"February 12, 2018 banned list announcement" edition

>"February 12, 2018 banned list announcement" edition


Comprehensive Rules

>Current Modern Metagame


>Thread Question
Aside from pic related, what will be unbanned tomorrow?

Other urls found in this thread:

cardmarket.com/en/Magic/Products/Singles/Eternal Masters/Jace, the Mind Sculptor
cardmarket.com/en/Magic/Products/Booster Boxes/Eternal Masters Booster Box

>yfw no changes

Forgot the title.


I want SFM back.

Would Jace be safe to unban?


*JTMS unban edition

Who else #mtgfinance here? :^)

>seriously thinking they're going to unban Jace the Format Sculptor

If they unban Jace, I will stream myself going to my lgs, buying a Jace and eating it.

Looking at the field, I'm just thinking about where Jace does well. He's laughably bad against Tron. Deploying a 4 mana walker to leave yourself open for them to play an 8 mana walker is not going to win you games. On that note, he's also bad against Turn 4 combo decks like Scapeshift, or Infect, or Affinity. He's not good against Burn, where half their threats have haste, and he dies to Bolt if you Brainstorm. He's poor against go-wide decks, but decks running Jace are going to be supporting him with Supreme Verdict (or, I'd wager, Terminus), so that's not a bad matchup. He's highly effective against midrange decks like Jund or Abzan. SaffronOlive did a hypothetical where he played unbanned BBE/DRS against unbanned JtMS/SFM, and Jace was devasting once on the board. So, he looks bad as a turn 4 play a lot of the time. However, the deck around him is going to be pushing counterspells and removal at whatever's put in front of it. And while he's subpar on turn 4, deploying him with countermagic up in the late game is going to be very hard to beat. He's still the best walker in Legacy for a reason.

How much do you think JtMS would go up if unbanned?

Even with the reprint, I'd expect at least $200 as a spike and settling at at least $120.

tldr he seems fair because he's a hefty midgame card in a deck that currently struggles in the earlygame, but dominates as a midgame card at an unfair rate?

$100 easy

>release pic related in a month
>includes JtMS
>unban JtMS in Modern to generate hype and demand
>preorders and sales for pic related shoot sky high

>Ban Jace again after a month.
I could live off the money and salt for years.

ya'll mind if I

Stoneforge mystic did nothing wrong.

>Have a diverse, balanced, fun format that resulted in a very successful Pro Tour
>risk fucking that up with bans or unbans

I'll marry my sister off to a Muslim if the list is anything other than No Changes.

>Missing the Phantasmal Image play


Nothing gets unbanned
Tears from everyone holding onto BBE and Preordain

Can't wait for TMS shitters to get BTFO'd yet again.

there's no way in hell preordain was going to get unbanned with storm being so strong

Preach it brother.

>Death's Shadow get's banned simply for the lulz
>everyone loses they're shit

Free SFM!

The only case in which Stoneforge Mystic really cheats on mana is with Batterskull--with the Swords, it's only a single mana, and it takes a turn to untap with her, during which time she'll die to any removal (which, incidentally, means SFM into a Sword is essentially just a Llanowar Elves stapled to a Steelshaper's Gift.
Batterskull is good, but if your deck can't deal with a turn 3 4/4 that dies to Push, Path and any form of artifact removal, you need a stronger deck.

>currently building GDS as my first modern deck
>gets banned when all I need is 2 Snaps and a set of Tarns
I'd be very sad

No one would buy the box if Jace wasn't unbanned, they can't have that after Iconic's flop.
But with Wizards you never know.
What do you guys think the cards selling MM25 will be then? Liliana, Snapcaster and the fetches have just been reprinted. Chalice of the Void or Celestial Colonnade don't sell the set.

Do you think anything out of MM17 might be reprinted? Other than the obvious Goyf reprint because you can't have a creature in Creature: The Tappening hold any value.

> Liliana, Snapcaster and the fetches have just been reprinted
and yet they're all still expensive as hell
snappy and lili actually increased in price after MM3

Here's your problem. It's not Modern Masters. It's a set that celebrates all of MTG's history. It's basically "real" Iconic Masters. Why would they not have Jace TMS, the posterboy since his introduction and the most recognizable card art bar none, in it?

>He didn't bought all that shit from based Chinamen

I really hope we get noble hierarch at rare again.

Becauce that would mean the Jace reprint would be Jace Beleran

All those cards were eligible to be reprinted for MM, MM15, EM and yet they weren't. The fact that the price is high doesn't mean Wizards intends to reprint them.
That's fine. Now respond to my question, what will sell the boxes, after Iconic's flop? Because banned Jace won't sell shit for sure.
Forgot about that, good pick.

TMS is about 10 times more iconic than Beleran from the picture alone.

>The fact that the price is high doesn't mean Wizards intends to reprint them.
very true, good point
>Because banned Jace won't sell shit for sure.
you do realize there are more formats than modern right? he's still going to sell boxes because he's still worth $85

>The fact that the price is high doesn't mean Wizards intends to reprint them.
That's why Goyf was in every MM to date, right?

