Sells weapons

>Sells weapons
>Invests in space exploration tech
>Makes automobiles
>Loves capitalism
>Could probably buy NASA
>Powerful CEO

Is Elon Musk the secretly the CEO of Ares Macrotechnology?

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Oh my god

Wait, since when did based Elon sell weapons?

Mind you, it's not the most powerful, but still a weapon nonetheless.

You mean is he the new Ares?

I hear it's good for bug spirits

What secret is he hiding that shadowrunners need to steal?

Schematics for his new state of the art rocket.

>People call him an Alien
>He's actually a Dragon

Good way to throw people off I guess.

>ywn play shadowrun with Elon Musk

Why must you hurt me?

>"I, uh... uh... use the, uh... gun... /firearm/... at... uh... the, uh...

Hmmm, kinda obvious. Maybe he's selling REAL flamethrowers and writing off the little ones he's selling to launder the money?

No, the reason why the flames only have a maximum range of 10 feet is explicitly so that the overpriced party torch would be classified as a non-weapon. Real flamethrowers used as weapons typically have a range of about 200 feet.

No you idiot, he's Charles Bishop Weyland

Niggas Tony Stark IRL.

The true identity of Starman.

>200 feet
Closer to 150 feet, on the man portable ones.

There's nothing stopping you from buying one in the US, though (except in California and one other state). Completely legal.

The reason Musk is selling a dressed up propane torch, I assume, is for liability reasons.

I saw this thread the other day, almost yesterday.

Don't let this fag make this a daily thread. Remember if you type Sage into the options block of your post you won't bump him. And if you don't post at all it also bumps.

Fuck you (you) fag.

I sort of assumed he was an up and coming Bond supervillan.

So I wasn't the only one

I'm bumping this thread just for you~

Anything is a weapon if you use it right.

>Implying he isn't the reincarnation of Nikola Tesla here to bring humanity into a Golden Age

>The reason Musk is selling a dressed up propane torch, I assume, is for liability reasons.

It's a RP stunt and nothing more. Remember that only spaceX is making any kind of progres and non of his companys are making any money what so ever. Elon needs good PR and needs to be in the press all the time because otherwise everything he has done will die