>/mtg/ modern general
Jace, the Mind Sculptor is unbanned.
Bloodbraid Elf is unbanned.
Effective Date: February 19, 2018
Will this work now?
>/mtg/ modern general
Jace, the Mind Sculptor is unbanned.
Bloodbraid Elf is unbanned.
Effective Date: February 19, 2018
Will this work now?
From the previous thread, I feel like JtMS is putting a bulls-eye on lantern/other control by screaming "LOOK AT ME! I CAN INFLUENCE THE META!"
CAWBlade was not a good deck, it lost to Vampire Tribal, Mono Red Sligh, Twin, Jund, Naya Allies, and Stompy. It dominated Standard because it beat Valakut and Valakut beat every other deck in the format.
In Legacy Stoneforge Mystic may as well not exist if you can't play Jitte and either True-Name Nemesis or Deathrite Shaman. NOBODY with half a brain puts their hopes on Batterskull alone making their shitty vanilla 1/1s deck worth playing.
Jace is for Lantern and maybe UW Titan.
>In Legacy Stoneforge Mystic may as well not exist if you can't play Jitte and either True-Name Nemesis or Deathrite Shaman
You've obviously never played against someone who can pilot Death and Taxes right user.
Nigger I've played Legacy since it was called Classic-Restricted. Stoneforge would not be played in ANY DECK if Jitte wasn't legal. And bringing up D&T in a discussion about a format without Rishadan and Wasteland is retard talk.
This is the official Jund hype post. This post expresses all the love and joy Jund players feel now that our waifu is unbanned.
Where do you guys play Magic online? Cockatrice is full of slow players and people who don't know the rules and every where else has shitty UI's that take a billion years
what are some good anti planeswalker cards?
Lingering Souls is the usual.
Dreadbore too, I guess.
Phyrexian Revoker
Bloodbraid Elf
Pithing Needle is better in Modern.
Fuck off WotC
Hero's Downfall
just an example my dude.
Are Jace and Search for Azcanta partially redundant in Corey Burkharts Grixis Control? I was 4 cards away from being done building that list and now I'm reeling a bit.
I actually think Esper or Grixis control will be the new final boss wjith the jace unban. I also expect tarmogoyf to shoot back up .
What's the best way to get delirium going in Modern?
Fetch + sorcery/instant to cantrip + dead creature then what?
Mishra's Bauble for artifact.
Personally I'm expecting Sultai Control to be the new t1 deck to come out of the JTMS unban.
You can run Liliana (both versions) alongside a Thoughtseize package, with your choice of goyf/snapcaster/scooze for the creature threat, and still have flexible removal via Fatal Push and Abrupt Decay, with the top end being JTMS proper, and the manabase can run some powerful man lands too (Creeping Tar Pit).
The true power, however, comes in the sideboard, letting it get silver bullet cards out of green and black, with blue spells for even more controlling matchup.
Will Miracles become relevant again now? Should I invest in them?
I can buy 8 copies of Temporal Mastery in Korean for 5 euros each.
Goblin Guide
Hollow One
Slippery Bogle
Cathartic Reunion
this dude get it
Karn and Ugin. Oh wait... Nulamog and Wurmcoil are pretty good at killing Jace. And Bolt and Boros Charm kill him dead
Right you stupid fuckcunt, I'm gonna tell you exactly what made Miracles so powerful in Legacy, and maybe, just MAYBE, you'll realise that none of this shit applies to this fucking format so that HOPEFULLY I can stop you from making a fucking retard out of yourself next time you go to your LGS and run your dumb fucking mouth about Miracles.
This card means you can stop something you don't want to happen from happening. It's not even necessary combo; hitting Aether Vial is still strong owing to how it gets around so much of your deck.
For the most part, Legacy is full of 1 and 2 mana spells. This means that Sensei's Divining Top (SEE: THE MODERN BANLIST) combined with Counterbalance (SEE: FORCE OF WILL) could essentially hard lock an opponent out of the game. Before Miracles were printed, the deck was Countertop control.
