Ever had a goth at your table?
Do they even play stuff other than World of Darkness?
Ever had a goth at your table?
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>tfw no big tiddy goth gf
Played in a star wars game with one once. She played a Twi'lek and genuinely seemed into it. GM didn't invite her back because he was a faggot.
Bigdad started out great but the fact that 90% of Gaz fanart is based on his version disgusts me
I like Deadlands, Don't Rest Your Head, Shadowrun, and good old D&D on top of WoD.
I used to play with a goth. We only played D&D and he always rolled a female necromancer (he was a dude).
I've lost track of him after high school, but I believe he went full homosexual nowadays.
I ran Shadowrun for an entire gloom of goths before
Yes, she played a druid
Pan please leave.
Goths haven't been a thing in over 20 years
I haven't seen a goth in a long, long time.
>have gamed with goths
>99% male, at least two were pretty okay
>rest ranged from poet to vampire
>one female and she was ham planet bleeding heart
>she spent the entire time uncomfortably close to me
This is why I went to 2D. Lolis don’t do this to me.
Goth lolis? Is there such a thing?
No you just think that because your not in high school any more. That's like saying there haven't been any jocks in 20 years...
Yes. They’re pretty great.
I don't believe you, you'll have to convince me
Gothic & Lolita Bible
Nah, he’s right though. Goths were goths because “blah blah nonconformity I’m a special snowflake”. Now that they’ve been in the mainstream for years, most of them don’t think it’s cool anymore.
These days, if you want to be a rebel and a snowflake, you tell everyone you’re “genderfluid” or some shit.
user, I feel the need to remind you about the fashion that is literally called gothic lolita. Just in case you forgot such an obvious thing existed.
But jocks do stop being a thing after graduation, they turn into regular adults. Same thing with goths.
user are you okay
Yes. It was the GM, and also me. Never touched WoD, and Vamp seems like the only actually gothy splat.
>Ever had a goth at your table?
It was me, the 90's and several gothy girlfriends at the time
>Do they even play stuff other than World of Darkness
Take their cat hostage before you ask them nicely if they'd like to play something else
Shit, forgot to write something. I was going to say that he probably was having a stroke or some shit.
>"muh authentic goths"
>implying they were ever not mainstream
>implying it ever has been more than a dumb angsty trend for teenagers
It'd be way funnier if you didn't say anything.
They're all fat though.
>tfw I am the goth in my group
My gf was a goth when she was in high school, in the 90s. She played WoD back then, and first met her ex husband at the LGS. She plays other things now
My ex is a goth (was moreso in high school but still). She comes from a gaming family so she plays all sorts of stuff. D&D and Pathfinder are big in her family, and they have an ongoing Star Wars game. They also play a TON of board games. She also has the most impressive MTG collection I've ever seen.
So fr*ckin nerdy! XD
Piss off you judgmental cuntbag
In his defense, she was pretty nerdy too. Mostly because her parents were.
Imagine being this much of a bitter virgin
>goth lolis
>suddenly reminded of the old gaijin smash blog
>blog of a(large, black male) english teacher in Japan
>one of his blogs was about the time he went to what basically amounted to an English presentation to support one of his students
>said student was purity incarnate, excelled in English
>crocheted him an owl as a gift when she found out he was going to have to go back to the states because his time teaching was over
>one of the other contestants was a goth loli whose presentation was basically just talking about what a goth loli was and repeating that she was one
>if I remember right, goth loli placed higher than purest student, because she was wearing a goth maid dress and lace
20 year old here, when I was in high school the only girls who who weren't so ugly as to not attempt anything were all trying to be the the classic instagram thot with varying degrees of success. There was only one mainstream culture, as opposed to several subgroups. It didn't even vary between race.
Jocks definitly existed though.
>Jocks definitly existed though.
And they're bros
Are they? They never did sports with me because I was to much of a sperg(Not in the extreme cringe way). Fortunately I never got bullied but that was probably just because I was too big.
