Paizo Games General /pgg/

Paizo Games General /pgg/

Lets try this again then Edition:

Does your character have any family? Spouse, Children, Grandchilden, Parents?

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He's got a bunch of kids and a wife. Along with a veritable zoo full of animals

>mfw I brought that Kingdom Death miniature with the intention of playing that game and for muh dick
>mfw I realized Kingdom Death was $400

On the one hand it's a cool looking game and the aesthetic is great. On the other hand, that fucking price makes it reeaaaaalllly hard to justify buying a physical copy. They need to make a cheaper version somehow.

third for Monks are Overpowered.

She still lives with her parents, having just gotten into a small rescue mission with no idea of the adventure it might lead to. Also considers her tech mentor, who she's looking to rescue on said mission, as family along with seeing his daughter as a sister. Or did, until the girl got a crush on her. Not quite sure what to do about that one.

I think the only character I play with living family is keeping them at arm's length until he can be sure bringing them to his home city won't paint big targets on their backs.

All the others have no immediate family that they know of, except for one who I keep trying to hint might be Vergil.

>Giving your animal companion the Open Hand sphere

I'm still hoping for a properly made digital version, that shit would be the tits.

It's also absolutely brutal and unforgiving, and RNG can fuck you in ass in so many different ways it's not even funny.

These new memes are lame, I miss the old memes.

Have you PM'D HER NIGHT TEA yet?

So does soul powered magic actually do anything useful?
It says it allows you to use soul gems as material components but can't you already do that without the feat?

The old memes were lame too.

Not gonna lie, wolf animal companions with martial beast are pretty fucking powerful post level 7, if you get it up to druid tier scaling. Snap Kick is a bitch

soul powered magic?

No, because he is gay.

Besides what's in Tabletop Simulator? That seems to work fairly well.

I don't have any characters.


The Elemental Monk and Monk of the Four Winds should have been a single archetype.

Ironically this.

What are the best spheres to give to animal companions/animal allies that wont make your GM give you The Look? I can think of Berserking, Open Hand (some of the talents, at least), Brute, and like... one or two talents from Equipment, but that's it.

>Prerequisites: Any evil alignment, caster level 5th.

>Benefit: When casting a spell would require an expensive material component, you can substitute a captured soul in its place. The soul can be captured in any way (the spells create soul gem, trap the soul, and trap the soul are the most common methods), but you must be able to touch the soul or the object in which it is trapped (usually a crystal or gem) to use it as a material component. Using a soul in this way does not harm the object in which it was trapped. The soul itself must be at least equal in value to the gp cost of the material component you are replacing (any excess gp value is lost).

>See the sidebar on for the gp values of various souls.

>A soul used as a material component is damaged but not destroyed. Once used, such a soul is no longer trapped and cannot be used as a material component again. A creature whose soul has been used as a material component cannot be restored to life via raise dead. Reincarnate, resurrection, and true resurrection can restore such a creature to life if the caster succeeds at a DC 20 caster level check. Miracle and wish can restore the creature to life without requiring a caster level check. Using Soul-Powered Magic is an evil act.

Wrestling, especially for sneks

I find the UI for Tabletop Simulator to not be very intuitive and make things take too long, and you still need to have the rules on hand to arbitrate everything. A proper digital version would handle all of that for you, simple QoL shit like automatically placing hunt cards for you and displaying the event you go, wholly self-contained game with no outside resources needed. Plus I'd love to give money for KD:M's shit, and a proper official version would be at a price point I'm a lot more comfortable with than the physical game.

Lancer + Open Hand if you want a "takedown" creature that grabs one thing and holds it the fuck down.

Dual-Wielding + Wrestling on a bear is pretty ferocious

Get a smaller Ape companion and give it Steal and Dirty Trick from Scoundrel.

Don't forget animals with the Gore feature. There's a number of "Monster Talents" in the Bestiary section that only Monsters and creatuers with permanent natural attacks can gain, last I checked. That and you could have a companion with a poison ability, like a snake or scorpion, use the Virulent Sting option.

