What's your day job, elegan/tg/entlemen?
What do you play to escape the daily drudgery of Real Life?
>Cyberpunk 2020
>That way I can imagine shooting office drones like myself if I want to
What's your day job, elegan/tg/entlemen?
What do you play to escape the daily drudgery of Real Life?
>Cyberpunk 2020
>That way I can imagine shooting office drones like myself if I want to
I lord over pack of code monkeys and pamper machine spirit entrusted in my care.
Assorted skirmish games, because I only got so little free time.
80-hour code-crunch weeks, eh?
>Some financial bullshit. At least it pays well enough.
>D&D 5e, mostly because I'm kinda new to role playing and I like the simplicity.
I'm managing between college and working the Fitting Room at the Wal-Mart.
In my free time I run a game of Shadowrun, proclaiming the anti-corporate Truth and supporting anarchy.
In all reality, I have very little to complain about with Wal-Mart when I can shitpost during my shift, and I was hired at $12/hr and have basically no qualifications or marketable skills to speak of.
Nah. I wouldn't push my people beyond 60 a week unless I absolutely have to. After all they only get paid for 40.
see and >imagine shooting office drones
Diesel Mechanic
5e because it's all my friend group wants to play and it's better than nothing.
I'm a teacher and a ForeverGM.
I like to play faggoty storygames filled with literary references, but those are hard to get going, so it's D&D 4e most of the time.
English teacher and tutor.
I mainly play 40k currently. My GF and I are the only members of our RPG group who don't have shifting schedules, so we haven't had a game for quite a while.
>Work 60
>Paid for 40
Fuck that with a vorpal weapon.
Reporter. It sucks. Nobody likes journalists anymore, and as an industry, it's still struggling with the advent of the internet and the fact that everybody uses adblockers. The old guard is holding us back and far-right politics rising up again means even an article about how important winter tires are for road safety get called fake news.
I play 5e but I want to try out other games, especially Shadowrun or Cyberpunk 2020. I used to play Pathfinder but it nearly burned me out on tabletop RPGs altogether.
>>Nobody likes journalists anymore
>Have you tried not being amazingly partisan and biased in your choice of reporting?
>I know... it's impossible
As a reporter it's literally in my job description to report on the news rather than force-feed my personal views to the audience.
Good joke, right?
Postgrad in inorganic chemistry (yes, it is a job, fuck you mom)
Right now I am playing mad scientist in sci-fi setting using DH2.0, the session where I either have to kill our psyker or he kills me is nigh. Also planning to finally get into 40K, but still haven't finished all that I want painted
I write reviews for porn vids and I play pathfinder and starfinder
It's a shitload of work, but it's not a job until a company/the government employs you.
My day job is currently lunchresturant and catering. But I'm gonna quit my job until beginning of Mars and finding new job, possibly as front end developer or junior programmer if I'm lucky enough.
For games I typical play any kind of rpg otherwise D&D 3.5 (Not my choice).
>factory work
wife and i both have the same job, we clear 80k a year. supervisor positions both of us with 3 day weekends on second shift.
we play D&D about once a month, in a three day marathon session with a few of our work buddies.
thats salary positions for you.
>Customer service in an airport.
>I mostly just masturbate a lot.
My brother is postgrad, he's literally making less than minimum wage. I'm rooting for him and keep some money aside should he need a leg-up before completing the curriculum.
Oh, so you play chaos? Daemonates or nurgilites?
Do your students know you play? How do they feel about it?
We usually have some form of contract, so we are state workers, at least on paper (and for social/medical fees and other socialist inventions).
What shithole do you live in? If a dev doesn't get paid overtime he's got a different job in a week.
I work in a movie theater, which is pretty fly I think!
I have a group that plays 5e at least once a month, but I've been trying to talk them into trying out other stuff like WoD or Starfinder.
>masturbate a lot
So that what 'customer service' means these days.
Well it depends. When I work with younger children (elementary school), I often try to set up some minigames for them, like during recess. With teenagers I hide my powerlevel as hard as I can.
So I see you are from east block as well.
His field? We usually get something more from grants or get paid as laboratory assistant because the raw stipendium is at something like half of minimum
Electronics Technician
Play Numenera with co-workers because the people at game stores are filthy no-lifes.
Chemist, corporate r&d
Blades in the dark and 5e. Helps me stay in touch with my old friends.
>Corrections Officer
Mostly play D&D or CoC when I'm a player (which is rare). When I GM we play my shitty homebrew system unless I'm doing a one shot.
Guilty as charged.
Something AI + IT security. I'd wager it will pay in the long run.
