Maiesta RPG

>The world of Prognora is a living, breathing place. Spirits reside in everything from the earth and loam to the scattered clouds above. They take the form of angels and demons, mighty beasts and noble apparitions. And yet, for all their power and majesty, these spirits need to come from somewhere. They must be carried, nurtured, and taught the ways of the world they will one day care for. Among all the mortal races, precious few individuals have the potential to shoulder this monumental burden. Fewer still have the unbreakable spark to pursue that potential to the fullest.
>This is the story of those few that do. Those heroines blessed not only with the capacity to carry spirits to term, but the resolve to wield their new power to shape a better world for their children. This is the story of the maiesta.

This is an amature RPG being developed on featuring themes of Motherhood, Spiritualism, and Hilarious Kinks.

You play as the titular Maiesta, a woman with the ability to house nascent spirits, called Gravs, providing them with a true form. In return The spirits within them provide supernatural powers.

The RPG itself is in the middle of development on its second edition, and uses a unique but interesting core mechanic. Not to mention its very self aware.

>Main development Group page.

>Core rule page

I know that this is going to get shitposted to hell and back, but i think this little RPG needs a spotlight.

Other urls found in this thread:

Is this a false flag?


Has anyone here ever attempted to play this before? Does it work as a real system? I'm really interested in how that would turn out.

Sorry I don't have any blue board appropriate preg pics.

they are not asking for separate board, so probably not

Core Rules

In the Maiesta RPG, nearly all actions with a chance of failure are resolved with a dice roll known as a Check. In a check, a specified number of dice are rolled, their results added together, and the action's outcome determined based on that total. Dice come in five varieties, as follows:

Bronze dice are special four-sided dice with sides reading 0, 1, 1, 2. They can be simulated by rolling 2d2-2.
Silver dice are special four-sided dice with sides reading 2, 3, 3, 4. They can be simulated by rolling 2d2.
Gold dice are special four-sided dice with sides reading 4, 5, 5, 6. They can be simulated by rolling 2d2+2.
Platinum dice are not rolled, and have no random element - they always have a result of 7.
Crystal dice are standard ten-sided dice, with sides reading 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. They are rolled by certain probability based effects.

Further, a check can be made against a specific Threshold, or as an Opposed check. In a Threshold check, you compare the check's result to a static number, determined by the specific action being made. In an Opposed check, you compare the result to another check, generally made by another creature. In either case, if your result equals or exceeds the threshold or opposed check, your check is a success. The amount by which your check exceeds the threshold or opposed check is the Degree of success. Crystal dice are unique, and may be rolled with unusual mechanics in mind - consult the ability asking a crystal dice be rolled in order to determine how to gauge success on a crystal dice.

Lastly, several special terms apply to some dice.

On Bronze, Silver, and Gold dice, a result of 0, 2, and 4, respectively, are considered a 'Fumble', while results of 2, 4, and 6 are considered to be 'Critical'. This has no innate effect, but certain mechanics may reference Critical or Fumble results. Dice are criticals or fumbles individually - these terms do not apply to the check as a whole.

How are you going to take responsibility for such a large, luminous lady?

Bronze and Silver dice can be 'Empowered'. Doing so transforms them into Silver and Gold dice, respectively. Gold and Silver dice can be 'Weakened'. Doing so transforms them into Silver and Bronze dice, respectively. Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum dice can be 'Transformed', changing them into a specific other type of dice specified by the ability in question.

Some abilities 'Destroy' a dice. A destroyed dice is removed from a roll entirely, causing it to be disregarded in calculating the check's outcome.

Character Attributes

Each character has a number of core attributes critical to interaction in and out of combat. Most of these are derived directly from a character's class, and can be modified by purchasing advances

Capacity: The largest Size a character can comfortably grow to, without experiencing side effects.
Affinity: Affinity represents the maximum number of gravs a character can attract.
Battle Rating: The quality of the dice rolled by abilities which call for a Battle Dice.
Armor Rating: The quality of the dice rolled to defend against attacks.
Movement: The number of spaces a character can move with a Move action.

Additionally, characters have a number of derived scores. These can change over the course of battle.