Also: for hilarity's sake, stat out Wojtek, the Polish soldier bear that drank booze and wrestled its fellow soldiers, using the Wrestling and Barroom sphere

It for example lets you substitute a 10k gp soul for the 10k gp diamond for Resurrection. Basically you can use souls as generic replacements for expensive components instead of needing the specific type of material the spell normally asks for.


The Grizzly Bear companion isn't actually that bad, it's way better than the normal bear.

Anyone got an archive link to last thread? Morbid curiosity

Just some bait about a fake DM ruling that half-orcs get penalties to mental scores and must speak in ebonics because lol racemixing, and another one of those stupid pregnant roll posts with the same image as OP.

What's the right way to do a dungeon full of mimics?

Make it so that they can't leave once they enter because the dungeon itself is a giant mimic, and the entrance is a trap.

What was in the OP that caused the ire of janies?

It wasn't fake my dm wears a literal swastika armband at the table

None of the obvious things are mimics, only the most pointless parts of the scenery that you never describe in detail. And when they get used to that, all the mimics slink to the heart of the dungeon and start mimicing the treasures. And when the party is done being rightfully paranoid a thousand dark mantles descent on them as the mama mimic, the dungeon itself, wakes up as the papa mimic wakes up that is the land that the dungeon is on.

>Find armorclad knight barely fighting off a chest in one of the rooms
>After you save him from certain doom, he joins you for your journey deep into the dungeon to repay the debt
>You defeat the dungeon and get ready to divide the loot up
>Suddenly, pic related

And why haven't you just dropped him from your circle of friends and hidden underground while his neonazi pals try to fruitlessly find you in their beer addled stupor if he really is that bad?

Clickbait Reword vaguely well-known premade adventures' iconic features or your party's most recent exploits as if they were clickbait article titles.

>A Rogue Crawled into This Green Devil's Mouth, and You Won't Believe What She Found

>Top 3 Legendary Weapons Still Sealed in White Plume Mountain

>Defeat the Vampire Wizard Strahd Forever with This One Weird Old Trick

>This Is the Most Important Picture of a Self-Resurrected Demon Lord You'll See All Year

>These 7 Atrocities from a Mistreated Aasimar Will Make You Lose Your Faith in Sandpoint

>Top 10 Most Extreme Reactions to Queen Ileosa's Coronation [GIFs]

Now for a /pfg/ spin, apply this to the meme games.

So I'm in the process of making up an alchemist, with the knowhow to put together a stirling engine. The question is, what can I do with it? The obvious answers are things like pulling their mobile home, using it to make a refrigerator for their reagents and food. I could use some creative ideas for some other flavorful things to do with the tech.

Reminder that animal companions are balanced for 15 PB games and could probably be all given the advanced template to match the power level of most games.

>Just picked up an animal companion in a level 7 gestalt game

What tier of fucked is my dog

>Chocolate tier fucked
>Truck tier fucked
>"ATF just learned you made an illegal machine gun tier" fucked

Do you lot reflavour your magic items?

Like the listing for a monk robe states that it is a simple brown robe but I am using it as a vest to fit that sweet pirate theme

no one else wants to dm

And you are saying that being stuck with an actual Nazi that lacks self-awareness is better than just not playing at all? And how exactly are you going to say that this in anyway could be real, you baiting little shit?

Their appearance? Almost always, yeah. Some magic items already change size when you use them to fit your size category, so changing appearance to fit the PC's style seems fine anyway.

"ATF just learned you made an illegal machine gun out of alcohol and tobacco tier" fucked

Hi there, I've been mulling over a build. 1pp arcane trickster. We get weapon finesse for free.

So it's VMC Magus, first level Vivisectionist, half elf bifurcated magic and multitalented, which the GM okayed to work with alchemist.

Improved initiative, retrained at 3 for accomplished sneak attacker, arcane trickster and deific obedience at 5.
Evangelist at 6, prescient attack at 7. Water whip or whip of spiders, follow up with prescient attack and fiery shuriken.
At 11 spellstrike so waterwhip infused with vampiric touch is the go to spell. At 15 bane blade.

