a literal retard?

It's pretty terrifying that the site is so infested with newfags they think the only threads that should exist are generals.

OP here, I need to go suck a few more cocks before I oil up Tyrone, but thanks for the yous! I'll be back in a jiff

SFW version of the story: Iron Warriors being extra edgy assholes again

NSFW version: They kidnapped endless Imperial citizens, namely young women, raped them, turning them into baby machines that may or may not spawn usable uber Chaos babies that can be used for more Iron Warriors. The babies and spawn that aren't considered good enough are literally flushed down the drain into a wasteland

It's not even supposed to be that. It's supposed to be everything cool about 80's action cartoons and tolkien fantasy mixed together for meth addled 10 year olds to argue over who's side is more badass.

how is WHF summarized?

Why is that scary? This already happens, on a smaller scale in the real world. You can be a woman walking in Africa, when you can be kidnapped by a paramilitary band of people and then repeatedly raped so that you make more child soldiers. You'll very likely get some kind of STD that will probably end up killing you, since y'know. No medical treatment. And then you see the next shipment. Once again, it's kinda gross, but it's still banal, and just has the numbers increased.

That's the real scary part of this hobby

>Why is that scary?

Again, depressing and oppressive, not scary. It's not a horror game.

The difference is that yes it's true to life, but unlike most games you the players are the special 1 in a billion snowflakes, but even you can't do anything about it.

>Humanity's greatest leaders have all either died or abandoned them, with nothing but incompetent buffoons in their place.
Hello there.

Yea true but in the grand scheme of things orks just aren't that scary. Yes they are horrific brutes that can decapitate you in a second but I'd rather die quickly than be tortured for years by dark elves or impregnated by nids or any of the fucked up things chaos do.

Didn't you know, 40k is an upbeat romcom now

It generally doesn’t rise to the level of the horror genre, except for maybe the short story snippets in Dark Eldar and Necron stories in codexes and rulebooks from 10-15 years ago. Though it sometimes tries to - James Swallow's novels do horror (daemonic incursions) fairly well. I’m not ready to actually recommend his books though.

Mostly it’s “grimdark” in the sense that there’s no clear good guy and nobody every wins a convincing victory. Titanicus (Dan Abnett) is a highly recommended novel about big stompy robots (not really robots, they’re crewed) killing each other but some regular troops get a lot of focus and you see some grimdark in their stories.

Go read the 3rd ed. Necron codex, not just the biotransference stuff. And the novel Execution Hour (largely about naval combat).

This is a comic the new RPG company are using to demonstrate their mechanics fyi

>Why is that scary? This already happens, on a smaller scale in the real world.
Yes, because as we all know, anything that ever really happens can NEVER be scary. That's why no one is scared by serial killers.

I guess I should've mentioned that they did this on the millions to billions scale, and hooked up all sorts of torture and bio "enhancements". Bio enhancements as in inflation porn level bodies, no pain killers, mutilation left and right, weird bondage, bionic controls, more drugs than an LA crack house, and at the end of the day the baby might literally rip it's way out of the womb. It's rather appalling in an almost Slaaneshian sense but whatever.

Also some of those flushed spawn roam that wasteland I mentioned, without any fucking skin. Kinda tough but also kinda a shame.

>This already happens, on a smaller scale in the real world. You can be a woman walking in Africa, when you can be kidnapped by a paramilitary band of people and then repeatedly raped so that you make more child soldiers.

You honestly think that waiting ten years for some nog baby to mature would really be in these thugs interest? Give me a break, it's easier just to kidnap kids or find them abandoned to force them to join. The only reason they kidnap women and girls is to pleasure their short pathetic drug ridden lives.

Nu40k is shit, where is the grit, where is the METAL, where is the ugliness?

>implying that's not hilarious

It's still there, user. Just because someone draws people looking nice doesn't mean other people can't look gritty. Besides, the grit was added in later: old40k was all about shiny chrome.


except for being said they are on multiple occasions

Oh shit, that's the chick that does the eagle ordanary comic! I love her stuff!

