I'm going to get an Asian wife from some poor country. My kids are gonna look like pic related.
What are you going to do when you're a millionaire?
Enjoy your comped sushi while it lasts
slowly transfer my new found wealth into anime figures and plushies, the true currency of the future wasteland
buy real estate
>Asian wife
Shit taste
>I'm going to get an Asian wife from some poor country
Jungle asians won't give you kids that look like that, brainlet.
Keep gambling to finally be able to buy myself a penthouse in the city center.
That's fine as long as you stay in her country. Also notice the jew-approved star up there =^)
And then I'm going to fuck your son when he grows up.
>tfw your kids will grow up to become Elliot "the supreme gentleman" Roger or May "Facial Abuse" Li
Pay off my parents mortgage, give the rest away to cancer research and start all over again
>i'm going to buy a 12 bedroom house and only use one bedroom just because
Enjoy your Elliot Rodgers 2.0
Open my own business.
Sounds like a plan take me with you!
>not getting a based eastern european wife
fucking amateur
If I get 500k I will have enough to retire, and I will spend all my free time with my family and friends and enjoy food and movies and games with them and hiking and fishing and live like I was in heaven.
For what is more important than those you love and what is more fun than spending time with those most important to you.
:) I would even invite yall over to me little homestead and we could play some board games or video games or watch movies I could show yall some good ones!
>getting an unhygenic european roastie
no thanks
Fuck Lisa Ann
That's the spirit
>If I get 500k I will have enough to retire
>thinking $500k is enough to retire with in the 21st century
I'm either going to buy a house or a farm and adopt a bunch of doggos, or buy my parents a nicer house and donate a bunch to my local animal shelters.
That's cool of you user, doggos are the best.
>I'm going to get an Asian wife
what a fag. you can already do that if you're white even if you're poor. asians are gross
Insulate myself and my girlfriend from the horrible mistakes of my parents' generation.
My half Asians sons are gonna be famous.
mfw its true, you can literally be broke as fuck and get an asian if you are white. That being said Jap waifus are the best.
I'm a huge animal lover but was too much of a brainlet to be in any profession with them but if I can get some trips to the moon I can still do something.
You’re on the wrong board.
Leave my fucking job first. Then work from home on e-commerce endeavors and trading. Once I get steady income coming in... travel more, give to charity, and support right-wing libertarian political candidates.
>I'm going to get an Asian wife from some poor country. My kids are gonna look like pic related.
If you're legitimately trying to help people, wouldn't the altruistic move be to slowly donate your wealth to charity? That way you can give much more over a longer period of time, without having to start from scratch and slowly work your way back up.
OP is cuter than Elliot
Lmao tru
Don’t forget to keep yourself in that circle of love user. Very noble goals but maybe save some for yourself. Praise Jesus.
Might buy an asian trap, already have an asian wife.
I think I wanna do some volunteer work in Africa also.
I too aspire to have children that will hate my guts OP.
Why do you think they'll hate my guts?
buy copper silver and gold bullion and then roll around in it like scrooge mcduck