DawnforgedCast on YouTube is a teacher who actually GM's for a club after school. I'm about to be a teacher as well, glad to see more of us on here!
Physics pre-Bachelor
Play in our Fantasy and Post-Apoc homebrews. Run a modified SR4 game
I fucking died.
Full stack web developer. It is surprising how low skilled you can be and still find a job. A day that passes without me getting angry about someones code is a good day.
I'm an orderly
I paint figures because I do not want to deal with people after I leave the hospital.
I'm a writing tutor at my university, doing that while I get my undergrad done.
I mostly run/play 2e and VtM, though we're going to try VtR soon.
>I'm an orderly
What's an orderly?
It means he cleans bedpans.
The range of professions and RPGs in this thread really surprises me.
All walks of life.
He takes care of patient nonmedical care at a hospital. He's the one cleaning rooms and bedpans, getting food, and doing what he can not to get emotionally attached or emotionally antagonistic towards patients.
I don't blame him for not dealing with people with that kind of job.
Yeah, it kinda cheers me up to see we're not just a bunch of NEETs hiding in our respective basements.
>believing what people post on Veeky Forums
I actually told the truth
I'm a Lead IT Consultant, which means I get to work for as long as I can avoid meetings.
I play over the top shit like the Persona hack of Monsters & Other Childish Things, Feng Shui, Marvel Heroic, Battle Century G, etc.
PhD student in materials
Friend of a friend hosts board game night maybe once a month and they have some cool shit. I'd be interested in joining a TTRPG or picking up a wargame, but RPGs are a big time commitment and wargames are a big money sink. Also, last I checked, FLGS was mainly Infinity and WarmaHordes, neither one interests me.
You lost everyone's trust when every news network started force-feeding its audience Russian conspiracy theories in support of their favored politician.
Enjoy your shit job.
>I'm 17 and mad as heck
I'm an IT drone who exclusively plays Age of Sigmar.
Self taught Fullstack Web Developer
I occasionally play D&D but I've been forcing myself to work pretty much all of my waking hours that I don't give myself time enough to play D&D. Browsing on Veeky Forums is the only thing I do as a break because if I do anything else I think I should be working on learning Web Development. I want to play Rogue Trader and Shadowrun sometime though.
It's a necessary craziness in order to be self taught.
I own my own business. I play 5e, Battletech, 2e AD&D, WoD, assorted other mini games, and a bunch of PC games. I like being my own boss but I miss being able to blame other people for fucking my shit up because of their fuckups. It's all on me now. Though in a way it's nice because I'm kind of an asshole so I probably shouldn't ever be in charge of anyone else.
I fly a satellite at NASA. As long as you treat its machine spirit with respect, it will continue to orbit and do what it's supposed to. I learn something new every day with it. Sometimes, after the 11am daily nap, someone breaks something, and it's up to me and a small team to fix it. My fixes work 68% of the time the first time. You meet all sorts of interesting people, and people let you work on all sorts of stuff if you ask nicely, especially instrument integration and testing. I legit like my job.
I run 40krpgs, but I consider myself primarily a tabletop player, with my T'au, my Knights, and my Mechanicum.
Game Programmer
I may have even worked on some of your favorite titles! I have not. I code mobile games
With my current group we play a wide spread of everything. 5e, Shadowrun, Only War, and the maid RPG are the current table.
Last position was ISP tech support, currently taking a break to improve my art skillz. Will likely have to go back.
5e mostly as DM, lately been thinking of trying lighter stuff like FATE and Dungeon World. Also Anima:BF.
School Psychologist, I "play" a variety of miniature wargames (for which I spend 80-95% of my hobby time painting and modeling) and my 2e AD&D group of six years just dissolved a few months ago
I would guess either engineering (steel and concrete) or physical/macromolecular chemistry (polymers and whatnot).
I'm a writer, which is to say that I'm a high functioning alcoholic with a lot of free time on my hands.
Mostly I'm relegated to magic. Not because I want to be, but because it's hard to find people to play pen and paper games with and magic is at least moderately convenient to play for my friends.
Isn't that a William Burroughs quote?
Nope, it was me, Jimmy Price what said it.
nurse (male)
I.T. meaning I tell idiots how to open their email and to power cycle their computers
I play star wars saga, 5e and 3.5
Aerospace/defense software engineer.
I murder players in D&D and murder my DMs in D&D.
>players and DMs
>not characters and NPCs
I'm an insurance claims handler. I'm pretty bitter about it because I wanted to be a historian.
I play 40k, Warhammer Fantasy and 5e, but I mostly paint models rather than game for the first two
Play any sort of ttrpg at all and have to deal with people trying to do my job but with game rules this time.
