How do you feel about LGBT characters, Veeky Forums? Do you think they can give unique and interesting experience or are they forever cursed with preachy themes? How are they viewed and treated in your setting?
How is this bait? I think it's fun to discuss the sexuality of those outside the norm and how it affects their lives in different fictional settings.
Veeky Forums users don't have the maturity to discuss things like sexuality without devolving into apes
Can be done well, so long as it's not the only characteristic they have and they're well written/played elsewhere. Arcade Ganon and Veronica Santiago are good examples, Dorian from DAI and your average Tumblr user are bad ones.
How dare you post such a garage thread with an image of Pelinal Fucking Whitestrake
Pelinal is semi-canonically gay. There are a lot of implications and a cut bit explicitly saying that he fucked one of his male companions written by Kirkbride. He was a gay, elf hating cyborg paladin.
Alright, I can see that your monkey brains are all too stupid to comprehend the situation you've put yourselves in, so it's my job to use all the intellect and insight that my Blu-Ray copy of Rick and Morty Season 3 affords me.
First off, I need to prove that I'm more intelligent than either side, so instead of giving my opinion I'll just say that both sides are equally stupid and cancerous which makes me look and feel superior to all of you.
Next I'll establish that I have autism which makes me better than you because fictional characters that we idolize like Rick Sanchez, Sheldon Cooper, and Dwight K. Schrute II all have autism. This makes me more like them than you and thus superior.
Finally, I'll say that because I'm doing all this and I'm self-aware of just how moronic this looks, instead of being shitposting this is actually a clever commentary on behavior on Veeky Forums, and pointing out that I'm pointing it out is even more clever because that's meta commentary, as is stating that it's meta commentary.
Finally, according to statistics 96 people on Veeky Forums are murderers and/or serial killers, so can we please get someone crazy enough to try and kill Wil Wheaton so we actually do the world some good?
KIMUNE is fanfiction, and garbage that didn't even make it into that fanfiction is even less than non-canon
There are bigger problems than what a person wants to fuck. Famine, plague, dragons, cults, results of failed cults, foreigners, the list goes on.
if your characters most defining trait is the fact that he likes men then your character is BORING
anyways, if you are going to do erp then im going to kick you out, and wont care about your "datz homophobic" screams
other than that, your character might be gay but it doesnt mean that setting will be ok with that
Nah, It was/is in Song of Pelinal. Still heavy, heavy implications even after the edits
You're full of shit.
as always. If the fact that your cherecter is a queer is a cherecteristic of said pc, one of many it is ok, if your cherecter is gay and that's it, his sexuality defines him, you better bet your ass that he will hava a pack of nazi skinheads beating him to a bloody pulp. No matter the setting. Fantasy setting? Get your ass ready for the knights of A'olf Kitler. Renesance? You better bet you that the order of the hakenkreuz is after you. Futuristic? Well here we have a pack of mechhitlers. Cyberpunk? The CEO of gas the kikes™ would like a word
If you aren't autistic about it then its fine. Like if it isn't immediately obvious that the character is gay you are doing it right.
Good argument. The author of the thing has literally said Pelinal was intended to be gay but bethesda cut it to avoid spooking people like you away from buying the DLC
>See picture of pelinal whitestrake
>See the word pride
Ooh this is going to be interesting
>Asks stupid bait question that most sane people don't care about
My disappointment knows no bounds
I'm not contesting that, Kirkbride being a faggot is well established. But the simple fact is that there is no canon material suggesting that he is gay.
In a Shadowrun game a couple played a gay cybersammy fucking a twink hacker.
Aside from some gay jokes it was basically just two characters.
How shitty is your group of friends that preachy is the default outcome?
What is the point of doing this other than being a dick to your player?
No mention in my setting. Not something I would add.
As for can they be well done in a game? Sure. Do they give unique and interesting experience? Maybe.
The same can be said for playing a character with a scat fetish though. Or a loli fetish. Or any other sexual fetish where the character is defined by some sexual act or magic realm.
You might be able to do it with class and make it an interesting experience. Most likely it is going to be shit and reflects far more on the type of people involved a the table than anything else.
teaching them that you shouldent be a dick to me by creating 1D cerecters with which i can do nothing with and which will serve only to annoy me and push a political agenda? I do the exact same thing but with a gang of revolutioneries when someone creates a /pol/meme cherecter
> How do you feel about blonde characters, Veeky Forums? Do you think they can give unique and interesting experience or are they forever cursed with preachy themes? How are they viewed and treated in your setting?