Vitality: A character's grit and staying power. As a character is damaged, her current vitality is reduced appropriately. If a character's vitality reaches 0, she is incapacitated and rendered unable to take actions. A character's maximum vitality is determined by her class.
Size: The scale of a character's maternal swell, and the weight she is currently coping with. By default, each grav a character is carrying gives her 1 point of size, but various abilities can offer the opportunity for her to increase her size to harness various effects. If a character's size exceeds her capacity, she begins to accumulate fatigue.
Fatigue: A character's weariness and physical exhaustion. Fatigue begins a combat at 0, but various effects can increase it, most notably acting at a size exceeding a character's capacity. Each point of fatigue reduces a character's movement by 1. If a character's movement is reduced to 0 in this way, she is Pinned until her fatigue is reduced in some way
Gravitas: A character's spiritual reservoir. A character begins combat with 3 points of gravitas, plus an additional 2 points for every grav she is carrying, and expends it on most of her class's special abilities.

There are 9 Base classes

Alchemeister: "It worked! It worked! With no... urp... almost no side effects!"
This class is if you cross a brainy inventor and chemist with a Tactician.

Predator: "Try not to make it too easy on me, yeah? I always like to feel like I've earned my meal..."
Ranger class with traps, stealth and Self buffs from defeating enemies

Primal "I carry a tempest within me. Do you really think your weapons are a match for that?"
THis is basically a cross between druid and soccerer

Rage Bearer "I'm hungry, I'm tired, and my ankles are killing me. So I'm gonna be generous and give you five seconds to scram before I tear you to bits."
A very angry lady who hits hard and leads from the front with battle shouts

Shield Mother "Stand behind me. You are safe while I draw breath."
Standard Tank class. Movement control with team buffs

Heritor "The world is my sister. This is my birthright. And I will not back down."
This is tool box class. Mix and match abilites from all of them available to make your own mix. Special fluff attached to it.

Hungry Ghost "Feeling tired? Shhh... let me help with that..."
This is your rouge character, good for debuffs and sneak attacks

Gravimaster "All right, all right! I know it's crowded, but this would go faster if you didn't elbow my bladder every five seconds!"
Cleric with a revive right out of the gate? Sign me up!

Broodmother: "Don't worry, little ones! Mommy's got enough love for all of you!"

Summoner that trades mobility for minions

Depart magical realm.


Everything i've heard about the game is. Its a solid gameplay system but the subject matter makes it hard to drum up players.

Well this sounds like a wild fucking ride.


Where's the character creation rules?

This dice method is so fucking stupid. No one is going to play a game that requires not one, not two, but three special dice to play. Why not just use a d4 and change bronze/silver/etc, "dice" into something thematic like different types of spiritual energies, take five points from the chakra or something. And having a 25% chance of an automatic bad roll and critical roll is going to lend itself too heavily to glass cannons who can end fights before they start or its going to neuter the whole mechanic--either way it's not going to work how you think it will so your best bet is to just remove it outside of crystal dice.

Second, for your stats, you have core attributes which are very lopsided depending on current gameplay, where you will end up with one or two players starring in a scene while the others take backseat, making this system play out as a round-robin 1-on-1 session rather than a cohesive group play. When it is starring these one or two players, they're going to have to constantly be looking at their derived scores because you have nested them for some stupid reason. A player is either going to have to make an excel spreadsheet for their character or just play online as changing one point can change several derived scores, god forbid something happens to change more than one at a time. The classes only further feed into your role strict role stratification with classes that are highly specialized are based of existing pathfinder classes.

In short, it's like you took all the aspects that made WoD and Pathfinder bad, slapped a fetish on them, and tried to make it into a game. I honestly don't know how you could make a worse game if you set out to do so purposefully. And this is even my god damn fetish you're ruining, asshole.

Dice system is unique yes i'll give you that. I wouldn't say stupid though.

Neither do i see the Round Robin aspect.


How would you go about it then? If they're doing it wrong, then we can do it right.


How can this be taken seriously as anything other than projecting a pregger fetish.

>Projecting a pregger fetish

It is BLASTING a pregger fetish. I would say that its probably as up front about its goals as it can be with out straight up saying it in laymans terms.

and i respect that.

This. Is there an IRC or something?

i think there's a discord

It's funny, I'm a pregnancy fetishist and yet this game holds absolutely zero appeal for me. It's all just too clean and nice. Though, I can't really complain, I can just run my magical realm in CoC or some other horror system instead.

