It's gonna Flop
It's gonna Flop
Badly, like runewars. But still its starwars, ppl give their shekels easily for a card based miniature game. However GW copied the same piramidal card model with necromunda, Shadespire and Blood bowl with nice success.
Probably. They should have either done a non-28mm scale and/or started with the Clone Wars. 28mm already has a lot of competition AND the old pre-painted plastics to compete with. Clone Wars offers a much more varied starting line-up.
Agreed on scale, for the simple reason they can't include the AT-AT at 32mm despite it being the most iconic ground vehicle in the setting. I am praying they later release an Armada-esque smaller scale game later, which I would buy into.
It will have good sales in the beginning and then drop off like a rock.
Also no one likes painting white. Especially not dozens of generic looking Stormtroopers.
It would have been pretty cool in 15mm. 32mm? The fuck where they thinking.
people said that about xwing too, now it's the most popular mini game, legion is going to have a decent launch and become a huge success once more models are released
I do hope the price is right and they have a bigger international presence.
It's so easy to get people to play a Star Wars game.
It is already killing Warhammer and it is not even released yet
It’s fucking Star Wars.
That’s practically a license to print money.
>It would have been pretty cool in 15mm. 32mm? The fuck where they thinking.
Yup, pretty much.
So what is the verdict on the miniature quality?
Of similar to lower quality than modern Games Workshop minis, only twice the height and with no excuse for the lower quality.
Hahahahahaha you’re funny.
>Blood bowl
BB's cards are very different and they were already there before the revamp of the game. If you want to count BB you might as well count warhammer too because you can use cards to draw for what spell a wizard has.
>Star Wars
No. It already looks way better than the alternative of Imperial Assault, and this is going to scratch that tabletop itch. Especially if you don't care enough of ship battles to bother with X-Wing/Armada
It's going to have a fairly positive release and it will only get better as more units release. If anything I'd say it's biggest problem is not enough variety on release. The only things to buy are more core set units and the two factions heavies hopefully Leia, Veers and the Fleet/Snow Troopers release soon enough to keep interest piqued and get more new releases in a timely manner. Personally hoping the Rebels get a unit of Wookie Commandos or something
That looks way worse than GW for comparable prices
>it's not gonna flop
>but it's gonna flop because launch
X-Wing had effectively zero competition, it's a completely different kind of game, and all the models come pre-assembled and pre-painted. It has literally nothing in common with this except that they're both Star Wars. Legion is fucked out the gates.
They are like 15 years behind GW.
>killing Warhammer
>in the year when Games Workshop is at the highest peak they've ever been at, with what was very recently the fastest growing stock of any company in the entire UK
Not gonna lie, I wasn't interested in the game either way, but that... looks worse than what I was expecting. That'll probably hurt the sales they could have made on hobbyists who just wanted to collect.
Painting and assembling alone will kill a bunch of hype for it right out the gate, and it probably won't have a lot of conversion possibility starting out so there goes another aspect.
Here is the rebels for anyone wanting to compare.
It's hard to say from images only and Troopers are pretty simple designs to make models out of.
>h*roic scale
Those plastic card ship games were also really popular for a time, but no one plays them now.
whats keeping me from using my legions of wotc star wars minis for this? Ive got bendy stormtroopers and rebels for days.
I'm not saying it's going to flop. Im just saying there's not a lot of variety out the gate. Im sure people will buy in based on Star Wars alone and the gameplay looks solid. Just needs to expand some
yes propped up by TW2 and the recent release of 8th which is fast bleeding players
>bleeding players
>yes propped up by TW2
>This is what fantasyfags actually believe
They're using special hingey range rulers and special dice, so you need to buy into those... past that? No real reason I can see. You can play your WotC minis if I can play my Imp Assault minis.
>propped up by tw2.
Which is why vidya games are not even a tenth of revenue
It will flop
1. Minis look subpar (not only to GW but to Wyrd and Corvus Beli also).
2. Only 2 factions to start
3. Colours of factions are set - sure you can have pink storm troopers but that is a parody and not everyone likes that (while in other games you have different chapters, branches and so on so everyone can be unique in some way or other).
4. Realy simplistic rules - in order to make it accessible they dumbed the rules down to even below the level of 40K - while leaving some high level stuff like start of the game card play.
5. Heros make the most of the game - in mirror matches you will have 2 vaders ... climatic to the core ...
6. FFG model buy everything 3 times becouse cards ....
7. Need to build your own table where they dont have any experiance with selling preconstructed stuff
All in all it will die - not as fast as runewars but fast enough.
