Hard at work

Whats the most work you've put into a setting, and was it worth it? I read the old testament for my campaign of future not!Israelites invading the land in the name of their new god. And it fell apart before they were introduced

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I translated all the demons of the Lesser Key of Solomon into Delta Green for a modern fantasy witch hunters style game.
It was not worth it. Campaign died after 3 sessions.

It's pretty much never worth it. Unfortunately, I find the best way to run a campaign now is to just have a passive interest in it, play and watch games or films that are similar in theme/sense, lift a few bits from there for the first session or two until I can adequately gauge player interest. Then I let my autism loose with what I already have.

To be thread relevant:
I built a full city block in Tokyo for a Vampire game. It involved a clan of Korean vampires seeking reparations for the Korean War via business takeovers, assassinations and sabotage. It ended when my players blew up a skyscraper after about 6 sessions.

Tons, and no.

No details?

Have been working on the same sci-fi setting, on and off, for a decade. I dunno if I'd call it a 'lot of work' exactly, but it's been satisfying work. So, worth it.

What's it about?

Playing straight older tropes and being loosely noblebright, mostly. The main thrust of the theme/tone is contemporary species and civilizations coming to terms with existing in the shadow of their priors, who may or may not have been their creators, or at the very least guardians at some point.

Have a notepad document: docs.google.com/document/d/1rG0Fz_CLtXHqZ2tBPCKbI19H_W0gLLWi8fpSp6M00Ts/edit#heading=h.9z9so3jozxoz

Without the random heading selected, even. docs.google.com/document/d/1rG0Fz_CLtXHqZ2tBPCKbI19H_W0gLLWi8fpSp6M00T

Pretty good. Like stars without number and bright eclipse phase.