What went wrong?
What went wrong?
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I knew it went wrong when they put rap in the trailer.
not enough brouzoufs
pleb detected
I think you're the pleb.
It needed more mariachi and less rap, why did you want some generic chanting instead?
A buggy release and weird-as-hell leveling system for multiplayer. Other than that, it's a L4D clone, so unless you're playing it with friends, it gets boring pretty quick.
I don't think it's inherently bad, but your mileage will vary depending on how much you like horde shooters.
Nothing really. I can't put my finger on why I didn't play it more, the aesthetics were great, the gameplay was fine and firing plasma cannon into mobs of genestealers gives you a raging boner for the Emperor.
Dumb genestealer AI, static levels and weird MP
>A buggy release and weird-as-hell leveling system for multiplayer.
This. My friends and I made it through the first level maybe once in ~9 attempts, not due to the difficulty mind you, but due to the game crashing and losing all our progress. It was a pretty big buzzkill.
It's a shame this game didn't turn out so good. It had lots of potential.
Nothing, really. It's a pretty fun game.
thanks for this user
I stopped playing at that mission where you have to get to 3 objectives within like 30 minutes
I DESPISE timer missions and will never play them. The game for me ends wherever they show up
Take it like a challenge.
I like challenges
except timer missions
fuck timer missions and fuck their children
I don't mind timer missions where they say "defend this spot for [x] minutes." Unless it's like 35-90 minutes because I have a busy life and ain't got no time for that shit.
It was developed by Cyanide and published by Focus Home, how could it not go wrong?
>that one "survive 30 minutes" mission in Starcraft 1, early part of Terran campaign
>misunderstand as having to beat the map in 30 minutes
took me a bit
How long do you guys think it's going to be before we get another really good 40k game?
I hope it's a horror game, next time, because there are too many ideas.
Hopefully later this year Am I the only one who thinks it looks more like a really big expansion pack than a true sequel?
you'd never know this was a shitty chess game.
i mean, it is just adding a bunch of new features and campaigns, but then couldn't any sequel be called an add on?
>still space strategy on a single plane
No, it'll still be bad.
I can already taste the necron salt.
Hopefully they fix the stupid lack of victory points from the first game though, you can't port a game about victory points then just cut that mechanic and expect things to work.
It's an age of sail strategy game painted space colours for fun.
>it's a genre i don't like
>it's a bad game
Did they ever patch whatever issues this game had? Avoided it at launch due to reviews about overly buggy gameplay.
I assume so. I never had any issues, and I bought it two months after launch.
>What went wrong?
The game focused on Dark Angels.
Homeworld has thus far been the only successful game to actually implement something like this.
It's just boring. There are technically variations among the genestealers with biomorphs, but they really pose no dramatic effect on strategy or threat level, and they all just run up to you. Broodlord is a glorified bullet sponge.
The game nails presentation and atmosphere, but the buggy launch, wonky as fuck RPG mechanics, straightforward FPS and average generic 40k plot just leaves it incredibly mediocre.
Personally I think it would have benefited from being less of a L4D clone and stayed closer to the source material. Vengeance of the Blood Angels is obviously aged but it stayed true to the claustrophobic nature of the board game and incorporated top-down strategy. Genestealers should have been more lethal at that.
It's just a wholly unremarkable horde shooter with a gorgeous coat of paint and an uninspired adaptation of the original board game.
>stormbolter mk II description is just in french
You tell me, user.
>Make him repent
>emulating battlefleet gothic in 3d
For chrissakes, user. Those ships have fucking broadsides, torpedoes and ramming spurs. Do you think that translate well into tri-dimentional void combat?
40k space battles were, are, and will be about old ass naval combat. Deal with it.
Homeworld expansions and mods already installed all that shit long ago.
The developer just doesn't have the skills or will to do it right.
Take a good look at this and tell me that it's designed for 3d combat.
He is clearly a retard, but I would love to see the attack craft use 3 dimensions. Then you would REALLY get a battle of midway feeling when carriers attack each other.
I waited a lot on it but I have to admit it was released to early. Too many bugs for the players to stick around.
But I'm definitely waiting on the Enhanced edition. Really hoping it adds a lot.
Unplayably buggy and unstable at launch. Progression resetting each game in multiplayer ruined that too, intense graphics lag on most computers, bizarre audio bugs.
Botched launch basically.
Buggy as fuck at launch and the tyranid ai is lacking. Still played like 20 hours and eagerly waiting for the enhanced edition
>bigass forward guns on heavy cruisers and above for imp navy
>doesn't use them in the game
I don't get it.
You mean the side mounted sensor prongs?
You're telling me that those things aren't guns?
