/wip/ Work in Progress General

I have no thread and I must WIP edition.

>Citadel Painting Guides:
>Figure painter magazine issues 1-36
>Paint range compatibility chart across manufacturers
>Painting Videos only
>DIY Lightbox
>DIY Spraybooth
>DIY Wet Palette
>How to Moldlines
>Fuckin Magnets how do they work?
>List of mini manufacturers for converting and proxy
>Stripping Paint (yes, the ellipses are part of the URL!)
>Priming With Acrylic Gesso
>Green Stuff Casting
>On the consequences of insufficient ventilation
>WIP's own 10-point painting scale:

Other urls found in this thread:

youtube.com/results?search_query=terrain tutor

Reposting because dead thread and I'm bored at work. Want to see what people are working on!

Nice fatty.
Im working on this Charon from Aradia minis. I normally dont paint minis this big.

Sorry about the bad quality photo. If someone could give me some advice/tutorials on cloth that would be appreciated.

Nearly done with my BA librarian/relic contemptor dread.


guy who did the 3 imperial fist aggressors last thread, i learned to thin paints and here's the base i did

I think you've maybe gone a bit overboard on the edge highlighting in places, particularly the legs and the hand. Highlighting all the battle damage gives it a very comic book look which I think looks really nice and unique but kinda seems clashing with the more "standard" looking face and detail bits.

Still working on my Blight Drones i posted yesterday. Also doing a DP on the side, because i just love to suffer.

Lovely, just lovely. The new GUO is just a joy to look at. I might even get myself one, if my back log allows it - in a year or two.

Out-fucking-standin! Although the highlights are a bit too harsh for my taste, but taste may vary.

I mostly blend my cloth. Glazing medium helps a lot. I'm afraid that's the best advice i can offer. Nice model, though.

Looking good so far, proceed.

might want to edge highlight that face with a brighter color to match with the other highlights

looks fucking great and i love the style

Getting back to my old Doom conversion to use as a Neurothrope.

Thanks, that looks like an extremely cool model and a nice paint job so far. My experience of cloth is limited but I always like really soft but textured layered highlights for cloth, either cross-hached or stippled.

Very cool. Bold cartoony style, I like it.

Thanks, yes it's pretty special and I'm please with how well my conversion turned out. Every time I do one it's a little suck-it-and-see, never quite know how good it'll look.

I still have to finish the base and pin this monstrosity to it.

Posted this before but tried to get some better lighting. Just finished a Slaaneshi brute for my warband, thinking of having him as a chaos troll

That is horrifying, I love it. Also finished my Slaaneshi champion Ulric the dominant!

Finishing this monstrosity. Was going to paint his base in bright colours as if he's floating in the warp or a really gnarly disco floor.

love your work man. do you have an instagram or anything?

base for a painting comp entry i'm working on

Shitty picture, subpar lighting, and not much noticable progress because of it, but at least my paper clip foundation is holding strong. After highlighting the grey underneathe and touching up the fur I damaged with my hands I'll finally move onto the tail and hopefully finish this bitch within the week

still very rough, but i have a fortnight to finish it. do you guys think i should do the nose pink, or black?

here is my finished Scorpion for my all jetbike/hovertank army. I am still working on making a large serpent mask for the front wing, but I am still calling it done, besides that one last thing.

and a sneak peak wip shot of my fire prism turret (on my completed night spinner hull, for full effect)

Pretty fookin crisp mate.

Nah, I don't paint enough or well enough for that. I'm still pretty new to the game, it's all experiments and learning processes.

Love the model.

Very clean and crisp, looks good. A few bits I'm not sure why they're in shadow bit the overall effect is nice.

Pink, highlighted to a more akin coloured pink than his gums.

Finished up with my Devil Dog


>No Diamond Dogs logo
>No cigar
Missed opportunity

>work on figs
>assemble them perfectly
>once primed, spot a mouldline that you missed

Do you guys paint your scenery props or just leave them as generic as possible?
Also, what is a good place to get some props for my games?

if it's in an out of the way/hard to notice area i'll just leave it in that scenario. Better to notice it when you've primed it rather than started painting though, just scrape it off and repaint it.

Some simple terrain I made, experimenting with an easy but time consuming technique. It's a cardboard base layered with papier-maché. Doesn't look the best and I probably won't do it again, but it's good enough for gaming.

>Organic tear gas


really well done, very diseased looking i like this look a lot more than the cartoony one colour that gamesworkshop uses on the studio model

so crisply painted, normally i like models to look weathered but this is gorgeous.

Where's the Green Weenie?

Finally got some time to continue my custom Swarmlord. Do you like my Swarmlord, WIP?

Closeups of his gribbly mug

How do they have this many colour schemes and they all suck? The best space marines i've seen have been fan made colour schemes.

Very dynamic, can't wait to see what it looks like painted

Why on earth did you cross out Imperial Fists?

More like Imperial Shits.
Abaddon was here, loyalists are losers

Because you have shit taste. See, I can throw baseless opinions too.

always nice to see him, but I do think the carnifex head is a little too big for the body

Because yellow and red is a hideous colour scheme. Way too loud, it hurts your eyes to concentrate on two bright colours like that.

This is literally a better colour scheme than anything on that list and if you say otherwise you've just confirmed your taste is absolute garbage tier.

Face it, out of those colours 99% of them are bad. Games-workshop should not have let their children decide the colour schemes.

No. It's art, and for the greater part, relies on personal taste. It's not to your taste, fine. It's fine and dandy for others. Period.

Anyhoo, ignore shitposters guys.

nice marine.

whose is it?

