Soooo, Veeky Forums

I'm running a magical realm campaign for 5e (Don't worry, the players know and are into it, and it's online and text only) which is a similar concept to Corruption of Champions, except the corruption actually means something besides just locking you out of certain things. The issue is, they're going to want some spells for THAT kind of thing, and I'm lazy. I don't want to just port in shit from 3.5's BoEF, so I figured I'd ask if there's a splatbook of the same persuasion for 5e DnD.

Yes, I'm serious.

Probably not, I'm pretty sure the open gaming liscense that let that book even exist is no longer a thing. Someone's definitely made something of the ilk, but you'll have to go forum trawling

There is one about slave training that was posted a while back. I do not remember if it had spells or if it was just skill DCs and setting info.

>I don't want to just port in shit from 3.5's BoEF

Why not? The differences are more in the basic 5E spellcasting system than in any particular spell effects. Those should work fine with a tiny bit of tweaking.

Yea, I guess you're right. Probably wouldn't even need tweaks, honestly, since spells don't set the DCs, and the players probably wouldn't be interested in the spells that do DAMAGE.

Well here's the lewd rules for 5e

And here's the lewd bestiary

Check out the Scroll of Swallowed Darkness too, even if just for flavour.

>Racial compatibility table doesn't have dryads somehow mating with dryads.
>Racial compatibility table doesn't even have dryads.

I am so glad that I made this. I think it turned out very well

Dryads are covered by fey (any), which makes them compatible with aaracokra, celestials, dragons (any), dragonborn, dwarves, elves, fey (any), firbolg, giants (any), goblinoids (any), goliaths, gnomes, half-elves, half-orcs, halflings, humans, kenku, kobolds, lizardfolk, merfolk, orcs, tabaxi, tritons, and yuan-ti purebloods.

In any event, the table is only presented as a suggestion, not a final word.

>In any event, the table is only presented as a suggestion, not a final word.

If it's not a hard rule, then it shouldn't be in a rulebook. Suggestions don't mean anything or carry any weight in a rules debate.

Shouldn't you be rolling 1d100's for these 'sexuality' rolls?

Being entirely homosexual or even asexual is far less then 5% of the total fucking population.

Also why can youths not be seduced? What if I'm also a youth, we can't be seduced by each other at all, only when I am magically 'adult' do I feel sexual desire?

>Being entirely homosexual or even asexual is far less then 5% of the total fucking population.

Not even close. Remember, if a male has any homosexual tendencies at all - incluing minimal bisexuality - that makes you entirely homosexual. And the *low-end* estimate on the number of people with those tendencies is 40% of the male population.

>and 75% of Republican lawmakers

Dude, this is a fan-made sex book for D&D. Stop having a 'tism, lie back, and think of England.

>"While real life was used as a touchstone for most of the rules in this document, the main goal was ease of play and fun. The author fully believes that Dungeons & Dragons is not and was never intended to be a Real Life Simulator."

>why can youths not be seduced?

I don't know, user. Why do you think the author of what was intended to be a fun, silly sex guide to 5e would not want you to be able to seduce children? Although if you feel the need to:

>"[...] though the DM can feel free to ignore this limitation for his particularly gross campaigns if he wants."

I wish you had a version without the "My hips are moving on their own" variant rule, it's one of my most hated tropes in erotica and it grosses me out.

The guy was writing for the Veeky Forums audience, if he didn't people would bitch.

Hey, dude, did you ever write anything else? Not necessarily this but other projects?

This was an amusing read, thanks user

Why even use DnD for this kind of shit when you can use something more rules-lite and theme-appropriate?!

Because D&D is the only system anyone actually plays.

Dude just take the spells that exist and add a lewd spin to them.
It's not hard.

Melcanthet's artwork is amazing. Where did you get it?

What's with these pregnancy chances? A commoner has a 50% chance of getting pregnant from any given sexual encounter?

Hey, stop kinkshaming the masochists you shitlord.


The real question is, if you're interested enough to run a game like this, why wouldn't you already have an idea of what sort of houserules you'd want to create for it?

The rules on pregnancy look silly. And the rules on fetishes too. I've seen a way better qand bigger table on fetishes and a better ruleset for pregnancy in DnD. Also, herontophilia allowed, pedophilia not - why? Both seem equally messed up to me, it's either both are allowed (on the level of thoughts and fetishes, not on the legal level within the setting), or both are not. Same goes with necrophilia that's somehow OK and zoophilia that's a no-no.

Also, I'm thinking over pregnancy rules for Barbarians of Lemuria based only on d6 rolls.

>The rules on pregnancy look silly.
They don't just look silly, they are silly. At the very least, they should take into account the menstrual cycle (if the species has one) and estrous cycle (again, if the species has one) as well as the age of both relative to the typical reproductive age range.

I never had any problems finding players for other systems.

