What does Veeky Forums think of Colville? Do you watch his videos?
What does Veeky Forums think of Colville? Do you watch his videos?
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Only the running the game videos, he's pretty informative and has a ton of experience with roleplaying games. Not sure what he's like as an actual DM or his writing abilities, but he has a wealth of knowledge which is very helpful for new DMs.
He's alright. I watch his videos. I don't agree with everything he says but there's plenty of helpful stuff there to draw from. I might even get stronghold book. Some people will surely attack him and maybe me too, but whatever
He was alright for a long time. Now... I think, the 'Internet Fame' got into his head. Also, latest 'Running the Game' stuff has been pretty stale and pointless compared to the early ones.
I dunno, I think the managing player expectations for your campaign was very helpful. That was recent
He's a good starting point for new GMs but he only really covers 5E DnD and he doesn't say anything that an experienced GM wouldn't know
I agree with most of the stuff he says, even though it's mostly all common sense for me. His videos helped my buddy to DM immensely though. There's a lot of stuff people who played since AD&D/3e take for granted, and new DMs don't get that he
explains in detail.
what the fuck is wrong with captcha today
I like his beard.
He's less of a faggot than Mercer or Koebel.
I love his "Running the Game" entries, and I really like how he opened my head up not just to categorizing players (which is what he pulled from Laws' hypothesis) but more critically, how to deal with them.
Several powers of 10 less faggoty
I like him. Some of his DM philosophy I don't agree with, but whatevs.
He and WebDM are the best source of information for DMs and setting creators. Everything else is just two, three tiers below
My favorite vid was when he explained some combat mechanics of 4E and how to use them in 5E to make the combat more fun. As someone who never played 4E, that's great.
I love his "Running the Game" entries, and I really like how he opened my head up not just to categorizing players (which is just pulled from Laws' writing) but more critically, how to deal with them.
Several powers of 10 less faggoty, for absolute sure. He definitely had a cool job being a vidya game writer
Also his campaign reviews / recommendations are pretty awesome to someone like me who couldn't stay up to date with former campaign modules, or never played AD&D.
literal cuck
holy fuck that argument blew me out of the water I'll never watch his channel again
He's a smart guy, but I disagree with his opinions. If you play DND, he's got some good theorycraft. But I take his lessons with a grain of salt
Get out of here, grandpa. The new flavor of the month derogatory word is "soyboy".
I don't think he's married
I wouldn't be surprised if he was an actual wizard.
I think he's divorced and has a kid
His campaign are chopped up and put together modules, this guy didnt know what a short rest after years of running 5e.
Oh and the worst is his idea that good campaigns require mandatory racemixing
No, he is a literal cuck, no joke. Do some research
>His campaign are chopped up and put together modules
You speak almost as if it's a bad thing.
>Oh and the worst is his idea that good campaigns require mandatory racemixing
He was talking about a hypotheticals in order to make some players feel better welcomed. Just don't use it.
He's SJW'y, but less insufferable than Koebel.
yeah it's pretty soy
Examples, plz.
I've liked him, although he is a bit wordy. Like, he takes his time to get to the point, Imo. Which, maybe it's because he's covering stuff that any DM Veteran would know but might be a mystery to newbies is why he does that. I like his videos more than Mercer, who overacts in his videos for me to take seriously. Then again, so does Satine Phoenix when she was doing it so maybe that's the whole point. But yeah, I like him because he doesn't act. He just tells.
He's got a wealth of knowledge and experience to draw from but he's been shilling Critical Role like crazy for the past few months so that's pretty meh
You also need videos to be longer if you want to get any money on youtube.
I don't think this is an issue when his videos are fucking 40 minutes long on average to begin with.
AFAIK, He doesn't monetize his dnd videos
Don't encourage the retards, they believe only what they want to believe.
True, but you also need to make daily videos, since most are only viewed the day they are released then lose about 60-80% of new views the next day. That's why so many YouTuber are getting sponsors instead of working with YouTube. And the Adocalypse.
I really like his videos, but he kind of rambles a bit, his recent hobgoblin video was sort of seemed like a huge buildup with not really a concrete answer, but overall it's pretty alright.
