Where does the last character you played reside on the triangle?

Where does the last character you played reside on the triangle?

My last Character was a Paladin who had to force an evil party to not be evil through non-violence.

So the very top of that triangle, cept the kids would be bitching more.

Either on the left, on the right, or in the middle pf the bottom line


Top left edge, three quarters down. Cleric in a party of players with the self preservation instinct of a kamikaze pilot. Had to make them learn the hard way.

I played a weird character...

bottom left, no regrets

Bottom left, though really hes the kind of person to buy 2 happy meals for 3 children
Or he'd buy 1 happy meal and eat it in front of the children
He's not evil, he's just a wizard

On the very bottom, closer to "McDONALDS!" than ordering a single coffee.

I played an obese man, bottom right for me.

On the very bottom left.

He's actually one of the nicest people in the entire party. He just really, REALLY likes coffee.

"I have conquered the McDonalds."

Middle of the left side. The sort of person who broadcasts his cruelty beforehand, gives a fair chance to dodge before punishment commences.

>all these bottom left no fun faggots

Bottom side, in the middle. Sometimes he is in on the ridiculous junk, and sometimes he’s just in a foul mood. He’s the kind of person who walks into the kitchen, pours cereal all over the floor, then looks you dead in the eye while drinking right from the carton until it’s empty.

>kids screaming for fast food
>in the car, while you're driving
>not even asking or forming sentences, just screaming the name of the restaurant
If you're at this point, you already failed at parenting (or at least at teaching respect, politeness, self-control, and healthy diet choices), so you might as well feed them this crap in the hope of shortening their disadvantaged lives.

I used to car pool with these two kids years ago.
Sometimes we'd stop for Frosties at Wendy's on the way home from school As a treat.

Huge mistake that turned out to be.

After awhile - holy shit did they give my poor father a hard time. Every day asking.

Never said thank you when he sometimes did stop.

What insufferable little brats.

I count myself lucky that I was apparently born with (or very swiftly learned) realistic expectations about how children behave. They're just like insect larva: lazy, hungry and willing to do anything for more. Gotta play upon that as an adult.

Well, it's not the top corner, because there sadly is no food at the orphanage right now.
It's not bottom right, because it's a post-apoc arcology block, we're on the bottom level because we are mutants or the children of mutants, and most of the food available is thin corn soup.
And it's not bottom left, because there's neither cars down here, nor coffee


I guess he was more the "We have food at home," type, but more so because he'd spent so long at the edge of charted space after having accidentally started a war between two systems that he just wasn't up for interacting.

>every character you play is representative of you
>its never okay to play dour, sarcastic jerks all the time
You are participating in the wrong hobby, friend.

Very fucking top.

Fuck McD. Its terrible, I'd rather go to Wendy's or Goodtimes.