No, they match the design of the spine mounted antennae to plug the dorsal weapon holes for standard cruisers. The chaos battleship ones are more obviously sensor spines.
You are both plebs
Shouldn't be too long, Inquisitor: Martyr is on its way.
"Humm, yes, yes, I need more two steps from hell fake choir pseudo epic!"
nothing, game's excellent. WTFRU smoking?
Its garbage.
This was awesome, thanks user
didnt really strike a good ballance between Lore and Gameplay, as in too much lore, not enough gameplay.
>autogun toting cultists can hurt terminator armor
They should've just fucked with your aim/sensors.
Enhanced Edition is coming out "soon"
I liked the rhmy trailer: youtube.com
Not enough useful equipment, not enough gameplay variety, the AI is too stupid and the animations are downright bad in places. It genuinely looks like they spent more money on the trailer than the game.
Even then, Homeworld isn't "true" 3d combat, it's just submarines in space.
8/10 atmosphere
2/10 gameplay
You just run down corridors blazing away. It's fun the first 20mins, but games have come a way on since Doom.
Amazon says March and apparently it was shown in Focus' event last week. One can hope. I really want vid related to come true.
Played through it recently after all the patches had dropped. It was fun romp, buck fuck that final level with multiple broodlord fights.
I hope they go onto make another game. They've got the aesthetic down.
Doom at least has a variety of monsters that genuinely fight differently from one another, a player character swift enough to dodge the projectile weapons most enemies are armed with, and aesthetic.
Might as well post the weapon customisation as well.
The only valid critic in your post is the enemy variety.
I definitely agree the AI is a bit stupid and lack true variety but they weren't allowed to do anything but genestealers.
How is that now? Last I checked it looked like sludge in motion and had really lacklustre animations.
It's good my dude. Now come along and play either Chaplain, Apothecary or Librarian, and play on the hardest difficulty to feel truly righteous.
I refunded after I crashed multiple times. What's the plot to this game? Is there a Fallen somewhere in the midst?
I mean it's 40k. That's kinda the theme.
That sounds like the bigger issue. Art team fucking nailed it though.
Stealers fight in the middle of a nids invasion in the background, no Fallen seen but implied here and there.
Thorpe didn't do a great job honestly.
It had stellar art direction for such a janky game
Also this
The Dawn of War 3 trailer was good as well, but the game itself...
I'm a poorfag so I subsist on watching other people play the game, so I can't really speak for the game, but I thought both were good
I kinda agree but i think the odd timed mission gives a sense of urgency.
1 Abysmal realise, with bugs/crashes
2 Shit preformance, have spec above recomended...5+ enemies = 4fps
3 Enemies are bullet sponges
4 No sense of power
5 No customization of your weapon and armour/gear
There are some positives about it, no doubt but it was last game I preordered in my life and I wish I havent played it more so I could refund it.
I was expecting Vermintide levels of fun, I got hot garbage.
Shame rly cuz it had potential.
Lack of a consol release
Couldn't play as genestealers
Didn't have more nids than just genestealers
Nobody wants to play as genestealer.
Unless it's particularly raunchy freeform ERP.
Fuck you I can want both
Sure you can, now post pics of you and your dragon dildo collection.
They tried to but apparently it represented way too much work for such a small team.
And to be fair, Stealers are the prime population for Hulks, other nids are much less likely to be found.
Wrong developers
What killed my interest is the lack of content at launch. Like 4 perks, only a couple of guns each. Only one type of enemy.
Why? When you could play KF2 which at this point already had three times the content despite being early access.
>Space Hulk MMO
>Genestealer strains (that compete with each other because reasons) are free to play
>Muhreens are behind microtransactions
It would still have been better. It needed to convey a certain sense of fear. It didn't. It wasn't even pleasing to hear.
that's kind of what they've been doing with the GW strategy games
an initial game to test the waters then come out with a more developed version with more units later but not too much later
see: warhammer total war
>Inquisitor: Martyr
It's garbage. Just a Diablo clone with only 3 classes.
What about Flotilla and Battlestar Galactica Deadlock and Nexus: The Jupiter Incident?
to be honest though, bfga the vidya needs the ability to roll your ships to flip the 'up and down' to swap left for right quickly, especially to double fire them broadsides
i can see i'm gonna have to edumacate some fools by taking screens as i play through.
it is never a day where shooting xenos is not the best thing ever.
stupid xenos thinks climbing a ladder is smart when a psyker with a ready force sword is waiting for it at the top
ZZZAp motherfuckers! i'm a space wizzard, Yo!
FWOOSH! did i SAY you could exist near me, xenos filth? eat psykana shockwaves !
this is mein flammenwerfer, it werfs flammen