I like his videos. What he said about lore and writing has been helpful as I've been trying to create a custom setting for an upcoming campaign I'm running.
Isn't that some "D&D can do anything, i don't see myself playing another system anytime soon" faggot?
He's not wrong
The actual line is "d&d does everything HE wants from a system, so he only plays that"
Which I think is thoroughly reasonable
>There are people in this hobby that don't like Matt Colville
Even if you don't agree with him he doesn't push himself onto you and his biggest central tenet is "Tabletop gaming is at its best when everyone is having fun." How is it possible to dislike him?
If you need Veeky Forums to validate your opinions, you need to sit down and re-evaluate your life.
I got really turned off when I started watching one of his videos and he said something to the effect of "Before we talk about Dungeons and Dragons, we need to talk about GENDER".
No we fucking don't. I get blasted every fucking day at school and work and in all the normie entertainment about how we need to have a "conversation" about race/gender/lgbtqabbq+ . I just want to play some FUCKING D&D, I want to rolls some dice and play a curmudgeonly old wizard begrudgingly becoming attached to a gaggle of misfit adventures with my friends, I don't need another fucking lecture on how I need to atone for some perceived injustice I didn't have anything to fucking do with.
As far as I know he's rarely, if ever brought anything like that up. I've seen all of his videos at least twice and I don't recall anything of the sort. I'd recommend giving him another shot and just skipping over if he brings anything like that up, because I like him just fine having not seen him talk about it at all.
Get to know anyone enough, and you'd eventually dislike them, that's just life
1. thinking only of oneself, without regard for the feelings or desires of others; self-centered.
I occasionally watch the videos, but I deeply oppose his perspective on like 99% of how to run the game.
Also, while I don't want to get into a whole discussion about it especially on Veeky Forums, he's a bit of an SJW type. His channel trailer has him identifying himself by race and gender to a stereotype and he goes on and on about how nonwhite people need to be the focus in campaigns more. I don't like the attitude behind this sort of thing, specifics aside.
I quite like the guy, but his first video starts with him talking about being a white male for a few lines. Then there's the one where he talks about magical realming and implies its just men wanting to rape women IC. Then there's that famously misquoted one about how you should be able to be 'any race, from anywhere' and suggests that to do that you have a roman-esque racemixing empire somewhere in your setting's past to facilitate that.
That's just off the top of my head.
My issue with that kind of stuff is not that it is--one of the central kingdoms in my setting is a whole kingdom of mutts with early forms of egalitarianism taking hold of society, for example--but the reason he says them. He wears his toxic ideology on his sleeve and it's off-putting.
I think he's ok. Better than most (apart from when he disables comments on his videos, that shit triggers me to fuck and back).
I think from the story he told in the video, he got burned once when he tried to talk a black friend into playing a black character, and then jumped too far the other way when it backfired on him.
Mostly stuff like saying you should always find a way to make your campaign world diverse if your players want diversity, like by saying that there was an old empire that mixed races to erode national identities and prevent rebellions or start it out in some big trading city where all the world's races mix. I guess that's kind of SJW-y in the sense that it's technically a viewpoint associated with SJWs, but eh, in that kind of situation where they're not derailing the game and they just want to play a brown guy I find it's best just to give people what they want and save the political discussions for outside the game.
To be honest, this sounds more like finding a narrative excuse to not have to disallow any race combinations at character creation. Mechanically, it makes sense to me.
Example use: "It's egocentric to think you need to shove YOUR fucking politics into other people's hobbies that are completely unrelated."
I don't remember that part, but it has been a long time since I saw that video. I don't remember which it was either.
That said, I don't buy this "gamers are sexist and racist" bullshit. I've played black female characters, black male characters, at least one gay character, and so on. The most that they've ever suffered was some mild jokes out of character, just like any other character. I've run into more legitimate racists outside of gaming than I have in it by a huge margin, for sure. My guess is that something about putting yourself in someone else's shoes to roleplay cultivates empathy for people not like you.
