Jace, the Mind Sculptor is unbanned.
Bloodbraid Elf is unbanned.
Jace, the Mind Sculptor is unbanned.
Bloodbraid Elf is unbanned.
RIP Mardu
WHAT THE FUCK???????????????????????
a push for master 25 lmao
Rip nonblue midrange decks.
Desperation to sell more shit masters sets.
>Jace, the Mind Sculptor is unbanned
That's fucking stupid.
>still no stoneforge mystic unban
Well, fuck you too wotc..
>sitting on 40 BBE
>gonna sell all but 4
>gonna be able to buy the rest I need for modern
this, they'll ban him after they sell the shit out of that set.
commander playerbase about to spike up
When will you learn that your actions have consequences
>unbanning jace just to boost M25 sales
Fucking dickheads. I could see unbanning it after IF you actually did something to alleviate the price but Jace is too goddamn expensive and a single limited run reprinting still at mythic isn't going to be enough.
Like fucking Modern wasn't already pricy. We might actually see a deck that creeps up to Legacy price levels.
These guys get it
BBE - It's good, but can probably come off no problem.
Jace - Broken, you greedy fucking pigs wotc.
this is a terrible mistake
Well this is pointless. He will be around for a few months, top multiple events and get banned.
Boring, unnecessary and greedy by WOTC at a time when they can't afford fuck ups.
Such a fucking scummy tactic to unban this broken shit just to sell packs. Fucking retarded.
Selling a shitty upcoming set and killing a format that will compete with your new digital platform all in one move.
>stores don't even sell packs but just crack boxes trying to get those Jaces or mark up packs to $25 each
>nobody can actually draft M25
I actually don't see Jace being that much of a problem
Someone went full retard.
So is Jeskai the uncontested most expensive deck in Modern now?
>Scalding Tarns
Honestly guys jtms is fine to unban. Quit acting like the sky is falling.
Quit giving these kikes money. Simple. As. That.
This is why i hate this card. Pushed to fuck and was used in 2011 to sell worldwake like a bitch and now unbanned after showing how fucked it was to sell a shit masters set for even more $$$$$$$ at 10 dollars or more a pack. Cancer.
it's because it a obvious sales push user. thats why some of us don't like it.
Wellp time to retreat to the EDH safety bunker.
Honestly? You are probably right. He is even less of a problem with BBE in the format.
That said, this is a major fuck you to players, because if you want to play blue (other than Storm) you will need at least a couple of Jaces, and they have never been reprinted in sufficient numbers for that to matter. Had a Jeskai/WU Control deck to play with? Congratulations, fork over half the deck's price again in JTMS or find something else to play until A25 drops.
Miracles are back boys
Oh THAT. Yeah ican understand being mad about that.
Well my foil bloodbraid elf just got rather expensive all of a sudden....
Does this pretty much confirm BBE also getting reprinted in 25?
Oh not this shit again. It was bad enough in standard.
>the butthurt itt
based wizards, probably the best move they did in the last 2 or 3 years.
>filthy wizards trying to pair Jace with junk BBE
No way faggots, Jace belongs to the classy Azusa.
Draw-Go control is dead. No reason to hold Cryptic mana open if your turn four is Jace. They murdered the format.
>JMS at 250$ on ebay
It begins
Wait a couple days for the price to peak then sell off your Jaces. Motherfucker's getting banned again the instant Masters25 ceases print.
Problem is that Jace isn't even getting a regular set reprint, but a 10$ one. Just look at Goyf, who was reprinted every master set and is still too expensive and worst of all, Goyf's biggest price drop was never after these sets, but because fatal push, since mythics in a master set have zero effect on the card. We're hvaing 200$ Jaces until good planeswalker removal is printed.
Why would you ever leave?
>Chinamen fakes
wow that was hard!
not b8, I love jtms and butthurt people.
>Draw-Go control is dead.
Draw-Go was never alive. Proactive control has always been the order of things in Modern.
G-g-guys, I bought some in a store in the very last second... d-d-do you think they are going to cancel?
>brainstorm in modern
>bought a nip Jace
Everyone's saying they unbanned it to push M25 sales, imagine the jace prices if it WASN'T getting a reprint. Likely they put it in M25 BECAUSE it was gonna get unbanned.
already existed
If they cancel, never do anything with them ever. Stop acknowledging them.
>foreign cards
Worse than bootleg chinamens
A bit of both to be honest. The right move was to leave it banned.
