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Another no bulli edition.

Would you kindly post his other one? The one with the monstergirls. I realize I haven't saved them and the artstyle alone makes them 10/10.


Making OC, needing input.
Baseline structure:
>Create a world / planet, fill it with biomes, anomalies.
>Create species that habit the planet - ranging from one to as many as you like. Generalizations are advised in the latter.
>Clash civilization against the world, or multiple civilizations against each other, and the world
I'm good on the world/planet phase. Some images, and that'll be done.
However, I need some input on the creature generation process, and I haven't even started the civilization phase yet.

What I have at the moment
>Species Role in the "grand scheme of things" - producer, herbivore, predator, omnivore, parasite
>Their food and needs; light, oxygen, water etc.
>Their ideal habitat, and the ones they survive in
>Intelligence, sapience, pack size
>Their senses - you pick what they don't have, and each one grants a point you can use to buff one that you have. The one with the biggest value will be the main sense, for humans it is sight, dogs would have it in smell etc. There's tons of alternative senses in here as well, so don't worry about it. Emotions are a sense in this system as well, and if they exist whilst being on a low rank, will simply take the organism over easily.
>Form, shape, limbs, tails, heads. Also included:
>Size, lifespan, metamorphosis, endo/exothermic?
>Cuteness meter, terrifying meter - you can pick both.
>Method(s) of breeding, litter size, time needed


>Structure - are they fleshy, bony, metallic, jelly..?
>Texture - scales, fur, feathers, hues etc.
>Armor, skeleton, elemental resistances (fat, hide)
>Tools in their disposal, and their location on the body. Be they decorations, weapons, grabbing, trapping, breeding, poisoning, flying... or even producing materials (beehives, webs). There's tons more, I won't bother writing it all right now.
>Niche/special abilities; survive in vacuum, built-in pistol and the like
>Weaknesses and habits - includes habitat limits, like cold, dry etc., but also
>Strategies for survival, hunting etc.
>Symbiote species, if any
>Domesticated species - master or
>Other Species that threatens this one / competitors - the stronger you make this species...
>Disaster event - if you made it too strong, it will likely destroy itself and the environment. If you made it too weak, it will die out.

So am I missing anything important?

No problem.

Previous thread at instead.

Hmm, can you pick the same reward multiple time with God/Secret Society?

ask yourself why nobody played that monstergirl world builder, then ask yourself if you still want to continue working on your cyoa

Don't post normie CYOAs...



Not currently. Not with Big money either.

Looks fine to me.

Is that really all there is to these?





Ignore him. He's thinking with his dick instead of his brain cell.

>Exalted update never

Doing God's work user. Have a goldie but an oldie.

That reminds me, I need to add options for
>a nutrient transfer mechanism; liquid (blood), electric, gaseous
>has a central processing unit y/n
Likewise, these create additional possibilities for weaknesses.



maybe a method for procreation?
that would be a more universal one for species on the same planet I suppose


Synthetic Skin
Anatomically Correct
Machine Spirit
Healing Gel (Upgraded)
Portable Kitchen

>what did the myroid just do to that potato
>why is she making a whirring noise
>I’m not going to eat that

>oh god I think my shin is broken
>I need to tell the myroid to get help
>why is she making those noises
>why is she vomiting a viscous liquid onto my leg


x Touch fluffy tail



user pls I learnt

If they're technological enough, an option for transhumanism. Or transalienism as it were. Their society integrating with their technology at some point.

>I learnt
Good never forget.

Three powers, then.
>Hidden Library
I need this. I'm too lazy to study effectively. With this, I'd eat through Jung, computer science, history, maths, philosophy and theology.
>Rosetta Tablets
Ancient Greek and Hebrew, Sumerian, Nippon, Aramean
I'd study modern languages, like Russian, French, Italian, Greek, Turkish, Arabic, Farsi, Chinese.
>Alien Abduction
I'd love to have peak eyesight, thanks. The few extra centimeters of length won't be bad for me. Nor the view.
What the heck. Let's take the fourth one.
>Artistic Enhancement
Romantic, Baroque, Dadaism, Futurism, Anime

I'd make myself a name for myself with my designs, and I'd push high theological knowledge on people during interviews.

>Make it up to you. Even if I takes all my life.
So marriage?

Christmas Cake, Bimbo, Cow, Cosplay, Ojou-sama, Girly, Girly, Sexy, Masochist, Houswife, Busineswoman

to what?

I have them, don't worry. I just don't want that to be the main part, although it is important, even with animals.
List includes:
>Cloning, mitosis, parasitism, live birth, eggs, spore, infection (like those mind control mushrooms), pollination (need another species to do the work for you, pretty good for stationary species), fruits, Arari method, "open egg", a concept I've talked about before, basically a pool of DNA that eats out surrounding organic matter and adapts traits.
The goal here is to make as many things possible as I can. Heck, I now need to put radiation into a potential breeding route thanks to Metroids and Beta radiation.

I think I was missing the results of eating; if the species uses it all without any excess, or if they produce fruits, "filth" or things of that sort.

I guess I do need to incorporate that even on the species level. I wanted to push them into the civilization model, but I can't exactly. Free technological evolution, you see...