These cheap efficient draw spells basically set up everything for you. Putting away bad cards, putting a Terminus on top of your library to be used at a moment's notice through a Sensei's Divining Top (SEE: THE MODERN BANLIST), or just knowing what's coming, they do it all in a crazy efficient way. Note also that they can all be pitched to Force of Will (SEE: NOT PRINTED). Serum Visions is not even close to as good as this card.
This card stopped all kinds of stupid shit and even let you bounce Clique every turn for maximum hand fucking.
This guy wound up being an easy one card army in Miracles owing to how you can just cycle 2 Sensei's Divining Tops (SEE: THE MODERN BANLIST) to pump and make a token for 1 mana per time.
The deck also got to run the best removal spell ever printed.
Is Sensei's Diving Top legal in Modern?
Is Brainstorm legal in Modern?
No you fucking retard. Jace is not Black Lotus, it doesn't magically make every deck better, specially decks that don't have any of the tools they need to survive.
What did they ban in Legacy to make Miracles disappear?
Sensei's Divining Top.
It still very much exists
That sounds real fun to play and miserable to play against
Sure, but it isn't the best deck anymore.
It's not but it still is relevant and takes up a good portion of the meta. Top is not needed to make miracles a deck.
BBE and Jund was the card/deck that I loved when I got back into magic after years off.
Wait, I thought it was legal. I must misrember.
B-but S-saffronolivette won a game with modern miracle once, didn't that count ? =(
>Tfw merfolk player with Jund and blue control rising to power again
They banned it in Legacy, because Miracles, and it's never been legal in Modern.
Brainstorm, Ponder and Preordain are tho. And They replaced Top with Portent. None of these cards are in Modern.
It was legal in Modern, they banned it because of Eggs.
No it wasn't. Sensei's Divining Top has been banned since the very beginning of the format. You're thinking of Second Sunrise.
Poorfag Turnsfag here
The madmen actually fucking did it.
It's a shame I'm unwilling to shell out a couple hundred dollars, but it's nice to find the flex slot replacement to Beleren.
Fuck what have they DONE
np buddy you just have to be patient, the price will drop like hell, the card is way too overhyped by the unban effect, it will probably end up in the 90$ range after two months of A25 opening
Guys you're retarded, it's already down to 100 in Europe.
After MM25 it'll be 50 again.
I'm hoping, but ever since the Goblin Lore spike I don't know what to expect.
What a crazy unbanning though, BBE was telecasted but Jace is a real fuckin shake
I expect the price to stay high. For some reason you pay an extra 50% for blue shit because this fanbase is retarded and assumes that price, and it just fucking sticks.
I've got some Unstable mountains here that sell for half the price of the island but I know damn well that the mountain holds a higher quantifiable demand.
Red cards are cheaper and blue cards are more expensive in this crazy cardboardland, shit aint a commodity
Is there a place for Knightfall in the new meta ? I feel like Bloodbraid will crank up GR decks and midrange decks in any other colors will just bend to jace.
Don't know if it's time to sellout and build jund.
Unless you're going all in on the combo version, no. Any sort of value-town deck is kill.
after a quick check, most jund cards are through the roof right now, Is building affinity better ? Still is pretty good against slow decks
Affinity is better, but not the best because k-command is going to be more common.
>mfw some people legitimately believe in that guy
He's such a shit player it's not funny, and has blamed MODO on some stuff when it was his fault, like trying to flick cards in a digital client when there was a "select a card to do x" option that came up. God he's so irritating.
i think knightfall is really underestimated right now, especially if you pack multiple tireless trackers/lotus cobra
desu i simply can't stand his soyboy high pitched voice, bad player or not
That's what irritates me as well. He's just a horrible amalgamation of a human bean.
But he took the deck from another guy who also won.
how is wurmcoil good at killing jace? trading 6 colorless mana for -1 loyalty sounds bad
So how much more will Jace, the Mind Sculptor creep up in price? Is the buying out still continuing?
Current builds don't really play these. You still see 1/2 trackers but Ramunap Excavators and Azusa have taken the Cobra's place
So what then ? Naya Burn with BloodBraid as a top of the curve ?
really? whow i didn't saw it played since a while then, do u have a list to share ?
