I don't mean a dwarf or elf, I mean basing your character on another real world ethnicity which you aren't part of.
Have you done this, seen it done or even allow it at the table?
Playing a character of a different race
Its an actual question though. I've only ever seen people play characters who math their ethnicity if they play a human.
Of course, of course, of course.
Other options mean you aren't fit for RPGs.
Would be a strange thing to do since most of the people who post here are Americans, and there's very little comparable melting pot cultures in most RPG settings.
My last 5 characters have a mix of eastern religions-y mystic, a Viking/Slav Pugilist, a vaguely polish half-orc inquisitor, a flemish/burgundian knight, and a not-roman publican.
I guess that means they're all indo-european.
I didn't know this was even an issue that needed discussing.
The setting you're playing in is probably limited in what a person can make then.
only a cuck would actually want to be black.
> Afro-Chilean necromancer
> Vietnamese 80 year old female oracle
> Black sorcerer
> NPCs of various races, genders and ages
It's fine. So long as you're not being Zip Coon I don't think anyone cares if you describe your fighter as looking like Michael B. Jordan or your rogue as looking like Lucy Liu.
Yes. I made a Jamaican modern witch doctor.
It just so happen that our group's black guy made a old southern white folk.
Ive also made a Vikings, a Jew, and a swedish Character. I don't see how it's a problem.
If you got some kind of SJW in the party just kick em? Unless your whole party is SJW?
You don't think it'd be fun to play a black Character? Push out all the stereotypes and jokes
"Ay yo ranger dude, what Cho elfaboo eyes be seeing?"
"Shit dawg, be seeing some real shit up ahead."
"Awe damn nigga. Yo Abram Goldstein you ready to pick my black ass up when I tryna drop dem fools?"
*Sniffles** adjust glasses* "ah geeze Tyrone De Farquhard, if it's this "real shit" is as dangerous as lil gangtsadeer is implying then we might be best off with going around to those orcs and making them fight for us."
The party enters an Inn, the scene is a standard Bar Set with mild activity. The players all walk up to the bar keep.
Bar keep: eye lads, ye looking fer a pint o' ale?
Black guy 1: ay yo you got dat in grape???
Black guy 2: shit nigga I only drink 4Ts.
Black guy 3:to dawg I'm looking for some real food, ya'll got some melon or fried chicken up n here?
Nah, that's 10/10.
Sure, I've played an animal sacrificing nomadic desert elf which would have definitely not fit the traditional trope.
i have played both irish and italian characters so yeah
If it's apropiate, sure. Not-Asians or Not-Arabs.
Is that a Knightfall reference?
You pale nigger.
I could never bring myself to do it. There are limits to roleplaying.
Who the fuck plays their own ethnicity if it's not a historical game?
Yes, I've played as a white before though it wasn't pretty.
Most people? Why would I Wana play asa nigger or a chink or some lame ass race?
This is gold.
I've played characters with various different skin tones depending on the climate in the part of the world it's set in.
But in a world that was created/evolved entirely separate from our own, the culture, personal values, and skillsets would all be unconnected to an Earth-based discrimination system, so who gives a shit? Not to mention the influence of fucking magic.
Are there any black people ITT?
What do you play when you the game is high medieval fantasy set in not!Europe?
Do you play white guys or do you try to explain in a black character?
You have to be logical, most not!Europe settings are not!Europe for the reason of adding diversity of both magical races and standard races.
It's not hard to explain a nigger when your more busy explaining the Orc army camping inside a towering elf ruin with faires flying around as a common pest.
Because we don't hate ourselfs, probably.
Yes, go all ooga booga and make sure to invest in spears.
Most peoples' ethnicity doesn't exist in a fantasy setting you dingus. Ethnicity isn't just determined by the colour of skin, otherwise explain the sami.
>Not hating yourself = cramming things in where they don't belong.
That's fucking worse than black christian Hannibal.
Most settings include
>European (either one, a few, a mix, or all)
>And the rare black
They also on even more rare occasion include asians.
Unless someone is a Mexican or chink why wouldn't they be able to play their native race?