So excited about painting stormtroopers, lads
I predict many people will buy it, a few will even play it, but most people will just look at the minis as collectibles and not play it past one or two casual attempts. In five years another company will get the license and try again with exactly the same results.
Yeah but so's my dick in your mother.
Should have been smaller scale. 10mm at most.
If I can't recreate the battle of Hoth or at very least use the bigger units in Star Wars canon then what's the point?
Yeah. I'll still probably buy in because I have solid faith in FFG being able to make competent wargames unlike certain companies, but the scale is a pretty shitty choice. As much as GW tries to force it, 28mm isn't a scale for actual conflicts but rather for skirmishes. Putting it down to 15mm would've made it a lot more adaptable and feel a bit more "climatic" as opposed to 30 Stormtroopers versus 50 Rebels.
But see, that's the thing. If you make it based around these massive battles, then the guerrilla feel to playing Rebels vanishes as instead it's just two standing armies -- and since Stormtroopers are mechanically superior to Rebels, you end up with the guerilla faction fighting as a massed swarm of Guardsmen.
That's why even if you did 15mm, you pretty much have to do something closer to the Clone Wars where you could actually field those battles without things looking and feeling retarded. You can field hundreds of droids versus a hundred Clones. But doing the same thing in the GCW just feels wonky as fuck.
Scale being larger fucks it, would have bought some if they were 28mm
scale. They are using larger than standard 28mm minis
>X-Wing had effectively zero competition
>What aeronautica was
>meanwhile X-wing still sells better than 40k among US retaliers
>tfw apparently I'm one of the few that doesn't give a fat shit about the scale
I wanted a skirmish game that wasn't IA, so I'm happy. If they made the scale any smaller it would just be Armada: Ground Edition
you will still have to put the older minis on proper scale bases, otherwise people may accuse you of cheating
Fair enough, but it just seems kinda limiting. Part of the fun -- especially as far as Clone Wars shit goes -- would have been the ability to have these massive battles, the sorta shit we played the old Battlefront games for. It'll be hard to get that same feeling when it's just 4 squads of Clone Troopers.
8th is extremely successful, at least in my area. It was 7th that nearly killed 40k here. 8th brought a lot of people back and attracted new people.
>What aeronautica was
Effectively zero. It wasnt even sold in stores
No female protag that looks like kathleen kennedy for some bizarre reason like all the other new Star wars stuff?
Meh.. those identical sculpts, only one alien.. dropped.
Aeronautica was dead well before X wing was released.
It was also a objectively beter game but whatever.
I'm painting my storm troopers prussian blue and using Hasslefree's Elsa knockoff as a Vader proxy and there's nothing anyone can do to stop me.
I barely even remember Aeronautica existing.
I get the feeling it's going to sell really well initially and then just drop off massively as FFG will be completely unable to support it to the extent people expect. At the rate they produce it's going to probably be 2-3 years before they manage to put out enough shit for people playing the same faction to not be forced to be fielding nearly identical shit and I don't think people will remain invested that long.
My Gaming group bought into it quite hard back in the day. If the geedubs of today released it in X Wings absence it would print money.
>everyone's squatting
>>meanwhile X-wing still sells better than 40k among US retaliers
>sells slightly better among independent retailers only, according to a non-exhaustive list
>doesn't account for GW direct order sales
>doesn't account for other regions
>doesn't account for the fact that GW has their own retail stores
>the fact that a product that squats in FLGS and book stores is outselling a corporation with brick-and-mortar stores along with dominance over two separate areas of wargaming isn't significant
tee hee eks dee
It's going to be pretty significant once it happens, yeah.
It's not outselling it, you retard, it's outselling ONLY the FLGS sales. Learn to fucking read.
Luke's cool.
this so much. 28-32mm infantry skirmish is a flooded market at the moment.
10mm vehicle focused where I can take a bunch of AT-ATs or squadrons of AAT-1s would have been something I and a lot of gamers i know would buy.
As it is we looked at this and thought whats the point? we already have infinity and 40k for that kind of game.
Don't they come prepainted?
Doubtful. It's going to ride the IP coattails. And it has FFG enthusiasts as a locked in audience.
>tfw it's the most expected release among my wargaming pals at 2 different stores.
>probably going to kill off the waning interest in other games for a few solid months.
>Then it will stick in the regular rotation.
>Friends want to keep battles on the smaller side and possibly flood the board with terrain.
>City fighting with laser swords.
>I'm cool with that.
8th killed what was left of the tabletop community in my area. It had been in a slow decline since 7th edition, a month after 8th launched there was no one showing up for open tables or game days.
