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How would you introduce Forsaken to new players?
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Soooooooo... what 'bout dem Beasts.
I thought my post about mortal and mage seeds was decent...
I wouldn't. Go play Apocalypse instead.
I'm curious, in your mind what makes Apocalypse more appealing?
How long do I have to wait for Deviant so I can play Venom?
It's just a more overall fleshed out and unique setting. Forsaken took too many cues, names, and concepts from Apocalypse and in doing so cucked itself -- less so than Requiem did with Masquerade, but it still just comes across as Apocalypse Lite with more emphasis on the spirit world. Personally, I also like the critical themes of terroristic extremism and religious fundamentalism that pervade Apocalypse. When the Garou fuck up it isn't solely because they're dumb roid rage wolves (not to imply that isn't a part of the equation because it certainly is), but because they're analogues meant to show the folly of using violence as a solution to a problem, monsters who only end up making the world worse in spite of (or because of) their intentions by alienating others from their cause and exercising a black-and-white view of the world that, while more accurate than it is in most other gamelines, is still deceptive and ultimately a harmful mentality.
I also kinda like how Werewolf's cosmology ties into Mage's to an extent.
What about beasts?
>in doing so cucked itself
>more emphasis on the spirit world.
>I also like the critical themes of terroristic extremism and religious fundamentalism that pervade Apocalypse.
Garou are arrogant. Arrogance is perhaps the most important theme and obstacle the Garou face and one that you will see over and over again in the Chronicle. The greatest blunders in the legends of the Garou are due to their arrogance: The War of Rage, Impergium, Croatan, Bunyip, White Howlers, etc. The list is long. Their arrogance leads to extreme stubbornness as many Garou cling to outmoded traditions, cultural practices, and laws. They are so fervent in their beliefs that most tribes refuse to adapt or learn from past mistakes. This is an ever present theme in WtA and it's one of the great sources of conflict that makes RPing Werewolf: The Apocalypse so fun.
These Garou see themselves as heroes. And they are, or rather, they can be. Most fight the good fight as they see it and each tribe has their own view. One man's hero is the next man's terrorist, to paraphrase the saying.
There are many views among the Garou Nation as to what is "the right way", and few agree with each other. Some are so firm in their views and so certain of their own authority, that they become obsessed with subjugating other Garou and tell themselves that they do it to protect Gaia. Burdened with this sort of discord, the greater Garou Nation often enough finds its members at each others throats more often than it is united against an enemy.
Is there such a thing as one "true way"? One "true answer"? Does your character have (or does he believe he has) such? This is a valid question to be asking yourself while creating your character and throughout its lifespan in game.
Keep in mind, to call Garou fanatics would not be wrong. Few things any Garou does are half-hearted and they have more in common with religious and political extremists than what many players like to admit.
How do the various supernaturals gamble? Obviously, mages can just use Entropy, but what about less straightforward and obvious uses of powers?
I'm... not sure what your point is? I'm saying I like Apocalypse better than Forsaken. The giant text wall is something I already understand and agree with on its own, and it might just be me having missed something, but I don't see anything that connects that back to Forsaken.
What did he mean by this?
Beastie is the only game that will legitimately allow you to play as a lesbian griffon (read: Harpy) that goes about being a sadistic cannibal toward regular people, as if you were Jeepers Creepers (2001, 2003, 2017), by design. And I say that as a compliment.
The player chracter preys on mortals,
And the book has mortal characters able to rise up against the monster.
I am agreeing with you by parroting back at you what you said. Ysh means, yes.
>Obviously, mages can just use Entropy
And Fate.
Oh. My bad, I'm retarded.
>Knowing/Unveling Time
You read the cards and roulette numbers. Won't help much with slot machines and alike.
>Compelling Fate
You just decide how dice will fall/what cards will you have/what slot machine gives you.
>Compelling Forces
You completely rule over any electronics, so slot machines and rouletts are your bitch.
>Compelling Matter
Same as Forces, but from another angle.
Find a spirit of luck and make him your bitch.
Same shit, but with the ghost.
>Ruling Mind
Gambling? Just give me money. Don't you see I won?
>Unveling Life
Read the opponent, read his cards.
Read cards from scrying screens.
You lock down your casino from all those pesky mages who want to steal YOUR money.
And cheat, they can cheeeat!
He means supernaturals other than Mages, you illiterate dimwit.
Forces is good for more than electronics. Telekinetic tweaks affect dice for games like craps as well as items like roulette wheels. Similarly, sensory effects like bending like allow forces mages to read the cards of opponents.
In any world where the supernatural is revealed, mages would be banned from Las Vegas and Atlantic City except as ironclad security.
>How do the various supernaturals gamble?
Changelings deal with Fate in their day to day lives, A little luck in gambling shouldn't be too hard, but they should be careful of the cost for any luck.