Though, altogether, this is surprisingly well put together for a totally amateur attempt and some of the rules are interesting. This thread probably won't go anywhere, but is there a pregchan thread or something? Because that could probably get some discuss going that would be altogether more productive.

The creators on DA are known for their preg fetish work. It's beautiful.

I miss InvictusVoxFini. The DA Preg community has had some real ups and downs over the years. Seems to be in a relative upswing right now though, thankfully.

Here you go lads

This isn't my fetish what the fuck.
What's the point of pregnancy if there's no sex involved?

It's a very primal fetish. You either get it or don't. Not a lot of logic at work here.

Spirit pregnancy and actual pregnancy are not mutually exclusive. especially when you dig into the lore of one of the classes.

I honestly have a very primal desire to marry and be a father, but this isn't what I usually have in mind. It just feels forced and artificial, instead of the natural result of a family that desires children. I'm a super vanilla person, so making it the center focus is sort of disorienting. Christ, even the "You must marry her in order to produce the chosen one" has more gravitas.
I'm still not super interested anyways, given how they make this the focal point of the mechanics rather than a natural result of a family.

well, i won't begrudge you. Its a kink that can be very polarizing. Though i understand its very popular with women.

It would help if all the documents were collated. Just saiyan'.

What the fuck is this magical realm shit?

If you want to get technical, this particular subject cannot be matched. In fact it is impossible for this to be magical Realm. Because a magical realm requires it to be unsolicited. If you are playing this particular system you solicited it


Well good news is. After talking to the devs, they're about to release a few quality of life things. Like a Character Creation Checklist and a Resource document for quick linking. They just hadn't gotten around to it yet.

It's a preg fetish game by preg fetish artists and authors for a preg fetish audience. Don't play if you don't like it.

>Don't play if you don't like it.
>Don't play

Oh, trust me, I won't.

it is explicitly a fetish game
personally, I despise the idea of this game back when I was an underageb&, I was super into preggo shit though, time has mellowed me out, but it's got gusto

This is fucking stupid and this thread sucks

Well after looking at all of it. i gotta say this.

I want to play a Broodmother. I've always liked minion master characters in TTRPGs and this is a type of one that i haven't gotten off the old checklist.

Plus i love the fact that they get an ambulatory gurney/throne as an entry level class feature.

So it's a fetish game. Which when you think about it is much better then magical realm and sometimes a normal game as this time at least all players share something in common.

You strike me as an user who is the usual sort on Veeky Forums one that complaints a lot and never ever plays because they are too stuck up in there behind to fit any GMs standards.

Sorry I just feel a lot of Veeky Forums anons now are just shitposters that need to be put onto one boat and sent off into /Pol/

I won't, but I'm still going to complain about it.

I actually play in numerous different settings with my group (which consists of multiple DMs and not just one who's cucked by their players into being forever DM) on a frequent basis and am a very flexible and open-minded person (though not to the point where I'd unironically play a fetish game even if I have fetishes of my own far stranger than pregnancy).

That being said, however, I am undeniably a shitposter. Not a right-leaning one however.

>Not to mention its very self aware.
Is this supposed to be a good thing? Being ironically terrible is still terrible.

Remember everyone: Report the shitty fetish shit so the janitors can kick it all back to /d/ where it truly belongs.

This 'game' is just a vehicle for your gross fetish and doesn't belong on Veeky Forums

It's literally a tabletop game and there's no NSFW content posted so far. Get the sand out of your gash.

can't even spell amateur and you're making a tabletop game, good shit dude

Oh fuck off, these would not be needed if shitposters like you were making threads that are actually good (I just want to make something creative from time to time, and at the moment fetish posts are closest we got to decent ideas.)

I don't think he is the one who made it. He is just putting advertisement.

I don't consider shilling for some fetish bullshit by OP's buttsex buddy to be what we'd call "quality content"
It's this kind of pandering to the worst sorts of people that drove the real creativity away from Veeky Forums. Back in the day when someone tried to post fetish shit, they'd have it undermined and transformed into something interesting--nobody would go along with their disgusting crap.
Christ I hate current Veeky Forums

I myself try to make fetish crap into something interesting nowdays too, but because I am only one trying to do it, I usually end up in a problematic situation.

Okay, that’s definitely cute.