Anyway, it's a dumb claim to make. If you've got people being dicks because you want your badass fighter to be black instead of white, don't play with them because they're bad kids.
Even in settings that aren't ethnically mixed for whatever reason, travel is still a thing. A typical D&D game is basically built around going long distances to do tasks, so it's not like "I come from a foreign land across the sea so I'm kind of a mysterious cool outsider guy from a little-understood people" is a hard sell.
Love his videos, even if they’re a bit too married to 5e.
As said before, it's not that it's a thing that is done. If you want to do that just so that people can be any character race or subset of that race 'cause you think it's cool, I am 100% cool with that reasoning and have no complaints.
The problem is that we know it isn't about that with him. He's gone on record saying that it's about "representation" and "diversity" and all those other SJW buzzwords that are really code for "white people are bad"
It's the ideology that's very clear between the lines of what he's saying that is offensive more than the thing itself. I actually really like multi-ethnic settings because you can create a lot of interesting cross-cultural contamination and mixing, moments of tension and shared humanity, etc. All that great stuff that stories are made of comes easily in a culture clash.
That's what anyone pushing that shit hard looks like in some way. If your identity is something you're going to force me to adapt to, or try and make me atone for, you're the egocentric one. I don't think any identity element of any particular person is important enough for a social movement that gets to butt in everywhere in every media, unless you are literally a deity. If you cared about others enough you'd realize they all have more important things going on in their day to day lives and nobody needs another one of those diversity lessons, since at this point it's obnoxious enough to drive people away who might otherwise be sympathetic. DnD of all things doesn't need some conversation about this: it has !culture for every large culture you can imagine since its default is a smorgasbord of where and whatever.
I'm not the kind of person who wants to play DnD with everyone I've met though, whereas Colville seemed to want everyone to be able to join. Perhaps he never thought that some people have more fun when you aren't bending your world building to accommodate a variety of irl backgrounds. It's a matter of taste.
I still like Colville because he's the kind who, even though we disagree, he still thinks we could have a good time playing DnD and I can get behind that. That's not true of everyone with his views: those who don't have that mindset, well I probably couldn't play DnD with them.
>everyone else is to blame
Yes clearly you understand the concept perfectly
A thoroughly reasonable stance. Good on you, user.
I agree with most the people here. He is good to watch for DnD tips, tricks and general gasbagging. I just take his ideologies as his own perspective and don't take em on. What I appreciate most is his energy, positiveness and that he is actually building (what seems to be) a decent supplement.
At least it looks better than the new official one mordekainens book of wank.
>toxic ideology
words have no meaning anymore
>he doesn't push himself onto you
What the fuck kind of argument is this supposed to be? I can't think of a single person in the whole of the RPG industry who "pushes themself onto me"
If you think social justice isn't a toxic ideology, you're probably one of it's adherents.
SJWs are left-wing extremists who want to replace ideas with identitarianism. They're racial and gender communists, and they're awful and toxic to their host nations--like a poison.
Most of the time he has sound reasoning and his arguments are well built, so even if I don't agree with him, I can see his point.
Dumb soy poster.
running the game is excellent for new DMs. imo the best content is the building a fighter in every edition playlist, wish he would put out more content like that. he is a bit over the top with the whole "haha hehe this was the badwrongfun way we played back in the day haha the hobby has evolved #metoo lolol", shitty newbies will take this slop to heart but most will recognize it for the editorializing that it is
>2 or 3
au contraire friendo. get you to runehammer games on youtube and feast upon the room design/dm mechanics playlists
>I can't think of a single person in the whole of the RPG industry who "pushes themself onto me"
Not him, but it quite obviously means "Doesn't go REEE your fun is wrong if you play differently to him."
>Making the same post twice
He was talking about the world having a large "Hub City" that served as a booming trade center for the various races, not making the entire map rife with multiculturalism. It's a good idea since the players will most likely consist of a variety of mismatched races and so starting them off in a multi-racial town gives them a reason to all be together.
>He was talking about the world having a large "Hub City" that served as a booming trade center for the various races, not making the entire map rife with multiculturalism
He actually said both things. Those were two separate ideas he had for being able to make 'anyone from anywhere'
>He was talking about a hypotheticals in order to make some players feel better welcomed. Just don't use it.
