lets roll up a space marine legion with the word corp in their name
first someone roll a d10 to decide why they were founded
Marine corp
Megawarcorp Inc. a subsidiary of the Ultramarines Chapter
i don't think you did that right
as in military corps
Fuck you, now it's a Cyberpunk corporation chapter.
why not
space marine chapter that runs itself like a business
why was it founded someone roll a d10
Rolled 9 (1d10)
could work
R'Traders are known to have Space Marines on the payroll and colonization of new planets isn't regulated so long as tithe is paid and at least a passing nod is made towards worshiping the God-Emperor.
To that end a cadet branch of a Trader Dynasty (or so official history of the world says. In reality a well connected and very clever bastard son of an old RT kicked his father out and father took a few ships a few metric fuck tonnes of gold and the Astartes contract with him) decided to settle down and play civilization builder.
That was all several thousand years ago. The Space Marines with a few well placed bribes and skeletal closet discoveries with senior Administratum scribes were folded into one of the official Foundings with the Megawarcorp Inc. HQ as their official fortress monastery and the old Traders pension planet (Brindal's Fortune?) as their official homeworld. The planet by then was quite well established with a population in the billions and growing and providing the proper tithe of guardsmen.
9–10 Crusade - "We need people running around and hitting the Imperium's enemies. Found a Chapter!"
crusading space Marines but when were they founded?
roll a d100
So by crusade, we mean Expanse colonization.
Chapter Master: Chief Executive Officer.
Fleet Master: Chief Logistics Officer.
Forge Master: Chief Innovation and Production Officer.
Master of Sanctity: Chief Human Resources Officer
Rolled 94 (1d100)
Rollin for Foundation
nice! the 'took a few ships a few metric fuck tonnes of gold and the Astartes contract with him' part could fit in with their start as crusaders
Master of Sanctity would be Morale and Spiritual Integrity Officer.
Human Resources duty would be spread between him the Head Apothecary (Chief Recruitment and Talent Scout) and the Head Librarian (Chief Warp Related Affairs Officer). Actually keeping records and the sorting of the archives being delegated to a Rememberancer typically drawn from the smartest of the failed aspirants.
91-95 42nd Millennium (Ultima Founding made of Primaris Marines)
so the're a start up chapter
but who's their progenitor? roll a d100
Rolled 73 (1d100)
Business must be run in secrecy.
That's when they got legal recognition.
They had existed before then for some good number of years as illegal enforcers of the Corporate Interest.
66–75 Dark Angels
roll a d10 for their Gene-seed purity
primaris marines are much more efficient then the old model.
Which is probably what got the mega-corp Board to get their name slipped into the official roster. They want the new resources.
Rolled 6 (1d10)
The market demands Primarines. We should not lag behind our competitors.
'we had to replace our old Marines to maintain peak efficiency'
6-7 A New Generation - Gene-seed is slightly divergent (usually because of attempts to breed out flaws, real or not), leading to the Chapter being less linked to its progenitor
now roll a d10 for Chapter Demeanour
Rolled 2 (1d10)
or maybe we could come up with our own demeanour?
We provide prometheum and prometheum related services
never mind
Cleanse and Purify - Not destroy everything? *BLAM* No.
'its chapter policy to never leave behind any enemy assets of any kind.'
next roll
Now, a Rogue Trader OWNING a Chapter is impossible.
But, given the fortunes of war and the general chaos going on in the galaxy, strange bedfellows can be made. Rogue Traders are, if nothing else, masters of logistics. They have access to anything money can (and some things it cannot) buy. For a young chapter, trapped beyond the reach of their supply chain or cut off, and an enterprising Rogue Trader Dynasty whose assets are at threat, a mutually beneficial relationship of patronage is not an impossibility.
The Rogue Trader can provide technology, supplies, ammunition, material, hell even recruits via their employee's children.
In return, the Space Marines can be gently encouraged to undertake to protect the Imperial logistic centers in the sector. Logistic Centers that just happen to be owned by the RT.