>Unless someone is a Mexican
I mean, any Native American heritage is a bit tricky to justify, but Spain is a part of Europe...
I play majoritaly Folklore fantasy version of my home country, playing anything different would be cramming things than don't belong.
>Unless someone is a Mexican or chink why wouldn't they be able to play their native race?
Nice moving of the goalpost buddy.
We're talking ethnicity and not race. The former you simply can't transport into another setting as you remove the foundations of the ethnicity without which it can't exist.
Thus playing your own ethnicity in a fantasy, apocalyptic or distant sci fi game is just fucking ludicrous.
>Have you done this, seen it done or even allow it at the table?
Why would this ever be a problem? Is the next step only to play people of your age and eye color? I mean, I pretty much default to "white", since I'm a white guy who mostly hangs out with white people in a mostly white community, but I play other ethnicities too. Off the top of my head, I've done Asian, I've done Hispanic-ish, I've done ancient Egyptian-ish, I've done black, and probably a significant number of others too. I mean, many are in fantasy settings, where we're talking about equivalents as opposed to literal, real-word ethnicities, but close enough.
Well then what you're playing doesn't apply to what I just said now does it? It's an obvious exception as my point is clearly talking about having a real ethnicity in a made up world.
There are always at least 3 ethnicities in most settings. Those 3, will cover most of em. If your ethnicity or race isn't covered then it probably won't even matter due to the more radical change that an orc or elf will bring to distract from a more peculiar or uncommon human race/ethnicity.
Meant to type, Spain isn't a very common race/ethnicity in most fantasy settings (not impossible) so they would also have to probably change.
I'm half Puerto Rican, one quarter Russian Jew and one quarter Polish, and I look pretty WASPY. I'd be hard pressed to play a character of my exact ethnicity in any setting.
While much of it is borrowing from the Early Modern Period, armadas, exploration and colonization by sail, inquisitions, and maybe even some form of Reconquista are all tied to Spanish history. Maybe in a fantasy setting, they get rolled in with the Italians as swarthy maritime merchants, but close enough. I mean, there may not be an exact English equivalent either.
>Those 3, will cover most of em
Never go full retard user.
Those 3 will be a pseudo copy of one of the most common ethnicities and will probably be adjusted for more interjects of other similar enough ethnics that you can roll "most" people (at least the ones in your group because that will limit the amount of probable and actual ethnic/racial diversity in a way that the 3 common ethnicities you'll find in DnD will cover.)
Unless we get specific your opinion can't be correct.
Exp. My group is 3 euro mix Americans, a black American guy, and a half swedish/half Italian American born.
A generic white euro ethnicity in a fantasy setting will cover 4/5 of my curry party. Use different cities/different small counties to add more specific ethnic/race differences.
The black American will fall into one of the other 2 groups the Fantasy setting will cover.
I played a slav once.
You're being dishonest. The question wasn't if you could play a generic kitchen-sink approximation of your ethnicity. Your writing makes it clear that you're really agreeing with me even though you for some reason choose not to identify as such.
Like Estalia and other not-Spanish like the seven seas ones? Not exactly uncommon.
There are only white people in my settings
I don't even have drow or similar
Several times now.
I've played a German, an Aztec, a Jew for one session.
I mostly just have fun with it and try to put on the accent, although I will fully admit I can not do the generic native voice.
Just making the impression you most associate with. Remember it's not about ethnicity or race but culture and behavior. What is the culture and behavior of your character?
After defining that you can be basically any ethnicity that fits the description.
Yes, because my table isn't full of insecure /pol/fags. Unlike this thread.
Eh I am mixed. Grandfather killed commies in the east, mother is from the dominican republic. That said I donĀ“t really mind playing white dudes depending on the setting.
The closest Ive ever came was playing (the equivalent) of an irish potato farmer, spoke in a horrible irish accent whenever I spoke too
I actually dont think Ive ever played a non-white character. Even shadowrun characters baaed in china have been white
I like making dark skinned characters with ambiguous origins who are travelers from "far away lands". Just a trope that I really enjoy, allows me a lot of freedom when designing their looks and character.
Unimaginative narcissists, I assume.