Don't post it here.

Not OP, but I've been considering making a Maiesta thread for some time, but never got around to it. People seem to know the game, but it's never really been discussed in detail.
Also it's pretty much exactly my magical realm.

From what I've read, it's mechanically solid, and has a few novel ideas.
Also, despite obviously being a fetish RPG, there isn't actually any ERP or particularly lewd content.

The problem is that some strange shift in society I'm not fully qualified to give a theory on has caused fetishes to go from something discussed delicately or in euphemism even on Veeky Forums, to something people feel gratified throwing in everyone's faces like we want to see their love of incontinence and breeders.
There's a reason I gave up trying to fix Veeky Forums. You can't mock and subvert people away if they have literally no shame for being degenerates.


I just post my resentment. One more post to be forced to overlook in order to play their retarded games. Mods couldn't give a fuck, so I'm just here screeching.

The dice system is the thing that most bugs me about the 2nd edition, as if I recall correctly the 1st edition simply used d4/d6/d8.
I get the feeling 2nd edition rules are written with the express intend to be played online (where the special dice and needing a spreadsheet would not be a major issue). I guess that makes sense, as the game is so niche you're pretty much never going to find enough players offline, unless all of your gaming group also happen to share your pregnancy fetish.

That is worst way possible to try to change Veeky Forums. Veeky Forums was always blue board as they say, but thing is you have to be nice, not mock people. Mocking just pisses them off and they will make sure that fetish comes up more often.

Being nice is the way to go I find, not being just another shitposter.

I like the way the brood mother handles the usual action economy problem that usually results in summoner classes being either OP or useless.
I was at one point doing a homebrew class that used a similar mechanic for handling the controlling of minions, only without the magical realm part, but kind of forgot about it at some point.
I probably should go back and finish it.

This my dear friend sounds like a post of person who want to do something else, so please go and find a thread you like and have fun there :)

No. There's already a pregnancy thread, which was one too many. Stop being you.

hey there, dcqc user dropping by to say keep up the great work, really like what your're doing, and wouldn't mind a little rp colon 3

Why should I? It's fun to be me, it's much more fun then to be a grumpy little stuck up user.

Also yeah someone give me a link to thread that actually makes good shit, one that was not made by me preferably. (That is a challenge I give to you, if you can't do it then please ignore this thread)

Well, linking to this thread is out.

>Not being into bullshit fetish threads
>Stuck up

I didn't make this one, I was not aware it existed up until now.
I meant I have made few threads for making shit and it so happened only shitposters go there and complain how someone is trying to make content on Veeky Forums

I was speaking to this thread's quality. And I would prefer no posts over fetish threads, especially the ones pretending to be worldbuilding.

Oh hey, I tried to DM this game once. I'm a terrible DM though so it went to shit.

I would prefer no posting over shitposting too.
Fetish stuff can go well - old Veeky Forums had proof of it, you just need to get those who don't have that fetish to work on the idea (I know it from experience, someone who dislikes vore, I made monsters that devour there foes in such a horrific manner most people will feel sick, which is the point)

>someone posts FATAL
>herpderp magical realm fetish shit get off of mah Veeky Forums this is unacceptable

>someone posts Myfarog
>magical racist shit get off of mah Veeky Forums this is unacceptable

>someone posts some SJW fetishshit about pregos and hamplanets from Deviantart
>wow guy lets have talk about this we can make this work

The doublestandarts of nu-Veeky Forums are showing.
I cant wait for /pol/ to actually invade us and cleanse Veeky Forums up like they did with /tv/

Are you implying FATAL and Myfarog aren't shit?

I agree the system is pointlessly and needlessly unique but it's not hard to simulate at all.

Flip two coins. Heads adds 1, tails adds nothing. Bronze starts at 0, silver at 2, gold at 4.

Done. Easy.

FATAL is, well, FATAL, with its horribly broken mechanics, insistence on being "realistic" while managing to be anything but (at least in the later edition they fixed the ability to have negative anal circumference), and really only being good for rolling random characters and seeing what insane mess comes out of the RNG.