Werewolves can deal with spirits of fate, luck, chance, gambling, cards, casinos, etc., either directly or through the creation of tales and fetishes.
Vampires can easily use disciplines to win. While Dominate and Majesty are less than subtle, creative use of Obfuscate is possible.
>the folly of using violence as a solution to a problem
in case anyone was looking for Wraith 20th, here ya go:
Sin-Eaters can just use the Industrial Marionette or Boneyard Haunt
>How do the various supernaturals gamble? Obviously, mages can just use Entropy, but what about less straightforward and obvious uses of powers?
>And Fate.
Matter 1 utterly steamrolls casino card games.
>>Knowing/Unveling Time
>You read the cards and roulette numbers. Won't help much with slot machines and alike.
Why not slots?
>in case anyone was looking for Wraith 20th, here ya go:
> mega
> #!dIUzWbrD!O3_N29Bg5a0xuDH7yJiMpZa2VLIwgcC24jzdEWUXN6c
we need ta add this to the next OP.
>Matter 1 utterly steamrolls casino card games.
>Why are there 6 Aces of Spades?
Yep, I forgot about telekinesis.
With Time you can read that this slot machine isn't going to hit jackpot right now, but you can't do much about it.
>With Time you can read that this slot machine isn't going to hit jackpot right now, but you can't do much about it.
You don't need to wait for the jackpot, you just need to wait for a roll where you get more than you bet.
>>Matter 1 utterly steamrolls casino card games.
>>Why are there 6 Aces of Spades?
Your point
The clouds.
My head.
You good man. Kudos!
>an unconscious allegory for a SJW witchhunt
No. It is very consciously and explicitly a SJW crusade against MRA Heroes.
Of course, in the final product, heroes can be good or bad and beasts are definitely flawed, as it is mentioned, there were both pro and anti slavery beasts during the civil war, etc. Beast 'lessons' don't have to match up, or make any sense at all.
In the end, how horrifying Beasts are, how helpless they are against even human with guns, and yet how good their limited powers are, is something I like. Its just a shame that there's essentially only one good beast build (the shadow powers), but eh, I like em.
>I also kinda like how Werewolf's cosmology ties into Mage's to an extent.
I also like how WtF, MtAw and MtC's backstories line up with each other. Obviously they're not the same event, but its weird how the Judges and Exarchs match up with each other and how the death of Father Wolf and end of the Bordermarches synchs up with the fall of the Supernal.
Make no mistake, Forsaken is a deeply lame and almost completely lifeless setting; but what little life and ingenuity it has is interesting. The Harmony system is fuckin cool, the pack system and how they can have actual spirits as packmates is fuckin cool, the way each form has a point is fuckin cool, and although nwod spirits are MOSTLY boring one notes, some of them are quite interesting, like spirits of morally ambiguous concepts like death and darkness that don't really fit as Gaian or Wyrmish. And of course, eating people is a big werewolf thing that finally gets the respect it deserves in 2e.
Yeah really. Violence is undeniably sometimes useful. Its just that the garou don't think much about using anything *but* violence.
Gonna play the first game in my new campaign tonight ! I'm excited, read the Vampire the Requiem 2nd Edition again to wrap my head around the new mechanics, I think I'm ready.
How are your games going ?
Mages gamble in pocket dimensions where fate and time don't exist.
Vampires have horrific blood sports between dominated, often ghouled slaves.
Werewolves simply bet on the outcome of brutal battles for dominance.
Changelings gamble by being transformed into cards, chips and other gaming pieces by the Gentry.
The entire gambling tournament is a Command and Control infrastructure of the God Machine. The demons arrive to take part, crash it or just see who wins.
Beasts take bets on which will break first, your spirit or your body.
Prometheans have no friends to gamble with.
Mage is literally the worst of the oWoD gamelines. The ambiguity is fucking stifling
Werewolf is literally the most well designed of their games but is criminally underrated because 'muh archmages' or 'muh antediluvians'
When will you rage?
I'd agree.
I greatly enjoy how the werewolf ST's guide, in no uncertain terms, laughs at the idea that reality is subjective.
Apocalypse is a game about historically incompetent eco-terrorists. The setting can best be described as embarrassing. It makes the convoluted mass of Ascension and Masquerade simply delightful in comparison.
>Mage is about Wizards being scientifically proved out of existence
>Vampire is about leeches getting ass fucked by their elders for no greater purpose than amusement
>Werewolf is about brave fighters trying to stop Destruction incarnate from destroying the universe.
Nobody's talking about Wraith20 yet?
Still reading through it, like what I see so far, but I did notice that I don't see any rules for Ferrymen PCs in the book - I thought that was a stretch goal we reached? Or is that going to be in a supplement?