Thicc Doll, Angelanon, ZBD, SDA

Lets see, I would have asked her to forgive me in the previous case, assuming she didn't and sill decided to fuck my shit up in the future I don't see why I would forgive her... I would still bake her the cake but I would cut all contact with her henceforth

>Land of the butterface

Find Stacy with Becky and Chad.

>Free technological evolution, you see...
I don't quite understand. It has to do with the mechanics I suppose.
I'll just wait and see how it works when you post it.

Well, I now have this biome idea of 'abandoned tech roaming free'. Basically factories with rogue AI build bots which build bots which eventually destroy factories (due to resource competition) and then compete with one another. Super fast evolution. Eventually they might gain cognition and sapience, even.

you can only choose one

I wish you'd used actual 3d grills for your cyoa

The monstergirl CYOA user is talking about was rather complex, its mechanics a bit hard to grasp. I think that's what he meant ... take a look at it (I don't have it though, can't post it for you) and avoid the pitfalls it suffered from.



I see. I thought it was the concept itself... Not that I don't like them, just that it feels a bit shallow as a premise.




I can't add anything, but I want to say this sounds really cool.


posting a good one

So ... it's what I hoped I would get when I bought Spore and was sorely disappointed by EA. Go, DO IT! Please fix my childhood dreams.





This is such a cool CYOA

Alien (dunno why more people don't pick this one it's p cool)

Machine Spirit, Healing Gel(Upgraded), Hidden Arsenal, Sensors(upgraded), Wardrobe, Alien Pistol





Why play cyoas when you know you'll never experience it

Post the other seven please?


>good one


what the fuck is with Tok’s obsession over his shitty “””OC””” waifu?



What the fuck isn't a problem with Tok?

How fast he makes his CYOAs, probably.




Hey guys, wanted to ask your opinion on something.
We're going over the girls in WoZB and looking at which ones may need a rework as opposed to just more fleshing out and depth for the VN.
Which girls do you think are the weakest and/or least likable in the CYOA?
We're mainly using the poll results-
Lucianna of House Leo (114 Votes)
Vignette of House Virgo (103 Votes)
Gwendolyn & Gracia of House Gemini (60 Votes)
Suri of House Sagittarius (52 Votes)
Scarlatina of House Scorpio (42 Votes)
Catherine of House Cancer (39 Votes)
Persephone of House Pieces (38 Votes)
Talisa of House Taurus (37 Votes)
Head Royal Alchemist and Left Hand of The King, Oriadne of House Ophiuchus (36 Votes)
Cassandra of House Capricorn and Lizette of House Libra (30 Votes Each)
Angelica of House Aries (23 Votes)
Abirathi of House Aquarius (21 Votes)
Right Hand of the King, Sebastian the Homunculus (19 Votes)
-to see who was the least popular and most likely needs some TLC but I'd like to hear your opinions as well.
I'll dump it to refresh your memories.
Thanks to anyone willing to help and, for those of you who want me to die, I'll try not to flood the thread with this like I did with the waifu images.

Oh hey! Thanks for posting one of my things!
There is no inanimate object I've ever wanted to fuck as much as I want wreck Jasmine...
Also, normal "Nooo, don't try to turn me into a waifu. I'm a big manly man wah wah wah bitchbitchbitch" aside...
Why am I Asian?


I think the problem isn't that it's complex. The calculations are rather easy. It's the sheer amount of choices. People just give up after a few pages.





Conqueror +10 points
>Unholy Artifacts
>Favors, blessings, miracles and the ability to heal my minions and smite my foes

>Minions: Elven Snipers
>Ability: Elven Shroud - grants minions the ability to hide in trees, which now fill my dungeon
>Mothgirl [7]
>Minions: Mothgirl hypnotists
>Ability: Mothgirl dust - hallucinogen that makes minds more malleable; ability to enslave heroes
>Lamia [4]
>Minions: Lamia Hunters
>Ability: Lamia Apothecary - low level poisons

>Dungeon Dungeon [3]
>Monster Heritage - Elf [2]
>Reconstruct Face - highly attractive [1]
>I have you now, my pretty [0]


Left Door

Right Door
Also before anyone asks: No, we're not giving Sebastian a route.

Agreed I'm not going to be doing a build because way before finishing I'm already sick of making the choices base don the scenario, specially since i like to do an ultimate build so i have to account for all the variable while making my choices.

Guardian Spirit CYOA:
>[Receive a Guardian]
>[Astral Bond]
Base Form:
>[Unique Eyes]
>[Unique Tongue]
Offensive Abilities:
>[Ether Manipulation]
Defensive Abilities:
>[Ward off Evil]
>[Cure Disease]
Specialized Abilities:
>[Time Manipulation]
>[Space Manipulation]

Important question can i fill the world with magic and chuckle as wizards throw their sense of good and wrong to the window?

>No, we're not giving Sebastian a route.
Well, that makes you gay.


Isn't it the other way around?



Poison those that insult Lady Scarlatina.


You can approach it like a video game.
The first playthrough is just trying things out, not optimizaing too much.
When you're familiar with it and don't need to think too much or reread rules you can do the ultimate build.