I'm guessing this is easier for you and more fun that talking to your players about these things.
Also kinda weird that you would think your friends are trying to "push political agendas" in a tabletop game that has no real effect on anything outside it.
Don't you have another copy of Skyrim to buy?
One of my players has an agendered character. I just kinda ignore it and let it slide. My group are all "why the fuck not" liberal millennials who like to say "fuck" a lot to the point where it's cringeworthy sometimes. I just let it go, they are good players otherwise. If they bring up their sexuality a lot then I'll worry about a way to punish them.
They can be done right, they can be done wrong. As to unique or interesting experience not even remotely, all you're doing instead of hitting on the bar maid is hitting on the stable boy. As to insetting it depends on the region you're in, some regions don't care, others frown on it and you'll have some issues with higher social circles and in other places its a death sentence to be found out.
I meant literally a faggot, not in a generally derogatory sense
It’s lioe fucking anything else.
If it’s well played it’ll be fantastic.
If it’s badly played it’ll be shit.
Same for reasoning behind it.
‘Character is gay because it seemed like an interesting dynamic to explore’ rather than ‘character is gay because cishetwhitemen are literally Satan and everyone should be gay’.
Look it's great that Kirkbride and you share the same rainbow flag headcanon but until you get it in the games please shove it up your ass
Played a Shadowrun campaign with a chick. Her character was a transvestite orc with a mono filament whip. Shit was cash.
That's a great question, actually. Don't you?
Depends on the Setting.
Generally I don't care.
This, short and to the point
As long as the entire character isnt about being homosexual its cool.
I mean, gay people exist and they will exist and they have always existed.
>make all my d&d characters bisexual
>no one knows because we don't talk about sexuality in our games
Who else here /mischief/
If political situation ever allows it, I am starting Gas the Kikes, Ltd. which will produce any gaseous instance for reasonable price.
t. lorelet
So you are suggesting, that the whole story of the knight saving the princes is just a backdrop of the real issue? Which is the knight's taste in naughty bits.
Does the character preferred literature/color/writing hand matter if it is irrelevant to the story you are trying to tell?
Wait Pelinal is gay....? i understand why he hates Elf women unlike the rest of humans
He's a future cyborg who's best friend was a winged minotaur creatures. Pelinal is above sexuality and ascends directly into righteous purging territory regardless of what the elves fuck. Also TES elves are freaky bug eyed creeps, not waifus.
I don't think they offer anything unique, but I don't think they're necessarily doomed to being politics bait.
Homosexuality is generally viewed with a sort of puzzled amusement, with vague distaste being more common for men. While most people don't really give a shit who you fuck, calling a man the local equivalent of gay in some places is considered fighting words that justify killing.
The established faiths take various views, though only a couple of cults are outright against homosexuality - one because venal pleasure-seeking is considered sinful no matter what, the other because 'be fruitful and multiply' is the center of their faith.
Generally people have bigger things to worry about, though. Even the churches. Raiding foreigners, bandits, beastmen, greenskins, famine, plague.
>Pelinal is above sexuality and ascends directly into righteous purging territory regardless of what the elves fuck
Then what's with the gay jokes? it's been some time since i played oblivion did i miss something?
>TES elves are freaky bug eyed creeps
Skyrims ones and others without a doubt but bethesda seems to go back to LOR Elves considering TES Online in it which elves look good
You want to avoid preachy themes but you post a picture of a character that's you've wrenched into your identity group because you want to push your cause.
I don't think YOU could make an LGBT character that isn't wrapped up in their identity.
Pelinal was intended to be gay by Micheal Kirkbride and it was included in the original draft of Song of Pelinal III but cut down to heavy overtones. He fucked/was in love with one of his companions, a hoplite named Hulra(sic).
>Also TES elves are freaky bug eyed creeps, not waifus
Except Dunmer have explicitly been described as having smoking hot women as far back as Morrowind, the only game that matters...
In addition to what OP said, it's also arguably the only conflict that that sort of character can have. if you're nothing but gay, the only people who will care about you are the people who hate those who are gay.
In my setting, they are treated like in most pagan societies:
It's okay to be gay, but expect to be the target of jokes, especially if you take the passive role during sex.
In most cultures, it's expected to marry and have kids. It does not concern the law who you fuck outside of that. Marriage is an institution to secure the future of the family. It's not for romantic love.
Some cultures have differing values though.
Bisexuality is pretty much the norm with my elves for example.
