>Unearthed Arcana: Food and Provisions
>5e Trove
Stable releases - get.5e.tools
Last time on /5eg/
Well, the new UA certainly didn't disappoint. Let's discuss it, shall we?
>Unearthed Arcana: Food and Provisions
>5e Trove
Stable releases - get.5e.tools
Last time on /5eg/
Well, the new UA certainly didn't disappoint. Let's discuss it, shall we?
First for I'm fucking mad.
UA Rules for Garbage and Recycling when?
>Let's discuss it, shall we?
New UA: Rules-you-probably-already-used.pdf
is the era of ranger supremacy at hand?
The very last time I played 3.5e before switching to 5e back when it came out, my friend and I played with a random DM on roll20.
The DM allowed a specified homebrew race of his that were catgirls. Their stats were insane, but above all else the backstory of their race was basically "all males of the race are slaves and walk around with collars as proof of their submission to the female". We had 7 people in the game, which I only learned about right as it started, as until then he was acting as though there were only 5.
Three people were the cat race. One was the DM's friend who was added at the last second, one was generic grill game, one was some random person who used text and had the most generic anime catgirl avatar I've ever seen.
We started off on a boat and fought the DM's 'special' enemies, which were literally just Heartless from Kingdom Hearts. When we were about to lose (each person was fighting a cluster, some of the cat people couldn't handle their shadow faggotry), he had his level 20 DMPC with Cloud Strife as an avatar kill everything. Cloud Strife also refused to let anyone on the boat do anything at all that wasn't to his liking.
After, my friend, myself, and this other random guy in the game (whom we made friends with afterwards out of sheer disgusted for what we'd just played) decided to commandeer the ship by bribing the captain. At this point half the players literally didn't a fuck. The boat trip was apparently meant to take thirty IRL minutes, but it took three hours because of Heartless + forced catgirl roleplay between catgirl PCs, and was showing no signs of reaching land, so we tried to steer the ship into a whirlpool to end our suffering. Cloud stopped us right before it worked.
When we got to land, we went to a town. It was controlled by cat people. The male characters (my friends and I) were threatened by spears. and had spears pointed at us for no reason, so we left not wanting to die. We got captured by catgirl assassins.
The wilderness thing isn't real right?
What Greek mythology themed fiends are there in D&D?
The only ones I can really think of are the Erinyes and the Marraenoloths/Charonadaemons. Are there others?
When I found out it would be about exploration I thought it would be cool, but it's just a roll to beat DC thing
Extremely disappointed
Am I the only one that was hoping for like Amazon lore or something based on the title?
This is the most condescending shit ever.
What next, a UA on how to draw maps?
>Ranger supremacy
Wew lad
>Before the party begins traveling for the day, the players must choose a destination.
>A destination can be a place the party can reach that same day, or one that requires several days of travel.
YOU DON'T FUCKING SAY? You're telling me we can choose a destination that can be either a day or less away, or more than a day away? That's fucking genius!
I unironically hope so I can't draw maps for shit
I mean, Gloom Stalker + Assassin seems nice in theory...
Drawing maps requires effort. This is literally roll and random things happen.
Literally Food and Provisions tier
UA site still hasn't updated to include new UA for me. Really hoping this is a well done hoax because I am fucking fuming.
Yeah but then you'd be GAY according to some dummy on Veeky Forums and we can't be having that
I'm laughing my fucking head off, was Mearls' lunch break shorter today?
Reddit is actually fucking defending this.
So this month's UA is made autists and retards, I'm glad Mearls thinks highly of D&D players
I would have seriously preferred food and provisions.
>take map of city, country, continent
>flip it
No, I don't need Mearls giving me reason to put my magical realm into my games, I already have trouble as is.
Just use the direct URL dude media.wizards.com
Also didn't we see Moon Hills used as an example before?
Remember to take the survey guys
>Reddit is actually fucking defending this.
I'm not surprised.
No I meant, I was hoping the into the wild UA was a hoax, but the site just updated.
Oh you fucking bet I will.
it's in the OP.
I cannot stop laughing, is this mearls' revenge for all the mearlsposting?
Shut your whore mouth
I meant a link to Reddit chuchlefucks so I could laugh at them...
oh, nevermind, you meant the reddit link i hope
If this was mearls trolling, i would have much more respect for him than I do now.
> Food and Provisions
Are you fucking kidding me?
Wait. You don't. What the shit.
More like revenge for not bending over and liking his Lore Wizard and Invention Wizard. How dare we not want the only defining feature sorcerers have to be given to wizards and be better in very way.
>Mearls talks about how expecting people follow rules and a story is "gatekeeping"
>UA is about the expectation that people playing 5e are retarded and need these """rules""" for exploration
It just makes sense
I'm upvoting everything that calls this shit out and downvoting anyone sucking WOTC dick.
I'll make an account for reddit I don't fucking care if it's reddit.
I just played in a game that uses that X-Card thing. I didn't know about it until we'd already gotten in because they certainly never listed it in the campaign recruitment bio/rules/whatever.