Jocks are on a schedule and have to make the most of their time if they eanna get a scholarship, if you had asked for pointers or whatever they would have gladly helped you
Jocks are typically bros, yeah, but that doesn't mean that all sports players are jocks, or that all jocks are bros.
Had an all-sports guy at my high school that had a severe inferiority complex(dad owned a business, older brother was in ROTC, etc) who was an absolute fuck-boy.
But, yeah, I was friendly, if not friends, with several jocks who all, once I started growing like crazy and hit six foot two mid-way through high school, admitted that if I'd lift some weights, I'd be a damned monster.
I used to be part of a group of them during High School. I was the quiet one that never really did anything.
dude. i was born in 85. Goths as you have pictured are extinct. You will never know socially awkward women who are not social media whores, and just regular whores.
I haven't checked, but it's hard to think they could have all gone away within a span of the last few years. Maybe you're just not looking hard enough.
>an entire gloom
I like this, i'm using this. How many goths are in a gloom? is it any grouping of 3 or more?
They still exist they're called Scene or Alt chicks now. Literally Suicide Girls
Scene=/=Goth. They might look sort of the same and overlap a little bit in the same way Emos (which either grew out of it our literally did anhero to extinction) kind of overlap with Goths, but they are very much not the same and distinctions could be made in MySpace.
Nigger, that's not even an authentic goth. Jhonen Vasquez's characters are usually some late 90s mallgoth posers because he likes to make fun of what the goth scene had become in the 90s.
those are extinct too, thankfully
That was early/mid 00's, this is the late 10's.
There is not but one identity now, the one most easily marketable to.
It's so dystopian that as of late some desperate young people have turned to communism and nazism to save them.
They were hot tho
you mean a bunch of losers figured that the only way to promote their dumb ideologies was to market them towards the few people who still want 80s goth rock to come back.
Nah corporations and (most) western governments are pushing diversity and acceptance the new edgy rebel is being an altright shit heel screaming about white genocide.
No they fucking weren't.
they were either creepy underfed twigs with an oversized head or chubby losers, and their fashion sense was some horrendous garbage.
There's a fucking reason why they ALL took pictures of themselves from a very high angle: to hide their disgraceful appearance with a dramatic perspective.
>It's so dystopian that as of late some desperate young people have turned to communism and nazism to save them.
When all you needed to feel comfy was some black skinny jeans, bad hair and FotN records :(
Excuse me? Most of these people are late 20s, oldest. They are desperately trting to find some kind of identity because as ignorant as they are, they know something is deeply wrong if you simply have nothing when the only subculture fails you.
>they were either creepy underfed twigs with an oversized head
That's hot tho
I was considered cool because my hair was naturally a shade of black that most people had to dye to get. It was simpler back then.
I took a weight lifting class in high school with a friend on mine and he ended up dropping before the first class which left me in a room full of jocks I've never met before.
They were encouraging my lanklet ass to get swole on day one and were nothing but supportive.
>goth is the only subculture
I was already buff ( I thougt having big muscles and visible abs would make girls like me, it didn't work) and no one talked to me.
Or you go on Veeky Forums and complain about normies and think the world is against you. (Aside from a few boards of course)
The only subculture meaning mainstream society. If you don't like social media, nigh-incomprehensible text littered with emojis, or music "composed" using a mathematical formula for monetary gain, you are shit out of luck.
So how do we get the cute disenfranchised girls to start browsing Veeky Forums?
they already do that, there's around Veeky Forums and /cgl/ and /soc/ but they aren't cute
>Nah corporations and (most) western governments are pushing diversity and acceptance the new edgy rebel is being an altright shit heel screaming about white genocide.
That's wrong tho. Corporations aren't "pushing" diversity, they're slowly, haltingly, often painfully trying to avoid controversy and adapt to the direction society is headed, because they can see the writing on the wall.
Its almost exclusively men who fall out of the spotlight of mainstream culture, I have no idea why it is the case but it just seems that women absolutly love social media, illegible text with funny little pictures and generally living a consumerist lifestyle. My guess is that women are the most profitable audience so they are pandered to the most.