On the bright side, Jace is basically un-bannable now, right? There is no fucking way they are going to ban a $200 cards.
They're literally only unbanning it and reprinting it to make money. There's absolutely no other reason for them to decide to unban him. He's beyond busted and they just wanted to milk the player base before the next ban update.
>R&D has been happy with the evolution of the Modern metagame over the past year, and Pro Tour Rivals of Ixalan made for an outstanding viewing experience for fans of the format. Unfortunately, there is a lingering perception in the community that a deck doing well at the Modern Pro Tour will result in something from that deck receiving a ban.
Bridge confirmed for a Dominaria reprint. Your Dino deck is done, Timmy!
They will if it is very needed, or most likely will ban around him to avoid unbanning and then instabanning if it really makes a huge mess.
They'll ban it saying it was a mistake because it was limiting deck diversity when Masters 25 sells out
The reprint will have a negligible effect. It's a limited run set and he's a mythic. It was a really bad idea that's going to make Modern more expensive, not less.
You are insane if you think they won't reban him if he proves to warp Modern into being either hyper aggro or hyper control.
But they won't do so until they get their juicy sales from M25.
I think BBE is the bigger winner.
The thing that makes me scared is how they handled the Saheeli/Cat ban, banning a few days after the main announcement after everyone bought theirs thinking it was safe. Banning him again might just kill whatever little confidence there remains in the game.
>imagine temur moon (AKA waterfall) now with ancestral vision, x2 jace and bloodbraid elf
oh boy
If they fucked up and jace kills the format the backlash iwll be crazy.
do you guys think that terminus and other miracles cards are a good pick? Will they spike hard or there is enough supply?
You already have the information they can and did ban after the assigned date, what makes you think they won't do it again considering very obvious busted cards? It's partly your fault too for making that bet and trusting it will work 100%
>we now live in a society that thinks Jace is more ok then twin
so real
The only kind of removal that could make Jace drop like Goyf did would be something like "Destroy target creature or planeswalker with CMC 4 or less, you lose 2 life" for 1 mana.
There's a haste creature that's a 3/2 that hits a free spell off of its cast in modern that can handle Jace.
Just "destroy target permanent with counters on it"
Twin ban was a format diversity thing. But yeah, this Jace unbanning is extremely bad.
Seriously. What the fuck made them think this was a good idea? Modern was fine, modern was fucking fine. Now they are risking either ruining the format or making the people who buy Jace very fucking angry, just so they can sell more of Masters 25. If they are desperate like this then maybe the game isn't too healthy after all.
There is also dreadbore and jace's defeat if you feel like it's that much of a problem. We definitely have the answers. also bolt i guess in some cases.
>tfw you bought a shot ton off tcgplayer before they could change the prices
get fucked channel fireball
they're not gonna ban it until 1 year at least
So basically it negates their whole reasoning "we unbanned BBE because now BGx decks have whole color choices, it won't be come just Jund"? Because BBE and Bolt are the only clean, playable, efficient answers to a Jace that sticks and Bolt even is card disadvantage.
I'm jamming BBE into Naya Burn. That's going to be the nuts.
Proud of you.
because the best jace is back in modern baby
One mana trading for 4 mana seems like a great way to create card disadvantage to me.
>killing jace
If they even suspect you might have it they immediately tick Jace up to 5 when they play him and he's out of bolt range.
>jace is at 150 on tcg player
oh my god
its fucking HAPPENING
Back? He was never in modern
>your order was cancelled
I bought 6 in total. Maybe one will get canceled. If so I'll report the seller just to be that guy.
>worrying about Jace
>when spell pierce exists
wow quit playing anytime
The worst part about this is the last time we saw Jace in real competitive enviroments, i.e. not legacy, the planeswalker/legend rule was different. Now both people are going to have active Jace's. If you thought control mirrors were aids before, ho boy you are in for a real treat.
Y...You... You mean.... Oops all Jaces?
Can't tell if I'm excited to play Jace or worried about playing against him. Both perhaps.
I am pretty sure people are overreacting jace. He might very well be broken, but this isn't standard where games are slower and sggre decks are worse and this isn't legacy where control decks are better. Modern has the tools to defeat jace easily, but he might warp the format.
I don't think the problem is Jace's impact on the format, it is his price. He is now basically a must if you want to play blue and will easily add $400 at least to the price of decks.