I agree with everything here but that anything can make VtM or Asc's setting "delightful."
>Werewolf is about brave fighters trying to stop Destruction incarnate from destroying the universe.
Which would be awesome if the battle weren't already lost right from the get go. Roleplaying a doomed cause is not exactly my idea of a fun time.
It's why I prefer Forsaken over Apocalypse. Shit is bad there as well, but it's not hopeless yet.
How often do vampires diablerize elder vampires in your games?
>I greatly enjoy how the werewolf ST's guide, in no uncertain terms, laughs at the idea that reality is subjective.
werewolf ST's guide says mages are wrong about the nature of reality in werewolf games
ascension points out mage and werewolf can't both be right, I prefer that mages be wrong
Is this a trick question?
The smart ass answer is "infrequently enough for there to still be elders, at any rate" and most vampires would be elders; assuming that vampires are embraced at a rate that remains relatively even and have been around for 6000+ years, if not hundreds of thousands of years, logic dictates most vampires would have had to have been embraced in the distant past and power increases exponentially with age whereas the threat vampires of all ages face remains flat.
Its only with the rise of modern technology that neonates are anything other than "elders, but completely shitty and inferior in all ways." Maybe however many thousands of years ago that fire was discovered, elder cave vampires were at a disadvantage against neonates and experienced a similar die off.
What really is the difference between Lasombra and Ventrue besides the former having shadow powers? They seem to have had the church and state thing going on in effect it seems like the one runs the Camarilla and the other runs the Sabat. What distinguishes them from a lore based perspective other than that?
Thinking of running a vampire game so someone please explain.
I had 3 warform werewolves stuck in a large basement full of vampires. It was not a good night for a Circle of the Crone meeting.
Failing local business is suddenly making a comeback. People buying stuff from there are having their lives changed for the first. After 2 weeks, horrible accidents happen to everyone who bought a life improving product from there. Anti-aging cream makes a person more beautiful but once that two weeks is up they have an "accident" that fucks up their face. It turns out a mage is helping out the business owner, making people want the miracle products he sells.
Werewolves can totally save everything. It's said many times that while the Garou Nation might not avert the Apocalypse, a pack might.
Mage is the worst gameline due to certain player bases being unable to stomach the thought of non-monsters being more potent than the actual monsters. The ambiguity is the charm of the setting, regardless of how much you despise consensual reality.
>butthurt magefag brings in power levels to a discussion about design and clarity of rules.
Yes, because clarifying why the fanbase doesn't like a certain gameline is clause for concern. Accuse me all you want but this is the reality of things.
Mage hate falls on:
A) Creeping power levels
B) Consensual reality
C) Ambiguity(?)
D) Pretentious 90s edge
C) "old timers stink, play awakening instead"
>C not E
Fuck me.
This is pure delusion.
>Entire splat is based on badly worded mechanics and even worse erratas
>Badly organised books, especially for Umbra travel
>Inconsistent ideas of what is and isn't coincidental magic
The consensus, 90s edge, NuWoD and creeping power levels doesn't come into it at all. The game itself requires so much jury rigging because the writers never thought to make things clear in the first place.
Brucato couldn't write rules to save his life. He certainly can't do it to pay his rent.
>paranoid vampfag accusing user of being magefag
Like clockwork
>Say Werewolf is the best oWoD splat
>Magefag comes in to say that people hate it just because Mages are really powerful
>I call him a magefag
>But now I'm a vampfag
Are all magefags instantly rendered retarded when they talk about a splat that isn't Vampire?
>thinking its a magefag when they claim mages are all powerful
>when this has been the reality since 1993
>still accusing me of being a magefag
I admit we're both accusers but you're as retarded as I am
>thinking I was even disputing Mage power
>when I was just responding to someone who claimed that people only hate Mage because of power levels
>when the things I mainly disputed was the poorly written rules
The only retard here is you.
The world of darkness community is absolutely terrible. Straighten your shit out.
Let's list all the offenders, shall we?
triggered trannies
buttblasted vampfags
powermad magefags
owod lore/metaplot zealots
nwod mechanic supremacists
>TFW the list doesn't include Phil Brucato and all of
>For Shame!
>Don't forget people who have nothing to contribute and don't actually run games.
>It's another "this community is absolutely terrible" episode
>As if every single community in the history of ever doesn't have this opinion about their own communities.
This statement is genuinely more boring than the regular Turning-Caine-Into-A-Lawn-Gnome rote arguments that happen on here every thread.
Phil IS goatfucker
Nice gaslight but it deserves to be said. I've been trying to start a campaign but grooming decent conversation around here is impossible.
What? Where have you been?
Mages turn vampires into law *chairs*.
I guess they could turn changelings into law gnomes, but nobody care about changelings so it's moot.