The DM had two friends (male and female, DM was male as well) playing in the game. Every time I tried to start talking about my character's backstory they'd X-Card it because they didn't like hearing about how my character was a mercenary who worked for villains, even though he never actually did anything evil himself. He just needed money.
So my backstory got X-Card retconnect into generic fighter who was only allowed to hurt the most evil of evil people and never raise his weapon to anyone else. Just to see what they'd do, I said that if he came across a group of evil bandits comprising of both genders, he's fight them equally. X-Carded because can't hit women no matter what, the female had suffered abuse in the past and the male said men can't hit women.
In the end we got to a tavern that was full of various transgenders. I asked if there was feminine penis about, got X-Carded.
The last straw was when some Drow chick who was in the tavern at daytime, because races can't be discriminated again, came up to the group and stabbed her dagger into the table, and wanted to fight for blatantly no reason. I rejoiced at the chance to finally hit something. But then I wasn't allowed to participate in combat because it was a woman and I was a man. So then I went into length detail talking about how there had been salty juices stewing in my loins for the past few weeks days and how I instantly pumped a few loads into the Drow's throat before dropping the game and closing all possible connections.
Just imagine the cool things you could do if you didn't expend so much energy on pointless shitposts.
Shut the fuck up and be angry about the UA.
I am
At least post fresher pasta.
Too old.
sick pasta
Next UA is just going to be a list that details when to roll what skill.
Make a perception check to spot things
Make an animal handling check to handle animals.
Don't play with liberal degenerates.
Learn Polish/Ukrainian/Russian/Hungarian, move to Easter Europe, play with people who are untouched by these shit, have dark sense of humor and know their way around everyday atrocities.
>Next UA is just going to be a list that details when to roll what skill.
This would be actually useful as a lot of people think Acrobatics can replace Athletics
Is this just some guy on multiple devices attacking en masse for absolutely no reason? Because I literally wrote that myself. You could copy/paste whatever the fuck you want from it and you'll never find it anywhere
This didn't happen.
that would be a hell of a lot more useful than this UA, for instance, calling out, definitively, what the fuck is an investigation check and what is a perception check
It was on Roll20. The place I live is untouched by this shit hence why it hit me hard
So in my normal campaigns the way I allow multiclassing is that the players need to naturally do things that would push them toward the 2nd class so that you don't get people doing shit completely out of character to min/max (I do run a campaign that is combat oriented where this is allowed though)
I have this Barbarian, who started off CN, but he never really acted like it. At worst he acts on his own whim, but 90% of the time he tries his best (RP wise) to act intelligently and kindly. He goes out of his way to help people and is extremely charitable. For example in a recentish arc he gave away all his rations to two hungry kids they found in the woods, knowing he would start gaining exhaustion if he didn't successfully gather food.
I think I want to recommend him multiclass because as a player he could do a lot better than Bear Totem. Pic related are his stats, and next week he hits level 4 and I'd imagine he will even out two of those (Probably DEX/CON since he is Unarmored Defenses). Once he gets past level 5 I want to offer him the multiclass instead of level 6 Barb
Is there any redeeming these stats? I can probably tome him up 1-2 stats, but I don't think he is workable in anything but Barb/Fighter. In a perfect world thematically I think he would make a great Vengence Paladin
Shame on you then.
Did...did your adventure end there with the assassins? Is there more?
This is what happens when you post a bad UA MERLES /pol/ comes in and shits all over everything
God fucking damn it Mearls
it looks like pasta and looks like something not real so I called it out
>how my character was a mercenary who worked for villains, even though he never actually did anything evil himself. He just needed money.
This is lazy and bad. Maybe if you put more thought into creating a less cliche backstory and less time into making up stories to shit post on a Goblinoid tapestry wall you would have more fun.
Well then, you only have yourself to blame
Are these people just randos you met on the roll20? Because, honestly, I wouldn't let anyone outside my circle to participate in my game if I had the same level of sensitivity and triggered-ness.
>muh /pol/
I mean the hobby is definitely getting more filled with social issues. I just want to kill orcs and slay dragons, not fight for gay marriage
I ran out of words
Basically it just turned into a case of us walking along a beach to see if we could find another place that was being talked about (bandits harassing the cats or something, we heard it via metagaming, but we knew if we walked far enough the DM might just throw us there and regroup the party when they were done with the town). In the end we just got swarmed by catgirl assassins and weren't even allowed to roll for initiative. Just captured and brought back to town, threatened some more, and then we just stalled for time in town (not that we had to do much, the catgirl PCs were doing it well enough on their own). The session ended and there was never a second session. Skype turned into a huge argument between the DM and one of his friends who was apparently a 'co-DM' who was 'doing things behind the scenes'.
If you wave the 13 CHA requirement Veng wouldn't be the worst. He would be weaker than a pure Barb but he could make use of Hunter's Mark/Vow of Emnity
>UA would be Mearls' exploration rules, or something from Crawford if he finished Tome of Foes on early
I hoped Crawford would finish on time
UA: How to roll dice and what is a die?
/pol/, please go.
> fight for gay marriage
We on Veeky Forums all know how that ends. There's always a second campaign to run after that one.
Yes, randos. It was an intermission between my normal games with people I know.