So long as the Rogue Trader never jumps above himself and presumed to give a Chapter of His Imperial Greatnesses Holy Angels ORDERS, both due to the impropriety of this as well as how super illegal it is (even the Admech can't get away with owning a chapter you bet some RT won't), then a friendly and cooperative relationship between two allies in an ongoing war effort is only practical for the pragmatic Chapter Master in the field. The Rogue Trader probably represents a key military asset and should at least be treated in the same way one might treat a general of the Imperial Guard.
All very nudge and wink.
Based on the Chapter's Progenitor, how likely are they to suffer gene-seed mutation? Dark Angels 10%
roll a d100 if its 10 or lower then they have a mutation
now i like this idea
a new primaris chapter buddying up with a rouge trader
Rolled 13 (1d100)
Rolling for 10% mutation
squeaked by
Still, maybe their genetic deviance can manifest as a sort of chapter wide fatalistic pragmatism, hence why they would align themselves with business interest for the opportunity to kill more of the Emperors enemies, and hence their mercilessness in carrying out their missions
the're fine now for chapter legends
roll a d100 for their employee of legend
Rolled 39 (1d100)
their gene seed is why they run their chapter like a company
i like that lets do that
21-50 Chapter Master
a former CEO cool now what did he do roll a d100
Rolled 12 (1d100)
Megawarcorp™ is not just another mercenary company. Megawarcorp™ provides a quality cleansing service to our customes. We just don't believe in fighting the enemy until they surrender. We believe in creating an optimal enviroment for colonization and developing free of mutant, xeno or heathen taint - because there is nothing worse than finding alien remenants corrupting your people, or insurgent elements sabotaging your assets.
We work everyday trying to provide the best level in enemy annihilation from classic products like our flamethrowers to state of the art technology. Every marine is trained to detect and eliminate the smallest enemy trace. Every marine believes in our objective and won't surrender until it's done.
Megawarcorp. Trust us to toast them.
01-25 The figure is remembered as the bane of the Orks, to such an extent that his name is known to the vile greenskins even to this day.
dissolved a large number of ork assets but where did their crusade end? roll a d100
if your familiar with our work on WAAAAGH!!! toof taker then you know that our work is of the highest quality that the imperium can provide
you're not your
"their toof based economy is nothing compered to the mighty imperial throne come brothers will strip them of their assets and reposes their LIVES!"
Magos Biologis Sager, assistant Genetek to Archmagos Cawl
Praise the Omnissiah, for he brings us understanding.
During course of incubation, subtle changes were made to the chapters brain structure in an attempt to create more goal orientation for a chapter intended to operate in relative isolation beyond the logistical reach of the Imperium. This has resulted in temperamental peculiarities among the Chapter Brethren - namely, a cold and ruthless pragmatism usually found only among the most inhuman of astartes and logical of Magos, as well as a tendency towards reduction-ism that reduces typically fuzzy abstractions to questions of value mathematics, loss and gain. The Chapter was, essentially, made into a collection of unfeeling sociopaths. Typically this would be disastrous for cooperation and espirit des corps, however when combined with the traditional pyscho surgery and rigorous brain washing techniques, a success rate of 92% was established in forming a near unbreakable sense of loyalty towards their Chapter peer group. Or, in Enginseers terms, the Astartes have supplanted their sense of personal gain for the concept of gain for the Chapter, or 'Company' as they have taken to calling it. The remaining 8% largely have risen to command positions within the Chapter, where their desire for personal gain tends to coincide with that of the Chapter's out of sheer pragmatism. I should be curious to observe the long term effects this will have on the Chapters political structure - as Space Marines have proven in the past to be no less status driven animals than the humans from which they are crafted - however the Archmagos insists they be shipped to service as soon as they are battle ready. I think I will install a black box on their Strike Cruiser, I will be most interested in it's recordings if it can ever be recovered...
Rolled 52 (1d100)
We cannot have a neon light covered concrete pyrammid in the middle of a fucking jungle!
31-60 Feral World
what kind of feral world? roll a d100 for terrain
this i like this
Rolled 33 (1d100)
Like fuck we can't
it doesn't have to be a jungle
maybe it was a civilised world
...a...are we the Jews?