Why wouldn't people want boxes for JtMS just because it isn't legal in Modern? The card is iconic, powerful, and a house in Legacy. That is why it was in Eternal Masters, and contributed for moving boxes of that set.

People would still buy Masters 25 even if they couldn't play it in Modern.

jace unban
probably one second level card banned related to red (90% of modern decks have red in them)


>tfw they add the 1 card rule to modern

75% probable I would say

Problem is that players don't need that much to buy modern boxes because decks evolve slowly and most of them already have all the cards they need.

Some conditional bilands (pay life or less than 3 ones).

We'll probably get Noble Hierarch, Rishadan Port, Celestial Colonnade, Ensnaring Bridge, Chalice of the Void and?

Niggas Eternal Masters is still available for 160, Jace won't sell shit. Last time I checked he was 50, not 85.
There's NO way stores would be able to sell MM25 at 230 a box if there's no real meat in the set. The set needs cards like Liliana if they want that to happen, look at the history of the last Masters sets, MM17 was the only one since Eternal that maintaned and increased its value and wasn't a bloodbath for the stores.
Also consider that there won't be any other Masters sets for the year, they need a bang.
That's the exception that I acknowledged in my post. What other card was reprinted so much?

>banning more than 5 cards
Be careful with that AK47 user.

>Some conditional bilands (pay life or less than 3 ones).
Hhm, now that I think about it.

If Wizards really hates the Reserved list why don't the print in Standard dual lands that enter tapped unless you pay 1 life (instead of 2 life like the shocklands)?
I meant reprints, not bans.

I can see a Chalice reprint.

ebay buy it now sold listings for jace are around $80
and it takes more than a single chase mythic to sell a box (especially after WotC pissed off a ton of people by doing the "second print run" of EMA), but don't say "jace won't move boxes" as if there was some abundance of cards that would do better
also, I see sold listings for a booster of EMA at $200 (which quite frankly seems like a steal)

recently acquired a playset of these fuckers, looking to make tricolor bouncelands work - anyone here have experience manabasing around them?

you need the mana signets from original ravnica.

Tibalt in B/R Hollow One? Y/Y?

What would you cut?

I can understand where you're coming from, but the chance of fucking up your own hand is just too high. Burning Inquiry does a lot for 1 mana and can ruin your opponent's hand, but Tibalt just sits there and threatens to shit on you at some point.

>ebay buy it now sold listings for jace are around $80
That's because more than 200 copies were bought in the last 2 days on Magiccardmarket alone as speculation, it's a natural shortage spike that will correct itself if the card doesn't get unbanned, it's not because of natural demand.
cardmarket.com/en/Magic/Products/Singles/Eternal Masters/Jace, the Mind Sculptor
Still below €50.
cardmarket.com/en/Magic/Products/Booster Boxes/Eternal Masters Booster Box
Still at €160, there was a spike and then it went down again.

I didn't say you need only one chase mythic card to sell boxes. I said
>The set needs cards like Liliana if they want that to happen

banana guy

the whole point of the deck is to fuck up your hand
you can keep burning inquiry

>the whole point of the deck is to fuck up your hand
No, it isn't.

>I didn't say you need only one chase mythic card to sell boxes. I said
You said:
>Jace won't sell shit.
>The set needs cards like Liliana
Jace IS a card like Liliana, and in-demand planeswalker.

>deck plays 4 copies of goblin lore
>nah bro, ain't fucking my hand up
arguably tibalt still isn't the best choice, because his other abilities aren't super relevant, but come on

>goblin lore jumped from a .3 dollars to a 15 dollars.
Is hollow one even good?

it got top 8 in the last pro tour, but due to randomness it's arguable as to whether or not it will continue to put up good results

Goblin Lore at least nets you a card to bring yourself back to neutral. Tibalt himself costs you his card then starts risking your hand.

Goblin lore is the literally the only loot effect in the deck that replaces itself.

The formats Jace is legal in are irrelevant.
Paying 100 bucks for a card in a format that uses reserved list cards and where dual lands are legal is a no brainer.
Only Modern has a need to be cheaper/accessible, Legacy will forever lock players out of the format even if Jace was 5 bucks.

Does Legacy sell boxes? Does Commander sell boxes? I don't think so. Maybe I'm wrong.

They could always print a Savannah that gives you 1 life if you have 10 or more lands, or something as meaningless. That wouldn't break the RL at all, but they don't want to.

Honestly yes and even still is relatively unexplored. In september the Hollowmeme lists were wildly different, nobody was on flameblade and inquiry. I wanna see it evolve into Jund with 2 green shocks and reinclude the Vines somehow (vine seems like a doper pheonix), maybe add back in a few 1drops somehow to reenable it. Idk man.
B/R is certainly dope and tuned af, I've been cutting the bolts for fiery temper and it's been sweet. You don't mind hardcasting your bolts that bad, and you can eaasily line up the madness for 1 when you need to, not to mention lategame looting flashbacks are gravy with it.

Casuals love Jace as a mill win con

It's a powerful meme. Still needs refinement.

So what benefit is there in splicing Desperate Ritual?