Getting near finishing Mortarion that I'm painting for my friend. Sorry for file size just insta upload from phone and too lazy to adjust

>hur its objective, shit brown and mustard yellow is subjectively good.

There's such thing as colour theory you mongoloid. Just because something is subjective doesn't mean it has no objective measure or objective scheme to adhere too. You could enjoy the taste of shit, it doesn't mean it's good.

gonediving on reddit

>gonediving on reddit

>no heraldic colours
>wingding on the gun not consistent with the chest icon
it's shit

Would be handy if I actually attach file...

Neat, well done my dude.

crispy highlights

paintjob is nice, I don't like the niliakh oxide though, it looks more like paint than actual verdigris

still going, legs need neatening up then onto details. overall im happy with them as a conversion, time to buy 2 more boxs for squad of 6+praetor+medicae. For person who asked about the legs they are kromlech marine legs, but heat the resin a bit to widen them.

Looks like he's made out of marzipan.
I like it.

Seeing Mortarion I wonder: Has anyone ever done a heavy duty conversion where it was tried to clean him up, fill in every crack and crevice of his armour, cut off the tentacles and the bone growths? Basically to de-Nurglify him.

>Crossing out dark angels
Don't knock until you try it, they are an absolute joy to paint. Dark green + bright details looks really cool and it's very easy to paint.

Really dislike the oversized horn. I'd cut it all up and just glue the bottom to the very tip as if it had a crest of some sort.

It's confusing as fuck as well, but that's good if you manage to add more outward clusterfuck things like tentacles.

I've already committed to the horn, I know i got alot of comments on cutting it shorter, but I only have 1 left and I don't want to fuck it up. Anyway he's the leaderbug so he gets the hugest dick to wave around

Haha fuck that's sweet user.

Model's done! Reckon I should paint the grills or just leave them as is?

Base is all that's left. I'm thinking just painted in bright psychedelic colours in swirl patterns, like a warp vortex.

Just finished up my great unclean one last night.

I guess paint the grills but honestly this model gives me terrible anxiety

Any colour recommendation? Why does it?

Looks nice dude. The more bright hues really makes it stand out.

How the fuck do you get this to work right?

Thin coats, thick ones, brushed on, squeezed on, on dry paint or wet or in-between it all just comes out shite. Super-shallow crackles and it's basically a slightly more rubbish gloss varnish.

My new Inquisitor. I love painting burnished gold.

Tried my hand and NMM, didn't go so well.

More angles.

Now do a Nurgle Plague Knight.

Just finished up he weathering on my custom grot Morkanaut. I made it out of a Gundam mobile worker and parts from a blastajet, trukk and mek gun. It used to be articulated, but the model would start leaning during games due to a weak knee joint so I had to superglue all the joints into a fixed position.

i like it, but the base looks like hes surfing.
The idea of relaxing on a beach and then seeing the swarmlord surfing towards you is absolutly terrifing though so i approve!

You need Mel.

youtube.com/results?search_query=terrain tutor

Have you ever seen a Movie called "Bad Taste"?


Not at all but that looks fucking horrific. I like it!

Still staring at the base trying to get an idea.

Not sold on the gubbins and the hammer but patrician taste for the model.

repost from yesterday still looking for some advice.

WIP of some shadepsire skellies. C&C welcomed.
Also need some paint suggestions for the cape on the leader and some tips on how to do some really weathered metal parts i only painted some really shiny and new metals thus far.

I love that skin color man. Very nicely done.

Working on my Custards. This guy is almost done - just basing, cleanup and some small details like the gems. Debating whether to keep the pupil or not, suggestions welcome. As it is, he looks a bit...confused? Alarmed? The other eye was miscast and droopy, so I figured instead of having Lenny the Custodes, I just make it look sort of wounded.

I would say the same metal as the chains. And mostly because of the colors. It confuses my brains

Alright I'll give it a colour test. And good, that's entirely Slaanesh!

Peter Jackson movie. As is... Brain Dead ('Dead Alive' in some parts of the world. Also horrific.)

But yeah... neaten up the face... looks a bit like vomit to me. Probably because there's so much on the chin.

Read some eye tutorials... those tiny dots let down an otherwise decent paintjob.


Just got this, any advice what colors to paint it? Anything to watch out for? Anyone else painted it yet? I want to use it for my post-apoc world that has loads of mysterious cthulu monsters in it. I was thinking a lot of purplish pink and gray but I want to know what you guys think.

The edges of the blood look too clean and sharp in my opinion but I don't know if it's supposed to be like that. I'm also a painting new fag so i don't know what advice to give you. They look cool, though.


Oh, it's meant to be like froth/vomit actually. An user from a previous thread gave me the idea, looks like he's leaking ectoplasm n shit out of his mouth underneath the mask.

wow, you did it! never thought you could fill all the layer gaps but now here it is looking strunning!

How much did it cost you in the end?

I'd probably use a lot of glaze to make it all slimy looking, and make it go from nearly black at the bottom to light blue (almost white) at the tentacle tips. Like a dark blue/green color,

my new project. this time it's going to be Lucius pattern Warhound

Thank you.
In the end it did cost around 25USD in material and electricity.

Pretty fucking nice. And then the reaver?

Dude I think you should give him a normal dirt and grass base. It will make him look that much more unnatural.

I made sure to include a hinged and magnetized door with a ladder in the torso to show that it still has a small transport capacity. It, the claw and the head cannon are the only things that are still articulated on it.

Pretty impressive work, well done.

What is that glorious model? I must have it for muh doods as a Chaos Spawn proxy :0