26–50 Desert
maybe it was a civilised world when they arrived but they tanked the economy and the planet ran out of funding for the irrigation systems turning the once prosperous plant into a arid shithole
anyway roll a d10 to decide how they rule there home-world
I feel like Megawarcorp is dangerously close to falling to Slaneesh with their endless crusade for profits and perfect service. The only thing holding back chaos' corruption is that they would not find a merger profitable at this time.
Technically a desert. Sure as shit it doesn't rain.
The old trader who founded Brindle's Fortune remarked that there was already some microbial life that seemed to be of old Terran ancestry. Presumably some Dark Age cosmonauts had it on their boots in the distant past and left it behind but as global average temperature is -20°C it isn't partially. In a similar way there is no precipitation, any water is already frozen.
maybe they own 100% of the planets wealth and that's why it's feral now like a huge empty ruined city with a big neon light covered pyramid in the middle
or maybe not i don't know
is no one going to roll?
The Chapter fortress is located in a desert planet. However now they say their """HQ""" is in a productive/civilized world so they can reap the benefits while having an "Adeptus Non" tithe level. The HQ is just a hub to send the young recruits to the desert planet and for dealing with potential customers/Inquisition/Mars.
When Mr Tomgomery (know to his few friends as Mr Brindle due to being piebald, that's why the planet is called Brindle's Fortune) found the system he struck lucky. It was extremely rich in easily accessible resources and far enough out in the arse end of nowhere that nobody else had a claim and oversight from the Imperial authorities would be minimal at best.
The system is a distant twin binary containing 15 gas giants of varying sizes two rocky plants close in to the larger of the two stars and one on too close to the slightly lesser star all too extreme in temperature to be of much use with the two closest ones being tide locked with the remainder a Venus pressure cooker. None have any natural satellites.
The larger star has an earth sized planet out in the far orbits in an orbit almost perpendicular to the solar plain and is assumed to be an extra-solar capture it has two small moons. There are dozens of dwarf planets.
The gas giants have hundreds of moons between them of varying size and compositions.
Brindle, despite being a frozen shit hole, is the nearest there is to anything habitable. It has 1.01Gravs, an atmosphere that is mostly inert and only slightly thinner than ancient Earth, almost habitable temperature range and an abundance of water ice so pure that it can often be drunk uncleansed with only a metallic taste to complain about. The moon is nearly geologically dead but is deep enough into the magnetosphere of the gas giant that this is not an issue.
There are worse places to live in the Imperium.
The planet was founded in the manner of a business rather than a colony or nation. Mr Brindle had lost his Writ of Trade for being too trusting, from then on he had to know you for 50 years before you were anything other than business. Original police force were Private Security hired from an agency operating on Necromunda and the original PDF were predominantly mercenaries on long term contract.
"we're based on a feral word for tithe purposes"
- maximus barker chapter CEO/ founder
i love that
>Chapter Master: Chief Executive Officer.
You mean Chapter Executive Officer
also roll a d10
The HQ moves from world to world in the Brindle System depending on what will offer them the best deal at the time. At one point it was based on one of the night side of one of the inner planets.
The iceball moon was classed as a feral world due to a "clerical error" on one occasion.
Currently it's a civilized world due to the cities not being big enough to be hives and the population being in the tens of billions range.
Not until recently did they register as having a Space Marine chapter because they were not of an official founding and were therefore technically a "traitor warband". They did always pay it's tithe. It was meticulous about that. Administratum will get you done for tax evasion if they can't fuck you for anything else.
....ok lets say that was a three?
2-4 Stewardship - "Hi, Planetary Governor? It's me, the Chapter Master. Just calling you to remind you that I outrank you, even if I don't do anything." seeing as it's a feral world and that their just based there for tithe purposes and their actual HQ is elsewhere that fits pretty nicely
now someone roll a d10 for chapter organistion
dice+1d10 in options.