Sounds like you have a pretty crappy FLGS, especially if 40k was all they played
Wow, they look like trash.
I'm not the biggest Star Wars fan but I would have been interested in a 10-15mm Trade Federation army.
But it's pretty clear they've gone with the super safe 28mm option to focus on the trademark named characters with some generic chaff to fill the rest of the box.
Trade Federation and Clone factions would be pretty dope
They constantly shaft the trade federation!
Guilt by association with the prequels, though with Disney's new movies the effect the hammering the Plinket Review gave them is beginning to fade.
It's pretty fucking sad that we now live in a world where the Prequels aren't the worst Star Wars movies.
While I agree with your opinions, people that use climatic instead of climactic, should be round up and shot.
>Newbies are going to pick this up
>They're going to paint in white and black for the first time
>They are going to look total arse because painting white is horrific
>Normies will quit this at first failure
>playing in stores
I expect the shoretroopers from Rogue One to suddenly become extremely popular...
>not playing against yourself alone in your dining room
Hell, Icv2 doesn't even account "hard" sales, but what the retailers feel what is hawt at the moment.
>having a dining room
>having a house
The prequels had a botched execution, but the actual sequence of events that make up the plot follows logically.
>Senator comes to a planet
>She survives an assassination attempt as she lands
>Two Jedi are assigned to protect her
>One of them knew her when they were younger
>He secretly uses her to bait the assassin into striking again
>The assassin attacks while the Jedi are prepared
>Jedi defeat the attack and the assassin flees
>Assassin is chased down and is eventually killed
>Both Jedi use what they can recover from the assassin's body to investigate a wider conspiracy
>Jedi feels conflicted about putting someone in danger even though the plan was successful
>Realizes he is in love with her
Absent any acting or technical details, the story itself holds up. The Disney sequels however are broken at their fundamental premise.
I would like to see your legions of weg star wars minis, an-
>wotc star wars minis
Oh never mind then
It's gonna have a huge initial release among the Xwing audience, then it's gonna fucking drop off the map because the minis have to be painted.
The miniatures are still shite, but why does this scale trigger people so much? It's pretty much industry standard disguised as "heroic" scale. Lots of games call themselves 28mm "heroic" scale when there are no balloonheads and hamfists to be found and it's actually just 32mm.
Wow, GW's stuff just blows that shit out of the water. They look like they'd fit in with those ancient IG models, and at least those have more than 7 poses.
Has anyone in this thread who can't paint white ever heard of an airbrush?
>technical details
The CG has aged, but it was top notch for the time and the movies were chock full of amazing practical effects. Way more so than the new ones that masturbate about being oh so practical.
Lucas only needed someone to rein him in a but and say stuff like "Yes, making all clones identical CG is interesting from an artistical standpoint, but it won't hold up in reality." That's always been George's biggest problem: Grand ideas, a vivid fantasy, but dreaming a bit left of what's actually feasible.
I would have loved to see HIS third trilogy, because looking at Clone Wars and even RotS he definitely learned that he needed a stronger team.
Painting white is easy as fuck after a very small amount of practice. Gotta learn some time.
Who here has hundreds to spend on an airbrush to paint their minis? The majority of us play as a hobby and for fun, not as a soul-sucking job.
Do you honestly think the FFG, X-wing zero hobby effort crowd are gonna bother with that? The only way you're gonna regularly see white stormtroopers is if the plastic is white
Airbrushing your base color on is a huge timesave you absolute knob. Now fuck off to /pfg/ and larp over there, because you clearly aren't doing anything with miniatures.
Not being pre-painted makes this DOA.
X-Wing would't be half as popular if the ships were just grey/black. It's a whole different audience and FFG will learn the hard way.
Neither will the people who buy this game
This shit isn't going to sell in any noteworthy capacity, but that doesn't change the fact that painting white isn't that hard and airbrushing it is even easier.
It'll probably sell really well in the first week, but not well after.
Either way, It's not going to meet sales expectations since star wars is no longer the golden goose it once was and this is more or less the worst time to try and get into the wargaming market
It'll probably not even sell well the first week, because it's FFG. That means the first run will sell out and then they'll utterly fail to meet demand until months later.
GoT2.0 completely withered and died here because they only supplied 16 boxes for the entire country. I know we are tiny ass places with only 9 million people, but come the fuck on. 16 boxes for 8 months?
What country?
Austria. One LGS got 16 boxes which were mostly bought up by the same five or six faggots that got multiples. The other ones got none and Amazon didn't get shit or was immediately sold out because its stock is shared with Germany.