However, most of the time I've seen MYFAROG mentioned is that, despite being made by the guy we can thank for "Norwegian church-burning metal" being a thing, it's not actually a bad game. Sure, there's a few enemies that are blatant racist strawmen, but if you don't use those (and it makes more sense if you don't: the game is heavily based on Norse mythology, so having a bunch of really shitty Muslim stereotypes running around maked no thematic sense in the setting), and just focus on badass vikings slaying trolls, it's a perfectly solid and ordinary RPG. Of course, the problem is that, aside from being made by the church-burning metal guy and having some racist caricatures as enemies, there isn't really anything MYFAROG does that half a dozen DnD don't do, so you might as well play those and not get awkward looks when you mention you're playing a game designed by a guy who once burned down a church and went to jail for killing his bandmate.

If you actually read the thread you will note many try to dam us though I already told you being shitposter will only lead to even more fetish posting - so if you want to avoid the opposite be nice about it.

Also /Pol/ can kindly fuck off, it it invades us we might as well delete Veeky Forums because last good thing about it will be dead.

So yeah discussing any idea that could work is a good thing. If you cannot see it you are a new fag that can kindly fuck off.

>"new fag"
>"kindly fuck off"

You are the reason why Veeky Forums is shit right now, not /pol/. You are and your retarded shit-eating normiefriends from reddi. You are too retarded to understand that reddit is what kills creativity and the joyless uncreative shitposting garbagedump that nu-Veeky Forums has become.
I sincerely hope you and your whole family get murdered in the most agonizing way possible.

Reddit was a mistake. You were a mistake. Remember this.

Reported for threat of violence. Also, don’t be so triggered, you /pol/tard

I never used Reddit you idiot. (that is spacing of a GM. Something you never see I assume)
I am here to make shit it's just a that you shitposters just try to kill the non-fetish threads people make. I would not be here if they stopped doing that.

>Submitting false or misclassified reports, or otherwise abusing the reporting system may result in a ban. Replying to a thread stating that you've reported or "saged" it, or another post, is also not allowed.
> Replying to a thread stating that you've reported or "saged" it, or another post, is also not allowed.

>Shitposters complain about people having fun
I know this is fetish game (However it's not even a rare fetish so who gives a dam), but come on, if you don't like it let the thread die instead of posting in it.
If you don't like it just ignore it.

It looks like a solid game that i'll never be able to play.

People seriously use "redditspacing" as a term.
I've never been to reddit (well, I've checked the site out, but found it inconvenient to navigate and decided it wasn't worth my time), and I've always used empty spaces between paragraphs to make text more readable (big monolithic blocks of text are harder to read than clearly spaced text).
And while I'm hardly the oldest oldfag on Veeky Forums I've still been here for about 7 years, and during that time using empty spacing as paragraph breaks is something I've seen very often and only in the las few years have I seen anybody complain about it as "redditspacing".

I get the feeling most of the complaints are from newfags who try desperately to fit in with what they think is "board culture", when in practice nobody gives a damn how you space your text as long as it's legible.

I'd like to remind us that the hide feature is an option.

If nothing else the art is silly.


There are people willing to run I could run a game for you folk if I can get a stable group.

I agree. I call it GM spacing because it's old habbit from GMing in text games for me.

This all "We hate everything" mindset makes folk stand out as people who don't get that Veeky Forums was made to have fun.


Your lack of respect for other people works make me lose hope in some anons.


TO the Artist:
keep it up little buddy, Everyone started somewhere!

Thanks. I need to get some better method to record my works into digital format.

The post you're responding to literally only makes sense if there's a distinct double-standard.
As a matter of pure grammar, he must be saying either that all three are shit, or none of the three are shit. Context clues should tell you it is the former.

Christ, you're thicker than a bowl of oatmeal.

try printer scanners. If nothing else, its a good way to transfer a skectch to photoshop or Sai so you can ink it.

You're missing one important step in this equation, senpai
You have to start by doing work that is respectable.
Base and tawdry fetishistic trash with weak mechanics is not real work. There is no high-minded component to this, it's just an excuse for freaks to jerk off each other under a table, and it's fucking weak. Get off Veeky Forums.

>no High-Minded Concept

Does a game have to have a high minded concept to be fun and legitimate? I do not believe this has to be the case.

>Capacity: The largest Size a character can comfortably grow to, without experiencing side effects.

You can obviously go over and under your capacity, and certain abilities can either inflict this on yourself or your foes as part of debuffs or buffs.

Some abilities require you to be over capacity to function.