If whites can play L5R and not bitch about the setting not having any Europeans, blacks can play European fantasy and not bitch about a severe lack of Africans.
This goes for all races. Fuck this "Making everything racemix to make it welcoming for a new player" crap. If someone seriously needs a direct representation of their race or culture to play a game, chances are they're a shitty player.
SJW stuff is annoying but I prefer it to having Nazi trash around. Glad I left Poland, it's a fucking dump now because all these dumbass kids forgot what the fascists did to us. I'll gladly take some Tumblr kid screaming at me about gender or some shit over skinheads if that's what it takes.
>implying there's anything wrong with this.
>tumblr kid screaming at me
>implying all they do is screaming at this point
They'll go after your livelihood, job, and whatever else, if you wrongthink hard enough. They are literally no better then skinheads, and both groups need to burn.
>how do you do fellow goyim
Ok, give me an example of this wrongthink. I'd love to know what to avoid because I'd hate to get owned by, uh, gender communists (the fuck do you Americans think communism is)?
>to the effect of
So basically, he said something different, but your persecutory delusions led you to interpret what he said as "we need to talk about GENDER".
He’s a big fan and he literally writes their comic, what did you expect?
The assumption is absolutely delicious, because I'm not even american, genius.
And I wouldn't really use the term "Gender communist" either, myself.
As for wrongthink, do you sincerely need examples? Proven biological differences between genders, not bearing racial guilt, not equating the bufoon that now has the presidency of the US as "Literally Hitler".
You are either trolling, or willingly closing yourself off, if you think this kind of shit doesn't exist.
dont forget the round table he had with mercer and koebel where they all took turns bemoaning the fact that they're white males and how sad they were to be there instead of some black trans midget. I like his shit but the self flagellation and virtue signaling for reddit upboats gets old fucking quick
So basically you're mad they aren't right wing nerds who like to measure skull sizes to determine who gets to be considered a person.
Not him, but
>projecting this hard
Fuck, I wouldn't put it past them. I remember having that in my watch list at one point, but the amount of soy in that room must have been enough to cure lactose intolerance.
So at what point did the thread segue into your /pol/ nonsense?
Since you asked for people's opinions on a man who occasionally makes his political leanings fairly clear in his videos? Did you not suspect this might happen?
Again: It's not the what, it's why.
Stupid non-point.
Those two things are not binary. You don't have to choose between extremist retard A or extremist retard B.
You can reject both, if you affirm a positive worldview with real principles. Individualism and free speech are great basics to point to when you want to reject either, since they're both rabid collectivist ideologies for losers.
At this point you're basically just saying "Hello yes I am a left-wing extremist and I need to virtue signal really hard and imply you're a nazi because you disagree with my team."
You're being a bad poster and a worse person. Just stop.
What thing is this? Got a link?
I could use a good cringe workout for my face muscles.
So because you wanted to point it out and stump on it.
Ok. Hiding thread now, because I have no idea who OP's fat white boy is, nor do I care, and your /pol/ shitposts clog up my refresh like /bgg/.
>You can reject both, if you affirm a positive worldview with real principles.
don't forget to pass on your enlightened world view to your wives son
>What's your opinion on this guy
>I don't like his politics much
>REE how dare you talk about this guy
The absolute state
This I believe is the one, try not to look to the top-left corner if you have a weak stomach.
>What does Veeky Forums think of Colville?
>Do you watch his videos?
>So why did you post if you don't?
I don't know, why are you shilling a random youtuber?
>why are you shilling a random youtuber
Probably because they were interested in hearing what Veeky Forums thinks about him, tbqhfamalam
And here is the other extreme using their own stupid, meaningless buzzwords.
I'm not interested in backward-thinking ethno-nationalist identitarian nonsense either. See yourself out.
Now that I'm looking at it, I'm remembering it and it's making me cringe.
he assumed you were American because Americans famously have no idea what communism is, so its merely a coincidence you are not yet still don’t get it
>not understanding that when someone says “literally” they often mean anything but