As long as the character isn't 2d and being Gay is his only defined characteristic, in so that that is the only thing about his character and that the player behind the PC isn't annoying and pushy about his PCs sexuality and his ideals on everyone else and expect everyone else's PCs to revolve around his. Like if he thinks another player who isn't interested in his character's story or isn't paying as much attention to his character being gay decides to force their character to revolve around that, then it's time for him to get a stern warning and either stop it or leave.
Just make them gay...? Play your character as you'd normally play him, but make him stone cold to women's advances, preferring the company of men.
We have a good handful of Gay or Bi characters in the game I'm in. Just play it like any other relationship and it wont seem preachy.
Also dont go for the "Bury your gays" trope where the two only gay characters die at the end or in a way where they can be together.
>see thread name
>see picture
>think it's a discussion about pride
>maybe a discussion on whether or not pride can make a paladin fall
>it's actually just some flaming faggot baiting
a thread died for this gay shit
I played as a gay character before, it was fun. He was prudish, which was a fun shake up with my friends because usually i play as a womanizer. He eventually fell in love with one of the npcs and got a happy ending.
I like that pelinial is gay, it's not often we get to see totally metal gays, in this case literally and figuratively
I haven't had a good experience with gay characters, but it was an issue with the player and not the character concept.
I think the thing to remember here is that he was more than just gay, and being gay was the least interesting part about the guy who at one point got so angry he completely destroyed a section of Cyrodiil that the Divines had to be called in to calm him down. The trick is writing gay characters where you start with "So he's gay.....and that's about it" and decide you've done all you need to do to make them interesting.
Oh yeah definitely. The fact that he fucked a dude is by far the least interesting and least unusual thing he's probably ever done.
if pride makes a paladin fall, he will fall with no regrets.
/Pol/ please leave.
>I think it's fun to discuss the sexuality of those outside the norm
Oh look you've given the reason why every teenager identifies as non binary.
It's fun and quirky.
If someone tried to play a faggot in my games, I would immediately quit the game and walk away. As a Christian I won't tolerate faggotry and homos in my games.
I'm no christian, but boyo I feel ya
I'm tired of all this faggotry.
I didn't want things to be like this. I didn't want to hate them. They forced me. They dug this hole and thye better not expect to be pulled out of it again.
I mean, for almost over a decade no one gave a fuck about gays, but they had to keep pushing more and more. It wasn't enough to have homosexual characters every now and then, half of every cast has to be a sexual deviant.
They're less than 5% of the population, let's see how well this goes for them if they keep alienating people for no reason at all.
In my setting, the only culture that takes any special issue with who you want to fuck or whether or not your insides match your outsides don't even take issue with it out bigotry. They're just confused as to why you haven't yet discarded your pedestrian notions of what it means to be and embraced the courage necessary to imagine greatness.
>all my characters names are adjectives about themselves translated through 5 languages
If being gay is part of your character's personality then they are a shallow, boring character I don't want to interact with at all, faggot. Keep it in the bedroom.
You've only achieved level 1. Now you gotta make your own language.
Pelinal whitestrake is not gay. Just because Kirkbride is a pervert doesn't mean his word is law, especially when the word in question was outright denied by the people actually in charge of the canon.
95% of the time it's a faghag trying to be quirky, no they cannot give a unique experience as fucking a dude while being a dude is no different from fucking a woman while being a dude, and nobody really gives a damn in my setting.
Also this guy
I'm sure him and his special "friend" were even that close. *wink*
I feel that a lot of characters are gay but don't say it. Like if you have a priest, yeah he is probably gay and joined the priesthood to avoid having to marry. Or if you have a cunning rogue, he is most likely bisexual. Adding the fact that they are gay or bisexual doesn't really change much and it is not necessary. And most character would have gay sex, like lets not pretend that your knight isn't fucking his squire when he gets horny.
It has only been in recent years that gay identity has become a thing gay sex has become less casual. Back in the day gay sex really wasn't so uncommon.
He's a fucking robot he don't even have a dick
they don't exist simple enough
Im running a shadowrun campaign and about 90% of characters are SOME levels of queer.
At least in my house canon, the awakening has changed public perception enough to where anything not straight/cis is shugged off, while things like metatype and magic powers have replaced much of the social stigma.
You can be an elven cross dressing femboy non binary cyber cat and people might at most chuckle a bit, but damn son don't you DARE be seen with a troll
They can work, just don't be a preachy dick about it (for or against) and don't make it the only thing defining them. Besides that there isn't any real reason why orientation wouldn't work as a character building block.
