>Unearthed Arcana: Three Subclasses
>5e Trove
Stable releases - get.5e.tools
Last time on /5eg/
Arcana is coming soon. Arcana is coming soon. Arcana is coming soon.
>Unearthed Arcana: Three Subclasses
>5e Trove
Stable releases - get.5e.tools
Last time on /5eg/
Arcana is coming soon. Arcana is coming soon. Arcana is coming soon.
Everyone who posts after me is gay
>not waiting for the UA to drop before making a new thread
>not putting a fake UA in the OP
how assblasted would /5eg/ be?
What are your least favorite subclasses?
I want to allow Catgirls into my next campaign. How can I make them be a believable part of the world without making it come off as too weeb?
>not putting a fake UA in the OP
Last time I did this, the "Food and provisions" meme was born, and I don't want to overshadow it.
about as assblasted as usual.
From level 1-3 taking all the class options as one whole, would you rather have high AC or high HP?
just go with talking cats, sailor moon style
make them not sexually attractive at all
PDK. It's so bad that most people legitimately forget it exists.
>without making it come off as too weeb?
literally impossible.
Why though?
AC all the way.
Tabaxi in frilly dress
what's PDK?
Sailor Moon angle of talking cats actually sounds interesting.
What about a race entirely made up of sentient corgis?
Purple Dragon Knight from SCAG.
Former servant race to not!Egyptian Gods. Granted freedom by their creators because a hero performed [extraordinary task]
Berserker & Battlerager
Valor Bard
Trickery Cleric
Land Druid
Purple Dragon Knight
Four Elements Mon
Oath of Conquest
Beastmaster Ranger
Mastermind Rogue
Wild Magic Sorcerer
GOO Warlock & Hexblade
Necromancy Wizard
thanks user
This is OK
just make sure all your players are weebs and stop worrying
What's wrong with GOO Warlock?
Corgis are a meme.
too sticky.
Frenzy barb and Wot4E for breaking my heart. Beast master for being boring and shit. Arcane Archer for being irredeemable shit.
They don't fucking DO anything.
>Necromancy Wizard
What do you mean? They have a great selection of mental manipulation powers and Mask of Many Faces.
I made an entire race that wears animal ears with different sub-types depending on what animal the ears are from. They are the results of a magical experiment were someone tried to give humans animal traits, such as a bear's strength or a cat's dexterity.
don't you fucking lie to me.
How would you fix the Arcane Archer?
They get a ribbon ability at level 3 and they get the ability to impose disadvantage on an attack and gain advantage on an attack once per rest.
Resistance to one of the rarest forms of damage and another ribbon ability.
Then the ability to inflict the weakest condition in the game on someone.
He's probably fallen for the "rolling for minions bogs the game down" meme
>Ctrl+F Champion
>0 results
I see people have good taste. My friends make fun of me for liking Champion. They know nothing.
but a good one
Martials go without saying, silly
These guys look like they're having a pretty great time.
Looks like a breakdancing competition or something.
It can't actually fucking do anything necromancy until level 6 then it's just a fucking meme.
You mean level 3? What meme?
I think it should have spellcasting like EK. Just some different abilities, maybe do Evocation/Divination or something instead of Evo/Trans.
Not bad, just meh.
That's not a cat
Improved Crit is under-rated, especially considering Elven Accuracy....
But hexblades are objectively better at that, sorry.
At a minimum, I'd go through their arcane shots and add better effects. Most of the arrows aren't really worth using. Which is a problem because they're basically the ONLY thing the archetype gets. They get magic arrows, can reroll (a) miss, more magic arrows, magic arrows do more damage. It's not an exciting archetype if the arrows themselves are by and large not worth using especially in a world where bow-using battlemasters exist.
First spell that creates undead is a level 3 spell which requires you to be level 5, then you're just a person who knows animate dead, you need to be level 6 to actually do it better than anyone else.
Then you're just the twat that bogs down initiative and makes everything hard to track.
Champion isn't a bad archetype mechanically. Most people just find it boring because it offers little to do other than "I walk up and hit it with sword" in or out of combat, on a class that is already about "I walk up and hit it with sword".
More power to you if you like it though, enjoy those crits.
>not treating all your undead as one unit to roll for one time
>see all those (You)s
>refresh my wotc tab
Oh thank god it's fake.
Guys you're forgetting it's Mardi Gras tomorrow, that means no UA today since WOTC need a week off whenever there's a holiday since they work so haard.
Yeah Valentine's day is this Wednesday, all these people trying to make them work are just a bunch of assholes.
Even then you have to track positions and actions and fuck right off.
I disagree.
What role would a GOO pact of chain warlock fall into?
I want one of my players to feel "epic" because lately I've noticed how bored they look while playing. We're all rather new to the game, everyone else has had at least one spotlight moment except this warlock
What is wrong won't get fixed by "epic"
It's fixed by good Dm'ing that engages the players
Which is annoying bullshit, because wizards already get all of everything ever. Rangers were a good choice, but Warlocks could benefit, Bards could benefit (they can still get it, fortunately), but like... why wizards.
Increased number of times per short that they can use their abilities, on par with a Battlemaster's maneuvers. Reduced power for their abilities, or go with a point system and let them expend multiple points, akin to metamagic, to make an effect more powerful.
