Warhammer 40k General /40kg/

Elegant orks edition

>How to get thin in a few easy steps
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Second for no codexes announced for preorder, reeee

First for tau need 2+ to hit

>genetically engineered to be warriors
>lose all the fucking time to numerically inferior forces

There was a thread not too long ago about ways to fix 40k. There were many topics including:

-USRs vs Keywords (and scoping Keywords to weapons), vs using both.
-IGOUGO vs Bolt Action Activation vs making Overwatch more like 2nd edition.
-Ways to make templates work again. Scaling hits by unit size, vs getting to attack multiple units near the targeted model (akin to Vortex) vs Bolt Action AOEs.
-Cleaning up Psykers, either by replacing Psychic Focus with -1 casts, or making the system "degree of success" casting.

How would you fix 40k?

Where can I find those Warhammer 40k papercraft templates? I want to try to build an army of them and I don't know where to find them.

Remove all these shitty NPC races.

Post your latest games.

Shrink force orgs, make 5 detachments max, activate Detachments back and forth.
>Heavy Support Detachment
>1 Troop, 1-3 HS slots
>Elite Detachment
>1 Troop, 1-3 Elite
>Fast Attack
>1 Troop, 1-3 Fast Attack
>HQ Detachment
>1-2 HQs, 1 Elite choice
>Air Wing detachment
>1 Troop, 1-3 Fliers
>Superheavy Detachment
>2 Troops, 1 Lord of War, this detachment can only be taken in games of 2000 points or more
>Knight Household Detachment
>4 Detachments of knights, declare one as the Baron, this Knight can activate twice.

First for bfg is not dead and anyone going to adepticon there's only 4 slots left for the yearly tourney.

Also my first game ever. From Friday.

Guys am I crazy or are we not supposed to get necron tau and and a drukhari codex soon but when i Google search nothing comes up at all was it all of my imagination??

Oh, and
>Troop Detachment
>1-3 troops, all transports purchased for troops this detachment are reduced by 25%

Do sixes not auto pass to hit. I played a guy who had raven guard and the custodes banner for a -2 to hit so my orkscouldnt even shoot at them.

we are getting them next

He was cheating, the Vexila only gives -1 hit to Custode units

Thank you i guess I am just retarded thinking of starting drukhari as my next army cause the models super sexy but ill wait till the codex drops

games workshop really knows how to hype die

The transports and Trueborn will never not be good so you could start working on a start collecting box

Well the thing is i was on the fence between drukhari and mechanicus for ages but the super beautiful razorwing and voidraven decided it for me but i do not want to start an army only for my 2 favourite units i would want to run to be shit

Their forces are poorly equipped, difficult to mobilise and undisciplined due to animosity and indifference within their society.
Plus I was under the impression Orks were a survivor race, not a warrior race.

How good are leman russes since the new IG codex ? are they worth fielding now ? I want to spam this shit.

They're pretty nice! You got FW ones, or just standard?

0 Accuracy so they have to have overwhelming numbers to hit anything.

I think he meant the -1 to hit from Raven Guard chapter tactics combined with the -1 from the custodes banner gave a bubble of -2 to hit

Shits pretty dope, you get to fire the cannon twice.

Soonest will be March 3 release now.
I wonder which one, I guess drew carey may not be next afterall.

That still doesn't make sense.
You can't have Custodes

Oh, I thought the -1 to hit bubble affected Imperium units, not just Custodes.
He was cheating then

Morale banner effects Imperium, not the rest

Motherfucker!! I spent the entire game trying to kill those banners but with the 2+ invuln they have I only managed to kill one of them.

they can't get more than +3 invuln

That's the last time I ever play that prick.

Tau weapons should just be auto hit our tech is the best gyroscopic balancers so well crafted even faster-than-plasma dodgers cant dodge it d6 mortal wounds

All guns need 2x the shots and Riptides need to be 100 pts to represent superior Tau industry

I've the standard version x3 and I want more.
What does a typical competitive IG list look like ? I don't want to go overboard with them either

We should just get to roll a D6 of every enemy unit on the board every turn (enemies too) and on a 3+ they get vaporized by orbital support.

>represent superior Tau industry
Oh yeah that's a laugh I bet you don't even have entire planet's dedicated to industry.

Finally some other 40k players that can understand superior Tau technology

Why not just have a stratagem where for 1CP you can just obliterate the field and insta win.

So, if you're a competitive douche nugget, you run 4 Commans Russes + Pask in a supreme command. People say Punisher Pask, but I always go Executioner + Plasma Sponsons + Lascannon. Then run 2 Executioner with Lascannons, and then 2 Punishers with Lascannons. Throw a heavy Stubber on all of them if you have the points. For non-command, the Leman Russ conquerer is amazing, as if you hit with the storm Bolter it comes with, all of the main gun shots are twin linked.

Because the Tau don’t need to dedicate an entire planets resources into the production of a single electric toothbrush

Nah it should be 0cp to represent the superior tau automation.

Other than the fact that these bonii don't stack, 6s are indeed not auto hits, meaning that anything that manages to stack a malus of -2 to shooting (Eldar fighters, Tau stealth suits) is impervious to Ork shooting

Tell me anons, is there any particular reason Terminators aren't T5?

twin-linked means you get double the shots in this edition senpai.