As an example of how not to do it, I once played in a group that had a straight dude playing as a female paladin.
After two sessions he dramatically revealed that the buff warrior clad in plate mail was, in fact, a lesbian. Rest of us reacted in the vein of "Alright, cool beans. You sure surprised us there bucko."
Despite this, the guy starts a diatribe of how nobody would expect it and how intolerant people are. "Yeah, we get it. You know us and you should know that we are most likely more SJW'ish than you are. You are preaching to the choir dude."
He still continued his speech for a minute or two despite our remarks, feeling very proud of himself. That character got killed two or three fights later by the player's own stupidity coupled with bad rolls so he did the sensible thing and rage quit.
Before he REE-D after was killed by Mer, he was human.
Personally I think an adventurer who has scraped with death enough probably wouldn't care depending on how 'dark' the setting is and whether you are rping the fact that scraping with death could jade Someone
I feel bad about it and it doesn't reflect on my daily interactions with them, but I've noticed that pretty much every time I have made a character who is gay or bi they end up being Evil aligned...
It literally doesn't matter at all; most of my games don't have sexual themes anyways. Only once did I have a succubus NPC, and she ended up hating the PCs enough to not want to seduce them anyways
For the record, I'm gay IRL and I usually play straight characters, when I get the chance to play at all
Honestly, if ever I'm called out for not having enough "representation", my first stance is to say "Oh, you've met them. A couple actually. You talked, they were perfectly pleasant, but otherwise unmemorable. Probably why you don't remember them."
If they complain about wanting representative characters in the spotlight, I make them evil lieutenants.
I feel like the first user was obviously trolling but the second might actually be retarded. Not sure
The only character whose homosexuality mattered was a 19th century Naturalist who had his entire life and career destroyed when his sexuality was accidentally revealed.
I have others who are gay, trans, or whatever (including a FBI Agent who is a hardvore furry) but that's usually character notes and don't mean much unless there's good reason to use it.
Like the twin sister of a character who is bisexual because she and her brother had an extremely powerful force-bond. He fell in love, and she got dragged along all the emotions.
I don't care if you fuck pigs so long as I don't have to hear them squeal.
Fuck, this is why I need to stop posting with my phone.
Oh, I forgot. In the first campaign I ever ran, the main villain was a well-groomed middle-aged fellow who lived with an androgynous younger man. The two of them were seen together all the time, and when the PCs broke into their house to gather some information, it was very clear that there was only one bedroom.
By the end of the campaign, however, my players were still referring to the younger guy as the villain's "roommate", and it really baffled me how oblivious they were. Two months after the campaign ended, in our group chat on Facebook, one of my players finally asked "wait, were [villain] and ["roommate"] gay?"
If it's relevant, then let it be relevant, but otherwise, it's just your sex life, so I don't want to know about it when I could be slaying monsters and saving commonfolk (or vice versa) instead.
Examples where bringing up gayness would be relevant:
Your character is a noble who is expected to produce an heir, and has a deep personal struggle because of this expectation they cannot fulfill without breaking their own values.
Your character is from a society that places a heavy emphasis on breeding/lineage like the goblins, where not siring multiple new goblins could significantly impact future raiding parties.
You're looking for a companion to take with to the fancy noble ball the party is infiltrating.
You're arguing about whether or not you should get bonuses to resist a succubus/incubus's charm attack because you don't swing that way.
Examples where it isn't relevant:
You want to go to a brothel.
A fellow party member is playing as an attractive member of the gender you're attracted to.
You're dealing in some way with a religious organization (sidenote: why would Pelor care who you get your rocks off with? Just go smite evil) and want to start an argument.
The dm has already said you don't get bonuses vs demonic seduction because it's a magical effect.
I suppose you're the sort of pleb who prefers your elves like pic related, and cannot appreciate alien beauty
>you're the sort of pleb who prefers your elves like pic related
Of Course i do,you don't?
>cannot appreciate alien beauty
Yeah i'm racist like that
The only "pride" you should feel is pride in your land soldier!
Now go rush that trench-line for the glory of Cossakalia.
Its kind of considered secondary in the major nations in the setting, Cossakalia for instance being more concerned with loyalty and patriotism, the UAR not really caring as long as you are either smart or useful and the AFEZ being a hedonistic paradise that measures personal worth via a stock ticker
You fucking men doesn't help in killing dragons.