Anyway, what do I pick for 9, 13, 17 (arcana and bonus feat). I'm thinking trying to qualify for spell perfection, fiery shuriken? Also have Paragon Surge to pick up another feat as needed.

Rod of quicken would be great at this point but don't have that many free hands.

Depends on the item. Most of the time yes, but when the DM has us loot thigh-high bright red platform shoes off of an Alu-demon and they're Boots of Haste, you bet your ass I'm getting our archer to wear them as-described.

Since you're alchemist just take a vestigial arm to hold your rod with
Or to 2H and spellstrike with

Fuck that's pretty fucked

How do I protec my pupper

Polymorph any object into something actually decent

Only one level, kinda want to get the wizard 8th level school power...another 9 level spell would be great too.
Was thinking void btw, ability is based on cl rather than wizard level.
I guess I could give up evangelist but I'd rather have the extra skill-, hitpoints and BAB...

playing is better than not playing. Even if the campaign so far has just been about a a gnome who has a "nose like a meat hook" using a half orc bard to convince human women to sleep with orcs through a new genre of music.

Since you took a level of alchimist you qualify for the extra discovery feat, so you can take it anyway

You could spend a feat on Extra Discovery to take Vestigial Arm and get an extra free hand for that rod. I mean, if you don't mind your character being a three-armed freak.

Really? I once read a ruling that required you to actually have been given such a feat. A maybe easier solution is to polymorph into a character or some other four armed monster.

Fuse with it.

Thanks dad.

Good news, I'm playing a Beastmastery Conscript with a little bit of Duelist/Warleader in a 15 PB home game.

Animal Friend is perfectly balanced.

Namekian style, Potara earrings, or Fusion Dance, my dude

Fusion Dance (aka Companion Merger feat from SoP Shapfeshifter's Handbook).

if my companion has Martial Beast, do I gain its talents?

What? No. If your companion has claws, do you gain its claws?


Are there any game recruiting right now other than Tribunal and Ironfang?

I need a name for an elf paladin that's gender ambiguous, got any good ones?




You do in fact, since they are extraordinary abilities.

>If your companion has claws, do you gain its claws?
You do actually, you're the fucking retard. "You may instead merge the companion or familiar withyourself, gaining the companion or familiar’s natural attacks (limited by the presence of suitable limbs), supernatural and extraordinary abilities, and movement speeds."

>The merged form counts as one creature and retains the physical form of your companion or familiar (physical statistics, natural attacks, supernatural and extraordinary abilities, movement speeds, initiative, etc.) but gains your mental ability scores, casting ability, feats, BAB (if higher), and base saving throws (if higher)
As a GM I would say no, otherwise you just spend all your AC's feats on extra combat talent, plus their normal progression, and just merge into them gaining a shitton of combat talents for the price of three feats (Extra combat talent three times to gain beastmastery and animal companion twice) or less, if you just get an AC baseline.

"You may instead merge the companion or familiar with yourself, gaining the companion or familiar’s natural attacks (limited by the presence of suitable limbs), supernatural and extraordinary abilities, and movement speeds."

You also need Alteration + Mass Alteration, and you might want extra talents to get other buffs (like size change, your favored form talents, etc.)

Is the Open Hand sphere supposed to have some sort of "Bestial Training" talent that just doesn't exist on the wiki? It's referenced a lot of places but I have no idea what it's supposed to be.

Oh sweet, so you can basically be a full champion druid by just stuffing your AC full of combat talents and sucking him into yourself and stealing all that sweet sweet training. Two magic talents spent and a few spell points to gain a shitton of combat talents? Hell yes, that's a no brainer. Would the combat talents scale off your BAB while your pet is inside you? I would imagine yes. Hell, you could even take sphere specialization feats for yourself and only have the base sphere, letting your companion take the talents and using him as a second set of feats and talents for yourself. Great economy.