>IT help desk
>Star Wars RPG
>usually play a heavy because years later I still miss my SAW
I'm currently unemployed, but my profession is sales management.
I play 40k, but mostly spend my time painting. I can't into RPGs but I enjoy reading and learning how to DM.
Why don't you become a historian of insurance policies?
I sell EEG and EEG accessories, and play a variety of tabletop rpg's with irl and online groups (5e, unknown armies, 40k rpgs, all flesh must be eaten, and once upon a time MAID).
I'm working on finishing my education. I'm doing part time at my highschool volunteering with the debate team. The AP Literature teacher is going to retire when I get my degree and write a recommendation for me to take her spot. I'll hopefully set up and run a table top club when I get settled in, too.
Military Officer at the Nations worst base, hating my life and what I am ordered to put others through.
I play AoS and 40k.
If you're getting into Shadowrun 5e then keep in mind that the rulebook is quite poorly made. Basically just get your head around the rolling system, watch a couple videos on character creation (and use chummer for it) and try to read through the part of the book for whichever archetype you're going for.
I work at Burger King 6 days a week.
I play magic, mostly Edh.
Why did you initially become a military officer?
>Nations worst base
Fort Bragg? haha
College degree in humanities?
>Welder as an occupation, blacksmith as a hobby
>Shadowrun, 3.5e/5e
To the surprise of no one, least of all myself, everyone I play with has at some point asked for my expertise on metallurgy or about Damascus, usually at the same time.
I'm a semi-professional novelist that trades stock and crypto when the price is right. I don't really have a day job, but I'm doing what I love and getting paid for it, so I can't complain.
I GM an over-the-top edgy post-apocalyptic GURPS campaign where it's basically Mad Max dialed up to eleven, but without the Max, and it's the second ice age.
Run a small, medical tech business.
I play 2e D&D with my IT team.
I'm a programmer, I work on scientific software
I play/DM 5e, I also play a custom system my friend created.
I would love to try s something else but as it stands I have a hard time even finding people for 5e. Luckily the custom system is pretty good and our group is pretty stable, we play once a week.
Currently studying to become a History Professor, working retail. I usually GM Shadowrun 5e and DH2.0
Work in a marina/boatyard. Its part technical repair, part customer service. Working on a postgrad in regional development.
Have played through 4th and 5th editionwith the same group, run OSR games, play Battletech, Traveller, and a rotating list of minis games.
>Nobody likes journalists anymore
There are reasons for this, mate. You don't get to have any sympathy when you bitch about your shit job. Try to choose a profession that's a little less vile next time around.
Don't you need to be over 18 to post on Veeky Forums?
Now now, you know the state of the internet. /pol/ overflowed in 2016 and showed us all why the deletion of /new/ back in the day should have stood.
Overnight cashier at a gas station.
I play mostly 2ed DnD, occasionally the other editions and am saving up to get a 40K army.
I'm surprised at the number of professionals, academics and independent businessmen here.
>We're all gonna make it, anons
You're boring.
I was AT Bragg, and I can say thus one is fucking worse.
...You're surprised that a forum filled with roleplayers are roleplaying as successful members of society when asked about their lives?
Cannon AFB or 29 Palms?
Okay, I kek'd
>I'm a millionaire venture capitalist!
History major, so far unemployable. Apparently I don't follow up on applications well, but unless I get a car sometime soon nothing's changing on that front. The nearest place is an hour away on foot, next to a highway with a high crash rate.
>Why let that discourage you?
I don't expect any sympathy, but if I'm going to embarass myself at an interview, I'd rather at least come out of the humiliation without sore feet.
>What's your day job, elegan/tg/entlemen?
Deli worker, hoping to break into distilling. Just sent a resume to a whiskey distillery for a tasting room job, which as far as I can tell is the "usual" way to get into the industry. Wish me luck, anons!
>What do you play to escape the daily drudgery of Real Life?
Savage Worlds and freeform Maid
Oh, wait, I was supposed to post what I play, wasn't I? I mean, I've got a Pathfinder game on Roll20? There's also that Dark Heresy game that's on hiatus with me bald and on the brink of death.
Look, I'm the closest thing to a NEET in this thread, are you really surprised? This isn't exactly where I saw myself ten years ago. Where'd the kid with dreams go, huh?
Materials Science. Broad, multidisciplinary field about investigation of improving the properties of currently used materials as well as investigating potentially useful new materials for engineering applications. I'm working with functionally graded metals, but might break into ceramics and ceramets in the near future.
I'm in human resources.
I mainly do recruiting and benefits administration.
I'm playing a 3.5 game and dming a 5e game, but I'd love to try literally anything else but it's hard to find people in bfe.