I admit I find it enjoyable seeing Vampire players get so uptight at Mage supremacy, owod or nwod.
What do you want to talk about, user?
>What do you want to talk about, user?
The merit system and which system accommodates mortals becoming less than mortal. How well do mortals jive in live play with supernatural stuff? Could they have a cohesive unit if characters are game?
>this shit again.m3u
Seriously, see a doctor. Bringing up something this much in conversation is called "perseverance" and it's a sign of a stroke.
Rules? Most WW rules were crap. The only way we could play was to ditch the entire system and run everything off a single die with floating and arbitrary difficulty numbers. It worked well, given how stoned the players were.
Oh, never car surf if the driver is on acid, by the way.
It was the prose that made my brain hurt more.
I enjoy sending more and more money to Onyx Path, because while you're in here getting butt-blasted, outside the gender binary is dying.
The next woman you check out on the street might have a penis. And you love it, you filthy bitch.
I know the Technocracy has a lot of rules for Unenlightened Citizens using enlightened technology and going on missions. Mage has probably the most cool opportunities for mortals playing around with the supernatural.
Oh grow up
"less than mortal"? I'm not racist, but what does that mean?
If "growing up" means repeating the same tired memes like an adolescent with a learning disorder, I shall stay a child forever, Magecunt.
Is everyone a magecunt to you, lol
My preference would be character slowly coming to terms with mage and using the power to overcoming an otherworldly threat so thank you for that.
What, no love for Hunters Hunted? Project Twilight? Sorcerer? Demon Hunter X? Quick and the Dead? Kinfolk? The Inquisition? Try the Inquisition set somewhere like Madrid, seriously, your players won't be expecting the Spanish Inquisition.
>I enjoy sending more and more money to Onyx Path,
I would be more than happy to send some of my money to OPP. However, that would require it releases some Awakening and Forsaken supplements. Unfortunately, OPP is too busy screwing-up Exalted and promoting anthropomorphic canines.
No problem user. Potentially, you can also do some cool stuff with Kinfolk if they get Fetishes right off the bat. They'd probably be limited to fighting Fomori and other in realm threats, but it could be interesting to have a focus on threats too niche to send a Garou out for.
>Hunters Hunted
Mein neger. Best part about Vigil was being Hunters Hunted as a full splat. Hope 2e sticks with that.
Fuck you, Phil.
>coming to terms with mage and using the power to overcoming an otherworldly threat
You're wizarding all wrong. Once you Awaken you revel in your power and treat the humans insects and monkeys like the lesser being that they are.
No, just someone who feels the need to drag the same threadbare meme into the thread over and over, like the homeless schizophrenic dragging the reeking dog carcass around the housing project on the end of it's leash, too delusional to notice Woofie has been off his tucker for 8 weeks.
I'm not a racist, but Jews are a religion, not a race.
Those are some great examples too, but I'm not too familiar with Hunters Hunted and Demon Hunter X. Do they have supernatural resources all unto themselves?
Don't forget the card games! They just reprinted the truly mediocre Werewolf: Wild West poker deck, now in a more practical size.
They still haven't reprinted the Core Rulebook for WWW.
Kinfolk and Garou are unfamiliar terms to me as I've only just finished the chronicles of darkness book. These listed in the mage book?
Jews are both a religion and distinct ethnic group.
Yes, Hunters Hunted had the first ever rules for Sorcery and True Faith. They called it "Thaumaturgy" back then, which is a giggle. It's easy to replace that with the Numina printed in later books. Demon Hunter X was more exotic, it had Chi-powered Kung Fu and Eastern mysticism.
>implying the magecunts and vampfaggots don't contribute the same sewage
They are the human relatives and werewolves, respectively, of the Old World of Darkness.
Hardly. If anyone can join, and they can poach random Jews around the planet to join their little Middle Eastern Invasion Party, they aren't a distinct ethnic group, now are they? Cultural, certainly. But hardly ethnic. Plus, it "runs through the mother's line", right? That's some pretty selective bullshit, guy.
I don't see "vampfaggots" posting about "Mage Supremacy", so no, they don't post the same sewage. Next!
>How would you introduce Forsaken to new players?
Like this: "don't play Forsaken, it is a shitty game."
I don't see the magecunts bringing over wankfests via copy pasting and/or linking to previous threads. Next.
No, anyone cannot just convert to Judaism. Unlike Christianity, Islam and most other religions, Jews don't proselytize and joining is damned hard, even among Reform Jews.
However, among converts and some odd small populations, there are religious Jews who are not ethnic Jews. That in no way changes that fact that the vast majority of Jews share a common ethnic background. In fact, Jews are a sufficiently old and diverse enough group to have evolved sub-ethnicities.
My group has fun playing Werewolf.