I don't think they can legally print better versions of the cards on the reserved list but I could be mistaken.

Why do you think they don't want to? I find this question VERY interesting.

I can say for sure that casuals don't buy Masters boxes at 200 a box even without any form of information.

thanks for the tip sempai !

picture unrelated

nets you an extra mana

>have 3 mana
>cast green shoal, splice ritual onto shoal, cast ritual, flashback lootings and cast goryos, or hardcast breach (or splice breach itself)

or for storm
>cast pyretic ritual, cast desperate ritual while splicing another desperate ritual, then cast that desperate ritual, ??? profit!

>I don't think they can legally print better versions of the cards on the reserved list but I could be mistaken.
You are mistaken on two parts. First, they can legally print whatever the fuck they want to. Secondly, only functionally equivalent reprints are not allowed by their policy.
As for why they won't do something that harms the secondary market value of RL cards, it's all speculation. Some suggest that Wizards is sitting on ancient pallets of RL sets, others think that they want to wait until the company is in dire straits to pull the cord on their money parachute. Of course they might also just want lack a good reason to break the list and company policy has a lot of momentum at this point. You have to remember, Standard is the format they care about the most and want to sell the most product of.

Just pivot into building any number of decks that run snap and tarn, you dummy.

>they can legally print whatever the fuck they want to
No they don't, they can't even talk about it, the cause is very obvious.

>All these misplays
What the fuck are judges even doing

To add, if that's really the reason I hope Wizards continues with their bullshit policy and shoots itself in the feet so that they'll be forced to print reserved list cards or make Standard powerlevel insane again.

>they can legally print whatever the fuck they want to

lol no they can't friend-o

Yes they can. The reserve list is not legally binding, it's a company policy.
The reason they don't talk about the RL is the same reason they don't talk about secondary market value of ANY cards, it's not RL exclusive.

They wouldn't reprint the cards in a standard set, they'd use a master set.

See my first response in this post.

>ITT: retards think that the law prevents WotC from printing certain cards

I fucking hate Veeky Forums sometimes.

actually it does

about the unban i could see sfm and splinter twin unbanned but no way for JTMS, wizco is stupid but not that stupid.

Please cite that law.

Meh, seems too generic.
A settlement would, not "the law".


Be more specific. Who would get a settlement and why?

too lazy but if you type "laywer reserved list reprint" on yt a specialized IT lawyer made a video about it this week, and the result was : wizco legally can't reprint RL.
stop being salty bcuz you got cucked by modern milking while the patricians alrdy have all their legacy staples

>Bogles into the Top 8
>mainboard Leylines

I need to bring this back into my FNM rotation. It's nice sometimes to just kind of shut your brain off and punch the fuck out of someone.

>enginereed explosives block your path
>"not so fast kiddo"

what do ?

I'm still not understanding.
Doesn't it have the same effect and the same cost whether it's spliced or not? Can't you do these combos regardless of splice?

>Burn in the top 8
>Sideboard Bridges
Maybe one day WotC will realise just how fundamentally retarded that card is.

you keep the card in hand if you splice it

If Wizards agreed to a reserved list system why would they not extend it?

They haven't added a single card since the creation of the list.

>I don't think they can legally print better versions of the cards on the reserved list but I could be mistaken.
They can, it's just the RL is mostly known for its lands and artifacts we'll never see again, but pic related is a worse Wilt Leaf Liege almst every time and nobody cared it was printed.

Personally, I feel they don't want to because the problem with the RL isn't not printing those cards, but assuring people they'll never lose value. Kaysa is a worthless card so printing something that invalidates her is harmless. Printing a better dual land than even the duals would abuse a loophole in the RL that'd piss off every RL owner because duals and stuff like lotus, moxes, tabernacle or similar have always been good and always held value. Wizards remembers the last time they did anything that could piss off RL owners with the Mox Diamond reprint and remembers how hard they bit back, so they'd never try some bullshit like this.

Hoarders of RL cards probably.
Whether or not such a suit would actually end up with Wizards giving these hoarders some settlement is questionable.
I think a change to the RL policy would certainly happen before the RL was broken.
They did reprint some non-tournament legal cards from the list, and while there was some poo-pooing from those hoarders, there were no suits brought against WotC (at least publicly).

oh ok
I didn't know that, thanks


i made this list 6 months ago, it will maybe help you to understand the mechanic/advantages of splicing better :

(pls dont bully)

can't post the link apparently so i post the list (modern):
4 Breeding Pool
4 Dream's Grip
2 Evermind
4 Fertile Ground
1 Forest
1 Grapeshot
4 Ideas Unbound
4 Misty Rainforest
3 Muddle the Mixture
3 Noxious Revival
2 Past in Flames
4 Peer Through Depths
4 Psychic Puppetry
4 Reach Through Mists
1 Remand
4 Scalding Tarn
4 Serum Visions
1 Steam Vents
1 Stomping Ground
4 Utopia Sprawl
1 Wooded Foothills

sideboard bridge has been legacy burn tech since forever

>Bogles and Grisshoalbrand in the top 4
This pleases me.