I mean, isn't that basically the entire conceit behind the synth summoner? This is basically recreating that archetype with a different beast.

Synthesist's eidolon doesn't get feats, though. So you can't have an eidolon that is nothing but "Extra Combat Talent"s that you equip at will.

I would personally treat combat talents as feats in regards to Companion Merger -- You retain your own talents, you don't get your companion's talents.

Bestial Training existed, lemme get the original text of it:

>Bestial Training: You may select 1 natural attack which you possess, treatingit as an unarmed strike. For every 5 points of base attack bonusyou possess, whenever you make a successful attack action withthat natural weapon, you can make an attack with a differentnatural weapon which you possess with a -4 penalty, dealing 1/2your Strength modifier with that natural weapon; each additionalattack you make with this talent takes an additional -4penalty and must be made with a different natural attack.

The first part of the talent was subsumed into the Unarmed Training talent in the Equipment sphere, so I'd replace any instance of Bestial Training with that instead.

You also totally can do that Companion Merger trick, but you're losing out on Action Economy. It's great economy if you want one unit with a lot of power, but last I checked its still better for you to have yourself and your animal buddy.

RAW, combat talents are extraordinary abilities, so you would gain them if you use companion merger.

Companion Merger on a SoP Martial Shifter is a pretty neat option if you snag an animal companion somehow.

What's a good name for a dire wolf companion owned by an Ulfen guy? No points for Fenrir

No, but you get things like a Synth's larger size (with way bigger of a bonus than just about anything else gets when its size goes up), extra reach with a type of attack, or just straight up extra limbs in general.

i am a genius

begone, swimmingeagle


It clearly goes against RAI to use Companion Merger in that way, since you're effectively gaining a shitton of bonus feats. At best, it's still blatant munchkinry to gain access to an excessive amount of combat talents.



anyone know of a spell, item, class feature that lets you stay awake forever? Ring of sustenance gets it down to two hours but i'm looking form permenant

Be an Elf.

You're gaining a shitton of bonus feats but cutting your action economy for using them in half. I would allow it though I'd watch anybody using it for shenanigans.

Only in 3.5

It has some pretty serious limitations, though

Depends on if you follow the rules for controlling an animal companion properly. Too many GMs slack and just let the PC do whatever they want with an AC and let them control it tactically, letting them flank and shit on their own and not paying attention to handling. And it also depends on if you're minmaxing an animal companion or not. Generally they'll have vastly inferior attack rolls to any player, unless you're blowing spell slots/points on enhancing them, and magic items in having them keep up.

That'd do it. i'm making a synthesist as a final boss for a dungeon and don't want him to get caught without his Venom costume. i'll just toss the guy a level in sorcerer!

Why bother? Just have him keep a couple of potions of it around that he drinks when he feels threatened.

See if you can sneak Elves of Golarion into play.

It's kind of a possession thing where a good aligned wizard was experimenting with summoning and a demon eidolon took over and warped him into this thing. If the wizard regains control he may keep it so the eidolon needs to stay awake

It's an NPC? Just fluff an extra ability saying it doesn't need sleep. No need to adjust CR. You're a GM, you can do that shit.

Well in that case a potion of that spell would still be believable, considering that wizards are well known for going well into the night with their research like the nerds they are.

i know i could but.... and this is super petty.... my summoner got killed in my last game as a player (because of a drunk, inattentive PC) and i want taht guy to come back as my character would have been. Sort of 'Morcetti the gray becoming Morcetti the black'

i was playing unchained and this new one is standard summoner, several levels highter, but i care taht it could be a player character.

SoM noob questions. What's the best way to build a crossbow using conscript at level 3? I'm using base Dhampir as a race for dex and cha(got party face duty) and my str is really bad so bows are out. Should I focus on barrage or sniper? And can I ever effectively dual wield light or heavy crossbows? Would it be worth taking sneak attack specialization?

What is the best spell to abuse with ridiculously high caster level (let's say around CL60 or so).