Should I get into 40k or not? I am already poor.
Should I get into 40k or not? I am already poor
looks like you've answered your own question there, jimbo.
I'd argue even the wealthy could use his/her money better.
nah wait for SW: Legion, 8th edition is already dying barely a year into it
GW is dying... - for at least three decades
Lol, like that will ever be succesful.
There is basically two sensible options for minigaming. Either pick smaller model count games, aka skirmish games, if you want to play with large scale, individually painted models.
Or pick an army game with smaller scale. 15mm scale, 10mm scale and smaller are cheap and let you actually manouvre with big armies and with it all on a regular table.
No. It's getting more retarded every passing year
I like 40k and AoS a lot but I'd probably recommend against it. If you do, don't buy any battletomes or codexes.
Who cares about the company if the games suck ass?
If you're patient you can put in £40 - 50 a month, it won't take you long to hit 1500pts.
honestly I just want to paint stuff, 40k models are cool. Especially the death guard/nurgle stuff. If I did buy into it, it would be at the pace that I paint, which is kind of slow and truly my first priority over playing the game. Do many people buy to paint over playing? to me that seems weird, but I dont care. People buy reaper minis and dont even use those in games except maybe RPG, at least with 40k I have the option of something more dense.
40k isn't a very good game. The rules are vastly over-complicated, the 8e meta is bland, and as a whole it's just a messy, poorly designed system.
The community is big enough that it encompasses the entirety of the spectrum, from cool people to smelly autists, so mileage depends on the makeup of your particular local group.
GW's miniatures are the gold standard. They have a tendency to be overdesigned and busy, but the quality and variety of models they put out eclipses any other company. There might be games with equivalent quality, or equivalent options, or similar variety of armies and aesthetics, but there's none with all three.
The lore is what it is. You most likely already know whether you like it or not, so you don't need any help there.
40k is dramatically more expensive than most other games. Where you could get into a skirmish game for $60-80, or into a cheaper platoon scale or fleet scale game for $200-$250, most 40k armies will run you $300-$400+. And that won't get you much in the way of options, so you'll have to spend more as soon as you tire of running the same list over and over. How much disposable income you have to toss into the shredder is only known by you, so that's either a deal breaker or irrelevant, likely somewhere inbetween.
Overall, I don't recommend 40k unless:
>it's the only game people near you play (or you dislike the others)
>you're in love with the model quality and lore and won't accept any substitute
Otherwise; Infinity, Warmachine, X-Wing, Armada, and several other games (that are better *games*, aforementioned lore and models aside) are popular enough that you can probably find a group nearby; and are dramatically cheaper (≥ $200).
And there's countless smaller games that may or may not be played in your area.
I haven’t played a game of 40k since early 2014, but I’m still buying and painting stuff.
No, just stick to the fluff and artwork. It's entertaining on its own.
Well thats reassuring! I am already densely outfitted with painting supplies and have been painting board game minis for awhile but the quality is so inconsistent, same with reaper and other similar brands, quality is what I seek in the way of miniatures,
I like the idea of the game, although I am consistenly confused at every turn when I read lore, rules etc, not to mention how much of it there is to look through. So I might just models that look cool and try to stay in the lines of allied groups. Dark Imperium seems like a good solid start to keep me busy maybe and just buy little stuff here and there as time goes on, maybe its best to just tread lightly with it.
Another big part of wanting to do 40k is to spruce up my painting portfolio, a lot of times inquiries want to know if I have painted Warmahordes or Warhammer and I havent, so it would be nice in that aspect also. Kind of a multifaceted purchase.
I would argue 40k is the best (reasonably popular) game on the market for company-level wargaming.
Which isn't really what the average newcomer should be heading into, but still
Im not really new to gaming in the least, I have been collecting and playing board games for 7 or 8 years and my catalog is 500+ deep with every kind of game euros worker placements dungeon crawlers. I do understand war gaming is not the same but I think I am more apt to adapting than the average tabletop knowledge lacking individual. I have played warmachine before and caught on pretty quick. I do have some hordes models already, but I am not as attracted to warmachine/hordes.