Tau tech is so good that we could build two planets with the resources of one planet!

they are not on a bike

And this is why you will fail.

I meant old TL, my B homie

The suit gives them a better armour save, it wouldn't make the marine's skin thicker. Strength on the other hand.

I still don't get why bikes are T+1
And don't give me that shit about shots hitting the bike instead of the rider because that would be surely represented by improved armor or some other save, not toughness.

How do you not kill yourself with the full plasma executioner build ?
Also, how is punisher any good ? Sur you get 40 shots but they are AP - 1D each and given the guard BS4+ it's not that hot. I have to check out the conqueror, idk what it does

anyone have any competitive emperor's children lists I can shamelessly adapt?

Don't have it on hand but if you want to go slaanesh take alpha legion with MoS instead.
The only reason to take Slaanesh units is the Slaanesh stratagem (the shoot twice one) and the units it synergizes with (melta terminators, Havocs, Obliterators) don't get much from the EC's legion rule.

I know... I just really like the EC lore.

I will take a look at it anyway if you have it just to learn something?

Remember Terms have W2 too.
So 2+ 5++ and W2 is a fair bump from standard marine 3+ W1

As I said I don't have it on me, but at 2000 I have a spearhead detachment with x2 units of lascannon havocs and a unit of obliterators led by a daemon prince and a bataillon with a bunch of cultists and predators. Basically a leafblower list with some deep stricking units on top of them.

Hmmm, I wouldn't be able to use my noise marines though :(



Maybe a battalion of EC for the noise marines and AL for the spearhead?


Because if you roll 13 ones over the course of a game for one model you have bigger problems than a tank exploding.

He said fix 40k, not make it into a shitty dead game like 30k.

>Elegant Orks

im practicing my harlequin diamonds on a spare mekboy

That looks great user. Need more orks wearing colorful clothing like diamonds and stripes from Rouge Trader.

The one made to be warriors were the krorks, which are superior to everything over the modern orks.
AFAIK the Krorks were supposed to be like the Beast.
And even if I am wrong on this fluff, there is also the fact that Orks don't have plot armor unlike most other forces in the galaxy. The same happens to Necrons, though not as badly as it does to Orks.

Anyone know some alternative sexy tyranids models?

Looking funky fresh

plot devices
orks are basically the 40k equivalent of the lvl 1 loot drop monsters in mmorpgs

Boy do I wish I did.

>Lictor? I barely know her

rlly good

I think the loss of templates was a good thing, overall. The intention was to make them more generally effective, and I don't want to go back to the days of 100 orks 2" apart to avoid blast templates.

The current ridiculous effectiveness of hordes is a problem, but it's mainly due to the fact that every unit that would worry about morale gets a special rule that makes it a non issue.

watta beut

just jerk it to anime already you deviants

I've finally decided to join in on the table.

Which one would you say is the worst, Night Lords or Deldar?

In my decades of playing 40k I never had this issue outside of the USA.
I’m honestly impress by the autistic galore America producess

>Avatar of Khaine
>Shard of a literal War God
>Loses all the time to inferior opponents

Because the setting is set to make your guys look good in the story.

I did but my lust is insatiable, like the never ending swarm.

Night Lords, they're nonfunctioning in their intended role as of Codex: CSM. DEldar can at least do a couple good things, and rumors suggest their codex will be really good when it comes out, which should be soon.

Is this a bad list for 1500 points?

Supreme Command Detachment

knight Commander Pask - Lascannon, Plasma Cannons, Executioner Plasma Cannon

Tank Commander - Heavy Bolters, Lascannon, Punisher Gatling Cannon

Tank Commander - Heavy Bolters, Lascannon, Punisher Gatling Cannon

Tank Commander - Heavy Bolter, Battle Cannon

Tank Commander - Heavy Bolter, Battle Cannon

Banehammer - Twin heavy bolter

I fapped to all hentai with "insect girl' tag

Will we have news on the next codex tomorrow?
Or will GW let the hype die and then announce it?

There is the Magneta Alpha from Wild West Exodus. Could be good for a broodlord or similar.

My dad works for gw, next codex is Tau. Mostly a copy paste from index with the usual strats and commanders get a big price hike

>when her feet are carapaced boxing gloves

I'm of the opinion templates went away because of auras.


One can only hope.

But my dad also work for gw and he said that dark eldar are next and that their dark lances are going to be nerfed to the ground.

Do you put wings on your DP?

Night Lords it is then.

Allways, I didn't specify it because it's kind off a no brainer, wings are that good

Superheavy in a 1500pt game... Wow you must be going for the maximum that guy possible. Also, you'll get btfo by any horde army or in any objective based game because you can't move and double fire and you need LOS for everything

Your opponent can't claim objectives when you own half of them and you turtle.

Then you just murder their army and boom, you win.

My dad could beat up your dad

My Dad is Mr. Gamesworkshop and he said that Necrons are next and that the fluff is reverting to 3E and Pariahs are back and the Void Dragon gets a model.

>dark lances are going to be nerfed to the ground
I'm guessing a cost increase, but not much else changing.
Even if it does, you'll just see everyone switch to heat lances. With how mobile we are, it probably wont be an issue anyway.

Speaking of dark lances, would based chinaman be a good source for extras?

But they added aura killers like Orbital.