>I'm running a magical realm campaign
>it's online and text only
back in my day we called that cybersex. Its just as pathetic and retarded now as it was back in the 90ies

An even more pathetic thing is to be nostalgic about the "back in the day" to the point you start spamming the same message in every thread "educating" people how pathetic they are. If you're trying to seem cooler at their account, you are even more pathetic.

So this is what true autism looks like

Yes. Now get the fuck out.

Yep. My idea of the d6 rules I've mentioned, whenever a female character has sex, she rolls a d6, on a 6 she gets pregnant. Otherwise, she won't get pregnant in the nearest...
1 - 25 days (in game)
2 - 20 days
3 - 15 days
4 - 10 days
5 - 5 days.
Species who have estrus cannot get pregnant when it's not their season. When it's their season, on a 4-6 they get pregnant, on a 1-3 they don't.
The character is infertile if he/ she takes "infertile" as a flaw.
If the character is under 16, he/ she makes a roll, 1d6+their age. If the result is 16 or more, the character is now fertile.
If the character is over 40, he/she makes a roll, on a 1 he/ she is infertile, otherwise - fertile for 5 more years and gets +1/6 for the next roll, etc.

I Google image searched "Malcanthet".

I personally hate it too, but I added it in because I knew the audience I was writing for. It IS a variant rule, though, and I think my text makes it pretty clear what I think of people that run with it.

Bunch of things, actually. My other "big hit" project was the Previous Adventures document - basically, a way to randomly determine what previous adventures a high-level character has been on, since there's nothing I hate more than someone who sits down at the table with a 7th (or whatever) level character who's backstory doesn't describe any of the events that could have *gotten* him to 7th level - i.e., "my character was a simple blacksmith's son until a dragon burned down my village, now he's become an adventurer". Okay, that describes why you're a 1st-level Fighter. But how the Hell did you then pick up 6 more class levels? A 7th level character should have already, like, rescued a princess or two, or plundered a dungeon, or the like.

Here's that document.

For non-d20 stuff, my major achievement is the Vampire: the Masquerade Monster Manual, which contains over 100 V:tM 20th anniversary NPCs already statted out, including four NPCs for each of the 13 clans (fledgling, neonate, ancilla, elder), 2 NPCs for each of the major bloodlines, a bunch of ghouls (including an NPC for each revenant bloodline), reprints of various animals and other supernatural creatures, write-ups for Laibon, Kuei-jin, and mummies, and my personal favorite, write-ups for about three or four dozen random mortal NPCs, like your typical Burglar, Cop, Priest, Politician, Cab Driver, etc.

I wrote the VMM because while I can appreciate the idea behind White Wolf wanting Storytellers to lovingly craft each individual NPC and make them have full personalities and backstories, sometimes you just want to populate a bar with some Licks and ghouls, or otherwise have some throwaway NPCs.

Is there a download for Book of Erotic Fantasy? Specifically in Jpg or Png?

Yes. In real life, under optimal conditions for both partners (she's ovulating, the temperature is right, you have sex in the missionary position, etc), the real chance of a human successfully conceiving is about 75% (or to be a bit more accurate, under those conditions conception is technically 100%, but about one in four successful conceptions fail within the first week or so due to the vagaries of the human body - so a woman might never realize she's pregnant during this time). So I figured I'd use a base of 50% to represent that not every sexual encounter is under optimal conditions (rather than have some kind of system to try and figure out if you're having sex on a "safe" day or not).

The fetish table specifically points out that it is far from complete and that you can pick your own fetishes or make up new ones. If you want to make a character who's a pedophile, I won't stop you.

The principle goal of 5e D&D is "keep it simple, stupid". You want to have rules that can be memorized with a minimum of fuss, and preferably any check should be based around Ability + Proficiency (if applicable) + d20 against a given DC.

You understand these rules make it possible for a 4 year old to get pregnant, right? While not strictly speaking impossible - the youngest girl to ever get pregnant was 5 and change years old (Lina Medina) - it does mean that I don't want to get within a mile of you and think you should probably have to inform people in the neighborhood where you live that you're taking up residence.

>You understand these rules make it possible for a 4 year old to get pregnant, right?

Oops, strike that. Misread the table. Though I still don't think you should be running a game where players might have sex with someone 10 years of age and then get that poor girl pregnant.

Plus, like I said previously, I think the rules get too involved and require tracking too much.

Adding a simple menstrual and estrous cycle doesn't change how the ability check is made. It just means that if you're, say, a tabaxi woman (which for the sake of simplicity we'd assume has the same cycle as a cat), you have a few weeks of the year where you're in heat and can get pregnant, and for the rest of the time you're a frigid bitch and don't need to bother rolling.

Sorry, I just checked the trove over in the PDF share thread and it doesn't seem to be in it.

That doesn't seem fun, however, because it means that for probably the majority of the year your character doesn't have interest in sex - which creates some obvious problems in a game based around or featuring sex heavily.

