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I wish we’d stop shitposting and talk about the game

2nd for something in face.

i wish eldar would be nerfed to shit.

>Letter to Omnissiah with Your wishes

buff plz

What about shitposting while talking about the game?

Post your armies!

Please remember to fix this for the next OP

I wish for new IG infantry.

I wish 40k went to a well-implemented alternating activation.

I wish for 1 or 2 new models for AdMech.

Is Knightlet going to be ours?

Why remove Karskin why

Thats a very good Guard diorama user!

Morally ambiguous but not outright evil T'au is best T'au.

Yo Dark Eldar players i want a female Archon to be the leader of the kabal if you have ever made a female Archon share your experiences and share pics if you have them.

Clearly nobody but (you) give a shit

I wish for motivation for painting.

Kind of a dick move to have put it in in the first place really. It's a useful resource.

It's funny, cause most 40k players are nerdy, awkward, fat or otherwise physically and mentally defective losers that no woman would touch.

Cherubael when?

>take female kab
>give fancy gubbins

It’s going to have the questor mechanicus faction, so it’s as much yours as it is anyone else’s. Why is that so hard to put together in your head by yourself? Big fat duh retard

Oh i was not asking for tips i already have a plan i was more interested in other peoples take on it and experiences with doing it desu

I wish you stepped on a deldar mini with bare feet.

>has never tasted nonwhale nerdpuss

I wish melee was more viable.

Why doesn't Admech have any transports when they are the ones making them for all other imperials?
Why can't Admech take all the other imperial armor when they are the ones making it?

I wish for

Converted some Blood Warriors to Berzerkers. They're only at the basecoat phase. The Primaris is for scale.

Im so fucking hyped for World Eaters later in the year.

In the process of getting back in the game after many years absence.
Most models were painted 10-15 years ago, and are due for a touch up once I buy some paints.

Infantry not pictured, but they're Armageddon Steel Legion models. I'm pretty sure I still have some tanks and sentinels sitting in boxes somewhere in my mom's basement too, unless they've been thrown out.

It's a religious Issue. Everything has its place and its usage. Every prophet in his house.

I wish mono-Khorne daemons were more viable.
Melee in itself is fine as it is, especially if you are blood angels or genestealers.

Boots and Bare arms are ridiculous

Which god is the patron of feminism in 40k?

Yea i gotta tell the truth here other user was right they look so bad it hurts


>This pussy has no fashion sense and needs armour for his skinny twig arms



>Being a lazy faggot and trying to gloss over that fact with insults that are as half-assed as your conversion work

The deciever


>collection of WW2 model tanks

user with all due respect he said 40k armies not whatever that shit is.

Isha. Notice how she spends all her time in a fat guy's kitchen.

1st Wave - Tzeentch
2nd Wave - Slaanesh
3rd Wave - Khorne

yeah i might paint over the bare flesh, as red armour.

>3rd Wave - Khorne
More like Nurgle.

Haven't made one yet but I was thinking of taking the succubus model, putting on a different head and switching out the weapons. Should be a pretty simple and cool looking archon.

So 4th wave will just be entropy and decay?

I think we are on the cusp of 4th wav gentlemen.

Yes please!

thats not me champ.

No nurgle promotes unconditional love and acts jolly and loving.

That would look even worse. Don't forget to sell them as "pro-painted" on ebay afterwards.

I love boots, but the fantasy helmets are not my thing.

That man looks happier than most normalfags

Actually, it was me. Sorry for lying on the internet.

Men, if you don't like the pus, you can't smash the puss. #toosassy #bigbeautifulplagueridden

Not him but he has 1 (one) converted Maus/Elefant that does kind of clash because of what looks like 1/35 scale. Then there's 2 chimeras with what look like panzer turrets.
Compared to the truckloads of GW/FW Lemans and Chimera variants I can't help but feel you're being a bit tongue-in-cheek.


>as much yours as it is anyone else’s

I mean, I'm pretty sure AdMech are the only codex with strategems that target friendly " or Questor Mechanicus," and one that makes Questors benefit from the AdMech Canticles for a turn. They're much closer to being just part of AdMech than they are to any other Imperial faction.

>1 (one) converted Maus/Elefant
That's actually a FW Baneblade with a converted Maus turret, intended to be a non-STC Shadowsword equivalent. It's the only one with any actual WW2 model parts.

>Then there's 2 chimeras with what look like panzer turrets.
Turrets are scratch built, they're command Vanquishers.

>Boots and Bare arms are ridiculous
Good thing there isn't a 40K Bezerker model with bare arms.