Question for /5eg/: Despite Artificer being generally underpowered, I really loved its setup of cantrips-by-another-name for combat and spells as pure out-of-combat utility. How much work do you think it would take to fix the class into something fun?
Warlocks shine in social encounters. He should be really good at deception and information gathering. If he has MoMF, he's the ultimate spy.
reposting my Circle of Spores homebrew overhaul, CIRCLE OF FUNGOMANCY. A proper necro-druid. What do you guys think?
>Having a crit range at 19 for a single enemy per short rest is "objectively" better than a crit range of 19 for every enemy
3/10 made me reply
>tfw no UA
The "cantrips by another name" is why I hated it.
The idea of a "cantrip class" is stupid, warlocks are already basically just that and they're regarded as "boring", but at least they still have full casting capabilities, unlike Artificer who is a fucking 1/4 caster.
That instead of making a homebrew people should actually play it as is so they can tell WotC if it's shit or not.
>tfw UA is so late that the shitposting ended before it came out.
Feels bad man.
It's going to be something you aren't interested in
>Oath of conquest
Is this really egregious? Haven't had a problem with mine.
SCAG is just full of forgettable things
Crown paladin
Undying Warlock
Long Death Monk
Utility. Our GOO Warlock (Tome though, not Chain) does a lot of "Magic Eyes" to see whether things are magical or not (we joke about "look with your special eyes" and Sam Fisher vision), Identifying things, Banishing monsters during combat to fuck the turn economy in our favor, Eldritch Blasting pretty much nonstop (though even she agrees combat is kind of boring for her).
She's also taken to the "weird" side of things, like experimenting with the magic items we find.
Man I like the look of that knight to the left, if legs wasn't in the way.
Wild Mage
Some people just don't like the edginess of it
Nah it's more like we aren't in a thread past bump limit.
Have a dungeon or spooke house with eldritch scrawlings of a crazy man scattered about that can only be read by the GoOlock and have it filled with some things he can interact with.
Isn't that basically a better necromancer?
>She's also taken to the "weird" side of things, like experimenting with the magic items we find.
This is what GOO Warlock is about to me, and I'm really annoyed they aren't INT casters like they were going to be originally. What race is she playing?
Seems pretty alright to me. Some general thoughts:
-"Fungal bloom" is pretty nutty and makes it an OP dip option, especially for fighters, monks, or barbarians. Tie the extra poison damage to the temp HP, and lower the temp HP to 2x druid level. Should also tighten up the wording to just be "Instead of using wild shape to change into a beast, you may..."
-Resistance to radiant feels weird. Make it necrotic/poison
-Not sure how I feel about the crit immunity. FIVE immunities is a bit much.
We used to have "Oath of Conquest is actually LAWFUL GOOD!" shitposter, who continuously tried to twist the words of the oath into something they are not, especially the law of the jungle "The strongest must rule" one, where he insisted that the "strongest" actually means "the smartest politician", and that "douse the flame of hope" is actually lawful good, because letting evil have any hope whatsoever is evil.
Reminder that the iconic Paladin of Conquest looks like this.
>UA is released between 2-3 PM EST
Guys have you watched the new 5e roundtable?
Fucking based Mercer, Colville, itmejp and Koebel talking
They talk about a lot of interesting stuff
The biggest difference between Artificer and Warlock is that Warlocks all get funneled toward the one, the only, Eldritch Blast, whereas Artificers have cantrips that require them to actually decide which fits each scenario. I do agree it needs to be more than 1/4 caster, though.
Terra Battle's the game, Yoshitomo Ikawa is the artist.
Half-elf. We're in an Underdark campaign and I'm playing a half-orc who is pretty racist against drow, so her character is half-drow and has lied and told everyone that her skin is because of her Calishiite heritage. Also, there was an idea floating around a few weeks ago (and likely again since then) that you could really let any caster pick any spellcasting modifier they liked, on the condition they aren't allowed to multiclass. So you could have an INT GOO Lock who treats INT like SAN, or the like.
They need to be 1/2 casters and have some of their own unique spells
We don't need another fucking sorcerer.
A different necromancer. It doesn't get the 14th lvl wizard ability to seize control of undead, which is arguably the best class feature of the Wiz-Necro.
>Seems pretty alright to me. Some general thoughts:
>-"Fungal bloom" is pretty nutty and makes it an OP dip option, especially for fighters, monks, or barbarians. Tie the extra poison damage to the temp HP, and lower the temp HP to 2x druid level. Should also tighten up the wording to just be "Instead of using wild shape to change into a beast, you may..."
Yeah, fungal bloom is totally nutty, the temp HP pool is huge, but this is also identical to the Circle of Spores feature, except allowing you to pick necrotic or poison damage. I felt removing the auto-damage poison stuff would help balance it, but I suspect you are right that it is too good still.
>-Not sure how I feel about the crit immunity. FIVE immunities is a bit much.
I might tone it down, I slightly altered the original capstone to give a more typical list of plant/undead immunities. But it's pretty powerful.
Thanks for the feedback.
I love Underdark campaigns. And that sounds good to me, though I'd worry about depowering other CHA-based Warlock staples by following that.
Now that I think of it, ArtÃficer would not make an undecent Warlock subclass
Don't give mearls any ideas.
Also please no more Charisma casters.
Thanks m8