At most I'd probably just make conception impossible when not in heat (but otherwise you can still have the desire for sex), but that seems like effort for minimal reward - I'm not sure how many people would even want the table, let alone would make use of it. Frankly it just seems like an excuse to have a character who can have sex without the risk of getting pregnant, but there's like a dozen ways to do that in the document already.

The reward here is verisimilitude. You already have a table with gestation length and number of offspring - that's the perfect place to add the type of reproductive cycle if any (rabbits don't have one for example - they can get pregnant pretty much at any time they want, even while already pregnant) and the cycle's parameters.

>The reward here is verisimilitude

At the cost of increased bookkeeping. At its simplest it would be something like, "a female centaur can't become pregnant except during summer. At the start of summer, she is receptive for 2d4+2 days, and is then not receptive for 14 days before becoming receptive again for another 2d4+2 days. This cycle repeats until the end of summer."

Speaking as a player, I wouldn't want to keep track of that. Speaking as a DM, I'd kill myself if I had to keep track of the heat cycles of even two or three NPCs of different races. I'd have to track the beginning and end of seasons on top of that, too. And on top of that I know for a FACT that I'd have to strangle one or more of my players for not keeping track of their own heat cycles, requiring me to do the work retroactively, or put the game on hold while they do so.

The "reward" of verisimilitude is slim at best.

Aaaaand now you're overcomplicating things for no good reason. A simple template like "a week receptive, 2 weeks not, repeat 4 more times" works as well for your centaur example and is close enough for gaming purposes. And that only becomes important if any PC wants to have sex with that NPC, otherwise it's background noise you don't need bother tracking.

At this point - and given I typically have a dozen or two major players and powers and their plans to keep track of on a day-to-day base anyway - and especially if it's reduced to a weekly granularity for gaming purposes ... It's just a few more minutes of gametime prep, hardly noticeable.

Some of the sex spells are fun, and the BoEF had a class called Tantrist that was honestly pretty decent, but I'm not sure I could ever RP an actual sex scene. I think it would turn out an awkward mess and people would want to quit the session early.

>Previous Adventures document - basically, a way to randomly determine what previous adventures a high-level character has been on, since there's nothing I hate more than someone who sits down at the table with a 7th (or whatever) level character who's backstory doesn't describe any of the events that could have *gotten* him to 7th level - i.e., "my character was a simple blacksmith's son until a dragon burned down my village, now he's become an adventurer"

Fucking saved.

I also find it hilarious how basically NOTHING was changed about nymphs.

Even if it was set rather than random (I used 2d4+2 because real horses are receptive for between 4 and 10 days), that doesn't change the fundamental problem of increased bookkeeping for limited reward.

>And that only becomes important if any PC wants to have sex with that NPC

It can be reasonably presumed that any group using the 5e Guide to Sex is going to be having sex with a lot of different NPCs, which would necessarily require the DM to track the estrous cycle of any NPC that would a) have it and b) the PCs have sex with (or have PCs track their own, as relevant to the PC's sex - but they won't, they'll forget to do it, because they're PCs). Trust me, over the course of even a medium-length campaign, that could start to seriously add up. We also haven't even touched on the fact that I'd necessarily have to (or at least I would feel compelled to) also add in estrous tables for various monsters not included on the basic table that might undergo estrous cycles, such as harpies, lamias, sphinxes, and so on.

Now having said all that - if you want to make the tables yourself, go ahead, and I'll be happy to include them in an updated version with full credit to you.

Going down the list of PC races and monsters, I'd want an estrous cycle for:

Hook horror
Umber hulk
Blink dog
Winter wolf

Hop to it.

Nothing needed to be changed, really. I just updated their stats from 3rd Edition. I suspect they were left out of 5th Edition because unless you specifically want them to do sex stuff there really isn't a lot of difference between a nymph and a dryad, and a dryad can probably be used to represent a nymph for most purposes if you're not planning on banging them.

Personal favorites:

- Aboard the Scarlet Tide, for high seas pirate adventures
- Beneath the Wicked Sands, for being unashamedly a Conan ripoff.
- Dragon's Plea, for basically being a sitcom episode set in a fantasy world
- Escape from the City of Brass, for involving efreet and spelljammers

Don't suppose other people might have possible ideas to add to the "Previous Adventures document", would they? It's pretty good stuff and I could always imagine room for more.

Well, I did my part when I made it. I actually ran out of interesting ideas for the 20th one and just copied a 3.5 adventure called DragonDown Grotto.

For the most part, looking over one-shots (Barrier Peaks, natch) or short adventures (Murder in Baldur's Gate, Legacy of the Crystal Shard) or stealing the plot ideas from Conan stories is a good place to look.

Noted, oh course.

On my head I am pondering ideas for previous adventures tied to certain backgrounds.