Why would I do a super elaborate backstory in a game that had you starting in a tavern. I only got partway into my backstory because it got blocked out, so all they heard was mercenary. You can't appease extremists.
So you called me out with three devices?
>What is a die?
What I want to do after reading this UA.
Do Minotaurs have a human dick or a bull dick?
I Already posted that image
You're asking the wrong question.
Is it bull shaped and human sized or human shaped and bull sized?
why would I care enough to samefag it looked stupid so you got stupid responses, go cry about it on your blog
My group of friends and I are starting up a new campaign at the end of the month, and I'm working on my character right now and I'm looking for some input. We're starting at level 4.
1. At the moment I'm leaning towards making a Tortle, and got the okay to use the Circle of Spores druid from the UA. First off, has anyone used it? If so, is it any good/bad?
2. I was thinking of possibly starting off with dipping into death domain cleric with it, 2 druid/2 cleric. From that point, the rest of my levels would go to druid. I'm not really sure how high we're going, but it'll basically just keep going until we have to end the campaign for one reason or another. I'm thinking about the cleric levels partly for flavor, but its not really necessary. Would I benefit enough mechanically from those 2 levels, or would I be better with pure druid? I had a friend suggest maybe taking 3 cleric/x druid, to get the extra domain spells from death domain. Would that work better?
3. One last thing, if I do go the cleric route, I'm trying to figure out what I should do about my STR. We're using point buy. One of the main things i like about taking cleric is the access to martial weapons, especially a maul. I'm torn between putting points in my STR and going with a maul, or dumping it and using a club or quarterstaff and a shield. Tortles already have an AC of 17, and they can't use armor but they can use shields so I could get that up to 19. We're also getting one uncommon magic item starting out, so if I go the shield route I might pick up a Sentinel Shield. Which do you think would suit me better in the long run, martial weapons to deal higher melee damage, or 1h shillelagh weapon and a Sentinel Shield?
Because you're not even trying to hide it anymore
I would prefer it to be equine
didn't mean to hurt your babby feefees
>The UA is shit
>I have to pretend to be surprised.
New UA up. An attempt to make getting lost more interesting, I suppose.
Nobody cares if its filled with fucking social issies because normal people play in groups of friends trying to have fun. If you're playing with people who inject social issues into the game either find a new group or accept the fact that the people you are playing with disagree with your ideology it's not that fucking hard.
We know, it's been shitposted to death because it's incredibly condescending and looks like it was written up in 5 minutes.
Are you fa/tg/uys and ca/tg/irls okay with 5e not including a rigid framework for monster creation based on type as they did in 3.5e?
Everything seems to arbitrary now. Should DMs be able to just make up monsters they want without rules?
Wow, user, it's not like it's already in the OP post or anything.
this is roll20's dev team taken from a convention, i'm surprised you didn't find a game like this sooner. middle pink hair girl and the guy to her left are gone and were replaced by a bald african american women (can't say black i'll get harassed) with tens of rings piercing her body. they still have no lead developer and are investing more into a failing esports team than their own site
switch to powervtt when it's operational
You know it takes literally 30 seconds to post a acreenshot proving to him whether or not you were samefagging
Post logs or didn't happen, nerd.
They have a lead developer, it's the tall guy. What they don't have is a programmer of any kind.
dude on the left is what I imagine a dwarf female to look like.
Spore druid is cool, i believe alot of people around here like it but it lacks key features that it needs.
Poison Damage is the worst damage type in the game, absolutely tons of creatures are either resistant to it or outright immune to it and none of it's class features give you access to the ability to atleast ignore resistance.
maybe talk to your DM about letting the Elemental Affinity feat work for poison and pick that up, but again Immunity is the problem here.
Martial weapons would be very handy, the wildshape feature of spore druids wants you to hit things in melee however you lack Extra Attack, a better solution would be to instead use spells like Flame Blade as your weapon, but this would require you to ask your DM if he's ok with melee spell attacks applying the spore dmg.
Resilient/Warcaster are strong feats to maintain concentration, with both you basically never drop concentration on anything so in this case you can consider these feats if you worry about being hit alot in melee.
>getting this buttblasted that someone doesn't want to stop the dark lord from committing microaggressions or fight for women's rights in orc society
user why can't you just play the game instead of bringing your shitty politics into it?
Okay, wait, why the FUCK is there no Sticks to Snakes spell in 5e? Seriously, this is enough to send me to the /osr/ side indefinitely. Sticks to Snakes is one of the most iconic spells in D&D history, arguably the Magic Missile of the Cleric and Druid classes. Without Sticks to Snakes, this game is having as much flavor as a very sad dry saltine, like all the salt was washed off and then it was dried again but more dry. That tantalizing ability, to reach forth and grasps sticks and then makes those sticks into snames is simply irreplicable in this system and I am very upset that it has to be this way.
didn't his original copypasta get like 6 responses? Calling samefag is just a defense mechanism for people with delicate egos, especially when it's that obvious it's not, I don't see why I would try to justify myself, wouldn't accomplish anything
Does moving through someone's attack range while engaged with them offer them opportunity attacks.