>as for boots. Personally I'd have painted them like Bloodletters flesh and have my Zerkers wearing Bloodletter leather boots. But imo it's not a deal breaker

Three things, though I like em as is.
>1- use proppa helmets. iirc FW sells good ones that would fit
>2- pauldrons. Same deal as above, the AoS stuff doesn’t look quite right, get better SM arms. FW pauldrons could work
>3- weapons. Use real chainaxes and pistol/chainsword, not AoS stuff.
I like them and personally don’t mind the boots, but as is it looks a little sub par. If you really make them look 40k they’ll be great

Why has he not been added to ice hockey team?

Had a panic attack, that looked like my lgs for a second there.

The game needs to be fixed in ways that won't happen because that would require fewer models. For starters, the game is too big while the crunch scaling is too small. In short, there isn't enough granularity. The biggest example is conshits and guardsmen wherein one of them has to be worse than the other in the current system because 1pt is a 25% difference. Likewise, we have a stat systems that is half hard locked into a 1-6 system and the other half is bogged done by a large concentration of small numbers.

However, there is some major potential with the over|under|match system they have, which is hilarious because they got rid of BS and WS, both of which would have been perfect with an agility/dodge score. Like, BS3 vs Agility 4/5 would need a 5+ to hit. However, the numbers are too small still.

Make bog standard marines like S/T8 AS/DS 4 WS/BS6. Whereas a guardsman might be S/T4 WS/BS4. Before you shit yourselves, everything is going up. Bolters would likely be S8. A Pulse rifle would be S10, a lascannon S18, ect.

I don't have the space here, but I think I'm actually going to flesh this out and do some tests.

>This named character does it
>that excuses me being lazy

Always find it weird how bases don't match the character. See a lot of nurgle models in happy little patches of grass.

i wasted all 10 bolt pistols in my bitz box converting a marine squad into destroyers, sadly.

3rd wave - Tyranids (but they look like Nurgle)

>checking ID with credit purchases
I've traveled all over the damn world and burgerland is the only place where I've had this demanded of me.
Also why do you guys not use chip?

Man I really like how this looks, way better than the base model. The skin and faces are cool too, really seperate them as berzerkers.

We do use chip.

lul that feel when you so sad you have to compliment yourself so you feel better about your trash conversion.

Go to bed idiot, I'm fighting your battles for you

Well imperial knights will get their own codex as well. Sure, if you want to split hairs and say admech are closer because nobody can help knights like the mechs can, ok; still a moot point.
You asked if they would be admech’s, I said they will be questor mechanicus, so technically no, but also yes like everyone else in the imperium

Big Celestine tits right in my face

Anyone have flavored units in their army? I have a squad of Kasrkins I use as Scions. They're remnant Cadians who were incorporated into my force and repainted their weapons and armor but kept their old gear.

Stop replying to me! I'm you.

I'll be honest sticking on just the power packs isnt enough for me either. I like the faces and pauldrond even the arms, but if I do this I'm totally changing the weapons.


Actually wait that might be my lgs.

Yeah! I've got some EC Terminators and AL Berserkers to along with my Thousand Sons Supreme Command detachment.

When you see a loyalist dog with a REAL FUCKING BIG SKULL!

Rate my list, please.

Outrider Detachment
HQ: Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike with Auric Aquilas and Radiant Mantle and Misicordia (164)
Fast Attack: x3 Vertus Praetor with Hurricane Bolters and Miscordia (274)
Fast Attack: x3 Vertus Praetor with Hurricane Bolters and Misicordia (274)
Fast Attack: x3 Vertus Praetor with Hurricane Bolters and Misicordia (274)

Outrider Detachment
HQ: Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike and Misicordia (164)
Fast Attack: x3 Vertus Praetor with Hurricane Bolters and Miscordia (274)
Fast Attack: x3 Vertus Praetor with Hurricane Bolters and Misicordia (274)
Fast Attack: x3 Vertus Praetor with Hurricane Bolters and Misicordia (274)

Total: 2000

Maybe they just don't take foreign cards with chip then? But I spent more than a month going across the eastern seaboard and people looked at the chip as if it was pure heresy.
A lady at a cracker barrel even said "them chips is how the government tracks you,".

She's taken.

I fucking wish I was as happy as that dude in the top right. Damn, such a happy boy.

Checks out

Actually it's not. I like the look of these dudes, if you change the weapons it's perfect. They are what id imagine power armored berzerkers to be.

That actually sounds awesome. Keep us posted user.

try again fag

>WARNING: using a heavy bolter may cause massive states of euphoria.

I once saved his face as a reaction image as it reminded of that lad with the nightvision goggles.

Get's destroyed by DA/10


>cracker barrel
Unf that place, machine shed and culvers is the best fucking Midwestern food. Machine shed is fucking orgasmic.

Will he ever be brought to justice?

>i can list tailor to beat it

who cant?

I can see the resemblance

because the dudes on grass bases are invading