To simpler times
Did you succeed user?
>That's wrong tho. Corporations aren't "pushing" diversity, they're slowly, haltingly, often painfully trying to avoid controversy and adapt to the direction society is headed, because they can see the writing on the wall.
Sure, but this is still accurate:
>the new edgy rebel is being an altright shit heel screaming about white genocide.
>It's so dystopian that as of late some desperate young people have turned to communism and nazism to save them.
Which part of communism makes this a problem?
At the time it worked. Since then I've fluctuated between twiggy, toned, and skinnyfat.
Gaz! Why....?
I had a goth chick DM for me. It was 3.5 D&D. Nothing special.
I think a gloom is when there are so many goths it'd be considered a mass suicide rather than a school shooting
I'm confused what you are asking, or are you just saying that the end goal of communism makes this all worth it?
Glad someone besides me recognized JV's work. Too bad he doesn't still do stuff.
>underfed twigs with an oversized head
Like literally all of JV's characters?
JTHM is funny but fuck him, honestly, and fuck his fanbase especially
>Too bad he doesn't still do stuff.
You do know about the comic adaptation of Zim with a large group of the original crew right?
Zim is shit
How sad
>Ever had a goth at your table?
> Do they even play stuff other than World of Darkness?
They play whatever but WoD was definitely popular. To be fair though, everyone was playing WoD back then.
In my experience, they play like anyone else, maybe a touch edgier but more likely to play rape victims than rapists. Their edge comes from playing their character intensely rather than playing a set of numbers and being juvenile. They're still essentially acting out power fantasies though, if there was some 'normie' type that bullied them IC, say a guard captain, they'd probably flip out (IC) and nuke the town.
Was it ongoing or just short run? It looks like he's doing something Zim related right now, but he's pretty under the radar these days.
Secondary to this I suppose, goth brought shitloads of hot chicks into gaming, so you should love it for that.
Lots of hambeasts too but goths were mostly a 50/50 mix of hot/ham anyway, you'd definitely get some normy-hating geek-loving qt3.141s in there too and if they wore clubwear, it was even better.
I remember one Friday night, playing WoD before going out clubbing, one chick came to game with her friend who was going clubbing with her. The gamer girl was pretty hot anyway and dressed in a low-cut microdress or something but her friend was wearing a leather miniskirt, fishnet top and open leather jacket, no bra. It was pretty hard to stay focused on the game while her tits were flashing every time she moved but I have no complaints.
>Do they even play stuff other than World of Darkness?
The skinflute.
Some are just thicc. From personal experience.
Yeah, all the time. it's me. I'm the goth. Also my sister, but she's significantly older than me and so holds the coveted title of OG goth in our family. Considering the amount of skulls my dad wears on a regular basis as well, maybe the goth is just genetic.
Also just started running my first game of WoD ever and got a pseudo-goth in the group, so I'd say she kind of counts. A little less all black and skulls and a little more some black and cool skull tattoos.
My sister ran a game of WoD for I shit you not five years. They started in Dark Ages and kept playing up to VtM. By the end it was basically nothing but machiavellan plots and ridiculous logic-puzzles, where each party member was playing Civ in their downtime but with their own powerbase.
Whenever I see a girl with lots of makeup and black clothes I intimidate her with my strong body odor, back her into a corner and ask her what her favorite Xmal Deutschland songs are, and if she can't name at least one I kick her in the groin and spit on her face.
We were a couple of goths in my group. While everyone had VtM, we actually never played it together (some played it at conventions, though). Our favorite games were homebrew games and setting, Cyberpunk 2020, Kult, Berlin XIII, L5R, Sengoku, Hell on Earth, and GURPS Conan.
>Ever had a goth at your table?
My gf :3
In our Malifaux campaign she played an ex-hooker turned assassin.
That's some next level loss. I'm impressed.
where 2 meet goths
She smuggled Philip through the heart of Malifaux by pretending that she was pregnant and Philip was her baby bump.
please respond