That kid just doesn't know what the word "edgy" means.

Thank you.

>the (mistaken) opportunity for a propa big fight kept the orks at bay

Congrats, people, you managed to get me triggered by this shit thread.
Fyi: I love 40k and it's Fantasy dad.
I love 'em precisely because they are wargame settings set on the principle of 'world at war' and give me plenty of opportunity to do the thing I love the most: play at war - and have fun doing it.
And they've succeeded at that by giving each and every faction it's own trademark trope (way to fight? tactics? schtick?) - dialed up to 11, so it goes right through edginess - and comes out on the other (fun) side.

All that's left to do is this: pick your side, and go slaughtering those fucking jokers across the field wholesale.
Wanna be an average Joe, standing in line with your buddies against the worst scum of the universe? You got it.
Wanna be a badass mofo out for a nice day of drinking, bashing heads, destroying property and having fun? You got it.
Wanna make a quick stop to your neighbours so you can restock your supplies of S/M party slaves? You got it.
Wanna provide food & security for yourself (and your poor, little kids, of course) through the awesome powers of your magical Vagina(TM)? You got it.

Anyone looking for edginess & not having fun killing people & blowing shit up? Wtf are you even doing playing wargames? Go back to your Candy Crush Saga shit.
Anyone looking for meaningful, philosophical topics in brutal, senseless violence? Do you even have a brain? Get back to that Ivory Tower you crawled down from.

Seriously - just play the fucking game.

You got it wrong.
They are not birthing children. The IW take usefull mortals and stuff them in. All while force feeding the woman gene seed .
The resulting thing will always be skinless so they of force feed humans into fat blobbs cut the fat away and then skin them.

Most of the time you get childlike mutants without skin. Those get kicked out. Once in a while you get a skinless a astartes out if it.
Worth it in the IWs books.

>this kid STILL uses the term esgy as if it wasnt an ancient, outdated buzzword.

It either proves my point or is full blown retarded

It was too much dakka to them.

>a propa big fight
Even orks know a turkey shoot when they see one, that's no fun

I bet you're an atheist. Godless scum.

>In this universe one is either sacrificed, or can sacrifice themself.

You either live under the most opressive regime of all time and the only value you have is, what you can sacrifice for the eternal war or you are a slave to a inhuman master.

You may actually be autist. Not the retarded meme kind, but actually on the spectrum. You seem to lack any empathy or understanding as to why something like that would be considered terrifying for people who just want to live another relatively peaceful day. So what if it mirrors real life? If anything that makes it even more from that it mimics how things actually are. It's darkness founded upon real life.

You're not funny and a tryhard.

That is pretty bad, but it's also not scary. I don't think I'm being clear when I say this. I am not arguing against the fact that 40k is a grimdark setting. I am arguing that it's not scary. Your example does show that life in general sucks for people, but it's due to the circumstances of the setting.

First off, fuck you. Second, I do understand it, but as I said, it doesn't make it scary, it makes it banal. When we choose to get scared by a work of fiction, we do it to titillate the nerves, as it were. And 40k doesn't do it, because it's not scary. It's oppressive, it's gross, it's banally evil - but it's not actually scary.

... Following your logic there is no scary setting because terror comes from the circumstances of the setting. Do you think that Call of Cthulhu or Wraith: The Oblivion are scary settings? And if so why?

Don't get me wrong, I'm not arguing for or against anything here. I haven't played Wraith, and I did play CoC, and yes, SOME parts of Coc were scary, when we got to the shoggoth, in that one time we played. We couldn't do anything, but run, and it kept chasing us. Original Lovecraft was very scary. To me personally, the concept of the heat death of the Universe is very scary.

If I had to say it, I would say that fear comes from the unknown and supernatural for the setting.

>Not Francoists

>Soyboys and empowered womyn/token minority
>Give normalfags glasses and you turn them into le nerdy people
Would be more accurate if the GM was some old grognard with an 80s metal band tee and the rest were 18-25 year old losers.