What sort of mechanics do you like in board games, and what did you dislike about Warmachine?
I would think that if you're into Eurogames, which are about longer term planning and strategy, that you'd enjoy Star Wars Armada. Compared to 40k, it's a game that's very much about having a strategy for the entire match and adjusting it as you go, rather than reacting on a turn to turn basis.
>Lol, like that will ever be succesful.
it's not going to beat the nb 1 mini game, which is xwing, but it's easily going to surpass 40k after a few more waves
I like a lot of stuff, worker placement is certainly my favorite, variable powers, deck building, There is a lot that I like. I like the idea of building up strength and power in games or strategy that takes a few turns to play out. Thats what I like about worker placement is devising a plan and hoping opponents dont mess that up.
Its been quite awhile since I played warmachine, one thing I do recall is that I played menoth and I liked using the warcaster and how certain things had to be in range. Like the wracks I thought were especially cool, your basically torturing them to get more points to move and do actions. Again this was a long time ago, but I liked the morbid idea behind that, thats kind of why I like nurgle and chaos stuff.
It sounds like you might enjoy a campaign based game, where you start out with a weak group and slowly gain weapons, abilities, and models over multiple games.
Dont, it is a dead game with rapidly declining playerbase.
Warmachine, Dropzone Commander and Infinity is the future of wargaming.
Dark Potential is a game on the rise too, if you buy models now they will have a huge collectors value in a few years.
maybe, I already struggle to be consistent in my rpg group and its mostly disbanded, so that might a struggle. Unless it was something that it didnt matter who i played with each time, but that wouldnt exactly make sense for other players. I have also played with the idea of getting something like imperial assault, a lot of my board game buddies have it and play it. But then again, the game is a second priority to me, I want to paint cool ass models first and foremost, game second.
>I want to paint cool ass models first and foremost, game second.
Then yeah, as I mentioned, that's pretty much the only real reason to consider 40k.
Are any of your IA group getting into Legion? That would be considerably cheaper but a similar scale to 40k, if you like the models (so far).
They have talked about it in our groups, but I havent paid much attention to it, but I just looked at some stuff for it and it looks awesome at first glance and now I am gonna scope it out now. Thanks for the heads up!
Haha, keep them coming! I need a good laugh.
>The rules are vastly over-complicated
You are either a brainlet faggot or is just trolling.
Depends if you are smart about it you wont spend thousands a year like some idiots who buy more boxes than they can paint, Its kinda like PC gaming where the barrier to entry is quite high ie you buy rulebooks paints tools and a transport case and your first minis but from then on just be disciplined and only buy a box once you complete your previous i spend about 60 bucks a months and then every other month i buy something more expensive like a knight and only buy new stuff when i finish painting the old stuff .Then every 5-7 years there will be a new edition meaning you have to buy new books but all in all if you are smart about it its not much more expensive than gaming or any other mundane hobby like that.
The reality is that 40k is only good when viewed through the lens of nostalgia and justification through "your dudes." The current year 40k is so far removed from its original Source material, OR your perspective of it, that it's genuinely improved when you ignore actual lore in favor of dead memes off of 1d4chan.
Hell, deep down all we really want is for the lore to stop taking itself so seriously in the most retarded fashion, and fall back into the absurdity that was the classic 40k style, grimdark to the point of ridiculousness. Noise Marines with Guitars, Sexy Daemonette Minis because GW stopped treating 40k like it was a kids game, FUCKING Doomrider.
Hell, shoot me in the leg for this, but I'd even go so far as to say that FFG handled 40k lore better than GW did, because it understood the fans of the game.
What? How is 40k company level? That’s Apocalypse territory, isn’t it?
The only company-level+ armies are infantry blobs and other infantry spam.
If you are already poor then not really. It is fun, but as a game it won't be worth it to a poor person. Unless you are really into the painting aspect that is.
xwings fags will abandon legions when they realize they have to actually paint the models
also star wars is a dying brand at this point.
Is there any other game that lets you do "Your dudes" as well as 40k?
Thin your paints.
Best post.
>FFG handled 40k lore better than GW did
I don't know anyone who would ever disagree with this.