Any fast linear deck will do.
My list is almost the same as this one except that I run -2 coursers and +2 reteat to coralhelm.
Very fun deck but I think it would get demolished in a JtMS meta
furgot link dhu
What are you talking about?
Wurmcoil is 6 power.
still need miko/oboro/minamo so it's not actually complete
You're trolling right?
Unfortunately not.
I just forgot that Jace's minus 1 bounces a creature.
So naya burn with 4 atarkas commands and 4 bbe? Or keep it straight boros with 1 copy of stomping ground and DR in the sb?
thanks m8, could wayward replace azusa efficiently in the brew ? i mean between the multiple lands drop, the clues etc i bet it wouldnt be too long before having the ascend, i also like the bolt proofing but idk..
any thought ?
also maybe fitting spell queller could somehow help against jace ?
You're not going to outvalue Jace.
Could BBE boost Hollow One/Venegine from being meme tier?
>The reprint of Jace in Masters 25 will provide greater availability for our player base.
this is the only reason for the unbanning, they will ban it again after sales of 25 dwindle
screencap this, its like wotc is acting like a business or something
>UW Titan
Wait UW titan is a tier 1 deck?
Cool thing it's going to be at Mythic and won't actually affect the price in a meaningful way.
Choosing to run Dino imo is extra-azusa-copies-tier (especially with her being legendary)
Fucker is great alongside azusa, tracker, ramunap, courser and gitfrog
Not worth in quellercoco.dec but dino is not horrible.
I would think that getting multiple top 8s would boost something from meme tier.
BBE can't hit either Hollow One or Vengevine.
I don't think you can have the city's blessing consistantly enough and Azusa grants two extra lands instead of one. It's a great budget replacement tho.
Queller is a good addition but it competes with Unified Will in the sideboard. I think you can make an argument for both, I was running it not so long ago
As an affinity player I am looking forward to shitting jaces and getting BBE + cakeman out of the game
Bauble, and there's always thought scour
Running one of each is probably fine as it keeps you from getting stuck with one Azusa in hand. As for the city's blessing, Azusa doesnt' attack or block worth a damn so it's basically the same thing
k command
>Fucker is great alongside azusa, tracker, ramunap, courser and gitfrog
let the meme be real **pls don't bully**
You're correct, except
Ahahaha welcome to NuModern bro! it's a wild matchup roulette and if you're playing fair you have yet another meme to interact with. they'd rather save face as a business by forgoing a reban. The consequences of a reban hurt them whereas leaving him in Modern forever will only hurt non-Jace memerange, ergo HE'S HERE FOREVER BAYBEE
>And Bolt and Boros Charm kill him dead
Only if they -1 the turn they play it
B/R Hollow One has the multiple Top 8s/32s. (unless I’m missing some other modern events)
I know that, I was just talking about BBE getting card advantage like potential triggers for Vengevine or free bolt.
Golgari Grave Troll says hi. Wizards has no pride or shame as a business. They will dupe casuals into unloading shekels for Jace, then ban him 3 months from now when he is overloading every Modern event Top 8.
The difference being is that Azusa allows you to play 3 lands per tern while WS only allows for 2.
Sometimes WS is a 5/5 but most of the time not, in either case it's not really relevant since the only reason to play asuza is to combo her with Excavator.
>I was running it not so long ago
nice trips + where you satisfied with it ? how many did you ran ?
You don't NEED to play the unbanned cards just because they were unbanned.
Bloodbraid is not a Burn card, and WR is the best Burn build right now.
were* jeez i need some sleep
I'm quivering.
Vengevine is the worst build of Hollow One so far.
The only thing that makes me excited about Jace is memeing Miracles. RIP Riverwise Augur, you had a solid couple week run bro.
Do Miracle Gro decks work?
Very satisfied, I was running 3 instead of the Excavators and Selfless spirits instead of Azusa.
It fits a more creature heavy approach to the deck but in the current meta I feel that you have to focus more on the combo to go somewhere.
Maindeck Dispel seems dubious.