Yeah I don't know why we keep that sticky if it's wrong. Maybe it's to trick newfags.
the're not their
Rolled 9 (1d10)
Another user here, lately I spend more time on Veeky Forums so I sometimes forget it's supposed to be in options rather than name.
sorry man didn't see you had rolled their my bad
9-10 Unique organisation
this is pretty cool seeing as how the're corporate marines maybe instead of being split into companys they're split into packages
for instance "is your planet under attack by Orks? don't fret purchess the greenskin defence package now! for all your anti ork needs."
there not their
also someone roll a d100 for special equipment
Rolled 67 (1d100)
Rolled 4 (1d100)
Makes no sense, rolling again
01-10 Traditional Weapon: The Chapter favours one specific weapon over all others. Choose one specific weapon to serve as the Chapter’s traditional weapon. Examples: Power Sword, Bolt Pistol, Melta Gun
we cold go with that or we could go with my idea of the chapter being split into hire-able packages to deal with specific threats
could not cold also wrong post
Rolled 3 (1d10)
Due to Unique Organization happening, roll for Specialty restrictions is required, so I'll allow myself to do that.
maybe it could be a preferred fighting style
Preferred Fighting Style: The Chapter has a specific way in which it prefers to go about killing the enemy in the name of the God-Emperor of Mankind. it could be split up into departments
Rolled 6 (1d10)
Quite peculiar. Does it mean that their RT allies provide them with such needs off-combat?
In the meantime, rolling for Special equipment
01–20 Apothecary
no doctor's
Oh, wait, it was with 1d100, next 1d10 in order would be... Chapter Strength.
5-9 - Nominal: The Chapter can field ten full companies, each with ten squads. In all likelihood most every squad consist of ten brethren and some specialised appointments may be empty, but the Chapter is regarded as fully fit for battle.
maybe it's part of their contract
10 Traditional Weapon: The Chapter favours one specific weapon over all others. Choose one specific weapon to serve as the Chapter’s traditional weapon. Examples: Power Sword, Bolt Pistol, Melta Gun
i still like the department idea for the chapters organization
Of course not, they have medical insurance as a bonus!
also we have yet to roll for Combat doctrine
a d10 please
Rolled 18 (1d100)
I think figuring out their special equipment can wait till we're figure out the rest, to fit the theme.
In the meantime, Chapter Beliefs (1d100)
Rolled 5 (1d10)
Great, they do revere the Lion, that is getting interesting.
01-40 Revere the Primarch - "Our Spiritual Liege is better than yours!"
these guys like the lion
next up At what strength is the Chapter? (d10)
done that Nominal: The Chapter can field ten full companies, each with ten squads. In all likelihood most every squad consist of ten brethren and some specialised appointments may be empty, but the Chapter is regarded as fully fit for battle.
now Who are your Chapter friendly with?
i d100
Standard operations department (regular bolter and chaisword marines)
Crowd control deparment (flammers, anti infantry heavy weapons)
Long range support department (artillery vehicles)
Then they would chose a project manager who grabs what he needs and what the chapter things they can afford to do the job.
More like BT crusades than full combat companies.
maybe they could hire out specialised packages for different contracts lbut i really like this idea
also i spelt purchase wrong
Rolled 35 (1d100)
>now Who are your Chapter friendly with?
>i d100
Technically, we work on assumption that we are friendly with RT dynasty (94-98), unless we want more than one friends.
>Adeptus Astra Telepathica
Business requires good communication connection to run well, I suppose.
31-35 Adeptus Astra Telepathica
so astropaths cool
i like to think that there not buddy buddy with a rouge trader and that the're their own business entity
anyway roll 1 d100 for chapter enemy
Mega War corp is a subsidiary of the imperium of man
Rolled 17 (1d100)
Hopefully something that is a perfect threat to trade routes.
3-31 The Orks (alternatively, you may select a particular Waaagh! or Warboss)
alternatively it could be a rouge trader dynasty that the chapter are business rivals with
i tried to make a armour scheme
i tried to make it look like a business suit
the seals are what happens when you get employee of the month
feel free to make of your own as this one kinda sucks
>blue collar
Fix that shit right now
Now, how to implement THAT in the colour scheme...
here's one